Variety (August 1925)

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■'ji^Bi^mi^vo w Wednesday, August Ifl. IMS > VARIETY f .'•H' l'-"i. .1 - '1 :"vr. . "F'^^sg .i*.iA^ HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE .;«%> t ^ HOm HUDSON I. ALL NEWLY DECORATED - 8 and Up Sinai* |12 and Up Doubia Hot and Cold Wat«r aad T»l*ptaoa« tai Baok Beaak 108 WEST 44th STREET NEW YO^K CITY VhMMi BVIAJrV VtM-M HOTEL FULTON / Ob th« H«aH •! M«« I«rk) tS and Up Singia 14 and Up Doubia ' Skowtr B»tha. Hot *■< Col4 Watar and T«l«plM««. ' Baetrto faa Ui aach M«ak i4-268 WEST 4«th STREET NEW YORK CITY Oppoaito N. V. A. ' DENVER HALL HOTEL Tha Hanta «t tha Diaoriminatins Artiat laa Hteh ClMf Apf laa BMiatlfafly Fanflaliwi Boana RATES BCNSIBUB Ulft Cwtia M. J. W. BVS8BIX. « * ^.TORONTO HOTEL STOODLEIGH ■HVTKB «•« MVTOAI. (RRKBTt LIka Jlag Homa far a Waak ■PSCIAX. RATBS TO PR01V88I0M Catat^ia — No Charsa for Raons ■arriea . #Mla •» WIN Mr ROOM FOR TWO PERSONS Room without Bath, $14.00 per week. Room with Bath, $17.50-$21.00 per week. Twin Beds, $24.50 and $28.00 and Giicago iiONARD HICKS, Managing Dlraeto^ LORRAINE »I f .uw#^ I .uw Hci vwoR. i win oeus, ^c^.ou ana ^^o.uu GRANT HOTELSI YANDIS COURT 241.247 WMt 43d StrMt NEW YORK :. C/iVD£|{ NEW MANAGEMENT Nawly renovated and decorated 1, 3, t and 4 room furnlabcd apartmanta; private abower batha; wltb and without kltehenatta, alao maid aervica. $16.00 and up woekly. Special lower rataa for aummar montha. THE ADELAIDE . 1. LKTKT Prop. NOW ONDRR nWH MAMAfUDODnt 754-756 EIGHTH AVENUE MBS. RAM8K1 Kcr. Batwaaa Mtb aad 47th StreaU OMe, Twa, Three. Wtmt aad Vlve-Raoaa BtriaUy Profaaaloaal. Oaa BleA Waal of Braadway ilahai Apartaaaato. n Ca. FheMa: Chlekartac Sl«a-U«l I LONGACBB l*t44 ^M>. r. BOHMBIDBB, Pfap. XLIC DCDXIJA FURNISHED 1 ntj DILiX 1 11A APARTMENTS 3S0 HOUSEKfEPWGJiPARTMENTS IRVINGTON MPOX HENRI COURT IB6 Waat Hat ««4« Clrela HI 141.147 l-S-l-4-room apar phona. kitoban, kitoban< HMO UP T)ia lar^Mt malntal: directly under tha bul the theatrical diatrict A Addraaa all oommuni CHARi tit Waat 4tth flftnat tUO tioncaara NA COURT 46th strain tIM'Lonsaerak sta. I^b aparteant with pr(T«ta bath. KLY-4mbS UF liONTHLV tt houaakeepinc famiahetf apartmaaU ot the owner. X<oeate4 in tha oaotar o< pi;oot buildlngai LOS ANGELES, CAU HOTEL RTTZ Sih and Flower St. I^Mcial aatea to' tha Profeaaion %»am * Bath, a deOar aad a half aiid «p Kjceallant Coffee Shop In Connection OOMPLBTR POR HODBBKBBPWO. OUBAM AMD AIBV. 323-325 West 43rd Street NEW YORK CITY rrlrata Batk. 8-4 Boaaaa. Cateriaa to tha caaafart aai€ caavaalaMaa tka avafaaalaK. BLBCTUC •1 VrBAM HBAT AND UOBT 9UM DP HOTELALPM Panaeriy BBISBNWEBEB'8 68th St and Sth Ave., Hew York 1 aad I ROOMS: PRIVATB BATH ■nSOlAI. BATB8 TO rBOPBBOIOM PHONE COLUMBUS 1000 FAIRS .V <Contlnued from page 40) ance at thtt flrat fairs are being real- ised and t ose already held have r-HMMwn excellent results. _i—^ BIRMINGHAM, ALA. ' Preparations are being rushed for the Aiatiama State Fair, to be held BCain at Birmingham, Ala., this year October 19-24. It will follow the iovtheastern Fair at Atlanta, Ga. A half mile track is under construc- tion, with a grandstand to aeat 10,000 people. 0aeretary "Jim" Dent is in charge. HARTFORD. CONN. Doa to the successful completion «f a $100,000 bond campaign to place tha lair on Ita feet, the future of the Connecticut State Fair is assured. It was conducted by the General theduplje:x Hoaaahaapins Pamlahad Apartmanta MO Waat 4Srd Street, If aw Tark Xjongacra lilt Three *ad foar raoaM with bath, eom- plete kitoban. Modern in every particu- lar. Will accommodate foar or more adulta. 91t.0« CP WBBKLT Bryant Apartments <J««t Beaiadeled) 11» Weet 46th Street, New York Rooma, ainsle and doable: alio apartments Roanins water and phone in every room Maid and atl-ntsht elevator aervice Ratea. «10.«0 up RDANO APARTMENTS 800 E«hdi Ave. (49th St) oaoKBBDfo sno 2-3 Rooms, Bath and Kitehenatia Hotel Sarvica. Weekly or Monthly "SUMMER RATES' AOIIB8 ooin.Br. ARLINGTON HOm WASHINGTON, D. C AI.WArS TABB OABB OV TUB rBoraanoB bboabdlbm <w OOMYBBXIOMg SAMUEL J. STEiNBERGER ""'tenenbaum Principal office, H ildoiii. Court, S41 West 4IUi St, N«w York 4partmaNtt eon \» Me^r^veato^a ODffoa In «ae* \wading. m THE CUNTONIA 340 WEST 57tH STREET "Si,!y"*' L Vadev aw aw aMp Two Minutea' Walk Waat af Broadway li-elaaa n rioae U AS fiwailaa Tbaattea AND UP Aa Meal Hlsh-elaaa PiMMaat Betd Away fkeaa the Ifalaa rtaae te AS f wJIWi xiwaUaa 7 Suite* of Parlor, BedrooMtTaBd Bath, $25 PER WEEK untBfi^'SX^ "'^ ■• 14 BTOBT VIBBPBOOr (Paraterlj 71 St. Apt. HOTEL 12.80 B^ yi WIT» BATH t Beaai Saltea fM.M Waeklr aad V» Traaaleata mM par day . PBB WBKI^ tl West VIM MBW m Organization Company of Chicago, under the direction of Robert J. EJustace. BILLINQS, MONT. The dates for the Midland BSmplre Fair are Sept. 16-19. Ne*'^ ■Pp'"* events will be Introduced in addition to the racing program. LAFAYETTE, LA. The Southwest Louisiana Fair, Oct. 14 week, is putting on an ex- tensive publicity campaign, one of the stunts being the publication of a newspaper "Going to the Fair. - A CHOP HOUSE OF EXCEPTIONAL MERTT 156-8 WEST 48TH STREET if^ ^ W^ D/5sNC!NQ . BlfTBBTAUnfBUT rBATVBDfO ESTEUE PENNING HOTEL NAVARRE 7th Are. sad 38tli St, N. Y. City BMtt ar Thaatrteat Ohtolct iOOM* wljh llaaafM Watir: Ur aae. *%m flUS Watlt Far twa, Itmb ilM* Walk ROem aMi Prirata Balk: r«r aa*. treat ill.M Wrk rar hM. Areai ilt.M Waak Ut TOM HARRISON, Baaaatr BR WILL MAKB TOU RIOHT AT BOMB YOUR NEW YORK HOME Peremond Apts BLBOANTLV rORNISHBD 2 and 3 RCX)MS KITOHBM * KITCHBNBTTB Blava t av Maid Barvlee—Pheae—Bta.- 114-116 West 47th St BBYAIIT MIS SETT 3=*: HOTEL 0K Nmvly FwHrm^Md Modern in Every Reapact Hot and cold water. Telephones in ^very room, BHevator aervice all night. Oa* beat reeoauneadattoa an antls- •ed BfMmban ef the jrolaaalea who ■Mke It their home. BOOMS •!• PBB WBBK AND UP- WARD { WITH BATH 114 PBB WBBK AMD VPWABO. (Doable M extra). 53rd STREET Jaat Baat of Broadwar. New Terk BBBBSBS^BSSBSaSBBaeBSSBe Hospital, circus. Reed left to rejoin the Slav of "PtaOa Jaae." AT "O'Briea OM" OFBRAU 1.UNICHEOM ALSO xf^AfT AND 30* eT. This Is sent to every family in the county and adjoining counties. HAMLINE, MINN. The new premium book for the Minnesota State Fair contali}s 272 paces. QRIQQSVILLE, ILL. The first of tha Illinois towns to have a fair was arlggsvllle, last week. IONIA, MICH The Ionia Free Fair dataa are Aug. 11-lS. FAIR NOTES V DABFI£R DTCOKPOBATSS Chicago, Aug. 11. The Earl C. Darfler Productions Company has been Incorpoi-ated.ln thia state for $2,000 and will spe- cialize in promoting old-home weeks and amateur shows. The dlrectorn ot tha new corporation Include Harry Rogers, the vaudeville pro- ducer ; Jack Davles, Mr. Darfler and his wife, Catherine Darfler. MOTEL AMERICA 14B W. 47tli St., N. Y. C lABGlt BOOM 17.50-^ TWO fHIRS^S SUMMER RATES NOW IN EFFECT The Moat Madera Oaa and Two Romb Aparttneata with Private Bath and All NIfht Bervlee Grencort Hold VtB'Ava. aad MMi M.. Mlnr TOBK -Hotel Aritto -i lai #M|^ 44th Mnat MBW roBK an Baaata WNheat Batk $10.50, $12, $H per week Baema wit* eaaaaetl^ bath $1240, $14y00, %HM PHONB BRYANT llt7 THE FEMININE SIDE ^V.J Oklahoma City, Aug. 11. The Kay County Free Fair, to be held at Blaokwell, Okla., Sept. 17- 19, will employ three vaodeviUe companies. Taloga, Okla., Aug. 11. Preparations are being made for the Dewey County Free Fair, here, Sept. 9-12. A racetrack, exhibit buildings and other necessary fair equipment will be constructed. Tfce RtndezvouB for Artult" PIROLLE'S 14S WEST 4«TH ST, NEW YORK Th* Only French Rm$iaumnt on B'way UneCHHoTlB DAILT SPBCIAL DISHBS POPULAR PHlCBfl ?nU>I.IJ:'8 8PBCIA1. TABM DVOTB DINNER Prem » P. M, to «:« P. M The Hoaaa tt wt $1.00 Tench BoMt CeCee aad Home Made Paatry MeAlester, Okla.. Aug. 11. Old fashioned horse racing will be staged at the free fair here next month. Stable room for 390 horses has been engaged. ANIMAL TRAINEB RECOVEBED Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 11. Recovering fa^m Injarlea which were at flrirt believed fatal, Jlmmle Reed, of Trinidad, Col., wild animal trainer, who was attacked by an en- raged gorilla when Miner Broa 101 lUnch Wild Weet showed here, has been discharged from St. Joseph's (Continued from page 8) ^ regard for endurance, for lacy frills clinging to tha front, to the oolla*' and cuffs, which were far more pretty than uaaful. * .: j-t.! ri Louise Dreaser Saves "Qoeae Woman" '] Without Louise Dre««er, the film version of "The' Ooose Woman,^ f; taken from Rex Beach's novel ot that name, would be dull Qionotony. |^ Miss Dresser's Intelligent comprehension of the role's dlfTicult demandB '; lift It Into good entertainment. Her artistry hi portraying an unlovely character, clad in a ragged skirt and torn sweater, flopping about la muddy shoes, smacking her lips over her bottle of gin, growing sud- ';, denly angry with her son, whom she bated—4ill these wera done wItS ^ consummate skill. As she returned diva she is swathed In » velvet aft- ;. ernoon gown with flowing chiffon sleeves. The <aat of ntepping fr««»\_;,' gauslings to glory was a mere gesture with Mies Dresser. « Constance Bennett, wearing sheer and dainty frocks, provides th». -y,:i story's necessary atmosphere of youth. Marc MacDermott as the story^l wily villain is difficult to envision, nor ooold even the kindliest «y«.*.*^ detect any heart Interest in Jack Plckford as the son aoroly beset wltfc- , trouble. The role fairly shouted for the Ught touch of genius. •^Wild, Wild Susan" Not So Wild •^lld. Wild Sbsan" is not a wild flhn. Sabo Daniels And Bod LaRocque are the stars and they go along easily enough with their material. The comedy needs some real humor Injected Into It. Th a captions bear « low comedy mark, which the lovely Bebe and b«r f^"^ panlon are not quite able to overshadow. If Bebe's clothes, whldi )e«m as though they might bear Paris labels, could make the story tuBliy.: then the film might honestTy claim to be a comedy, but her al^MB' are not funny. As the flirn portrays hor fluaan Is not a wild nii«s « «P^ She merely refuses to be bored. The same goes for Rod, rlill* aM» of a wenlthy family, who refuses to be bored. T|» aodleoce symp*^ thises with their antics. ^^