Variety (August 1925)

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Wf4niiibr. AtffaH Ifl; IMP V,A R I K T Y 4S fPIMPLESi BlacUieadsh^Aene Erupttoiis Now EmmUy Rmmowd. at Home mi a Small Cost! Banlah tUMk tmstehUr btanUMa avdly sad qntekly by wins "CUAM-TOMF'-a ■impla ham* traMtmant that baa eorad ehionte eaaaa of kmc ymin ■tandW. Uaad Uke toilet '. laMiTM tha iUb daar, flnaotk and witiMQt a binuiah. Baa madaBMny frian witt map. wooMn and ebUdran. ](l«nnti)9r!nien aftar ahavuw. — "~ " " I, i l a w gwtpiioiaaon thafaca or body, tfarfeanf toft. If TOa ksaa Pi IN«<M,mhr«rMIMMilM-naver roi|id how bad-'XtKAR-TONr'bM mad ttiaWmt FREE 8«ad.Bam«todayf»rai|CB dookM. "A CLKAIt-TOHB SKIN." tolHnB bow 1 car*d mTMlf after baina idBetad for IB ftuim. Aod I know —h ai' r aMi ni iiit one haa to eodnre with a bad eami>l«i( OASH tAVS IOAMCLMR VO«M •«IMO»TNtM ■.•.ttlVKNS MTClMi xfcm: «< COLO FILM REVIEWS <Contlau«d £rom pas* Hi ' I tirogram hoaee lists, at- tempting to take hia place along- side of the countleas flery two-gun men who have com* out of the weat Jack Perrln la hia name, and hU •ntrance, while Inausptclous, is not tntirely without promise. ! Pirrln'a face looks sdghtly taihll- Iftir, arid it is probable he has playM iblnor roles in various western titmm. ''feorder Vengeance" is his first star- ring vehicle that has com* to the Attehtlon of this reviewer or, so far 4s <;an be ascertained, that has slipped Into a house like the New TorM Ibr a showing. He is pleasant looking and clean-cut without being lurndsome^ and has that happy fac- •Ity given to so many other similar •tars of getting away with the act- ing requirements without exerting himself wUh any real hlstrkmks at- tsnpts. He Is in addition an excel- lent horseman and can handle him- self la • flst flght with the beist of them, hut is handicapped with a pistol by posBSBsing what the cow« bey fkns will call "a bum draw." . As for the picture It may be dis* missed briefly by saying It has a moderately pretty heroine, four or ^ve heavies, ranging from a mis-, SMOOTH As smooth In toxtero M thoy or* triis in eolor H Stein' a*a Grease Paints -A Mata'a ■' Cardboard Tubes SSo Thjt IL Stein Cotmetio Co. ' Now York ''The SUk Stockings That Wear^' Perfsst Fitting 8ILK FHll-Fsshionsd Opera Length ^ Stockmgs guided w^kllng to a Tery demon of a despicable gambler, the t^roper amount of hard riding and flighting, a three-cornered battle for the girl, a mine that after many disappoint- ments fairly epouta precious ore, and practioally np .comedy what- soever. , , The film breatlios choapneas, and yet possibly no mors so Uma others of its type which seldom reach even the Btiost ottscuro Now Torfc oitjr houses. The photography Is all wot two ways, scenlcally and techni- cally, and tire raitch ozteriors are of the mouldioet possible variety. Jack Richardson is the only recog- nizable face or name in the cast, although little Josephine Hill, one of the tiniest of film leading ladles, has her moments of appeal. The di- rector has permitted entirely too much exaggerated gesticulating by everybody concerned. A weak buy for the metropolitan Loew picture house, but the film may not be considered so bad in the sticks, and at least It introduces a new glorified galloper. As a flnal recommsadation, it is blessedly short. "Tb« lUsAt SaihMT" is the titio of a two reel comedy by Frank R. Conldin, the.ftnt of « series of pic- tures in which Billy Dooley is be- ing starred by Christie. William Watson is directing the supporting cast, including Vera Steadman. Sddie Baker, Rosa Gore, Wco-d CaulfleM, and Bobby, a monkey. J5 **: Thaatrical Cbstumers Department Stores =^ Taylor's Special Full Sixo Profeifional Waidrobe Tnmk $50.00 lUbaial Write fa* Haw OatalogM TAYLOR'S iTnVttAve. MB.Boa«eIShl IMmr TQBK CHIOAOO ^ Marsiian Nellan has chosen Bob- ert Agnew to play the male lead in, "Up and Down," "Mlekoy**" hurt pic-1 tare for Metro-QoMwyn. OtniCS' BOX SCORE (Continuod from pa«s 1) paper. As mentioned in Variety's final summing up for the season of •U-'2i. the oritlcs writing for the evening dailies seem to havo an advantage in expressing an opinion on a new play through the addi- tional time allowed for the writing of their notices. The first string men of the morn- ing papers have, of necessity, a time limit at night and directly after the performance in vrhlch to reach a conclusion. This flash judgment becomes the morning critic's opinion in type. Denberate thought In coming to a decision and the opportunity to reverse or modify an impression gives the evening men a percentage, the latter often not turning In a re- view until the day following ISie premier. The complete list of critics as they will be oarried in the new bozaooro is as follows: Morning Group „;^ Dale. "Anierlcan." v ' • Mantle, "News." ' Hammond, "Herald-Trlbune>'* WooUcott, "World." Atkinson, •Times." Afternoon Group. Gabriel. "Bun." Rathbun. "Sun." Anderson, "Post." Vreeland, "TelegFam." Oeborae. "Svenlng Worl*" Winchell, "araphlo." This complement marks the dropping from the score of Broun ("World"). BOW become a special writer for that paper; Toung ("Times"), BO loager oonnscted with the Ochs dally; Public .•^ ^ .T ^T Wov/c^ Vaudcyilk-Vance IN THE GARDEN or TOMORROV ., IPoj^ulai Fi^rxcritc jnu^thj. Irti^t\^(/roioui^ even] Uaij ONE LITTLE DREAM OF lOVE ^.sojj^with^.VciOav tfhii uV.y appeal Ic" u^w-i'ihlicncc IFYOU WERE THE ONIYGIRI .^Mvii^suitabic fc) aiwti)pc c* ^/c/ Mnqlc orPcnbie^ THESE SONOS f^lT fN \ Pf^OrESSlONAL COPIES ANY ACT AND yi AKE \ AND OPLCHESTR.AT10NS BJ6 ACTS B/OOER.- , SENT UPON P^dUEST-^ !:kc 'koscs of Pi caydp a/!(J l7/ic'Wiv/i! /y^PfailDUj Port he Si;'vise' /v; LcaJ:?iLf^ A/>. CHAPPELL-HARMS-- .',;-'i.,vT,';^,^s.l;r.f'v\l;l^'Ji>; 1 A^^M. _L =*» IB. R Kddi's Palace, New York, This Week (iUg. 10) MONARCHS OF IHE AIR ' '' AERIAL SMITHS Direction JAMES E. PLUNKETT i Bfleith's 81st St, New York. Next Week (Ai«.17) . .1 •^.mm^-9 Opinion (•^rajrtJlc'O, which dole- fully trailed the field all season to such an extent as to show its read- er's opiAions to have no bearing whataover, and Pollock (Brooklyn "Bagle"). Mo Brooklyn daUy la inchided jn the opening bokaooro. Upon the Brooklyn "Daily Times" moving to its sew quarters at the beginning oC the summer, the "Times" printed and without contradiction that it had the largest circulation of any liong Island daily. On that sUtement the "Times" is the leading paper of Brooklyn in number of readers. Variety in inserting .tlM "Eagle" last season did so through that paper being tbe rep- - resantative dally of the sister bor- ough, which it may remain. Tho "Timea." however, haa not been conducting its dramatic de- partment in a manner to commend it as tb« best critical service it can give. It this Brooklyn dally gives the theatre the attention a' paper of its standing in a city like Brooklyn should be ^ad to do, and as it is reported the paper Intends to. Variety will enroll the "Times" in the boxscore. So far as the flrst recording in the boxscore is concerned. Variety has taken "Spring Fever," opening Aug, », as the first theatrical pre-, mlere of the sea.son to smudge tho '25-*M clean slata ^ BRONX, N. V. By p. W. TELL Hardly a week passes without news of a new theatre to IM erected In this borough. The latest is a l,500-8eat house to be Constructed at «24th street and White Plains ave- nue, which, when oompleted, will be the first picture theatre in the 3?Vni- lamsbrldge section. The Merlo Build- ing Co. is the builder. i Poli Players at the Court Square, Springfl^d, Mass. He formoriy was assistant at the Palace, BprlngOeid. ▲lex Rallis, who oondncts a danetng s^ool in Springfield, Mass., is botng hold for New Haven police in oonneetlon with the distribution of aUegod atolen goods from Nsw York, Bosloa, Springllold and othsr citlos. Two men are h«id In New Havon, ehargod with the theft of goods valued at $18,000 from the Winchester Repeating Arnis Co. at Now HavoB. Hyman Kronick will erect a build- ing containing a picture theatre and three stores in 8pringfle]d. Masa Joseph W. Cons will manage the Poll legit houss la Bridgsport, Conn., the coming season. Ho has been in charge of Poll's Grand at Woreester, If ass., for the last seven years. VARIETY BUREAU WASHINGTON, D. C 614 Ths Argonno Telephone Columbia Janes Fotheringham, anaaagor of Moos' Franklin, and Morris Buss- man, manager of the Empire, picture house, are currently on their* vaca- tions. A new Bronx motion picture pro- ducing company was formed last week, catling Itself the Imperial Flms. Inc., with offices at 86B Blast 149th street, A numbsr of local peopio are! finanolany tntersated. Tils now organisation win Awke Hs |iit><lu«lng osnter at the Fort IM studios. Fort L«e. N. J., it is an nounosd. NEW ENGLAND The Superior Court at Springfield, Mass., has permanently restrained by injunction tl)e Motion Picture Operators' Union and othsr labor organtaationa from Intsrferlag with tho business oC the Rialto theatre in W«>tfield. The case resulted from labor troubles at ths theatre a year ago. By HARDIE MEAKIN National—Stock. "Chicken Feed." Next, "Klki." Columbii»—"Wild Horse Mesa." Next "RomoU" (films). Metropolitan—"The Lady Who Lied." Next, "The Desert Flower" (films). Pslaco-^"Never the Twain Shall Meet." Next, "The Street of Vm- gotten Men" (films). Rialto—"The Teaser" and Sylvan Levin and Bmilio Doria (presenta- tion). Next to be announced. Following ths severely infected faoe that threatened to put Law- rence Beatus, manager of the Pal- ace, enthrely "out," physicians on Friday pronounced everything cleaned np. "dean-op^ last week with "Clheat- ing Cheaters." Though tecoytsd to go in for the run Idea, the Natlc—I SMUUgsment is Btlcklng to tiM la- tsatioa of a iM«r bin John Coonts is holding down tho dramatic desk on the "Post" at pres- ent. John J. Oaly, regular d. a. Is forosd to tafco things ooair staMs tho acddMtal death <if his ^stsr. The liayilower Hotel, proving ox« ooptioaally p^^wlar with the diplo-> matio and soolsty sots^ osatlnaos to attiaet sxoelleat business to its Presidential Room, where Spsaoer Tupman wields the baton over his own Mayflower orohostra. Poll's Is sot to open around BspK 14. The Mayflower WMMngton, 0. C. HOTBi. ron Distingulshod Professions Is Com — atlts t Av*.. naer the tln s tt ss Daisy and Violet Hilton, ths San Antonio Siamess twins, are being held over for a second week, cur- rently being at Loew's Strand. Last week they were heavily featured and did much buslnsss at ths Pal- ace, Loow picture houss. AI Kamons. directing ono of M«yw Davis' orchestras at Chsvy (Thase Lake, Is to hold down a like job this winter at tlio Davis "Swanee," in the basement of the Karls. Pete Macias is directing the othsr Chevy Chase Dance combination this summer. The National Players did anothst' mjxmn womoou MMTHODg AD. NEWBERGER Stage Dancing Preduotiona tnd Vsudevills Asts •toged 200 WmI Mth Sfa-Ml atkmiim un mew tobx cm OusrrinI A Co* Tk« L«rt>H mt m MM UaKiS " tend. V7'tn (Ml JOHN BOYLE Where an Um Oth«ra Lmv« Off Rowtinss for ProfsssioiMla 9r*4 Bteae, Ma Mey Chedwiek. MS DiMte aod ' 4tl> raw voBK 41tS nmrmokLans 'Xl S1ANDAPD lNCWA\<INv. i. 0 Lory liorensi Is manager of the TRUNKS Notloo to MANA0ER8 and PROOUCERB We «*»ry a terse variety ef USBD warOrobe. prep end aoenery et very low prteae WARDROBES os low ss flOiM PROP TRUNKS m SAVOY LUGGAGE THMATIUCai. HKAtoOUABTBWI M Beat Stth Mreet, Mew TeA I?,' ^J