Variety (August 1925)

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VARIETY Wednesday, Auguet 86, 1925 Telegrame^: OSWASTOLL, WESTRAND, LONDON Telephone GERRARD 7903 (7 Lines) Offices COLiaBUM 8 QRKRN KMI' rNDICATB, Ltd ins THBATUB OF COLISEUM BUILDINGS, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, W. C. 2 TUB AI HAMBHA CO MJ • STOI.L PICTURE TtllCATIlH (KrNGSWAY). Lid.; HAOKNKT AND SHEPHERD'S DUSH EMPIRE PALACKS, Ltd; W<:>OD OF VAIUKTIKS Ltd • MANrilESTBR HIPPODUOMK AND AKDWICK KMPIRB, Ltd.; LEICKSTBR PALACE THEATRE. Ltd.; CHFSWICK EMPIUE THKATRB VA)MICT1KH. Ltd.; CHATHAM EMPIUE THEATRE OF VARIKTIE8. Ltd.; ST. AUQUSTINBa PARADE HIPPODKOMB. BRISTOL. Ltd. Chairman and Managing Director SIR OSWALD STOLL Hecrvtarj and Clilof Arrountunt, W. 8. OOKIWN MICIIIR ABTIHTE8' DKPARTMBNT: N«KOtiiUiun»—A. I». DAVIS; I>ate»—LLKWBLLTN JOHNS Addrwa all c^Mnmanicatioa* to the HjuutflBc Director LONDON COLISEUM CHARINQ CR088, FACING TRAFALGAR SQUARE * Two rerfocmance* DuUy ni «:S0 and 1:4* Bekoanwla everr Mooditj at 10 ». m. ^ Proprietors, COLISEUM SYNDICATE, Ltd. MANCHESTER HIPPODROME OXFOKD HTBKBT Two Performance* Nightly at 6:10 and »:36. Matinee* Mon- day and Tue»d«y. Rehearsal* every Monday at 10 a. m. Proprietor.: THE MANCHESTER HIPPODROME AND ARDWICK EMPIRE. Ltd. SHEPHERP'S BUSH EMPIRE 8IIBPHKRD-8 BOSH GRKEN. LONDON, W. Two Performancea Nightly at «:!« and «:40. Rehearsals every Monday at 12 noon. „,.„., _., Proprietors: HACKNBT AND SHBPHERDS BUSH BM- PIRB PALACES. Ltd. HACKNEY EMPIRE MABR° 8TRKRT, LONDON. N. B. Two performances Nightly at »;J0 and 8:36. •very Monday at 12 noon. Proprietors: HACKNBT AND SHEPHERD'S BU8H HM- PIRB PALACES, Ltd. Rehearaala LEICESTER PALACE BKLURAVK liATE Tw» Performances (lightly at 6; 40 and 8:40. every Monday at II Boon. Rehearsals NOTE.—All tkatr.b«s pikyed at the tbore thestne must be Iloenwd b» the U>rd Chamberlain, and a oopy of tlie licence, toc«ther with icrlpt as llcrnjed. must be lent te the Stall oOcas at least 11 days beTore date of perfonnaiice. DANU PAirro UKQtUBBI).—14 diffonnt puru ffor Enillsta. Orclieitra- (luii* and ir fur t'ortHsn Urchaatratluna. Hrlstol lUppoJrdme requires ZO part*, tocludtaig three lint flolint and piano part for liarp. THE ALHAMBRA uEICESTER SQUARE Dally t:S«. 6:10 knd R'.45 RehMaTHula every Monday at 10 •. at. Proprietors. THE ALHAMBRA CO., Ltd. CHATHAM EMPIRE HIGH 8TRKKT Two Performances Nightly at (:16 and 8:30. Rehearsals •very Monday at t p. m. Proprietors: CHATHAM BMPIRB THBATRE OP VAIUB- TIB.S, Ltd. Joint Managing Dlrertor^-H. B. Darla, ei-Mayor of CntTesead. BRISTOL HIPPODROME TK.\M\VAY» t'KNTRK Two Performances Nightly at 6:20 and 8:30. Rehearsals every Monday at 12:30 p. m. I'roprletors; ST. AUOU.'^TINE'ff PARADE HIPPODROME, BlUSTOL, Ltd. CHISWICK EMPIRE CUISWICK Hioa BOAD, W. Two Performances Nightly at 6:S0 and 8:tO. Rehearsals •very Klonday at II noon. Proprietors: CUI8WICIC EMPIRE THEATRE OV VARIB- TIBS, Ltd. WOOD GREEN EMPIRE nUill ROAD. WOOD ORBBN, LONDON, N. Two Performances Nightly at 6:20 and S:36. Rehearsals every Monday at 12 noon. Proprietors: WOOD GREEN BMPIRB THEATRE OF VARIETIES. Ltd. 8TAOB DKrAaTMCm.—Sotigs propoeed ts be sunc ihould be eub- mltted and ipeclat itace requircnientji stated, in leUtra marked "Stalte Department." by artistes three wroke l>cfore opwiing. AI>VKUTI8INO MATTRK —Ullli. Illociis. piioU>(raphs. and specimens of piclurials really repreRentioi the act should be fonrardtd throe weeks betfore opening. THE STOLL PICTURE THEATRE (LONDON OPERA HOUSE), KINGSWAY Dally 1:49 to 10:30 (contlnaoos), 8anday 0 to 10:S0 Pirtunis and Varieties Proprietors. STOLL PICTURE THEATRE (KIngaway), Ltd. ARDWICK EMPIRE ARDWICK (jIRKKN Two Performances Nightly at 6:40 and 8:40. Rehearsals evoiy Monday at 12:30 p. ni. Proprietors: MANCHESTER HIPPODROME AND ARD- WICK EMPIRE. Ltd. STOLL PICTURE THEATRE IIKDMINMTKK, IIHI8TOL PIctureN and Vnrleticn Proprietors: ST* AUGl'.STINE'S PARADE HIPPODROME. BRISTOL. Ltd. FLORAL HALL, LEICESTER AD.IOIMNG LKICKNTKH PAIw%CK PICTURK8 Proprietors: THE LEICESTER PALACE THEATRE, Ltd. THE PICTURE HOUSE, CHATHAM PICTURES Proprietors: CHATHAM UMPIRE T. OF VARIETIES, Ltd STOLL PICTURE THEATRE (TVNK THKATHK). NKWCAHTLK PICTURES and VARIETIES • Rehear.xals Monday 12:30. Lessee: SIR OSWALD srOLL. COAItSKNIStS. VtJI/IAItlTY. Ac, U not allowd. AUri.STKS' HCKNKKY A.NU I'UOFKltTlia must \» Broproofo.1 or they ctiiiiot lie brought Into tile theatre. ThU Is by order uf the Licensing Authorities. TORONTO Uptown — "Beat People" (Olaaer Stock). Regent—"Gold Rush" (2d week). H i ppodrome — "Ten Command ^ ments" (2d week). Tivoli—"Kiss Me Again." Pan—"Soul Fire" and vaudeville. Loow't—Pop vaudeville. Strand—Gilbert's (mutual). Empire—"Gay Old Time" (Colum- >ia). Comedy—Chinese opera. only one house (Royal) playing road attractions regularly. The Grand, In addition, will mix road shows and pictures. The Princess, formerly legit, will have Hugh Duckler's stock. Hamp- den Players will take the Corrtedy, making two English stocks playing for the all-Bvitish trade. Olaaer, uptown, commences his fifth season Aug. 31. Theatres are reopening, and To- ronto's 1925 season will he under way by September without a dark house. Three stock companies, one big- time vaudeville, two pop vaude, two burlesque, three movies exclusive of the neighborhood strings, and A group of thrill-seekers called at the Comedy, playing Chinese opera with a local troupe of Orientals, re- hearsing since spring, with thou- sands of dollars' worth of costumes. At about 9 p. m. they asked the suave usher how late they were; "Only a few day.s," he replied, re- assuringly. "Not a week yet." He summoned a master of cere- monies, who explained that the play [ ATES and DARLING } Eastern Rep., lyiORRIS S, FEIL Western Rep., JESSE FREEMAN Independent Rep., Sam Roberta « had only opened on Monday and so was only in the second net. Occidental theatregoers attending the cymbal and gong festival are warned not to applaud, as at each burst of applause, so says Chewan Mark, th^manager, the actor whose scene it is will immediately stop per- forming to express his appreciation, while each player on the stage at that moment could demand and would receive an increase in pay. Fire which broke out in the Grand did $1,200 amage. Lieut.-Col. John Mackenzie-Rosan, late senior musical director of the British Brigade of Guards, arrived in Toronto to take charge of the 30 massed bands, at the Canadian National Exhibition. )' A proposal will be submitted "to the Toronto Harbor Commission, operating Sunnyslde Bearh, to roof over the new outdoor tank and use it winter as well as summer. It Is the largest outdoor human aquarium in the country. The plan has a good chance of l>eing favorably passed on. If the Toronto city council will lease or sell a suitable site, E. J Livingstone, Percy Quinn and an unnamed New Yorker will proceed Immediately with the erection of an artiflcial ice arena seating 12,000 to 15.000. Niagara rack track will not oper- ate a fall meet. Not enough attend- ance: not enough betting; too many t&xea. CINCINNATI ^ By MELVIN J. WAHL Cox—"Bast Is West." Empreea—"Sugar Babies." Olympic—"Big Kun Show." Palace—Vaudeville and "Battling Bunyan" (film). Photoplaya—Lyric, "Ue-creation of Brian Kent"; Strand, "A Broadway Butterfly"; Walnut. "The Half-way Girl"; Family, "Riders^of the Purple Sage"; Capitol, "Shore Leave"; Keith's, "The Cyclone Itider." A corporation to be known as the Avondale Inn Co. will assume control* of the Toadstool Inn, Heading road and Hutchins avenue, Sept. 1. The Toadstool Inn has been closed since Aug. 1, when the lease expired. The amount of the Incorporation was $5,000. William Busch. Frank Wel- ler, A. Valerio, Harry Levy and &, Heckerman are the incorporators. A benefit performance was given by James Douglas, old-time actor and theatre manager, at the Labor Temple last Thursday. Charles Miller,, business manager of the Zoo, has arranged a fireworks display in honor of John Weber'* .silver Jubilee anniversary. MANNY JIM KOHN and DIPINTO MUSIC AS YOU LIKE IT Representative MORT INFIELD On the wharf before sailing to Australia from Hong Kong with my family LONG TACK SAM "THE INTERNATIONAL STAR" AND COMPANY OF WONDER WORKERS tUST COMPLETING A STARRING ENGAGEMENT OF EUROPE, ASIA AND AUSTRALIA , HEADING BACK FOR AMERICA SOON KINDEST REGARDS TO ALL 112*/ «A*i*»iif*»«ft*tt iJfc**-'-*-*"**^** '•■•••v»*frB*S*«i»«*»«.'k»»%h »• i*« fcft»*%«-9«^; ' w * • • •• I