Variety (August 1925)

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4i.. 1-^M*. .:.*...■"•■■#^-*-i'-,^-*- ^'S©' Wednttilar, Ansosf If, 1tS8 TA RIET Y mat s^»* IX KS. MOSS' BROADWAY, NEW YORK; THIS WEEK (AUC 10) E. C. SHERMAN Presents . «..» D i). A SYMPHO JAZZICAL REVUE .*';. y'. ' with CHARLES ELBEY, CUTIE OSBORN, BUBBLES SHELBY / r; A COMPANY OF 12 '^'^ ,'n >'. VARIETY said: '*Should hca^ litde troable in Unding Mpoiting in ^^ '^ ville or picture houses oi the better clastC This U jmt a small pmri of i^a4 VARIETY said. When we played the Cambria, Jobnttown, dicy reproduced the wIk^ notice and said: 'T^IOTE! VARIETY, the leading theatrical paper, never misrepresenU an act or a show; in fact, they are oftentimes too serere.'* Vfiml«Ttlle Direction, MORRIS & FEIL ; v.aTRAND THEATRE BUILDIMO, NEW YORK Picture Hoose Dv^ction, Featare Bookinc Artirts, ARTHUR SPIZZI. 1S87 BROADWAY, NEW YORK «- '*■" ^ KANSAS aTY By WILL R. HUGHES N«wm«n — "Street of Forcrotten ICen," plctore. Royal—"Marry Me," picture. Liberty—"Bve'a LoTer," picture. Mairwtree* — "Her Slater from l^ris," ftlni and vande. Pantagee—VaixlaTfllek Glob*--MualGal stock. Twelftfi Street—Stock buriesque. lAOUm Kincald. -The Golden Girl ia the Golden WUrt," wiU b« feat- ured at Bleetrie PariK dorinK the llardl Graa. The Grand theatre, at one time toadlns playhonae of the city, kas SUNSHINE CARDS fr«B I die SUNSHINE (M 1^^ My Miseellaneoue Aasertment >|; •eneiets ef IS lovely eardo for var{> |i Okie oocationa, aueh as Birthday*, etc. nicely Weddings, Shut-in, boxed. |l.OO. I aiae carry ■ fuH Him off Gotham ^ Oeld Strip* Hosiery «« standard ^ ^cee. DOROTHEA ANTEL 600 West 186th Street W - fiEW YORK CITY w il-^-fc- M INERS MAKEUP Est. Henry C. Miner. Inc. ^■'^ BERT MELROSE S Famoiu International Clown S^V-.|9tetartec His ramoea MatroM VkD V ' ^ Darevt* Orphaaim Clrcalt i Direetion—THOS. J. FITZPATRICK JAMES MADISON FRODUCBR OP MIRTHQUAKBS Vaudevilla author, whose new I oliants are usually recommended I by his old ones. HeUI «h«iMda—1000 8attcr gt. SAN FBANCIBOO Madlagn'* Bedset. M*. It, 30 11 J—eet, fl| been leased by B. H. Rorbacb, man- ager of a couple of popular-priced picture shows. The lease Is for one year, but carries an option for four years. No announcement has been made as to th^ policy of the boitse. Bleetrie Park this week atarted oa tka last lap of its Mf* with a Corn Carnival, Mardi Oras and la- dostrial Kxposition. Frad Crow* 9i CMcatro i» Ing the Malnstreet while Jack Q«ln- lan Is vacationintr. • Walter Fenney, who resigned a couple of weeks ago from the agarship of the Pantagefi, is now en- roHed under the Warnto Bros, ban- ner. Re noakes this town bis head- quartera PITTSBURGH By JACK A. SIMONS The Academy will opea its next Saturday. The opening attrac- tion will be "Olrt Friends," Mutual btvlesfine booking. The fan season at Ijo*w*» AWne opened Monday. The Charlott Gardens, able to ac- commodate l.iOO daaciag couples, and Pittaborgfa's nawast reaort of dM kind, was oi>ened to the public Saturday aig^ht. Venetlaa Gardens, new ladoor ter- race of the Willows, was formally Inaugurated last week with a spe- cial program by th* Dms B s st or Benson Orchestra. Edward B. Repp, former Pitts- burgher, haa aigned a coatraet with Costnle Prodacti<ms, Loa Anceles, as a scenario writer. ROCHESTER, N. Y, By H. D. SANDERSON Lyceum—^Fields Minstrels, Fay's—Pop "VaudeTirie. Victoria—Pop Vaudeville^ ' Eastmaiv—"Shock Punch" (flhn). Piecadilly—"Woman Hater. Regent—"Lost—A Wife." Iiyceum Players lay off this week for a house booking of Fields' Min- strels. Tba town, has been quiet theatrically so far this month with nothing special to ofTer. The lakes' reaorts report heavy boatnesA Renovations at the Qayety (Co- lumbia) are under way for the sheiiuled opening Aug. SI. No an- ARE YOU GOING TO EUROPE? aoeemmodMlona arrMiKed ea all Uaes at Main Ofllee Fiiaes. ■■■«■ ■■« sains vary lallt aiiaasi aarty. I Maav baasM aad sakL U b t rtj B«m1s baacM ma* WAVt. TAOSIO m 80N. 1*4 Saa* 14th SC. Maw lark PhaiM Mayraiaa* SIM Sill nouncexoent ia forthcoming on i^ans for ftUtng In the three off days left vacant by the Columbia Wheel's de- cision to give Rochester burlesque only three days a week. C. J. Rose, manager of the Prlneesa, Corning, had his hands full last week when Tietor Z>e Ruehis, a Frenchman and World War veteran, speaking nothiag but French, pick- ed oa him to tell him he was broke and wanted to get to Homell, N. T. Rose finally found an Interpreter, bot not on til be bad lest plenty of alcajk. Baady to Wear 1» Va wMh BERTS CLOTHES leady, Set, Oo, for the Hew Season. Tonr stage wardrobe arranfed and prepared V for yos by an expert , ma PabUelty BaUdins, Room ttt £C». 1B7S BroMKvay, at 47th St, N«w York , TORONTO Royal Alexandra—Buckler'a Bng- Itsh stock. "So This Is London." Regent—'^he Gold Rush." Aus. 16, film. Hippodrome—^'T'flght Life In New York," tarn. Tivoli—"Tho Unwanted," (held over); Loigi RomanelU. Shaa'a—Vaudeville. Pantagaa—Vaada aad flhaa. Loew'a—Vaude. and Alms. ReopMilng on Saturday with "The Gold Rush" and a >0c. iof, tha Rageat ia making a play for first position among local movie aodl- torifuaa. The ChapUn picture ia In for an ladoAnlte run, opening here the same date as in New Yorlt. Cap! M. W. PUinkatt'a annual revue has gone Into rehearsal pre- paratory to opening for two weeks the end of this month. Cast ia practically tha same as last seaaon. Hon. O. Howard Ferguson, Pre- mier of Ontario, will do whatever is necessary to formally open the Canadian National E:xhibitlon this year. The heaviest part of the Job is a speech to the (Peering thou- sands. Like other attempts elsewhere in former years, the King Edward Hotel's (United string) roof garden has not \>tn a financial success. Shea's theatre reopens this week. ST. LOUIS Vol. 1, No. 1, of "Noisy Nuze," a monthly entertainment guide, will app«ar here Sept. 1. -"^The new pub- lication ia to be devoted to news of local dances, theatres, etc. The first issue will be composed of 18 pages and will sell at a nickel a copy. Dorothy Rashcoe, chosen to repre- sent "Miss St. Louis" in the Atlantic City beauty pagent, and 1< of the runners-Dp In the competition held by a local paper are appearing in person at the Grand Central theatre the first half of this week. The Dclmar, Criterion and Con- gress theatres (pictures) have been leaned from Hector M. R. Pasmezo- glu, Greek consul here, for a total of $54,000 annually. The Delmar goes to Maurice Stahl for $20,000 a year, the Criterion to H. Flerato for $22,- 500 and the Congress to George Skouras for $12,000. The George J. Endler Realty Co. handled the leases. WILDWOOD, N. J. By CHAS. A. ROSSKAM Blatter*—"Rugged Waters," film. Casino—"Recompense," film. Rsflent—"Street Forgotten Men." film. NiMpp'a—TaudevUle. Tbfi Strand Theatre and tit* boardwalk block in which It to lo- cated was sold thia weak by Wm. Lfpkln to a syndicate at Atlantic City nten haaded by Max Weinman for $9,900 a foot. Tha block has a boardwalk fronting of lt7 feet. A long looked for boom la now on with Atlantic Ctty interests doing most of the buying, all on spec- ulation. With tha biggcat week and ot the season on Saturday every cabaret in the reaort did capacity husineaa. Christy Brothers eiretis played a one day stand in Cape May City last Saturday Jumping there f^om Vlneland. Ideal weather conditions drew two large audiences. SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHESTER B. BAHN WietinB — "Home Ftraa," IVank WIlcoz Co. Strand—"Fine Ctothea," flbn. Em p ire "Tha Waaian Hater," Sim. Robbins Eok*l—"A Klaa hi the Dark." film. Crescent — "Smouldering Fires," flhn. Sswoy - " The WM BuITa Lair," Ohn. RivaU—*nrhe White Outlaw," film. Ripe n * naadonna of the Streets," fllm. a W. Keah's—Desk. T emple D ark, Richard Bunn, otherwise Richard Bonelll, Syracuse baritone, has been signed by the Chicago Opera Co. for the coming season. Bonelll baa been appearing with the La Scala Opera at Milan, Italy. Syracuse Day will be missing from the New Tork State Fair program this year. On Sunday a state band contest win be the principal attrac- tion. The Majestic theatre, inmlra, re- opened with vaude and pictures. The Lyceum, Klmira, will open for the season Aug. $1. The Lyceum this season will play only road attrac- tions. Burlesque ha* been dropped. The new Olympic theatre, Utica. will open about Dec 1. St will seat about 1,200. Young Whitney, Inc., of IWon, are floating a $200,000 bond Issue to cover the coat of erecting a new playhouse In that city, where the corporation already haa the Temple theatre and the Illon opera house. The 6lob% Mew Terk. la going an outside cleaning, tha blasting maehlnea having been ■plied last week in order to the hotrse wltttened again tor tta opealnc o< the saw aaaaoa. BeNe B ern s tein, seeratary to Jote Cert, toft laat week far aevea vaftatton abroad. PneTrce Stap yoH s«t II oanta worth of soap—and a wrapper roa can throw away wtMioat worrylns about a awah it asat," aar* Billy B. Van JP\m/H CVrANEV" By MJWRJK ABiaAZ4 MnMOD. PRTCFTtV ObHAH/t ^1 Mmo\ *\ f IHEATBIGAL OUTFnTESS 1580 Broadway New York City ELVA TALMA THE SUNSHINE GIRL raa Jaiit Completed Pantacm Toor Wrtta aa Wtra ARTHVB Clilaasa, III. ■UBWItll' -V ' '••v'-.-Vr' ADDISON PLORENZ FOWLER and TAMARA A Sensational Dancing Hit at the Fashionable ^^ EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL, CHICAGO "% BfOAOD> as XBK svmun Arnucnon |