Variety (Aug 1926)

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216 V A R I E T Y AiPHABEnCAt HOlfilS Below are the name* ii\ ii^lp^beticat order as,they f ppex* greuped 'on the Bills Nexit Week pa^esjind rn Cabarft Routfs. This'affords double.aystem o^ locating. The entire program for the house appoi^ra under Bills Next Week or Cabarets, individual's nam* with theatre and city below. Those listed herewith are Tn picture, vaudeville or picture and vaudeville theatres and cabarets. Abbreviation are made for theatres and cities in following manner: Cap (Capitol), Pan (Pantages), Maj (Majestic), Orp (Orpheum), Pal (Palace), Frisco (San Francisco), StL (St. Louis), Minn (Minneap- olis), etc. ALL DATES HEREWITH ARE FOR THE CURRENT WEEK (AUG. 2) WHEN NO DATE APPEARS ON ROUTE. IF NEXT WEEK OR SPLIT WEEK, DATES WILL SO INDICATE, OTHER- WISE. im * flop«r. K«rrta. Pttu >rla. -Otenrtlm; Bmv. Hbep'da Bush; Kay >rmand«, 0«o. Pal. <|hl- - v. >rafl«ML W C. KeUh] Toledo )Uon. Cap, WindUr: 8-11. . Pmi, ] Wayne: 12-14. LaSalle Oardenai Dot Downor * Clarldiro. Royal. M Y O poylo A McDonald. LkRoy. Partamoath Drthy A Ka|^, 12-.1A. LIbcIa ij<ifc N T C Duncan. Mary. Oalety.! Utlca Duval A Symond*. Brap. North Adaittd Dvryer Mf Le«, Scollay ^q. Bo«totf ^ intaa Sk K. MaJ. BlrmlBsiiaai LiSserle Rot. Ootoay. N rc Bar! ft Ball. Allen. CTItove Ifiarle A Baatcatta,' 18-lS. Oatfa. Oklyn Baat A Dumke. Rialto, N Y C iCckert A Rolland. Sheridan 8q. Pilta Kddlngor. Wallace. Albee, Bklyn . Edsar. Marriott. Emp. Shepherd* Buah, "In". ^Vyjj /t?"'*A ?J ^"i" llondon. Bnff ' | Hodl»ua. Mefgle, Able O H. Kaaton Bdwarda. Cllir, Buff. UuRalo jlayoa. Rich, Hajmait- Liohntaa Hayward A Cantor. ^I-IO. Or'ley 8q. N T C tiaaaard A Spellman. Straad. Norwich Baaly. TAB. Pal. Clew} t. XwmJ» ^ easlnc. Vlotot. Pal. Chi ' Sentler Broa. Hip. Manchaitar. Baf enkel. Ted. Ponim, L ^/P » ; Heimh**^* Bobby, 9, Orp. Boatoa irerBMn-:BrdS; 8; 9^If. Oelanti^ Bt.>N TO I Riona Pk, O'd Rapids; 12-15 Keith. Tolede Hlffflne. Will. Riviera. Chi HirMdoA Orch. M.y Strattdnl; Chr • ^ SlU'a Clrcua. »-lL Maj.. MttU ,SUKk, III. HIrah A O. Stratford. Cbi Gllton lid. Alhambra^ LonAM^.' Bntf . Ilton A Chealelfh. 9-11, Anaar. NYC 12-13. Wlllard. Woodhaveh Aai-onnon'.fi Cnuadeni, I^oears 3laU, St L.l|T)utler ft Parkisr^ 'lM(. Bedford. BUya Abbott, nilly. Karle. Wash Abbey SIh. Proctor's, Newark Abel. Neal. Hill St. L. A Adair. Jrunetle. 8-11. Pal. Indianapolis Adamn. Uobby, Royal. NYC Adams ft Hach. 0-11. Pal. H^lytK Adier. Harry. Pblir" W^lkea-Barre Adrift. Mh Ave, NYC Ahem. W ft a, Orp, Minn Alaska 3. Cap. Chi ' • ' Alexander, Arthur, Keith.. Syracuse . Alexander A Gautler. Earle. Phil* . Alexander. Geo C. Orand. Salejn Alexahdrta. Olsen ft O. Hip. Younfstpwn Byron A ByroM. Hip. Bristol. Bnc Byron, Dot. St T^uls. Rt Louis By the S«a, Tllyou, Coney Island WMh Canaoikb. DAM Capj Hartford ;Capman Rev; 'Uert, C«p, J>avei>port „ , iCarclnettI A .Miller,. Iknp, Montreal All Aboard. ,8-11. Wlllard. . Wtfodbaven: 'Cardlll A <Wales. Uoew, Memphis 12-13, Orp; N, T C ^ . . - _ Cahlll A Wells. MaJ. Chi ■Calm A OaU. Orp.^ A C^ilvln A O'Connor*. 9. State. Cleve Cameron ,A Cameron, Cap. New Haven _ Campbell. Crml». Keith, Phlla; 8. Keith, f ivel7n A Dalay. ro'llMuroT'N Y C ' fivers. •Tank. Mai. Mil Edwards. Ons. MIssurl. St I>ouis Eldaworth A Carey. Olympla, L.ynn Eleanor A Ball. RIvoU. NYC Ellno. Weaton Bd. B'dway, NYC Elinor A LaSalle, Flgueora. L. A Bllnere Sla. Fay'a. Providence Elliott, Billy, Fay'a, Providence Bllyo. Qlenn. Rialto. NYC El Pardo Cb. Hlat St. N Y C I Ely.' Helen. Maj. BIhiIra, N Y Bqwneit, BugAse, Pa|. Watcrbury ■Bmplre City 4. Keith. Toledo; 0. Pal, Cin Engllih R6<;ket(a. Davis, Pitts ;Erley. Hktlock. 9: Mt^^a. Dallas •Brrol. Bert. Alhar.hrrv. T«,idon,^ Eng Errole. -Riilph: «f «r:e)l. I'Jilla ,. !Nrv«il A Dee, .Ramunai Pk. Orattd ttkplda Brsl A B)«i. Orpt. tfilpn ( Bamonde A aMLf»t,.,Cn, Far R<y:k»,w»y ■ttV>S> Putli, Uptowfl,iChl , Bvana. BlUr. PrlAcess, Hartford Evans A Carter. Pal. Ashtabula Bvana, Brneat, Olympla, I^ynn Alexander A Olsen. 9-^11. Qrp. ^ Alexander A Santos^ 91 Maj. Bah.Antonio Allen, Amelia, Qiv^rseyniL Cbt Allen ft Cinfleld, Palm. Milwaukee AlleA. Madde.' Pal. Springflold. Mass All Wrong. Orp. Httntlngton, V( Va All WronR, Harris. Pitts Alvio A Kenny, 9. Ypnge 9t, Toronto' • Amap. B'dway, N Y C (2) Amsj, Lionel, State Lake, Chi Ameta. Albee. Bklyn Anderson Girls, 12-15, Keith. Syracuse Anderson A Graves, I25th St, NYC Anderson A Pony, Cap, Trenton Anderson A Yvel. MaJ. Birmingham Andrews, T A K. Orp. Bklyn Angel ft Fuller. 9. State, Buffalo Anthony ft Marcelle. Orp, Bklyn Apollon. Dave, 9. Brighton. Coh^jr laland Apples, 9, Loew's, Mdntreal Ardath. Fred. Branford, Newark Arleys 2. Fay'a Pt-ovldence Carl A IiMs. Ppll,. j^ri^gepori Carlisle; B1s|l». ^mp. Wood Green. London. Eng Carney. B A J, Lyric, Birmingham !Carney, George, Coliseum, London, Bn^ ^Carney A Jean. 12-1 A, i MaJ. Little Rock Carpenter.. Jean. 9-11, Blvd. NYC; 12-15, Victoria. N t C Carr. Eddie. Keith. I^hlla Carroll A Riley, tm, Montreal Case, Anita. Prdc. Mt Vernon Casey A Warren. 9. Loei^r, Wash Cass. Mauriee. Rialto, NYC Castillo. Del. SUte. Boaton Caupollean, Chief. Moeque. Newark Hollingsworth A Crawford, St Louis Holiins. Sis. Orp. St Paul Hollywood Revels. Lyric, Birmingham Holmes. Harry. Orp. Sioux City Home St Singers. Coliseum. NYC Hope ft Byrne. SUte. Det Hori 8. 9. State. Newark Hopklna, T A M, Hip. Bristol, Bnc Howard. 2. BngeLwood. .Cbl Howard. J B. Pi^ot. Mt Vernon Howard A Norwood, 9-11. Delancey St. NYC Howard A Ward, Garden. Balto Hufford. NIek, Hip. Baltimore :iLm|hes, J>'rank. P«l. Lockport !Huc{t«V^. Fred, R'alde. NYC .Hvghe/i. |fhrl«. i2(Hh St. N Y O ■ - lldghea, ,Bta)». Proc. ^\htM^ . Uumbf; O * A. 9-11, Vic. N T C; ti-19, . BdttWvafd. NYC •Hunter. Frank. Lyrfc, Birmingham Hunter. Frank, 9-11. MaJ. LltlU-Jtock HurUdo. NorlU. B'd«(ay. NYC Hyman A Mann, Temple, De( I Ibach's Bnkartaiaers; Keith, AkrO0 Ideal, 9, MaJ.. Ft Worth a • iMpArlai t<-Lataiyette Bq, Buffalo V Farnell ft Florencem. Fcelcy's. Hazleton .. . ^ , Farrell. ZArmlne, Ser. 12-13. MaJ. Uttle Jrw n, Chaa. Orp. Dw^ Moines Irwln. Flo. Orp, Des Molnea Ivey ft Sills. Scolljf Sq, Boston Rook, Farron. Frailk. 9. R'alde. NYC Fashiunclteo, Bowdoln.'' Boslsin i hFay. Elltott A K, I9-Mh St. .0«ve: 9-U Hip. Yotmestown; 12-lB Keith.- Akron Fay. Frank, Pat Vlcttnria. I^ndon. Eng Kay. Herbert. Staite Lake,; C>»1 Fervuaoh A Mack, K4ith. Pittsfleld 00 Miles B'wav, Cap, I Shamokhi Fisher,"John. Diversey. Chi. I i.-i-' ia«i, a a*at.»r» First. Jullu.., 9-11. Orp. If Y C; 12-15. jJI^.^'^'^^ii^SU^^^^ bahn A Baldwin. L4 Halle Okracns. 'Det ^anet of France. Poll, Worcester • Janls. Bd. ' Ramona |*k, OSl Raptds; 9, Pal, Cleve LInqoln Sq. N Y C I Fitch Mlnsti^ls. 9. MaJ. New Orleans Arnaut Bros. Pros. Bklyn; 9. Davis, Pitts Chase Beys. Davis. Pitts CecllA Vin. Hip', Balto; 9. Proc. Newark P"*" * Murphy Bros. Brockton; 9 Keith Chadwick, Ma M, Col, Far Rockaway 'wS^^fL a, n..M«r o n nui^ rtt^' Chandon •< 9, Mat. Bklyn lS!*".**** « ^l^iT' Charlotte 9 State NYC | FUstera. 4. Oxford. PI'fleld Chapham'. Staic Boatoo. Boston ElSffhJ?' aTSa vSn^ vA^ Chase Boy Chorus. Cap, Montreal I Fletcher. Alkeh, Bmp. North Adams Arnold Sis A S. Proc, Schenectady . , . r- , Arthur A Jonea State. Det -J Cheap Trip. Emp, Wood Green. Lon. Bnv ' ° %J^!:^^'ir'^'*J'^\'^t,r,Jo^ t^n Fn, Arthur ft Peggy. Cap, Windsor. Can | Chester ft Devere. Plattsburgh. NY " J» hj, ^^sh. Paul. Oriental. Chi Chevalier Broa. Lyric, Birmingham; 9, "?n rtf.?^/'vVr^^^^^^^ ^ A«h. Ralph. 0-11. Orp. NYC; 12-15. Na- Riverside. NYC VS?**r. k' f?!' Chatler Tours. Cap. Montreal FllrUtlons. R'sldc, NYC Florence. 2. Cap. Wl Foley A LaTour, Royal, NYC tlorul.' NYC Afehley. Artbar. PlatUburg. N Y Athlone, 9-11, Keith, Akron Atl Cfly 4. MeVkkers. Chi Aussie A CSftc. Psn. San Diego. Chi'' Avery. V A C. Keith. Toledo Avon Com 4. Orp. Denver Avon. Hamilton. NYC Ayers Bros. Met, L A Ayera. Paula. Hist St. N Y C Ayer ft Wilson, I*nl, Brldftertort AJIrr ft Wilson. Hipp. Buffalo . Agrro ft Wilson. Shea's, iiurfalo Babb ft Phil, Prbc. Newark' Bailey ft Barnum, Gd Cen. Mt Louis (9> Baker, Belle,'p. Bclghton. Coney island BMker. Mlglloff. Lyons Pk, Morrlstown Baldwin ft Haley. 9-11. I^w'a.' Lon Baldwin, Winnie, Proc, Newark Bailey ft Barnum. Or Cent'l. St t>ouls Ballentlne, Lucille. Pal, NYC Banjoland, Gr Rivera, Det Barber ft Johnson, Keith. PirfU Barbler ft SImms. Proc,' Albany Bardo ft Cunningham. Col. Allehtdwm. Pa Barnes. Fred. Hip, Manchester. Eng Riverside. NYC Choos Rev. Geo. Hipp, Buffalo Clark, fiddly. 12.^th St, NYC Clark. £lsie, 9, State, Cleve Clark, Hoffhie. Riviera. Chi Clark, Johnny. 9, Rialto, Chi Folson, Bobbie, Pal. Victoria. Eng Fong. Tue. 5th Ave. N Y C Footsteps. Keith's. Akron Ford. Marvuetet. Oxford. Pl'fleid Fortu'lo A CIr'lIno, Pal, Chi Fokter A Pewgy.'Tiv. Chl Clark A O^Nell. Pal. Cln; 9-11, Keith. S^^VAwSTrh?' ^ ' Louisville; 12rl.n. Keith. Daytoo SS^fr T- * t « ii fi«.«. Clark. Ruth. Indiana.* Indiana, Pa t?*?"**,^^*/.^' Claaner. Edith. BrUrhtnn rVuiAv iMMil I M < k . . 1 ' Clasper. Edilh. Brighton, Coney Mmn4 Clay,ton. Ruth. ,9, Pa^aadea Park/ Franct» A LaPell. 9. ^tale, Buffalo Francih. Ross A DuR; 9, State. Buffalo ciiffn. H.fb.rt. Bd-,r. K T c isli* ysjiL^'ii.":?.": "^iSf;- Jason. Adele, Brockton. Masa Jason A Harrigkn. Harrla. PhiU Jasa Llpk A Brown, 9-11. Avf B, N T C; 12-19, Dclanctfy St. NYC Jeunettaa. State. New Bruriavirlck Joanne. Proe. Nea'ark Jcfferiea ft Sharkey, Barle, Wash Jertfme A Evelyn, Earle. Phila Jerome A Gray. Golden Gatet Frtsce Jerome A Ryan, 9, Met. Brooklyh Jewell. Morton. 9. Ma], Dallas John Bon Sync. Fox Wash. Det Johnny's Car. '9, Orp, Boston Johnson ft Baker, Davis. Pitts Jully A Wild. G'polnt. B'klyn Joy. Hal. Emp, Shepherds Bush, Eng Joyner ft Foster. Keith. Wlldw'd; 9. Proc. Newark Joyson, Jean. Fordham. NYC Juanlta Cansino Jlev, Rialto, Omaha niri.,.. «<» IK I Juentros Troupe. 8-11, Pal. Indianapolis Ukiyn. |j„.t » p^i, 9, Loew. Memphis Just Wait. S. Keith. Ottawk Juvenile Frolics, Keith. I^'ville Coatee, Marsle, 8. l^rle. Wash Cody, J, Orp, 'De* MblAea Cole, J4dson, X^tiht AtlanHc Cttr Coleman. Hkrry. 9, Met. Bklyn Cole A Snyder, Franklin, NYC Coley. Fmt. MaJ. Ft Worth College WIdowa. Bradford, Ph Colllna A Madeline. Temple, Det Collins A PeteraoA. 9-11. Greeley Sq. (■oUlns Co. Billy. Garden. Balto Collins, Milt, Harris. Pitts NYC; H-15, Orp, NYC Combe. Boyce. State. L A Combe A Nevina. Cap, Shamokin; Earle. Wash Coogan A Casey. 9, Albee. Bklyn t Cook A Oatman. Grand Riviera. D«t Franklin A.Roycf. Brighton. Coney Island Franklin, Irhnot Allen. Cleve Frawley A Smith, Riveraide, N Y, C Frase«, R07. Stati. IloAtnn * Froscinl. Lafayette Sd. Buffalo Frqlk! Tpym. HamtUpn. js^ x C Fulton .ft P.arker,4 Keith'#,' Wabh Furm«n, Phil,. Pai,. Indianapolis-' ~ Gaffiiey, Dohald, Sheridan .sq, PUts Kahne. Harry. Fordham. NYC Kamatsu 3. 9. , Palisades Park \ Kansas Flower Giri, 12-15. Orpr. Tuli Karaveff, Pal. H Y f ; », Globe, Atl City Karter's Komedlans, G'a l^lviera. Det tCavanaugh. Stan. Keith. Ocean City Kay A Rose. Fay's, Phila Kar A Roe*. 9-U. Delancey St.'N T 12-15, Boulevard, N Y C - Keantf, Richard, Olympia. Lynn Kearns. Jimmy, Stratford, Chl Keena Sis. Keith. Ottawa C; 8. Oaffrey A Waltdn, 11^11 Ramona Pk. O'* Kelitv Julia i kot J^^^ Rapids; 12-15 Krtfhi ToledQ. . Sf fir' * i .lilirf '3t..h ga»ler, .Btahiey. Pal. brldgepor* St " f-ir'^^S^' S^^S^.JTk*** Barnett ft Thomia. 9-11. Amer. NY C; --^^^^i,,;*™"" 12-15, Bedford, ^klyn Barrj ft LaMarr, Proc. Schenectady Barry, Holland. Globe, Atlantic -City BartI Sis, NIxoQ. Phila Dasll ft Flynn. Cap, Wllllmantlc ■ Bayes ft Speck, Pal, Ft Wayne, Ind Heasley 2, 9, State. Norfolk Beaucalres Six, Keith, Syracuse Beck. Hal, Co. Fox Wash. Det Beeman ft Grace^ 9-11. Delancey NYC: 12-15. Gates. Bklyn Belassls .1, 9. Loew, Wash Bell 'ft Coates, Met, L A Bell ft Naplea, Col. Newport Benavio. Ham. Madison. Det Bence ft BewLey. Pal. Waterbury Bender ft Knapp. Hlalto, Clens Falls Cooper ft RodellB. 9. BiJou. BIrmlnshaB Coreno, Adelle. Albee. Bklyn OardMI, Bodtrlce, Oriental.. Chi Garden oC 'Rodea,'Lafiayette Sq, Buffalo Garford's Gaieties. BrioadW^y, N Y C Gary A Bald I. 9-11, BouleV4rd, NYC Gary, Bd, Gene, Cap; Jackson Cornell. Leona. A Z. 9-11. Ramona Pk, I Gellis Sis. 9-11. Orp. Oklahoma City -15. K O H. Baston Kelih. Toledo Genaro Girla. Franklin, NYC George. Bo^. |Celth. Syracuse Georgem JaciL "Tth St. Minn St. Grand Rapids; H Corner Store. Ahle Corlnne A Hlmber.'9, MaJ. Houston Cotter. Hasol. 9-11. Wlllard. W«odhaven; I GIbspn. J A 'Boston, Baston 12-13, Delancey St. N t C 1 Gilbert A Avey. Orp. St Pam. Coulter A Rose, 9. BIJou, Birmingham I GI\lMrt. A French, Vl'c Pa^, -Lopdon. Ens Country Club GlrU. Hip, Baltl^pre Gllfoyle A I.aag. .B'dway, NYC Courting Day*.-Cap. Windsor; ^IL Pal. I Gilbert. Billy. Lafayette S<;. Buffato Indianapolis GInUr Oirls. U^IA, Pal. Ft Wayne Covey, Arthur, Orp. Denver I Gladiators, The, Vic t*al. London, Eng Coward, Mary, 9. Pal. Cln | Glanvllle. Rath, Cap. Winnipeg C II 4, 0-11. Gates. Uklyn Gleason. Billy. R'slde, NYC Crftlg, Mel, Wash St, Boston I Gold A Bdwaifds. PoM. Wllkes-Barre 'itonedetM u^V'''i'^n^'i^h^nhl*dm''H^H Knir I ^^f*"" ''ay *- Pfovldepco Golden Ser. Emp, Halckney. London. Kng B^?^^?d ft TniJr^Pal CMn 9.U K^^^ Crawford ft Norwood. Albee. Bklyn Golden Vliitona. "orp. Frisco Toitl^n- loi^ T>w rri^nrt M«niJ; * ^^l*' Brocklon. Mass Ooldln. Horace. Colisk'um. I^ndon, Eng Toledo. 12-13, Ramona _Pk. Grand K«P«d« I Cronon ft Hact^ Keith. Louisville; 9. Davia, Goldman. Dolo^ee. Alhambra; Milwauk^ Pitts Golem. Al. 12-15v Boijlovard. .NYC Crosby, Hasel. 9. Yonge St, Toronto I Golfers S. Keith, Dayton; 9-11 Hip, ,Youn«s Crusoe Isle. Empire. North Adams ' town Cuby ft Smith, Pal. N Y C; 0. Albee. Bklyn K^opd. Kplgbt*. S^ .Ool^ LancJtater Good ft Jii^lghtoit, Iqip. Mpn^real Gordon A Rl<^ Tllyou, Coney Island h^^n> A JTiM o Moi ir» Wi^riK ; I Currt*r ft McWitllams, Orp, St Paul ' Kr^Ma^g^'^'^isaf^*^•G^rd^^^^^^^ I vTcSrli"'!?'Y*C*' Bergere, Dorothy, 9-11. Greeley Sq, N Y C; 12-15, Amer, NYC Bernard. Nita. Imp. Montreal Bentley. Shatrqn, Alhambra, London, Bn^ _ _ sinUnSiurt'' A Olrlle' 1«-15 ' Mai LUtIa I ^ummTn^ivrrUHirp.'ilincheJi'terV"Bng fj^ntanoourt * uiriie. 12-15. MaJ. LUII01 Cunningham A Bennett. Pal. Rockfprd Curri«r ft McWitllams, Grp. St Paul lilckford Family. Pal. New Haven Big Jnmboree. Pal. Waterbury Birch ft Kdge, Keith's. Toledo ' Kidney, Morab. Hip. Manchester. Enir Blaney, Viola James, (Tolumbus Blanks 11, U, Tx>ew's, Montreal Blossom, 2, Keith. Dayton; 9, Pal, Cln Hlue. lien.^OrlehUI, Chl IMum 3, Keith. Pittsfleld Blylhe. Belt. Pal. CUve Itoardmnn ft Rowlalld. At T>oew. Montreal. Bob. liob ft Bobbie,' Poli. Bridgeport Bock, K ft M .U'dwav, NYC Bodetirlck. G^ne;' G^ Cent'l. St I^uls Bond A Leon, Pal. Clove Bonhalrs U. 9 I^fayette Sq. Buffalo Bowers, Walters ft V., Col, I'urUiiiioulh Buyd ft Klnic, 7th Ht, Minn Boyd ft Wallen. Nli«t St. N Y C Itoyd ft Dolla. Orp, St Paul Bracks .'». Orp. St Paul Bromlnns, », Cre."irenl. New OrlcAna Broalt ft Bagley. Br'kton, Brockton Brexln, Krt-d, Kmp, Huckney. London. Eng Brice, Fanny. Orp, L A BriKht ft Carlyon. Enip. Ardwick, Eng Itristot ft Boll. Pal, Cln BruaMun ft Kvang, Hill .*>t, L A Brooks ft Perry, Cap. Trenton Broarnm ft (li>rdon. Orp, NYC; 12- 15. C5r(s«ley S«|. NYC Brown & Pro, Doris. Cup, Chl Brown ft Deniont, Hialtn, ai«ns Fallh Brown Dorhy Orrh. 9. Met Bklyn v , Brown ft I^Velle. C.rand Riviera. Det Brown, Margie, Stste, LA Brunettes CyollnfT. State Lake, Chl; 12-14, Pal. IndlanapolU ' Bry«en.A«Joncs, Pal. tChl ' • ' v- " BilohctdBS A {itmt^, 4ln>lo. Olens Fhlhi' > Budd^ Ruth.. Olympiaf N Bedford. I««lbn«, ^ #MI«B, KgtpMa n. 1 ' ^ " ' ' BuralM. 44ilUM. Hip.l Manoh^stOT. Sag Burke ft Dnkln, Barip, Phila, , BurtlDfr -A j^^hihK ]AI«>ln«,^i^s ' / ' ' Bums A' KAAe. '«41.jAmer. IT'T. i^-'l^ Dalancer Str #f HP q ■ ^ ; . fitim* A>»MMi*he«fr.«fc|. Alletitowii''' ' > • ^ Bums A (Waat.^iBilMfiew. NIagittvr''9alib.« 9-n. i3Hh St.^N T C "t rf.. .ii » (1 Burt^ A "flbtMkh, Idnth St. Clave; 9-11. Hlp^ .Ynuiigatdwn; 12-15. Keith. Akron .Bush A Joy. State. Wash. Pa <04dusbnell, Adeiyn. Keith. Portland. Ma D'Amore. Franklyn, Tir. Chl Dale ft Delane, Vtti. Bridgeport • " Daley, Pat. K^lthi Portland, Me . Dttlton. 2, CIrty. NYC Daly A Nace. Poll. Bridgeport Dance Tours.- M4J. Milwaukee 1 Danger. Jack,- Gaiety. Vtica Daniels ft WaHera. H .Grand. RivJera, Det Dare, Annette. Col. Newport ^ Dare, Danny, Col. Davenport; 12-14, 1*|J, Ft Wayne Dare. Stanley ft II, 12-i9. Greeley Sq. N. Y C . Darling Boys. 12-15. Wlllard, Woodhaven Darren. Emily. 9-11. Cates. Bklyn; 12-15. Wlllard. Woodhaven Daveys Two. 7th St. Minn Davis Kddle. James, Columbus Davis A McCoy. MaJ. Chl. Davis ft PeUe. Orp. Frisco Day ft Maxine. I*roi«, llklyn Deagan. Arthur, Uegent, Paters6n; 9. Proc. Newark DeCar. Claude, 0-11. Lincoln Sq. N Y C DeCrohs, Aerial, Orp, Bklyn l>eKoe Bros, 8-11, Cap. Windsor ' • • ' Deiler. Joe. Pal. Waterbury Dellero, Mile. Mosque, Newark < - Delvey, Irene. Regpnt, M Y C ,1 Demaroff (^rla. 12-1.^ Loew's. I,ondon Dennis, Eddie. 9. MaJ, V% Werth. "' ! I^no, Rockell A* D. Coliseum, N .1 O Deonza, ThHmkh.' Grand, Salem DePaoe.'Bernard; Met. Wash"' Derlokton A Brawil. Pal, Mil ' l>eWllfr<ul. Bewmdif; Keith s. Ottawa ' * DeWolfe A KImbly. State, New Brunswick DllloQ A MfrKUwrlte. Garden. BaJAa. Dixon: 'rilir Wy's, Provldert<*e' Dobaoo>>FUMik, Orp, OaklanA' Dobson A HoNa»l^ Cap. Trenton Dolln ft B<^tflea.^>|jT\ ManrlAM^. "^Bht Dolly ft Bmie.'Orp. Qaktondti.i a i ii>» . Donnelly. Marie. Alhambra. Mil Dooley. John. Brighton. Coney Island; 9. Proc, Newark Gould, Vertlta, Qro, Minn Gour. Emll«. Pal. M^ntr^al Grace A Tiifner. Itpgjpnt, N Y C • Gracella ft Theodore. . Pal. Bridgeport Graneso, Ramona PM. Grand Rapid* Grant A White. 9-11. Lincoln Sq, N Y C Grant. Ivy. Bmp. Ardwick. Kwkg Gray. Ann, I*rao. Albany Gray, -idlatne; Fay's. Providence Green. Gene, Kalth; Akron;.9. lOGth St, Cleve . , - Gross, C A B.> KaitW Atl City . Grey. Fddle, Emp. Cardiff. Ji^nc Grey, Nixon, Emp, Ardwick. ^ng Gui^n. Harry, Alhambra, London, Bnff Gutersqn Rev. itlaltol Wai^h Gypsy C^mp, Pdii, Scranton Haig. Billy. .Scolly Sq, ^ton Haines. Nat C, 12-'fd, PaJ, Indianapolis Hall, Al K. Brighton, Coney Islahd Hall A Dexter, HUte. Jersey City Hall. 81s, 9, "State,, Buffalo Haney. Sis A Fine. Chp, New London Hanlon. Bert, Pal. MlF Hdnton Bms.^ Harris, Pitts Haqneford. Geo. Psl. Cin Hardee. Marcclla. State. D?t Hardie, Mareella. State, Det Harlequins, The. Orp.', Denver Harmonla, 9. Ma].- iJallas " Harmony'Ktnkiv. 'Bmp. Ardwick, Env HarrtngCoirAf Green, Orp. LA Harrla A -IMIey.' Pkl. Cleve; 9, Pavls. iVItkr I " Harrla, Marlon. Pal. :N Y C Harr^dbn. DaJctnt Pal Clove Harris A Claire. 9-11. Ivelth's. Tolod^' Harris 'A Clkrk, Tov ers, Chl; tt-l9. monatl^arh.'Uaand Rapids Harwich^ 'r!%diTc, v,>„fr.^uii>. Hurt A TMRdy. Rftbl^rd. Pa. Ri*rv4y.-lIllAi.'Cgfi. Hartford ' H aiWow t hi 0>, l«iifi«», {Wash HaM^oa,^. T:U. Whl Haiknted. Orp, L A 1 Havel. A M M.<<V>1, Par RbckAwa> Ha«t»ffy.> 'Ni^d, A'*(l»4ifan,' Clii • " HhWkHliil' ne#> >M»i,V>III •'»- >. A . Hawthorne ft Cctok, Tilyrni, Coni'y IsLind Hnwatakn. .Sessue. Tt'nlde, NYC Haydon, Harry. ^, M.ij, ^<an Antonio Meum. Londbiv. Bag' Kelly. Lew, Proc, Newburgh Kelso A: Demoode, State L»k«i, Cbl Kcmble, Larry. Kmp. Hackney. En^ Kenna Broa, Osl'eum, Loo. Bhc Kennedy A Auson. Emp. Cardiff. Eng ICenncdy. Jas. 9-11, Nat. N Y. C; I2-l8^ Viotorla. NYC Kennedy ft Martin, MaJ. Birm'ham Kent ft Alien. Col, Allentown KerekJarto. Orp, Frisco Kerr ft Weston, Oi^>, Frisco Key ft Key worth. Hipp. Man'star, Eng •Kharum, Keith. Boston Kimball ft Gorman. Hip. Baltimore; S, Earle. Wash King ft Beaty. Keith. Elisabeth King, Hetty. Emp. Cardiff. Eng * Kirkland, Paul, Coliseum, N Y C; 8, Globe. Atl City Klark & Jacobs, Cap, Des Molnea Klein Bros. Col. Far Rockaway Klemova. Mile, Strand. NYC Kllcks. Les, Riviera. Chi Klulings Entertainers, Harris, Pitta Klyamiira Japs. 9. State. NYC Knealand, Jack. Col, Newport Kodak, Sis, Empire, iNorth Adnina Kodln A Osllette, Mh Ave. ^J Y .g Koenlv, Mary. A^'^ra, Mil . , Kolyer 4. ^tatc, Det Kompes. A Baynard. Proc. t^ew^rk Korny^, The,. Orp. Minn Kramer A Breen. Keith, Elisabeth Kramer ft Boyle, Brikhton. Coney Island Kramer, ft Midget, MaJ, Blir.ira Kress, 'K ft B, 9-11. Amer, N^ Y C LaFleur ft Portia, Keith, Wash * I^aFoy A Starzman, I'roBpect.' i3'klya lAkMint'3. Keith's., lk»ston T.4incaster A l,eanlng, 9, State. Newark Lane, Tom,. Cap. Shamokin Lane ft Travers. 9-11. Nat. N t C; 12-15, Boulevard. NYC • I,apg, i^mls. Orp, Des Moines Laiigfora A Myra. Hfp. Youhgstown LnndiCk.' Olyn. Fay's, Phila Landry, Art, Grand. Pitts Lapan A Bestedo. Col. Davenport LaPaiva A LaOarry. .'iKth St. N Y C LaRein, Fred, 9. Crescent, New Orleans La;-ner Girls. 9, Temple. Det Larry's Bnt, 9, Melba, Dallas Latell. AlfPed. Tiv, Chl Ii,aTour. Geo. Harris. Pitts Lsuria. Vic, Cap. Hariford !^Vail A Sis, Keith. Phila LaVIno A Dale, Proc. Yonkers La#l6r, Alice. 9-11. Amer, NYC r.!<yman'& Kling. Stanley. PhiU Layton A Johilston. Emp, Cardiff, Enf Lnaar ft Dale. tt. State, NYC loissarl, Carolina, Stanley, Phila Leary. Ted. Stratford. Chi I,eClaire. John, MaL Klmira Le<legari Chna,. 12-15, Greeley Sq. N Y C I.edova. -Ooldtm Gate. KrU+co I,elane A St. Clair, IJ-I.',. Vic, NYC I^, L0*W.' 9. State. Norfolk. ,I,eonhardK, Josephine. Keith. Pittsflleld Ii«Rqy^, 9-11. I/Jiew, 'TorontA Lester.. NoeJ. l^<flth, PorU«Qd« Me ■I,esler. Col. Dkavenpyitt Lffvan. Pntnam. Fordham. J^^Y O LeWU ft Ma^kihe, S!»?h Si. V t C Lewis. ^IA;^12 15; yio. N Y e•• Lewis. *rtn*. Par. f*hli , . Lihhy A.anarrqw,. B'iide. N V C' Lie^ert; l^ni', Ti-fl. • P.1I.*'Bdlyii: ' Amef. N T C Light, Men. Sheridnn .^^q. Pitts Liml, ll'imer. lielleview, NUgira Falls Ltttla Jlna. ». Loav. Maatraal Uttla. John. OoMep Oate, Friaoa Li^ A.fMce. rii at; mibb Lbsrtrik -Ruaavit, f-Il. Orp, NYC; 11-15, * .MYC- . 1M 8«aU I^aka, Chl London. Parts ANY. Keith, Wash Lbad-Mik-, vor^>.MiAtliigtMh-' - • L^«4^ 1^ leilr UlTdr If T C5; IVW. iiPiStta'A'BMttt*. Bith SI. N Y C ^ Liomaa. Paula. Gaiety. Utlca IjffW A' Snanca> .Rev. Mystt«^ MaMM ^^y*?' "y^y*^ "MwWe. KY.C;.^ Al^. B.kljrn LtMM'A IMS. t»-19.'C>n». TMla« Lumara The, 9-11, Pal. Bkl/n; |2-13. Ar* Lydell A Smith. State. New Bmnswick Lynch A May. Pel. Lockport Lynn, Carr. Dlveraey. Chl Lyona. Jimmy, Orp, fTIsco. Lyons A Wakefield. Pal. N Haven Lyt«ll A Fant. Keith. Ocean City M Mack A Evans. Ramona Pk. G'd Raplda Mack^ MaauB. Poll. Wllkes-Barre Macks. 2. Central Sq. Cambridge Mahon A Scott, Keith. Totedo: 9-11. Keith,. Akron; 1^-10, ^Hlp. TrnM^l^wh Magley, «• P; 9-11. Bedford, Bklyn} 12-13. Unooln 8q. N Y C Mahoney. Will. 9. Olbba. Atl City Maley. Tom. McVlckhra,. Chi >Mallnda A Dadem. Keith. Phila Mall. Paul. MyaUo. MalAea (Mann. Ailyn. 9-11. Blvd. N YC; 12-1S» ) Gates. Bhlyn-> iMann. Fielder, Olebe. :Atl City iMardo A Wynn. 9. Loew. Atlanta Mafdvll. Proe, Mt Vernon Margu^rUe.A Gill, Or», Oak lUrle, 6 A.J, pjoba. Atl City Marion A Fprd. Nixon. Phil lMarks..Jde. Keith. Wlldwood* Marr A Bvan*. Pal'. Hockford Mari-ied Life. 9. OHom. Birmlacham Marrone. LaCTnate. Keith. PIMIa ;Maraellles, ManHne. Oriental. Chl Marshall, Lee, 9-11, Delancey St. N Y Ct i 12-^5, Amer, NYC Mamon A Manloy, ^on Pk, Morriatowa Martin. Giovanni, Stanley. Plilla Martinet A Grown, Resent, Pateraoa Marvey A Fajfu 'Fay's. Phila Maaked Athlc|«. R'alde, NYC Maaon A Kefler. pal. .Springfield. Mags Maaon ^ Shaw, 9^1 U Blvd. NYC Mason, tirlev. 9. MaJ, Houston Masterpleo^s, 9. JITonffe St. .Toronta^ Maater Slngei's. 9, Keiith. Boston Matinftt Jd(4« Poll. Wllkes-Barro Maugh. Dora. Temple. Det; 9. Cleto Max A Gray. 12-15, Wlllftrd; Brooklya Say A.December, 9. Met. Bklyn kyhfe«r. Stelli. itefth, Phila iMayo A Bobby, Regent, NYC McAffe, 12-15, Loew, London McChMid A Norman. Keith.' Bllaaheth McCoy A Walton, Avon, Poughkeepslo McDermott A Coxe. Fox. Phila McDevltt. Kelly A J. 12-15, PaJ. Bklya McDonald 8. 9. Pallaades Park MacGllllvray. Al. State. L A McGrcas, The. 9-11. Grp. Okia City McKay. Nell. Al'bra. Lon. En* MacKellar. Helen. Pal. Mil ^ ;McLaoghlln A Bvana. Davis. PltU McRacf A Mott. Keith. Boston McRldge, Mulroy. 9. Globe. Atl CHy McWinter* A Fo«. Strand. Norwich Medlnl a. 11*15. Amer, NYC Mcehan. Shannon* Col'. Lancaater MeehMi's Dogs. Proc, Schenectady; % R'slde, N YC ; Mel Kiee. Cap. N London ;MeMo A Nello. Rmp. Finsb> I^k. Lon, Bn« I Meredith A Snooser. Orp,'Huntinston iMichon Brofe, 125th S^ N Y C Mlanon,^9.. Keith. Boaton Miller Girls, 9. Loew^ Atlantic Miller, Jean, Pal,' SprlnsAeld* Maas Miller A Mack. Keltht Waah Mlllor A Wllaen. Prqc. Schenectady Mllo„ 9,. Tonga St, Toronto Minatrels Memories. Rivoll. NYC Miicb«1U Davo. 12Sth St. N Y C Modern Marionettes.^ Keith. Wash Modern Revue.^^ 9. Stkte, N Y C Molsse, .Leverin, Cap.; Montreal Monroe A Grant. 12-15. Pal, Bklyn Moot«. Geo. 8-11. LaSalle Oardena. Det Moore. Jean. State. New Brunswick Moratl. C A G, 9, Bijou. Birminshaa Morgan. * Gene. Boulevard, L A Morgan. Phys. 9, Temple. Det Morgan A Gray, Gglety. Utlcn Morgan. Ruas, State. Det Moore A Mitchell. 9. Loew. A«lant& Mo^. Geo, Cap, Windsor MoV^, Leader. Roger Shemoan. N HavOa Moretti, Helen. 9-11. Bedford, Bklyn; 12-19. Pal. Bklyn Morris. Lily. Rmp, Flnsl'y Pk. En* Morrissey A Murray, I*sl. Spr'fleld. MaM Morse A Orifllth. Rlv. Balto Morton. Fred. Bowdoln. Boaton Morton. Geo. Pal, Lockport; 9-11. Keith* Syracuse Morion, Lillian. Brighton, Coney Island Moss A Frye. Keith. Boston Mountain. Earl, Fay's. Protidenco Mulcahy. Gua, Regent. N T C Mulroy, McKnee R. Brighton. Coney Island Municipal 4, Pal. Bridgeport Muriel, Fisher. 9. Loew. Memphis Murray A Dougherty, Lyons Pk, Morrlst'a Murray ft T.avorn, Main St, Kansas City Murray ft ^laddock. 9, Rialto, Chl Murray Girls, 9, Stste. NYC MurUgh, Rivoll. NYC Musical RowclLas. MaJ. Duller Mutual Man; Riviera. Chi Myers ft Sterling, Keith. Ottawa N Napp, Shillette ft D. Royal. N Y C Natalie A D-tmell, Fay's. I'hil^ Nathan A Maybelle. 8-11, Cap, Windsor Natova. Hamilton. NYC Kaughton A Gold. Emp, Flnsl'y Pk. Bnc Naurot. H ft Boys. 9. State^ Clevq Nayons. Bfrds. Loew.-Oc^an City Nasarro, Cliff. Garden. BAlto Neilson ft Warden. 9. Yonge St. Toront* Nelson's Catland. Grp. SloUiX City Nesl. Caesai^ Rialto. N Y <^ Nester ft Vincent. Poll. Scranton Nestor's Darlings. Keith. Dayton Nevada. Lloyd. Keith. Plattaburgh ■ Nervo ft Knox. Keith. PhM; 8. Keith. Waah Nicholas. Howard. Prbc. Schenectady Nicola Co. Orp. Oakland Night In Buenos Aires. 9-11. Vic. NYC; 12-15, Greeley Sq. N Y C Noni ft Horace. Kmp, Hackney, Eng Norman ft I.jince. American, Chl NSrris ft Shaw, Proc. Mt Vernon Norrls. Ssrahoff. 9. State. Cleve Norihiane ft Ward. Nixon, Phila Norion ft Brown. 9. Loew, Wash Norton. Jack, 9. MaJ, Dallas Norvo.: Reo. American. Ohi Norworth. Jack. Pal, New Haven Norworth, Ned. 12-kO. Keith. Syracuse Oakles A LaTour. Keith, Boston Odiva A Seals, liX>th St. Cleve oicott. Chaa. Orp» b A Oliver A Olaon. ..Pal. Bridceport • O'Brien. Sis. Keith. Ocean City O'Connor. Billy.* Bmp. Shepherds Bosh, Kng O'Connor A McJICee, Col. Laaoasten .• .. O'Dolly .l.'Emp. Flnsb'y Pk. Lon, Hnc O*aormaii'»Utoa, Bmp, Floah'y Pk, Lon» O'Hara. Fiske. Slate. Bos , 0*Nrtl A Plttn\*n,' Able 0,,H, O'Rovfce A; l^lly, 9-il. fiX, Ave B. N Y.C Bi^aton^ Bkiyit: fM5. Oelman. R 'A''E.''Alhambra. Mil One Summer Day. Imp. Montreal (Continued on jfnge 28)