Variety (August 1925)

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. J*i^ .■-»-:. V c»A- -*. ■- " *r -,-.~¥iirr: -^^v""-' U VARIETY Wednesflaf, Aofutt 0^ 1925 r t/ HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE t^ HOTEL HUDSON ALL NEWLY DECORATED and Up 8ini I.; «nd Up Doubl* Hot and Cold Water aad Talepbon* tn Baob RotMS. 102 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY riM^i BBTAHT 1tM-» hotelIulton a the i fS a 114 a <la thr H«Mt H Htm I«rk> and Up Sinol* nala ind Up Doubia ■bowar Batha. Hot and Cold Watar aod Talapheaa. ■laetrif tea la each raaaa. 2S4-268 WEST 4«th STREET NEW YORK CITY riMae: Laekawaaaa WM-1 OppoalU N. V. a. DENVER HALL HOTEL Tha Horn* of tha Diacriminating Artiat taa HIrb CUaa ApU 10* Baaatifally Farnlahed Baaaaa I BATK8 8BNS1BLB Ul* Cwtu at. i. W. BUflSBIX. Laaaa* ROOM FOR TWO PERSONS Room without Bath, $U.OO per week. Room with Bath, $17.50-$21.00 per week. Twin Beds, $24.50 and $28.00 SU, GRANT HOTELS LORRAINE LEONARD HICKS. Managing Diraatn> j YANDIS COURT 241-247 West 43<l Street NEW YORK UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newlr renovated and decorated 1, I. » and 4 room furnished apartmanta; private ahower batba; with and without kitchenette, tjko maid aenrloa. $16.00 and up wwekly. Spicial lower rates for awmmar wiontha. THE ADELAIDE MBS. 1. LBTBI Prop. MOW CNDBB NBW MAMAOBMBNI 7S4.7S6 EIGHTH AVENUE Batwcaa 4«Ui aaa 47tk StraeU Oaa, Two, Three. Btrletly PrefeaaioaaL BAMBBl Msr. Oar Bleek West • Paar aad fflve-Beasi ramtehed ApartaMSta, W 0»._ Phoaeai CUekarlac Tia»41«l rho I/OMOAOBB 10S«« 6«a» OBO. P. THE BERTHA OOMPUETE rOB HOPSBBBBPINO 323-325 West 43rd Street Prlrata Batk. S-4 Baai 8CHMBIDBB. Prep. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CLBAJ«i AMD AIB1 NEW YORK CITY SSO HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IRVINGTON HALL HENRI COURT tSf WaM Hat StvMC lit Wast 4tth BtrMt «64« Ctrola I8S0 Lonsacra HILOONA COURT t41-MT West 4Sth Straat. >(«0 Longacrtb'' l-l-S-4-rooai Apartinanta. Baob apartment with private bath, phona. kltohan, kltmanatt*. IliOO UP WEEKLY-fTIMW UP MONTHLY Tha lanraat malntaliMr oY houa^aeplng furnlahad aparimenta directly uadwr tha aupanrlalon ct tha ownar. Iiooated in the center of tha thaatriisal diatriot All flrcproof btiildlnca Addraaa all ooiniaunloatlona to CHARLES TENENBAUM I Principal offlea. Hlldena CourVMI Waat 4Sth St., New York I Apordneula oaa b0 aeen 9v«ntnff». Of/iot in eaok 6«<ld<«a I I ■ f I II 9 TORONTO HOTEL STOODLEIGH BHVTBB aad HCTOAX. 0TBBBT8 Uka Ootna Home for a Week BPBCIAJU RATB3 TO PROrBSSION fjafetaria — Ne Cbaraa (or Koom Service Write m Wire tot Beee r raUoaa LOS ANGELES, CAL. HOTEL RTTZ 8th and Flower SL Special Hatea to. tha ProCeaalon Beeaa * Bath, a Sonar aad a BUM aad ■» Exoellant Coffee Shop in Connactior 8TBAM BBAT AND BI.BCTBIC UOHT Caterlaa f the caaitart aaS eoavealoaae •< the protcaaloi BI< S1S.SS OP HOTELALPINE Pamteriy RRIinENWRBBB*8 68th St and 8th Ave., New York I aad S ROOMS: PRIVATB BATH SPWCIAI. BATB8 TO PBOVB8SIOM ' PHONE COLUMBUS 1000 CALGAST, ALB£RTA, CAN. St Regis Hotel THE ONE BEST BET SPECIAL THEATRICAL RATES MODERN—FIREPROOF FREE BUS THE DUPLEX Houaekeepinc Furniabed Apartmeuts SM Waat 4Srd Street. Kaw Terk I.oaaiiere Till ' Three an* four rooma with bath, com- plete kltehea. Modern lo erery partlca- lar. Will accommodate four or more adult*. ^^^ ^^ WBBBI.T RDANOAPARTNENTS 800 figbh Ave. (49di St) oancKBBnio ssss 2>3 Rooma, Bath and Kitohanatta Hotel Service, Weakly or Monthly ^SUMMER RATES* "Ml— AUWBS OOWl.B«. Maaa«tea* ~ ARUNGfONlOtET WASHINGTON, D. C . THE CLINTONIA 340 WEST 57TH STREET "■^I^.tT'' Two Minutea' Walk West of Broadway Aa Ideal IDch-ehMM F lr e p reo» Hetel Away from the Molae Olese t* All Leadlac Theatree Suites of Parlor, Bedroom and Bath» $25 PER WEEK AND UP Dader ew a etehip t, itoaarlaa »l.VMBOl TBU 0Ol,VMBO8 4Ut penoaal servlee at all tli 14 8TOBT riBEPBOOF (Formerly Joyea)] 71 St. Apt. HOTEL 12 ROOM WITH BATH. t Beeaa Saltae SlS.00 Weekly aad V» Traasieata fS.M per day PBB WBKK SI Weet 71at Stna* NBW VOBKl •7SS Jtedleott ^-; WILDWOOD, N. J. By CHAS. A. ROSSKAM Reoent—"Siege." Blakara—"Kentucky Prldo." Caaino—"Name of Lrf>va." NiiMja'a—Vaudeville ^, , HOTEL NAVARRE 7th Are. and 38th 8t, N. T. City HMit o( TWtotnl DtolrM ROOMS W«ll ■■••'^*■**=., ^.^ Far aea, nea tiM* weai rZ t»e, fraa il».M Waak aOOMS •Mk ^rt»eta Batt: Par aa*. hea Walk Far taa. trea |lt.M Waak •aa TOM MASailoM. "•"r'„^« HI Wnl MARK TOU BIOHT At HOMB The strand, Ocean City, was sold last week tor 1370,000 to John Ham- mond of Philadelphia. The sale In- cludes an acre of land outside the boardwalk line in the resort. It is possible that the new purchaser may rase the theatre and replace It with a modem playhouse. An organ recital booked for the Plasa, Ocean City, for Sunday eve- ning, waa called oft when Police Capt. Marple got In touch with John O. Rankin, manager of the theatre, and tipi>ed him off that the resorfa "blue Sunday law" would not per- mit the concert. ALWAYS TAKB CABM OP THB PBOPB8810M BBOABDIUMS OB CO H V B HT I ONS SAMUEL J. STEINEERGER Prap Maaaaag ?OUlO<EW YORK HOME Peremond At>t8 KUBOAMTL* PtTBMBMBD 2 and 3 ROOMS ■JTCHBM * K.ITCHBNBITB BUvatei^Mald S «at l>i e - P h aae Bt e. 114-116 West 47th St * BRTAMT ttn Syma as manager of the Hunt the- atrea In Cape May City. A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT 156.8 WEST 48TH STREET » ■ East of Broadway a A- Borgard has replaced W. J. The Harlequins, with Walter Qreenough aa manager, opened the old Casino at Cape May for the first time since the World War on July 26 and 2S, and presented "The Dover Road." The building waa packed and it appeara aa though the venture is going to prove suc- cessful. On August 1 and t the Harlequins offered "Belinda." Other shows will be given each week-end throughout the balance of the sum- mer. BNTBBTAINMBMT FBATUBINO ESIELLE PENNING " "O'BrlMi OIH" Star of "Plaia Jaae." AT I 1 FAMOUS f 1 UUb>4CHEOM ^. ALSO D'\^AV AMD 30* ST- it Thm Rmndezvoua for Artiatr' LUNCHBO PIROLLE'S 146 WEST 45TH ST, NEW YORK The Only French Reataurant on B'way _ _ DAIf>.T SPBCIAI^ ni8HiD8 POPULAR PRICES PIBOLLB-S flPBCIAL TABLB D'HOTB niNNRR *1 |WV Prom I P. U. to 1:4I P. M. *1.W The Moaaa of PrenOh Roaat Coffee aad Home Uade Paatry Chriaty Brothers' 6-ring circus is booked to play Cape May August 8. The circus will play on the grounds opposite the ball park In the resort. HOTEL ELK Newly Furnished Modem in ETery Respect Hot and cold water, telephone In every room. Elevator aerrlco all night. OUR BEST RECOMMENDATION Satisfied memb^ra of the profea- sion who make It their boma Rooms, $10.00 per week and up With ^th. 114.00 and np Double, 13.00 extra 63rd STREET ♦-— Just East of Broadwsy Neetor Ned Ronaldo Oeorae Rbaera Arthur Salea Chic Sal TO A Oertle Schubert Huahey Thomaa Bva Tlenelle Joe Vaufha. Al Veaa rraelaee Weekly Walde Welch Thee Welter C Weatara Helea WllaoD JImmIe WoKaOB H Tretta MlM Bdoward Bmlle H. M. Addison, manager of the Binghamton, Stone and other the- atrea In Binghamton, N. Y., arrived here this week for a 10 days' vaca- tion. His family have been here for the past month. LETTERS Whra Sendlac for MaO to ▼ABIBTT, addreaa Mall Clerk. P08TCABD8, ADVBBTI8INO er CIBCm.AB LbTTBBS WIU. NOT BB ADVBBTISBD LBTTBBS ADVBBTISBD 01 ONE ISSIJB ONLT ailbertson Adelaide Orey Patricia I< Hamilton tiee Head Olen Lamont Alice tiewia Mr Oene W ManUr Ralph M Morvaa Jack Nathaa Joe . Olbre A Mack Parker Dorothy Plnaka Klarna Randall Fred HOTEL AMERICA 145 W. 47th St.. N. Y. C MOdM 17.50 TWO PERSONS PBIYATS BATM SUMMER RATES NOW IN ^- EFFECT The Moat Modera One aad Two Room Apartmenta with Private Bath aad AM Mlfht Servtee Grencort Hotel Tth Ave. aad Mth St.. MBW T<MK Albla C Asche Mlaa Ballny Dimy Bardon Krank Benttle Robt Behan Johnnie Benaon Al BuKby L)cna Braach LkiuIs Brodle Mra Burgeaa Betty Colllna Peacy Connora Barry Corbet Helma Cunningham Lieroy Davia Mra. De Haven liaise Dpwald J J Diaa Mra Drew VIrcinIa Bubaak Madeiya Plelda Bally Preemaa Maraaret Oallacher Bari Oormaa Will Oraman Batelle Oray Bthal Ourv«y Heery Headrickaoa N Kaymore Haael Keeley Nellie Kb I eke Nettle Kramer Ma* Leahy Chiui Le Clair Joha t,elahton Blano* l>«onard Albert Lewla Bdaar Loster JImmIe Marlowe Raymond Meyer Prederiek Naale Robert Nardia Neal SAN FRANCISCO A straight picture policy at Beatty's Casino la getting a little profit over the nut. -. ening with Fairbanka in "The Thief to a fair bustnesa, it followed with "Way Down E^ast" A rumor Casino may again try vaudeville. The Fleld'a musical comedy Is go- ing out of the Union square, (for- merly Hip) and win be replaced with WANTED Twin^, Born Joined Together Saqth photos, M weeks engage- mint,<'tw6 performahcea dally, state aalary< Addraaa Q. B., Variety, New York ^Hotel Aristo -i Ul Was* 44th StMat MBW TOBK cm Beoaaa WItluat Bath $10.50, $12, $14 per week wUti eeaaeethw bath $12.00. $14.00, $16.00 PHOMB BBTAHT IIPT vaudeville and pictures. -This gives Ackerman & Harris a chance to play the bllla on the new amalgamatioa with Gua Sun. I INERS MAKE UP v' Est Henry C Miner, InCe M i^ FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL , STAGE . 'i DANCINQ 1^ Stretch ins and Umbering Bxerclaes 14S-ia Weet 4«d St. MBW TOBJK Pheae Bryaat RS4S KENNARD^ SUPPORTERS Far Daaeiaa SaMital aad Siaeilai 111 W sad St., M. V rhm.* 4««S Oel. a«1»d ♦«» f^nf»\ r%wff ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? airaagad ea all Uaea at Mala Ofltoe Prieea. Beata are gefais very faUt arraac* early. W0n»em Maaev boaght aad eeM. LIherty Boada beoght aad aeld. rAUli CAV8IO A SON. 104 Baa* 14th St.. Now Xork rhea* Stayveaaat S1SS-S1S7 . ^