Variety (August 1925)

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We<l^«esda7, August 12. IMS VARIETY 41 VARIETY'S CHICAGO OFFICE HAL HALPERIN in Charge SUte-Lake Theatre Bldg., Suite 520 Phones: Ceutral 0644-4401 CHICAGO Prof«Mional« hav* th« fr«« h«« off Varitty* Chicago Offic* for information. Mail may be addreMtd cart Variety, 8tat«-Lako I'ha- atro Bldg^ Chicago. It will b« hold tubjoot to call, forwarded or advert'sed in Variety's Letter List. ly 4. Whmn in Chicago Vuii ThcM HUM »?c.«AM ^i~r H. HARRIS Now Laff That Off!! —^Hh— Bees Bklrlej Booth Slie«helfa«4 Alaa Baaec nerval Keedwell Hattio Violey BABOAIlf MATS. Wed. aad Set $«.M E NTR A L Tbo. return of Karyl Norman, headlining thla week's bill, drew apontaneous applause on his en- trance. "The Creol<} Fashion Plate" has an entire new routine of songs and goKns, but found It a trifle tough starting, despite the big ova- tion tendered him on his opening. His first three numbers received lit- tle In the line of encouragement, but from then on the balance of rep- ertoire connected solidly, he having to submit to an encore and speech. Kcno Clark and Bobby Slmmonds dispense the accompaniment at twin baby grands. Crissie and Daley, with contortion, animal mimicry and dancing novelty. Closed and held them as well as the averikge turn. JMchtest Thaatre la Cblcasa VaoBsrco at MIcklsaB AvcBu* e CAT and the CANARY WOODS Seats Vtvc Weeks ki Advaaee itrthar Hammaratela praaants the blcseM aawatea) hit avar prodvcad Id AiqerTca "ROSE-MARIE" Oampany of lOt Sympkeny Orcheatr* A. H. WOODS' ADELPHI Special Chicago Company DONALD GALLAHER FIIKSKMTS "The Gorilla" By RALPH 8PENCE »■«■ ——— SEL W Y N •4th Week in Chicago DUNCAN SISTERS h "TQPSY AND EVA" "SPOOKS" , ; ;. Ckleaga's Bissaat Dramatic Hit Robert J. German AUTHdR •pMlal" Matwrial Writteii >■ 648 No. Dearborn 8tn Chicago ja I "— C. B. 8. Stock Frodaction Circuit MAMAOKIIS WAMTtNO IHVOBMATIOM WtaABDIMO CIKCVIT OV HIOB fn.A8B noCH GOMPAinBS WIKB OB WBITK BORACB 8I8TABK. Catherine Redfleld and Co. (New Acts) pulled a darb at the Majestic Sunday in connection with a medley of opeiatic selections used as an en- core. Miss Redfleld in perfect se- riousness announced she was au- thorized by the management to offer one free seat In a box on the occa- sion of the next engagement of her- self and company kt the Majestic to that member of the audience who should correctly ^uess what operas the numbers were from. Something else that baffled un- derstanding was why Rice and New- ton precede their act with several .CORRESPONDENCE AM matter in CORREilPONDENCE refers to current week unless otherwise indicated. The cities under Correspondence in this issue of Variety are as %llowa and on pages t BRONX 4« CHICAGO 41 INDIANAPOLIS 42 KANSAS CITY 43 LOS ANGELES 4« MILWAUKEE 42 NEW ENGLAND 46 OAKLAND 44 PITTSBURGH 43 > ' ■ ' ' Page PORTLAND, ME 44 ROCHESTER 43 SAN DIEGO 44 SEATTLE 42 ST. LOUIS 43 SYRACUSE 43 TORONTO 43 WASHINGTON 46 ^ILOWOOD 48 The Alaska Trio. Ice-skaters. |f|fjj|/|[|| f, /f|/|^ closed. Michigan Boulevard's two the- atres, the Studcbaker and Play- bouse, are having a theatre cooling system Installed. Prank QazstjIIo was compelled to force "The Qorilla" out of the Studebaker in order to have the Job done before the new season starts. Harry Faber, vaude actor, author and producer is telling the world he is to become a parent in September. Mrs. Faber is professionally Anita Wales. Music Corporation of America, sub-leasers of space in the offices of International Productions, Inc., sought to prevent that film moving across the street, to a«o|||er build- ing on the grounds that a removal before October, the lease date, would hurt the Music Corporation. Attorney William F. Ader got an injunction to prevent Interference with the movers. The Interna- tional people are responsible for the rent in both buildings. Th* Thoatrical Lawyer 11 South La Salle Street ' ^ CHICAQO Yoo Can Be in Style with Last Year's Furs MAJESTIC THEATRE PLAYERS Waukegan, III. —A Kew Pkty Bvern Week— TOE DANCING MADE EASIER Ibtia anwpoH for tb« -WKMa It bvin is M- !•• afh: «■«(>>*' '•' foot wttb hUb arch nil vtrmitB u> to Uka an ■(•di «l «•»* *n»J^ F*ii Of BIwk Satin, W.« , WWla. M.5a Blaf) Add toe . k C. O. Da. BPK nipper order, t5 Operu ^mtth Boaa^ hMr> tllk. *3.7S. Wn* catalog. Bhoca o( all datrrlpUooi. AOVANCC TMCATBICAL SHOE OOMPANV DapC C. IM N. BUta Bt. CHICAGO. UX. WUta UnaB. Ptak. ■Id. I4.M. i Sal aStb BUpp opened. They drew considerable ap- plause in the early assignment, but proved somewhat slow. Billy Farrell A Co.. the latter an elderly couple, who make their entrance via the audience, and a demure miss offered various dance interpretations. The quartet registered solidly in the early position. Arthur and Morton Havel In a miniature musical tomedy labeled "Lovers' Lane," with Helen Lock- hardt «uid two other principals, pleased. The turn has some good light comedy, with the singing fair. Cha* Chase, known to cafe pa- trons hereabouts as Charley Chose, introduced about the same routine as he did whea in a local revue. New York and big-time atmosphere have added to his personality, be procuring laughs throiigh his pan- tomimic efforts, with his dancing going strong. Joseph B. Howard Is credited with presenting Edward Stanslloff and Oracle. The latter are clever danc- ers. The Six English Tivoll Girls demonstrated step unison. The turn is pretentiously presented, with sev- eral changes of costumes. The dancers were handicapped through having to work agaivst time. Shone and Squiiss scored the laughing hit with their "Lobby Fol- lies." The material is bright, with the audience grasping all'the deep points and situations. The shooting bit at the flnish also proved a wow. Karyl Norman followed. Al Herman had them laughing continuously. Herman doesn't care whose gags or what gags he uses as long as they get laughs. Johannes Josefsson has secured a new tltl6 for his demonstrations, The turn is elaborately presented, but drags before It gets Into action. SCENERY nu W. Vast BaW ■*., Chtease ACT DOCTOR'S WALEE BROWN A SAM J. PARK Mnnie Material ''ARRANGER/' **WRITER" Ctmtaj Talk, Mmiolone'a, Sketchea, SpM-lal Mvdic, l.yrle« • Oreheatratlons. Bxriaatve Material Oar SpMiaNr* XOOM sa4 86 W. Randolph, Chicago, III. hundred feet of flim displaying Rice's acrobatic skill in slow mo- tion. At no point in his act does Rice even threaten to exert himself. He talks, sings and plays a guitar, but doesn't raise a single bead of perspiration, except on the screen. Kent and Allen were the best of the bill and George Armstrong the worst. George enters from the wings singing something about hoping everybody Is happy. Assuming everybody was, after he gets through with his dreary succession of parlor parodies, there must have been at least a few who were not. Harvey, Heney and Qrayce, two men and a girl with brass instru- ments, stayed on a trifle too long, but otherwise didn't annoy anyone. Lee and Cranston were on too long, also, but got a number of laughs and to suggest that with more con- ciseness they might have a pretty good act. Nathanson's IBntertainers (New Acts) closed the flrst show and won a deserved encore. A light- weight bond, but fast., >, . Xoop. The way small time apes the big is demonstrated this week at the Rlalto with "Manny Jinny" doing a tawdry imitation of "Aunt Jemima" and Bender and Armstrong modeling their hokum after Tom Smith, Seed and Austin and Joe Cook. Then there is the Russian string orchestrfti probably the samelcrew that was on the two-a-day some seasons ago. It still has some of Its big time class, in spite of a soprano who wanders aimlessly on and off and in spite of a Russian dancer with strong legs and little stage presence who wears a tuxedo, althougil the rest of the act is dressed In Muscovitch cos- tumes. It is never made clear just who Harry Ellsworth, Jr. (who has the billing) is. He might be the dancer or one of the mandollnists. Dunn and Lamarr, girl .^nd boy with scenery, have a pleasant little sl^lt about m^rlmony which sufllces, but is talky. The Rialto crowd ate up the burlesque mind-reading of Bender and Aripstrong. For the Loew time these boys are there. Marie Racko and Partner, hand and head balancers, with the woman as the under "man," makes a novel opener. (Miss) Rodney Richmond la han- dling publicity for "Laff That Off" at the Harris. The show came to town . unchaperoned . by a press •vgent. A new Loop bouse with the work- ing capital supplied by WlUlam Fox and ainilated with Coney Brothers Is the latest rumo- Walter A. Downie, pioneer In Chi- cago theatricals, is now connected with the National Booking Office. The Morrette SisterB were the flrst act booked by Billy Diamond over the recently acquired A. and H. circuit. rw styiM tM Ian tiava b«ea toreaaatad and w« hava raaa l ved ■aaaj of th« vary h»- •ai medala. Vor a veajr reasenakle aost, yoa «aa hava year prasaak fara reaio a aled by ea- aart BlaMaatiald •mftaaaaai. BRINO IN TOim PVB8 NOW Tha baaaty aad ralae of y««r tars wtU be lajarad tf they ate aat properly a<«rM dariag this period eT Mfh taaaparatava aad Bkimenfield's Fur Shop 204 State-Lake BIdg., Chioag* BN Oar nraiM DKABBOBII ttBS WORK CAI*L,BD FOR 9r SEE Kharum, Persian pianist, has been re-engaged for four weeks by B. and K., opening at the Chicago Bept. 21. (Continued on page 42) M ' r Bver^bedy VlaltlBC CMeago 0«ea t* Rothtchild and Leiderman't RENDEl^VOUS CAFE DIYBMCT PABKWAS AT BROADWAT Best Food Entertainment Charley Straight's Incomparable 0i^€ii68tra Dan Russo, the orchestra director at tigs Palace, left Sunday for a two weeks' vacation. * The entertainers at the Sunset, a black-and-tan resort, are boasting It is the best "pick-up" joint in town. One of the perforineni is said to be averaging flOO dally. Adier, Wail and Herman have been engaged for the B. and K. syn- copation show Sept. 14. Marvin Welt arranged the bookings. The shifting around of the yarlous orchestra directors, and organists for the B. and K. enterprises was ush- ered In this week. H. Leopold Spl- talny took the flrst assignment at the Chicago as director, with Milton Charles at the organ. Mrs. Jesse Crawfor<| Is filling in at the Tivoll. taking her regular assignment as McVicker's organist within two weeks. "Artists and Model*" was given a special day at Hawthorne, with each of the races named In honor of one of the principal players. It was a good publicity stunt and gathered space In the dallies. TOM BROWN roB ^ MUSICAL tNSTRUMENTS '■▼arytblai for tfee Bead aad Orchastra" 17 W. Lake St^ Stata-Lake Building CHICAOO AMBER PIE TEA SHOP At the aevthwaat earaer af MlelUcaa Beidavard. Chlaa— Wa sarra tka aaoat aspatlslag, ctoaa and ■•narena laBobaoaa for par> (icaiar bartoaaa parsona rOR M CmrtL Ala« aiaallaet diaaara la qaaiat aad bamallia avaraa^iaM rOR |I.M^ d I FREjEJDRlNKS^ y«a wlabla aSser. BO eoatart alaaa>s exaept gatardays. Tea wlU as* bo> aa* (ia«at«d to aatartala. BERT KELLY'S STABLES «31 Rush-St, Bdhind Wrigley BM«b CHICAGO THEATRIGAl SHOES WORN AND DOORSED BY FOPmOST ARTISTS Everythiag for Kage, ballet aac cacuiwearmadelo oidetanc tattsck. Short vanpaad DOT* Th« Paalowa (Jly (treel and evcaiag alippaa TteSUfiPtt «»oDBi.»>THE FROLICS "^^o-^™ -AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CAFE- U Beat ttd Btreet (•9P^*^J'Kj^^l tZHH^ Tha BaadeaTaas af »i»«.T5«*«™?i,?JfM CIVIC AND POLITICAL CBLBBRlTIB* > RAl.rB (JAIXBT. Maaagae CALUIIBT MM ^SBRVATIONB ACCBPTBP "<*■• CALUMRT »•»» Open All Night LINDYS Food With Personality Chleago'a Moat Beautiful R"»*"'«r*T®»««'/<>«'*/VP®SJ*J" P"***-'^ B^m^Amm^^.tm 4r^ Thaatrical and Civic Celebrities CHICAGO 75 We»t Randolph Street •ppoalte Oarrick Theatre «ACK B. BORW1T8. Maaager Business at the Chateau has ap- parently not Suffered at all by the opening of the new Diversey, half a mile away. The usual almost capacity house prevailed Thursday night. It Is, however, likely that the } Chateau and Diversey will be mat- inee ' rivals, as the Diversey is anxious to build up the afternoon trade while the Chateau has long had a "guest" wrinkle for the ladles whereby two housewives may tak«> the afternoon otl for a Joint net of 25 cents, whereas the same after- noon would cost the girls 50 cents at the Diversey. The Ave acts at the Chateau made average good small-time entertain- ment. The next-to-closlng act, Weston and Schram, follow tried and proven ways lyfid flnish with a Lewis and Dody manner which has everything except the parad- IngB on and off. The other comedy act, Harris and Vaughn, did nicely The middle of the bill assignment was entrusted to Al Lavlne and his band. The boys were Around lastf P* season for the Association. Alt is still a good three-a-day band but lacks the wallop to make it excep- tional. I..evln© is on the right track and has some good ideas for novel- ties. Walter Baker A Co.. at the Mf^estlc a couple of weeks ago OATALOa B Ai^tons htematioiial Bookiiig Office, Inc. Ninth Floor Woods Theatre Bidg., Chicaoo GEO. H. WEBSTER Booking Managar Phone Central 1497-8-0 EUGENE COX SCENERY 17S4 Offdea Aveao* a CHICAOO r%m» SBBLBT MM AgK BBBT DATIS ST. REGIS HOTEL . CHICAGO Bema a< the PrsfaaaloD Single ratas fSM up Double rmtt flOiM) wp ■■■■ n« B. CHavk M. ' CHICAQO, nju Phona Dearbora Itl* H B. Stata M., Ohlcag* ccciicnt Tranaportatloa ta all Tbaatrsi Parts London , Tha ULTRA in FASHIONS , / Are You Getting Ready , ^ For the New Season? Ideas and Plates Submitted SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY RePUNDEO Mile, Lenore Suite 701-702 Delaware Bldff. Chicaffo, 111. CanM* Ocorbera aad Bandalpb tlU. Fbumt DaarkOTB INl