Variety (August 1925)

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, -.^w^::yxaiKV< V ARIBTT r-rrr^'^^r'^r:- W«dMaday, AufifUBt 12, IMs^ [ NEW YORK THEATRES EKW ABBTERDAIC ^^'■^Z ... ■iM«K. DHtlogkaB • BtasrcM. Mwt. Dlmton. tor. PRICK MATINKBS WEO. ft BAT. NEW SUMMER EDITION WSmJb FOLLIES Olorlljrlair th« ftiirto— OtH WIX<I< ROOBRS—W. C FinUM ^ THE r^ POOR Nirr with ■L.MOTT MDQENT HENRY MILLER'S^!',!?sr S^ MOVES nmk^ IM W. 4Sd. TW 4«th St. ThMrtr* Nasi 17 HAVE YOU MET oomr GORILLA ■tlXMUST SHOW nf VOWH BELWYN "ISS^ IKf .JTSS" EARL CARROLL VANITIES -SS-N ki Bmt XariE. VmUwIiv Ik* lawM—» OMa tai Amaritm Earl Carroll TkM...t« st. * r at. can varruii ^^j^ Thunfc a s«t. AmnE NICHOLS pi WhlTE COLLARS A OMMiy «ff Ai Now Sum H Hurrl* i^«*- ^- ** '^• 0ITILA nu>D ucwom THEY KNEW WHAT l1S!mt IV.1^/\.W lutiBCM W«L and BM.. t:M GARRKK GAIEHES GARRICK«:M( '|lMa.TlMui_aM.J:M If IU.Iiri«JlC. Bvo^B,;, Oal7 M tin. IfM Ortit* ABOTfaM €» ■■• ! t ALO of tiM SOUTH SEAS •"^ftS"* LYRIC ''*^'*- W. «M «. BvML ■:«• ^•ra^ Matln««» W«a. sad teC. »4«. ZIE6FELD. 006MOFOIITAH nOUTRS. CM. Ctrala Mtb St A B* ThuaAir A LEON ERROL ia LOUIE THE 14TH JlEPUBU€--'V-frj-:J-; ANNE MICHOLV QrMrt 3MMdy "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE"! "^SS"- TUB riAv T«AT nm -r» ta ««••■ % FALL GUY jAMma mtMAMom rco-AOTHcm of SSAX •or*) ma* QBOKOB ABBOTT PB. F. KEITH'S 'fm A L A C E B-war A tid St. Brr^nt «tM CoBCMta Baiid«7. S aad I P. M. OWUkMUm KOfOt BBTMT BCBOfl NITKA TWKHWLMMt WATHB A WAJA- UDfi OBOBOB LTOKS, oIAmb. RB. F. KEITH'S •-« iversidE 'AMCkSt. BlT«nld«fSM Biudar CoBoartK S:l> aad Idf CI^BK A MeCTTUL^SVOH; MOBTOW A (iLA8>| MABU. MeCAMJEi BTAI I.OOK HOT] BABBX MOSKt IMMIAIA ~ 81 B. F. KEITH'S vv^ St STREET tut A Bwar. Ttafalsv OM Soadar OaMMt% S:l( aad tdM Mid-Wtator Carnival TSS 5X9E_* WBttKTj AUCB MOB- JrEiJ?"*^* P*I»I BABBT A lAW- LETTERS .▼ABUTI, ■iftriiM Mah riark "nSBS ABVBBnBKO » ONB I88CB OMMT Aldaa Jia A«Ma H P A Oray BaiUr Bmj Barry C J Barrowa Warraa Campbell Boyd Carlin John Caatla Jaaa Catterall Joan CornweU Margavat Crowley Oraoa Dawr Richard DaO^erra Herbert DalplUao Blaurlce Dodd tc Bchader Draw T 8 RudaoB Baddy Hnlaa Robart Kaymora Haaal Kennady MareaUa King Oartmd* I/aa larnaa I<a«aard Paaley midrad Plyna W J Pradarick laa Ooadall W.. 9r Qray TrUla Halm Yoaaph Hall At Hall Mariia A CUEAlTplaaa to U*« audya Murdoak Japla Payna Chaa Pena Pegsy Pltrvt Riahaod RandaU RaaaSagtaa •alT* B ScknMdar Bohaeffar Loala Staphan Murray StarUac Ura. A Tarraoa Daiay Thomaa PhyUla Thornton B X Wada Joha Welch Thomaa WIboVui Prinoaaa Wilaoa VUoa Wlltoa Balla Wrisht WUUam Broad Baltaa R O OHICAfiO . ' " Inriac Ja«k Chrlatia BaH Chambarlala Hal Clark Pie Erara Frank Out Patrtda Mltta Joaeph Uorgan Jack Meyera A Nolaa Qolntaaa Vltahal Mra ■ :*•■ THE FiRST INIERNATIONIIL NUMBES v^' Ersr publiAhMl in a theittiieai p«|Mr w31 be isaaed bj ABOUT AUGUST » -^^g ''VARIETY^ INTERNATIONAL NUMBER," cur- rently, as the initial publication of its kind, b to inati^fu- rate the issue as an annual oontfibution to the akOM busi- ness of the world. > . ■' j. This August issue of *«VARIETY*S INTERNA- TIONAL NUMBER" will go over the universe to "Variety's" wide world circulation and carry publicity to the most extensive circle of executive readers ever hcl^ by any theatrical publication* % An announeMRMit for th« Intomational Numbw •heuld b« M««t i« pro«i|>tly te Varisty, N*w York NO THEATRICAL PAPER EVER PRINTED ANYWHERE EVER HAD AN INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION THAT WOULD WAR- RANT IT ISSUING AN INTERNATIONAL NUMBER, EXCEPTINQ VARIETY. VARIETY HAS. "^ tboatrs at AtUca. lad., from Bd- ward Lippold. Ted Peaco remains manacor. NoUce of dlaaolnUoa of tko Jef- ferson Amusement Company, Law- rence County Theatrical Company aad New Albany Amusement Com- l>any, owned by IjoBlsrlUe, Ky., aad New Albany, ladi, oapitaL has flled. Members of the two municipal stock companlea which play tbroush the summer at the Brookslde and Qarfleld open air theatres are aajdously watching preparation of the city budget for IfM. It Is not thought likely Mayor Shank will hamper the theatres, since they have been a project dear to his heart. KENNARD'8 SUPPORTERS Far Oaaelat. Battilat ... J?* R»ducl»i Ml w na m.. m. x .PhMir 40W C«L INDIANAPOLIS By VOLNEY 9. FOWLER The prosecutor and sheriff of Randolph County have undertaken to stop Sunday dancing and roller skating at amusement resorts near Wlnchoster, Ind. They recently stopped a Sunday automobile race on the dirt track at Funk's lAko. Carey, Alexander and Pence have purchased the Wabash picturo STRICTLY UNION MADE M L Shopworn and Slightly Used Taylor, Hart- man. Indeatruoto and Bal Trunks always on hand. WK DO BKFAIBIMa. WBITB FOB OATAUM. SAMUEL NATHANS, Inc., Seventh Avenue, between 40th and 41st Streets, New York City 8OUB AOKNTB FOB BAM TBUBBS IM THB BAST Ptaoaeat Voogtkcrt) ai97-S319 MILWAUKEE By H. M. ISRAEL Alhambra—"Black Cyclone," fltai. Garden—"Under the Rouge," film. Garriok —"The Naked Truth." film. Merrill—njght of Western Stars." flbn. Strand — "The Lacky Derfl," film. Wisconsin—"The Marriage WhlrH film. Crystal—"The WoJlr of Youth," film. Palace—Vaudeville.' > • Maiestio—Vaudevilte. Miller—VaudevHISk v The Crystal. Mtfwaakee's original vaudeville housi^and later a pop price movie with changes daily, has gone into week picture stands start- ^^i^wlth "The Folly of Youth." R. W. 'TMck- CoUier, 80, veteran local picture house doorman sent to California by Milwaukee theatre owners who took up a purse, is seriously ill on the Coast. Collier has been doing small blU In pic- tures, his last 'Work being In Uoyd's "Safety LajA." Jack Payne, stunt man, has been contracted to appear at State Fair Amusement Park. He takes the place of Harry Rich, killed on his first appearance her*. James Higler. managsr of the Palace-Orpheum, has returned after a six montha* vacation In Alaska. The Alhambra. recently taken over by Universal, will close Aug. 14 for remodeling. It will reopen Aug. 29. SEATTLE By DAVE TREPP Hetiis—"A Slare oC FashkHi." film. Columbia—"Redemption of Brian Kent," film. Liberty—"Paths to Paradise," film. Strand—"Lost, a Wife," film. FOR MODERN SENSATIONAL STAGE DANCING ntratehlaa aad TJmbarlnc B a a r alaa* 14S-1M Wrat 4M m. MBW TOBK CoUaoum—'nrh* LdMAy DoWI." film. Blue M ei ie e "Tracked la tiM Snow Country," film. Pnlaoe Hip—WiU King Bovue. Metropolitan—^Henry Duffy Play- era. "Tlte Rivals." Pantagee—Vauda and "The Reok- less Sex." Rumors are around (hat loeal cap- ital la back of plans to film a giant picture aa the sequel to "The Cov- ered Wagon." The idea Is to start whera the "Wagon" left off and carry the story from the northwest up to the gold fields of Alaaka. Some connected with the venture state that a company la being or- saniaed and that arrangements have been mad* to release through aa eatabUahed picture ooncora. Ruth Bt. Denis and T«d Shawn, with the Denlshawn Dancers, ap- peared ia an elaborate dance pro- gram at the Stadium as feature of summer program of the Associated Students, Aug. fi-«. The season at the Orphaum will open Aug. 16. During the summsr's shutdown the house has undergone Its annual redecorating. Seattle "Greater Uovle Season" will open Aug. 8. and all the down- town suburban houses are making concerted efforts to impress the public AdverUsing In the news- pai>ers and on billboards is b«lng done. The Rlngllng Circus Is booked her* Aug. 24-26, this being the sec- ond and last clrcua to hit this town. CHICAGO (Continued from page 41) This Is Kharum's fourth trip over the circuit withia 18 months. Bari Taylor and Ethel Arnold, for- mer vaudeville combination, have deserted the stage and are now op- erating a sandwichette shop In Los Angeles. The Couple were visitors here last week. Bea ShrUch, theatrical lawyer. Is • ■»" l^if ^qL ^^^ fnkd \m Skm . «aaUU« cf Laaa Am C«M CrwS* "^ kaai awda It the pilaM hTarUe with kT^^^ tfm. irr tm •nd riot artlMa aiarTwlicra. Aa a fooadatloa fat "■itofy. It u an rallrd. bacaUM It pntacti the lUo wtlh. ctontna ttia porn. Spread! MsUj tad aafc^toNOMwad. laaVlB« Iha ikla claan, LoDi Acts CoM Cnaa la mua aaonomloal than mo<t cnama iMcaun u ci>« tHiic a^ im And nt tt eafia only 50e In hair-pound ttoi and fl.M Id pound tint. 0«t It at drut ud Staatilral lalM aawitaa-ar dlnct by "iZ. mlUlnt to tS»" ^ Long Acre Cold Cream Co. n* ISMk St., New T«rk City vacationing at Rylaador, Wis, wlth-^ his wife and child. Wally Sackett. 1H10 was aheaA: for the Roman Choir last year aB4-{, who has been writing press stuft'^: for World Amusement this summer, will handle the publicity for "Mer. - cenary Mary," due shortly at tb« Oarrlck. The opening of th* n*w Diversey theatre is reported to have advanced rents fOr tenants In nearby apart* ment houses. ^^ A group of colleg* twys threate to demolish Bert KeUy's Stable*'^ when a rumpus was started ther* Satinrday following a party. The Ralnbo Gardens were partV destroyed by fire early Monday morning. Danaage was estimated IB the neighborhood of $30,000. »•«< n Shoes L MILLER i SONS •••a«#aa*9«* Tkt Woi4<r» tarIcA BMuralaftarar eilhcatrWsaUaotwsatv WciitMtto spsaysaiaa, < W laj brl i n s i sf Jaia , I664m!h.av e^StL^-] ka*a****B«*««ift«a*S«ft«*«' WANTED-Piaoist (Female) t« play Cor Sanola* ela a aia Oaly tiMMa nead apply wbo have had az- parianca la playlns both claaalcat aad popalar moale for rahaaiaala. NBD WATBiniN STUDIOS OF «TAa« DAMCINO. INC.. 1841 Broadway (Ba- traiioa on (Oth St..) Apply room 1*4. The WOODWARDS PRESENTATIONS, CABARET, VAUDEVILLE, PRODUCTIONS PBKSOMAX. BBPBBSENTATmB EDWARD M. MORSE Woods BIdg., Chicago, III. _ "<• ■fj^itt, . ■*'du.. aM;«'