Variety (August 1925)

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pj^. y x.- ^T^ '^^T "TT-^rwwT^W -Afiptifir ■ * "".iiT T ■r^l.' jr ■ r^ffV '■, '■»«..•-■> ^»*piFT?-TT^'TJp, 1 IJfi'.WM^:^!*"*! W rJ* -iT'o-^THwi: '^T* . T A R I B T Y*^* We^aMbf, Auc:uit 18, 19^5 VARIETTS LOS ANGELES OFRCE ARTHUR UNGAR in Char ge Chapnwin Bldg., Suite 610 756 80. Broadway; Phone 6009 Van Dyk LOS ANGELES ProfcMlonalt h«v« th* fr*« mm at Vtfrictya Lm AnatiMOfllM fpr Information. Mail may bo ad4roao#d bar* Varioty, Chapman Bldg-f Loa Anflolaa. It will bo hold aubjoot to oall or forwardod, or advortiaod in Va- rioty'a Lattor Liat. What oould taavo boon a oorklnv flood, vmriety ontertainmont devo)- •pad into a r&thor dranry and In- KfTarent procran at tho Orphoum ■t weok. Those responsible (or lnylnc out tho show soom to have Mttlo ooneoptkm ot what they were •ndoaTorinc to assomblo tocether. •nioy plaood two flash danoinc^ma «li tho but, had more acts working; te (Mil staco than In one, and pat toKOtbor ono ot tbooo'shows which .oaase tho audlonoo to get restlesn «nd start waUclnc> Blaurloo Diamond 6md Co., the Macost aonsation the house has ever had. was No. t. with tho two (oilow- i^tuflas havlna a hard Journey and poor result*. EHamond and his erang, which iaoludos tho StroUd Twins. Holoa McMahon. Bdythe Handman and Irene Smith, all possibly from t2i* late Rue do la Paix floor show In Now York. »ave the folks a dance treat. The Stroud boys are a great And, and the hard-working Maurice should have little trouble in topping bills with thU asset Jtmmle Husaey was the headllner Hussoy Is not so well known here as the material be used, hence it was hard going until he went into "one." using his Jewish parodies, whloh put him over nicely. Jane Oroon was a holdover, and proved an exceptional hit. She used several of the "blue" ntimbers that were part of her repertoire the week be- tov, but the audience did not want her to vacate the rostrum. Roy Cummlngs, with Irene. Shaw, was anottiar boMovor. getting aai big a rooeptloa as tbo prev'ous week. Opening were TareUla and Plck- •rlng. wire walking and dancing n\. >rK,.K FLAGG noxelty. Ono of tho men works In female attire and does not reveal hi^identity until the final bow. This i^Vn actual surprise. HU partner is a good exponent on the slack wire. The act went well. Wanser and Palmer were in the "trey" spot, with their comedy skit being compelled to foltow the Diamond act sufforea. Margaret Severn and Co., six danc- ing girls and a pianist, wore next. Here again was an act which naa the edge taken off by the Dlaniond turn It is the former flash usedoy Olgl and Vadie. with Miss Severn doing the solo numbers. The chorus seems to be very amateurUh. Miss Severn, however, is lithe and grace- ful. • « • ■ Closing tho show were tho Battlo- ship Cadets. 10 youths of the Junior naval res«#ve. who traveled wUh the fleet as a band to Honolulu. The turn takffs nine minutes to interpret Its musical Impressions gained from Us travels. The routine is Jazs and patrotic. and though the act is one which should not be burdened with the task of closing a big-time show, on its reputation it might bo a box- offlce adjunct to the exent of feat- uring on the smaller bills. The boys make a pleasing appoaranco, besides being sincere in their endeavor, without comparing to the major adult hands. Uno. Thougrh the weather was warm and the house minus a cooltaa sys- tem, three out of five acts on the bill managed to win show-stopping honors. The audience was put in a cheer- ing frame of mind as soon as Capt Cbarlos Nuagessor appeared In par- son foUowhig his picture, "The Sky Raider." He made a jihort address -to further the airplane propaganda. FVeehand Bros., equtllbrlstic feats, made a good impression with tholr perch work. Then Ben Nee One, Chinese comedian, baited things with a few songs and stories. He Is de- cldely likeable and makes a strong atlo selections exclusively. This act bears the stamp p( roflnemont tn every respect Tho ooatumos are In keeping with tho Dubarry period, and mixed sextet are vooallats of ability. Tho act had no trouble la stopping the show. First National baa decided to change the Utle of "Joaeph Oreer and His Daughter," whloh Qeorge Archalnbaud prodinsed. to . "What Pools Men. ^ ,-^i^, ^. ▼-<-> » Joseph Rose Is scheduled to pre- sent a score of stock performances of light opera in Los Angeles. The flrst will be "Pinafore." at the Am- bassador Plunge. Auf. 14. A new open-air theatre Is being constructed, with the Plunge serving as a realistic background for the nautical st^y. Those to Uke prin- cipal parts are Charles Swlckard. Oeorgle Stark. L.ouls Pitaroy, Joseph Swlckard, Cora Bird. A. B. Black- mer. Reginald Larson and Iv«m E3d- wardes. "Pinafore" Is to b» presented for two weeks, after which Rose antici- pates presenting other operas for a similar period. The suit of the Willlara Horsley Film Laboratory, Inc., filed several weeks ago In the Superior Court, asking $10,099.14 damages from the American Railway BUpreas Co« has been transferred to the Federal Dis- trict Court The action was brouabt (ollowlng the loss of three fllm prints and advertising literature shipped to Japan on Hay IS, 192S. run for another week, has been ooly Calr. The aeaaon Walter Klnbaok, formerly . In charge of JuUan RltUMfo'e tours, was relieved from duty as business man- ager of the Auditorium laat week He V WM Mplaoed by WUlard Schindlar, who has been In the eom- pany as chorus man but known In businees olroles here. Disle Blair and llarsden Argyll have been added to the. company for the oloa- tng weeks. . J. Richard Ryan, managlna di- rector of the Fulton thehtre, has left for an extended Vacatlbii at the cir- cus ranoh of his brother. J. Van Ryan, in BscondlSo. good style. Box office receipts hava^ "been more than satisfactory. Tbe daaoe oaslno at the newty^ opened amusement center at Mb|«l alon Beaoh la giving special dances j eaoh Thursday nighty featuriul Cliff Webster and his 14-r'^^* orchestra. Jerome H. Remlck have reopened their Los Angeles offlca^ with Wal- ter Dupree In charge. For once Brlc Von Strohelm was light, and he was upheld by Deputy Labor Commissioner Lowy, who de- nied Lepa Qeorge. fllm research The plan of the Fulton (stock) to open Adelyn Bushnell on the 23d of this month and Norman Field the following week has been altered and both will Join the com- pany on the flrst date. In the In- terim Jack Norworth -will round out his season of llgbt comedies with songs. Clara Kimball Toung, playing the Orpheum last week, got a lot of front page publlolty as a result of storming out of the Hotel Oakland because the hostelry,would not per- mit Louise White, one ot her sup- porting cast to maintain a Pom- eranian in her rooma. - PORTLAND, ME. •y HAROLD L. CAIL Jefferson—"Gat and Canary" (roa4 show). Keith'e—Vaude and films. Empire—Fttans. •trend—Films. The Bangor "Dally Commerdar* .i the third paper in Maine to ohani hands In less than a week. Tt Portland "Elvening Bxpress" "Sunday Telegram" were sold week to Guy P. Qannett. owner the Portland "Press-Herald" Waterville "Sentinel." Brastus T. Tefft of the New Torfcl firm of TeCrt. Halsey Co. is one of j the new owners of the Bangorf "Commercial" and Col. Harry F.j Ross of Bangor la the other. CALLI Par AU CALLI !•■■* at WniER'S COFFEE SHOP ' 7H t. Hill St, Loe Anoeles Batwaaa Paatacas sad HiU 8t. TlieaUM B^ by Oari aad Kiliiaa MaUar THK OLD-TIME HOOP ROLLERS It paroaat 4laeo«at t» the profesalon I worker, |189 wages which she said was due her from the director ajid Metro-aidwyn for work she had Ren Nee One's third appearance at this house In a year and a half, he "wowed" 'em all the way, The Primrose Minstrels are only reminiscent of the immortal George, Insofar as using his name. The turn carries eight men and Mrs. George Primrose, acting as Interlocutor. The old reliable sheriff. Charles Althoff, was the second to enter the' show-stopping ranks. Mme. Dubarry and Co. closed In a high-claas singing act, using oper- BILLY and LAURA DREYER done on the picture, "Greed." Miss George complained Von Strohelm employed her on Oct. 17, 1924, to do Serbian research work in connec- tion with "Greed." She testified she was promised a contract, but did not get It until one month after she went to work. :'^ , .^ .,»'■. 1 The Exchange Men and Bxhlblt- ors of Southern California will hold their fourth annual outing at Ocean Park Aug. IS. It will be an all-day affair concluded In Cbe evening with .a dance. SAN DIEGO* CAL. •y LON J. SMITH 8preokeia—Dark. Pantagee—Vaudeville. Savoy — "The Sap" (dramatio stock. Colanial—Stock musical comedy Balboa—"The Desert Flower," (film). Cabrillo—"Are Parents Peopler (fllm). Superba—"White Man," (fllm). Plax»—"The Teaser." (fllm). Mission—"Sally," (fllm). Broadway — "Man and Maid." (fllm). Harry Asher, president of tbaj American Feature Film Co. of Boe«f ton, was at the local branch esvjd change last week on business. May Korb and Charles Harriaoa'j are to assist In the municipal orgaa] concert Aug. IL Uaprlson Is widely'' known through bis Victor reoordi^j and Mlas Korb la equally well knowa'i in opbra olroles. Civic grand opera will 1>>e pre- sented here at Uie Spreckels Oct 8-16. Five operas will be given. The new |*antages house Is hon- ing Its own during the summer tn LOS ANGELES, CAUF. WADE APTS. ie4« S. Otaad Ave. Matty SSM «11 to $15 waeUy to tha ^^< ar Mra. Both enrtMag iaaladed ^ ^ K AaUMoy, ria > il a >r sas.1 v.: VAUDEVILLE'S MOST ARTISTIC DANCING ACT V.' r- THIS WEEK (AUG. tO) ■ - B. F. iDErnrs riverside, new york Directio? AARON KESSLER ; Working Steadily for Mr. E. F. AlbM . s « Thaakft to ARTHUR WILU . "The All Babas" is the title of a new sAlal club organised by a group of scenario writers and authors In Hollywood. Robert Cain Is the head of the organisation, which now seeks a clubhouse. Harry J. Revier has been selected by P. A. Powers to head a new pro- ducing unit to make its product for Associated ESxhlbltors at the Mar- shall Neilan studio. The title of the flrst story has not been selected. Max Marctn left for New York this week. While In the Bast he wlU continue his duties as a Metro- Oldwyn scenarist and make an adaptation of a new screen produc- tion. Albert Ray. screen aotor, will leave shortly for New York, where he Is to appear at the Rits in "The Girl I Loved," a drama based on the James Whitcomb Riley poem. This Is the play which served his cousin, Charles Ray. as a stage and screen vehicle. TO THE PERFORMER: Year gavtag Bai* Tea Can Start wtth $1.W a Week at V BA.NK BY MAIL. . :, NORTH RIVER SAVINGS BANK 20e-212 Wot 34th Street, New York OawvaalaMi Laaallaa. agjaiatog Praa. aad Aaeaaalbia troM tt»rr illrnHaa Baak Opaa Mondaya and rrldara from •A.M.toTP. M. ^_„ Batarday^ » A. M. to bom _ _ Othar days, > A. U. to t P. M. ~!ioEFH HVmi bavimo bank . . f 1 Kfadly opaa aa aeeoant aad eredit I which I aaolooa. sad U€- ward paaa book to ma. Wgaatara a^ •<••••• Addraas ,'. '. • N: AL.M. FRIEND )n THAT HB U MOW AMOOIATI ABE FRIEDMAN AMMOUMOn THAT HB U MOW AMOOIATHO WITH In the booking and producing of vaudeville acta for the Marcus Loew and independent circuits WiRS WRITE CALL : STRAND THEATRE BUILDING - ^ Broadway and 47th Street, New York, N. Y. ' •le-tt* Tel.: CMckarIng M80-S»«l Rose L>azaru8 has resumed her duties In the Sherman and Clay of- flces after a 14 months' trip. to China. M. S. Boyland and Albert Donis, both former press agrents, have branched Into the title writing fleld. They now operate a Joint offlce. , OAKLAND, CAL. By WOOD SOANE8 As this is written elaborate prep- arations are being made by the mo- tion picture producers for the cele- bration of Oreatei- Movie Season next week. A proclamation by Mayor John I* Davie Inaugurated the publicity drive. DANCING TEACHERS Couple, man and woman, to teach ballroom and stage dancing afternoons and act as host and hostess evenings. Salary and percentage. Apply by letter only. Strictly con- fidential. ROSEMONT BALLROOM Fulton St. and Flatbiuh Ato. . • ^ ^ ^ / ^,,. BROOiCLYN. N. Y. / T Paul Steindurff, conducting a comic opera season at the Audi- torium, has decided to extend his CALL All Ladiee and Qentlemen engaged for the csri tHYETY THEATRE STOCK CO. MONTREAL, CANADA Kindly report at BRYANT HALL, 6TH AVE. AND 42D 8T., NEW YORK CITY, on AUGUST 20TH at 10 A. M. Can use a few more clover chorus girle. LEO 8TEVEN8 Si as ERCEDESi A ADDRESS* 7100 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE, CHICAGO. TEL. SOCJTH SHORE 8700 ^^L ■fna'riiiamrMMf-'aiKii.i'.i'fTa»i<irr.i im'.'v ,n n->ii'«"ii Ai\S...tiiKuJliS&S. i.:jr..t>:<*aU.iK«^.-i JHIS 18 WHAT YOU GET WITH MERCEDES SENSATIONAL HEADLINER SURE FIRE COMEDY ACT MARVELOUS MUSICAL NOVELTY SHOWMAN WHO GETS PUBLICITY RECORD WEEK T ■,'S. ;w- i:jg^(;^ft*,SJii ^ ^ ^^.'^-^ ^^^ g^ g ^^^^