Variety (December 1925)

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"iwl "111. I if W'-'.f'.'W'-'!- '.*?)**' V-'f-' ^^•Tsswirrr- AMUSEMENTS PRICE 20c ••■y «?TTipw7WTy.3sww-T-«^»V«JliT- n^WlWyj"^"' TC'<^'>T»'fl TUylES SQUARE r -♦«. Publislicd W*«klr at IK Wast Uth St^ Naw Twrk. N. T^ bjr Vanatr, Ino. Annuat nbaciipttoti 17. Btngi* copiaa t* ecnta. Entered wm second cl»8a mattar Daeambar It. llti. at tba Poat Odea at Na« Tnrk. N T., under the Act of Marcb I. 117* VOL. LXXXI. No. 3 NEW YORK CITY, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1925 64 PAGES 'SUNNY'-$52,660-REC0RD! AUTHORS' LEAGUE CRITICIZING SHUB£RTSt)N FILM RIGHTS SALES •*!» Zat So?" Sold for $90,000 to Fox, with $150,000 Reported Offered by First National — Show's Writers Helpless—Wants to Protect Members Th« Authors' League of America. «• b«half of two of its members, James Qleason and Richard Taber, tha writers of "Is Zat So?" are up In arms against the Shuberts be- cause of th« contract existing be- tween that organization and the WlUlam Fox Film Corp. Under this contract the right of "Is Zat So?" were disposed of at |90,000 for pic- tures. It being undfratood that the Shuberts at the same time Induced ths flhn people to take the rights to "Whispering Wires" and "The CHy" at 116.000 each. First National, it is alleged, of- (Oontlnued on page 10) f't. i>- UNIT SHOW IN : BALLROOMS i The n«w trend in ballrooms of playini; extra attractions has re- sulted In a toad show unit being organized to tour with Carl Fen- ton's Brunswick Orchestra. The band and three acts will travel In- tact opening a tour Dec. 4 at Lyon- iurst, Marlboro, Mass. Kenyott and Edwards, ballroom ftzhlbltlon dancers, a sister team and Eddie Chester formerly at the Parody Club with Ted Lewis, will comprise the ballroom circuit unit, booked by National Attractions. Fenton Is himself engaging the talent. Indicating a new trend whereby the orchestra loader will augment his Bellinjr ability through the medium of '. ing a miniature n>ad show arouiui iiimself. NATIONAL ADS F(Ml"ABiriN DAILIES $2.45 Line for P. 3 Copy in N. Y. Sunday Paper —6 Cos. Out 23 Out of 243 Plays Were Sold for Films -Aluch talk is heard among pro- ducers concerning the sale of plc- l*""* rights as a means of salvag- ing possible during the run ^ «■ piny. The statistics printed below show conclusively that this Is largely * niyth and that less than 10 pi^r cent of the shows produced are *o'd for pictures. Last year 24S shows were pro- ""''ed In New York. Ot this number, 23 were bmight ^Of the movies. Ot the 23, William Fox bought «'ght for the um of his corporation. A national advertising campaign for "Abie's Irish Rose" has been started. Display copy is to appear In the leading dallies throughout the country and at the display ad- vertising rate, considerably higher than advertising Ih theatrical col- umns. The campaign la based on the ac- cept.ince of "Able" as a national proposition. William de Lisnomare general manager for Anne Nichols, author and producer of "Able," Is proceeding on the grounds that ad- vertising in theatrical columns Is not effective, though the minimum space will be inserted In those columns. Last Sunday in the New Tork_ "Herald-Tribune" an "Able" dis- play ad appeared on page 3 of the first news section. The space was (Continued on page 8) English Star Trio Playing Cabaret? Jack Ruchanan, CJertrude Law- rence and Uoalrlco LlUie are ex- pected to appear In the reopening Hendezvnns cabaret, abuvj the Pic- cadilly on West 4rith street, at a Joint salary of $5,000 weekly, guar- anteed against all of the $3 rover charges. The Kender.vous Is a Sam .Salvln night cUib, closed for some time. A story states that the guarantee or the proceeds for the English play- ers will be equally divided Ave wayH, each of the artl.Mts r<'"eiving $1,000, with Arcli Selwyn and Andre Char- iot, Joint managers, also getting (Continued on page 8) FOOTBAll liniDEIIOSIitS .-^ ^ Nearest Approach to "Sunny*s'* Tremendous ^ Business, "Rose-Marie," $51,200 Last Xmas-New Year's Week — Saturday Night with $11 Top, Amsterdam Held $10,400 —Five Musicals Over $30,000 Each Last Week —Non-Musicals at $25,000 RECORD UNEXPECTED A new leslt box offlc« record was created on Broadway last week, when "Sunny" at tho New Amster- dam drew $52,660. The new record eclipse* that es- tablished by "Rose-Marie" during the week between Christmas and New year's last season, when the oper- etta went to $51,200 in 11 perform- ances. Last week "Sunny" played nine performances—matinee extra on Thanksgiving, but the Saturday night (football) scale of $11 top (Continued on page 20) A "CHAKLESTOir CHANCE If they can decMa among themselves aa to who origi- nated the Charleston, the pic- ture house bookers would be Interested In booking the ori- ginator In a demonstration of his or her own danoo creation. There are several colored, claimants to the honor, with no one agreeing on the origi- nator. "Khinelander Case" As 200-Foot Picture What has been labeled "The Rhlnelandcr Case" Is a short reeler, 200 feet. Just "shot" and titled by the Bejack Film Co. (Bedell & Jack- son), New York. Bedell and Jackson are colored men who claim to have some real shots of both Kip Rhlnelander and his Negro wife, Alice Jones Khlne- lander. The Bejack picture was mainly taken in and around the White Plains courthouse where the trial has been held. Mrs. Rhinelander objected to be- ing photographed. The shots of hec white husband are said to have been taken when he was unaware a film camera was In action. No releasing channel has been yet arranged. The K\?jack picture recalls a busi- ness stroke on the part of Oscar Micheanx, colored flim producer, (Continued on page 10) CORAL GABLES' DIRECTOR TALKS OF ARTISTS. SALARIES AND RATES F. P.'S MUSICAL CHANGES: XMAS ONBIAY Rivoli and Rialto Affected —Eddie Elkint In and Bemie Leaving The Rialto and RIvoli. sUrtins Christmas week. will undergo changes In policy. Eddie Elklna and his orchestra then debut at the Rivoll with a "Paul Ash policy." Ben Bernle, who has been anxious to pass up his Jazz policy. at the Rialto, will be afforded an op- portunity to bow out and con- centrate on his Hotel Roosevelt and conjunctive vaudeville engagementa. The four shows daily grind plus (Continued on page 49) PHILLVS HRST "SUNDAr SHOW Concert with Whiteman at Stanley—New Club TIRED AFTER 20 YEARS Howard Stalled Marriage Often, Then Disappeared. San Francisco, Dec. 1. Clarence E. Howard, until recent- ly operator of picture theatres In small towns adjacent to Frisco, palled around with Maude Tagt- mler of Oroville, Cal., for 20 years, according to the ch.arges she makes In a breach of promise suit. She iilleges they were engat'ed to inrtrry since flie early days of their asHocUtion, but that Howard suc- ceeded In postfKjnIng the dates of the ceremony, and then disap- t)eared. Miss Taglnilcr has recjuestod the •Superior Court to collect $50,000 from Howard to squ.are matters with her. The court dispat<'hed a crew of sleuths to hale Howard before the bar of Judgment but have so far failed to locate him. Coral Oables. Miami. Nov. 27. Rdltor Variety: Ju.-it want to tell you how very much we enjoy V'.arlety down h<Te, wIktc we aro more or less out of touch with the theatrical news, ex- cept as we read It. We have h.-id the pleasure of hav- ing several famous entertaln'rs who seem to be well thought of by Variety, and we are planning to l(Ook additional ones. A few who have appeared here in the last three or four months are Grant and Wing, (Continued on page 10) Mass Broadcast San Francisco, Dec. 1. Ht. Mary's, the Fathers rhiirch here, permitted holy mass to bo broadcast by remote control, through KFltC Sunday. Though other creeds have been using the ether waves, this is llie first Instance of the Cafholle Chunh broadcaating Its holy o«remony. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Philadelphia's first Kund.ay show was given Sunday night at the Stanley, as a private entertainment witliout admission charged, closed box olTlces, and with the Paul Whiteman On hfstra as the main attraction. It Is understood that similar concerts will be given each Sun- (ContlMued on I'age 12) ■RED'GRANGE'S MGR. GETS 557« OF EARNINGS Chicago, Dec. 1. Charles Pyle, manager for "Red" (^Jrange, holds a contract with the hoy giving him 55 per cent of all of ('.range's earnings on the field or through stories credltc/l to him. It is reported that Urang«'#- (Continiied on page 8) Ojdstumec ^ki>GOWNS->UNIFORMS C^ FOR EVERVDOOy WHO IS ANVBOCV ON THE STA6t OR SCR£EN..O«auSIVE. J)ESI««S Cy lEAWKi STVii CRMTORS BROOKS »l^^ ) IS.OOO COSTUMSS TO I '^