Variety (Dec 1928)

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VARIETY PICTURE >Vednesday, December 5, 1928 Toor at $46,000 Beaten in Loop Lead 1st Time inSWksby'Wk. Ends,' , : Chicago, Dec..4. •■ Plenty people in the Loop Thanks- giving.' Without the holiday wpuia iiave been Q^'tra good. For ho particular reason' business starteu strong at' first 'of the Week aiul con,' tinned , better. ; The .sijycn. heavy profit day.- .brought rearrangement of houHCS to their cu.stoniary rating, with all con- siderably . beyond their normal •■Singing Fool, ,. in it.s eighth week at Mc Vicker s,- at Kisc relimiui.shiHl first, postipn to the 4,- ■■40b-ioat OhiV-jigo,". wliidh drew-$5.0,-: -.000 with "Three :Week.KiKls.. Oi-iental jumped to ita regular second position with ?46,aP0.,lQr ••Dretim of Love" and a; health> stage show. Closely trailing, thir.1 was '-Fool,'.' comparatively knockin:-; them all cold when .realized the ?4b - 000 is for the eighth. a- 2,200 • seat-house. ..; ■ ' ... f^ n.-.n • "White Shadow.s" went .up ?Z>o>ju in .second week; taking $24,000 'VVIe Gangster," gave, the Monroe the best week it has had this! season With $7,6d'0;. would have, been bo.oked for two \voek.s bad the boys knov^n. •Fourth week . of "Home' .Towner., above previous week,, with but hadah'eady released to Marbro and Granada, and had to close.^ . "Romance of the Underworld and vaude were good a:t $22,0OQ for th:: • State-Lake. "Submarine" finished two weeks at United Arti-^ts. to un usual money, . ' . • ^. Estimates for Last Week , Fannie Brice Didn't Hold jJp Biz at Met Bo.ston,; D<'C. 4. (bravving Population, 85Q,00O) ..Weather! Fair Holiday and week end put the picture iViisiness here oyer with a smash last week. The holiday gave the houses a Chance to tilt the prices lip a bit and .the .customers did not kick at all. ■ For the mbst part the, bills were sati.sfactory for big business. Some complaint was held by the customers about Fannie Brice's ap^ pcararice at tho Metropolitan.. . It was pointed out that she wa's not exactly the type of star for a house which has a seating capiacity of. 4,- 000 with the back of the house about 'a quarter of a mile from the stage. There was rouch kicking about her voice liot carrying beyond the front rows. As. a result not the wow she mi^ht have been. Went over to the tune of $22,000, for the first three days but business then slid off; and the best for the. week was $43,400. At the Keith Memorial the second best week sinc6 the opening With $35,000. Gross $6,000 better than the week before. . \ While the Keith Memorial is do- ing this big business the Keith-. Albce theatre, lower, priced and playing" more of the pop style of "Mask" With Gilbert $23,000 . at Loew's State Providence, Dec. 4. (Drawing Population, 315,000) Weather: Fair The drawing power of the sheik- Ian Gilbert made itself felt last week at Loew's State, which clicked with better than $23,000. Estimates for Last Week Loew's State (3,800; 20-50) "Mask of Devil." (M-GrM). Capacity at $23,400. Majestic (Fay) (2,400; 15-i)0) "Fazil" (Fox) ; $12,200. Very good. : Strand (Ind) (2,'200; 15-50) "Night W^1tch•^ (FN). O.: K.;, over $10,000. Victory (Kelth'.s) (1.600; 15-50) "Hit of Show" (FBO). Well likocl; $8,000. White Sulphur Springs suggests Health, Recreation, a Happy Week- end or Viacation. THE GREENBRIER moans magic to those Who are ac- oustoihcd to Continental elegance, the sumptuousness of. the Orient, the sports ot St. Moritz and St. Andrews. ■ ^ A MEYER DAVIS ORCHESTRA is playing Its fifth consecutive year, at THE GREENBRIER. "Fool" Couldn't H. O. In Topeka; Pulled : tsximaics Tor i>aoj^ - playing more or tne pop styie oi Chicago (Publix).-7 Three^ W eok vau^iflim.^ .^i^o pulling them in for Ends" (Par),with "High Hat,_ Pu,^- j26,000. This house, hasn't suf- lix unit,., and sound (4.400;. oO-fgred any way near as much as Clara Bow comedy topped Loop at $50,000. ■ McVicker'8 (Publix) — "Singing Fool'^ (W, B.) (sound) (2,200; 50 75). Record gross-grabber took $46i000 in eighth week). ; ^ . Monroe (Fox) —"Me, Gangster^ (Fox) (sound) (975; 50-75). One of two. Fox mclos down- town, and giving Monroe best money so far this seasba with., $7,6pi); fered any way near as, niuch as I anticipated through the opening of I the newer and bigger house. Seems to be plenty of business for both, if the bookers will only send on the ^tuff for them to show. State, Loew's big uptown house, Up With the leaders at $27,000 with "King of Kings" (Pathe) reissued with sound effects.. Estimates for Last Week Met (4,000; 50-60^75) "Manhattan moved for further Loop showing at (p.^r) picture, feature -^__^v- Fannio Brice on stage* depended the Castle Oriental (Publix)—"Dream, of k,pon for big. business; $43,400, not Love'' (M-G-M) and ,''Hold Fvery- 3^^^^^^^ thing." Publix unit (3,200; 50-7o). Xeith-Memorial (vaudfilm; 3,000; Trend of better picture.s here help- 50.Second highest gross tor ing gi'oss considerably; jumped to h^ouse; $35,000. Gain of $6,000 over $46,500 last week. _ w'eek before. . "Outcast" as picture. Orpheum (Warnpr)—"Home, Town - Keith-Albee (vaudfilm; 3,000; 35 ers" (W. B.): (sound) (760; 50) gO). About. $26,000. "Annapoli.s" Fourth. and last week better than (Pathe), picture, third, with $9,800, rounding 0u|: very .state (4,000; 50-05). About $10. good showing. . 400 for week with ''Kings of Kings" Roosevelt (Publix)—"White .Shad- (p.^the) reissued with, sound, ows" (Cosmo-M.-<3) (.sound) (IJOOv , olympia and Fenway—Seem to 50-75). Started Importantly at $22,-. have another big hit here with "The OOQi and bettered it second we-?Terror" (Warners) with $24,000... State- Lake (Keith)—"Romance of Underworld" (Fox) and vaude (2,- 200; 50-75)1 . Other of two Fox un- derworld, films playing siniyltane- ously in Loop, and held up prettily here with. $22,000, • . United Artists (U. A-)—"Subma rine" (Cbl) (sound) (1,702; 50-75) Second week. $23,000; took in good $48,000 In two weeks Wired "Trial" Starts WeB In Seattle to $11,5()0 Oh Kay" Not So Hot, But ''Romance, Washington, Dec (White Pop., 350,000) Weather: Rainy About the only one the holiday didn't help was Colleen Moore's "Oh Kay." Aiti>ther demonstration tliat if the pictureLsn't right.even asurc- riioney-getting star Won't do it. Others benefited materially. Fox went up $6,000 over previous week; Palace $4,000; Columbia, $3,000, and Met, $1,000, : Estimates for Last Week .Columbia (I^ew)—"Woman Dis- nutod" . (.sound) (U. A;) (1,232; io- 50). Excellent. $13,300. . Earle (Stanley - Crandall) — Oh Kay" (sound) (:F;n.) (2,244; 35-50). Only disappointment; no flop, but so far from What .expected from Col- leen Moore after "Lilac. Time" made $13,500 all the harder to take. Fox (Fox)—"Romance of- ITndor- world" (sound) (Kox) and stage (3.- 432- 35-50-75)—Everything created favorable comment. Gave house top of town; $2."),000, ' Met (Stanley - Crandall) — ' Hon.e ToWners" (sound) (W. B.) (1.518: 35^50). First week slow starling, but started to build, never stopping, ran up second week blggor than "l&llkjJU?e^::£::Ma lound) (M-G) and. stage 7^,372; 3d- Seattle, Dec. 4. , (Driawing Population, 500,000) . Weather: Cool Starting this week Seattle (Pub- lix) is divorced from West Coast (5th Ave, and Coliseum) With Charles Thall, head man for W. C, and Bob Blair, Publix pilot. Biz in slump last week. Attrac- tions better than, average, but Christmas spirit brewing,. Pantagcs opened after week's close down to . enlarge booth for sound (aoun.., .— B0).> Big week to $21,600. C O S XU M B S F'OR HIRES IPRODTTCTIONS JCXX'I^OITATIONS PnRSICNTATIONS May need another dark week later on, with Sound to open in about three w-ecks. Estimates for Last Week Seattle (WC-Pub.-L) (3,106; 25- 60)—"Me Gangster" (Fox). Fanchor & Marco "Orientiile" high class. Good .<^how; $1-1,000. ■ . . • Fifth Ave, (W. C.) (2,500; •2o-60) —"Musks of Devil" (MGM), Clever pioti)i-o; j^dod iinprossion; $16,OiiO. Coliseum (WC) (1,800; 25>— "Plastered in Paris" (Fox). Biz l)eMcr; $ 'VJOO, Blue Mouse (Hamrick.) (950; 50- 7r,)^"^Voman Disputed" (UA) Wired. Heavy ballyhoo by Vic Gauntlet, publicity for Hamri.'k houses; .$lii.."(H' ■ Music Box (Tlamriek) (1.000; 50- 75)_"On Trial" (WH). Wired. Big opening after eight weeks of "Fool." AM (.'ilK-r .lik< m ' *.l !.'"'"• Winter Garden (650; 25) (I^. chiiinV—••I'.-,:)-,'.,n.n lln;. Wiiui" (i ); $:i.':ni). Pantages (1,500; , 25-60)—"The ^pa_ehe" (Col). _ _Fi_ist week after .'erd;^e' ffSWi'"r()Y'~'wurin^ 'week for new manager. E.arl Cook, (loii-l vinuli> li'^l!'.^•>,'-tiO. •Orpheum (2,700: 25-$l)—"Sal of Singapore" (J'athe). Vaudo billed ahovi> lu^•ll^.•l■: • President (Duffy) (1,800; 25-$1.2r>) —"Wanted ' (Duffy Players). Up to minute new comedy okay. France.i Dale and Donald Foster open next week as new leads. Charlotte Treadway and Kenneth Dalgncau excellent in this play, l.Uz light; $3,800. ■ ■ Topeka, Dec. 4. (Draw Pop., 80,()00) Weather: Rain . Rainy weaither Thanksgiving Day failed, to help business much; About the only, cheering,thing was that the tabloid.'? are getting the money. , Dark Sundays cool off the fans on any: picture, and "Singing Fo;ol". ..was no exception;. Held over for three days with a hope that it would go a second week at the (3rand, the talk- er didn't do half the business, it diu Its three opening' days, and W.'iSi pulled fpir "State Street Sadie," opening Thanksgiving. Rumors afloat as to what is to be $17 oqo come of the Novelty. With straight ■ vaudeville falling off rapidly last spring, the house, recently rebuilt, turned to tabloids, but they failed to carry the house through the sum- mer. .Vaudfilm started Labor Day, but have been steadily losing favor, until last week; even with a holiday grosa was not enough to pay off the acts. They got paid, but out of the kitty. . Estimates.fpr Last Week Grand (1,400; 50) (National)— ' Singing Fobl": broke all; records opening week, but Went way of iail of them on holdover. Pulled Thurs- day, "State Streiet Sadie" got. better breaks and brought week's business to $4,000, "Fool" got $1,500 of that. Jayhawk (1,1500; 40) (Jayhawk)— •Battle of Sexes" had no stage show and needed plenty of help. "Me. Gangster," last half, with stage act, helped finish week at about normal $3,000, Novelty. (1,100; 40) (Crawford)— New low record. Caused chiefly by failure of feature acts to fill con - tracts, management says. "Out of the Ruins," first half, pleased, and "Lone Wolfs: Daughter," last half, slumped, making total $1,200. Orpheum (1,200; 30) (National) — Bert Humphries Brevities, with two bills supporting, "Prep and Prep" and "King Cowboy," surprised even management; $1,800,- Cozy (400; 25) (Lawrience)—"Sin- ners in Love" got some play on title, but fell below normal, "Hold 'Em Yale," brought take to normal, $800. -— Best (550; -20) (Lawrence)—Stock vaude with stunt nights fell "off from week before, but cleared away with $9<)0, .■ ' Minnesota, $32,800, and Hennepin, $17,500, Big | Minneapolis. Dt-Ci 4 (Draw Pop,, 500,000) Weiather.: Favorable *' Pro.spei'ity hold, full sway along the local rialto last week. Business boomed everywhere. Strong attractions and the,; hqlU ■ day combined to make for the ex- ' ceptionally big, grosses. The week started out slowlyenough, ijut gained terrific momentum. Minnesota, as. usual, set the pa'ce^ with the Henhepin-Orphcuni run- ning a pretty second. Both hart one of their very best weeks in many i ■months. ; "Show ■ Ciirl," at the Minnesota, j cleverly exploited by Manager e5 I Smith,, drew from tho-outlet. All- i around good show.helped to $32,800, ' Frank, N. Phelps also handled th© exploitation of his first John Gilbert picturie, "Masks of the Devil" in faultless fashion. Although not par- ticularly well liked by audiences, it With "Singing Fool" sweeping proved considerable of a card, [n everything before It in the way of this Instance, too, a corking vaude crowds, local picture 1;heatreg:oers bill figured. seerhed last week to have caught "L^ncle Tom's Cabin" gave the the fever generally.. Result was a state a profitable week, but did not good week for all the big houses exhibit sufllcient strength to war- and the neighborhood leaders. rant a holdover. At $16,900, it fell c^*'.^^*^^ t^,^ I. a*« WoeLr^ I below hopcs. "Midnight Taxi)" good erfough, did not do much for the Strand. • . Estimates for Last Week Minnesota (F. & R.-Publix), (4,- 206; 75)—"Show Girl", (F, N.) and iiui jiifi .-,Lrtsc oiiuw, «o.i,wv.v,. I "Bitter Sweet Blues," Publix unit. , Grand-Central (Skouras) (1,700; picture scored smashing -hit. Stage 50-75)—"Oh Trial" (W B.)—Talker; show made fine impression. One Of tiO Of»A I V.,Ar^4-. .-^'l 1 ^1 >\rirtrrT«Q-TVlC VirklUl/i Vina "Fook"RageUfts ' tip All S^^^^ St. Louis, Dec. 4. (Drawing Population, 1,250,000) Weather; Clear 1 Estimates for Last Week Ambassador (Skouras) (3,000; 35- 50-65-75)-T-"Outcast" . and Ed Lbw- ry stage show. Corinne Griffith well liked, "Red" Terhuhe, Zep stow- away, and Lowry had a lot of fun during .stage show; $31,600 ,$18,200. . . Midtown.»(Skouras) (1,400; 50-75- $1)—"Singing Fool" (W.; B.). Sec- ond \Veek, sell out: $30,200. • , Missouri (Skouras) (3,800;" 35-50- 65-'75)_"AabratIon;" Milton . SIos best all-around programs house has had. $32,800. One of biggest weeks 'in months. . ..- •• '■• •. .• ' , State (F. & R.-i'ublix) (2,500; 60) —"Uncle Tom's Cabin" (U); Pulled profltahle biz,, but not as big as ex- ser, Missouri's organist, stepped into pected and failed to hold over for, m. c. role and hit, "Red Grange" second week. Good play from kid- starred in the stage show, but l^is dies' matinees. $16,900. Improye- recent court unpleasantness keptlirient over recent weeks, him from getting break he other-. Strand (F. & R.-Publix) (1,500; wise mifcht have had: $23,700. 50)—"Midnight: Taxi" (Warner). Loew's StatoV (3,300; 25-35-65)— Picture okeh In quality but. lacked 'fShow People". (M-G-M). Stage particular box-office value, $4,500. .show abandoned some time since; Good under circum-stances. 7,200. Hennepin (Keith) (2,890; 40^60)- St. Louis (4,280; 35-65)—"Sal of "Masks of Devil" (M-G-M) and Singapore'*^ arid vaude. vaude. Unusually good show, al- Capitol (Sk6uras)-:-"Lilac Time," though picture, first of the' John GH- popular talker. This theatre has berts at this house, did not make. ■ - overly good Ihipression. Gilbert magnet, and title and exploitation helped. About $17,500, Second big- gest week house has had since Min- nesota's opening over a year ago. Lyric (F. & R.rPublix) (1,300; 35) —"Out of Ruins" (F, N.).. First Barthelrhess picture to be shown outside Minnesota and State In some time. Star asset here and film went over moderately well. Around $2,- 500. Good. • „ ■ , Pantages (1,600; 25-50)—"Stool Oliver Borden been on the up-and-go recently. Montreal's Wired Palace Off at $16,000 Gross Montreal, Dec. 4. (Draw Pop, 600,000) Weather: Cold Grosses did little better than pre , , . . viouis week. With, wired Palace top- Pigeon" and vaude _ - ping the heap but not showing helped to draw. Freak vaudeville much. Opening of hockey sieason, | headlin-er real magnet.- $0.,di.u. With three evenings a week packing them in at the Foruhi for the big games, likely helps in accounting for drop. "The Red Dance" at P'alace failed to get by, probably because there have been too many Russian revo • lution pictures In this city of late months. Gross at $16,000 not gpod enough for this hduse. I'Terror," 2d Wk. Leads in Portland, Ore., Dec, 4. ■ luugu tui Luiss nuuac. I Rearrangeriient of the personnel Capitol held to previous week's and management of local leading gross at $15,000 In effective costuma picture, "The Awakening." "Her Cardboard Lover" went over well at Loew's and was In line with the vaude end of the program. While gross below previous Aveek,at $14,- 500, good enough. film houses started this week, with the Portland reverting to Pumix management and the Broadway oe- coming the leading West Coast house. Little change in policy- Broadway will continue With I'ox talkers. Portland is to remain tne . Imperial put on a better vaude same, no sound pictures but suppie show than picture, and "Waterfront" mented with Fan^lion and Marco was little better than filler. Around stage revues. Portland nnii $8,506, - - : ^ Thanksgiving. gPing to Neighborhooda show slight drop. "Tbe Terror'' at Hamrick s ±^^^^^^ Estimates for Last Week 1 Mouse ran for second week and wui ^Shadows' in Tacoma Goes To Good Gross at $4,600 Tacoma, Dec. 4, (Drawing Populiatibn, 125,000) Weather: Cloudy Keen competitio^n for doAvntown biz continues With two new man- agers on the ground, Monte Salmon for West Coast, and Miller for Pan- tages. Blue Mouse liilting fair clip with second week of the all-talkor, "Home Towncrs." Estimates for Last Week . Broadway (WC) (1,500; 25-50) — 'Mo Gangster" (Fox). Cut to 50c nk'lit'; $,'".-100. Pantages (1,500.; 25.-50)—"Any- Soon Kelly" (D; *0.liOO. ■ Blue Mouse (Hamfick) (050; DO- 7r,)_-iTome Towner.s" (AVB) wired Secund. wreU; S.r.nOO... , ^Rralto^(WC):^n:2 55 ;^ =25^35^^^^^ ' Wliilo Shadows" (MC.M). I'.ig at Colonial (WC) (S30;. 25)—"Plais- tercd In Paris" (Fox). Good book- Inir fm- this hous'C, Showed it at ?i',700. Great here., , ' Palace (FP) (2,700;- 45-75)—"Red be held. Heilig had. two road shows. Dancer" (Fox), Wired. Too much ''Ken Geki,'' Jajvdramatic cpmp^^^^^ Russian revolution lately. Light and rcturii of ' Rose.Marie^ _ gross at $16,000 considering what fp*'j^J?>^Mrvr A%fm" 15-60). this house has been getting. ..jr°'"<^Tltl?" S SisSal iinder- "My .Man" at Warner's. Fanny Brico's ''My Man" will sufceed "On Trial" at the Warner's Xew York Dec. 21, Ciross' .same as previous wc^k at $15,000. . Loevv's (FP) (3,200; 35-75)—"Her Cardboard Lover" (M-G-M), Vaud- film. (Dff little from previous week, due to opposition. Good vaude fitted to bright picture brought $14,500. Imperial (Keith) (i.9a0; 35-50)— 'Waterfront" (F, N.), Vaudfilm, Vaude took it all. $8,500 new band Icadei" and m.c $14,000. ■ Broadway: (^Yest Coast)' (2,000;. 35-60).—"Air Circus," comedy film with sound. George Bernard Shaw on talking shorts. $13,500, .• ■ \ Pantages (2,000;. 35-50).—-Vaude- ville above picture, "The Apache. $12,000. . Oriental (Tebbetts) - (2,700; 25- 35)—"Angel of Broadway," first Empress (CA) . (1,500; Triple change; $2,000, 25-35)— Tiffany All Alone ' cl"®«,?^*'iT'l\''')8nr'^'in-'40)-Trlolel tW'o days' on screen. Changed to Strand (UA)- (800; 30-40)—Triple Youth,'^ for. rest of hange.-,. $3,000, , I week!' Only fair. $8,000. ' , United Artists (Parker-^V. €■) (1,200; 35-50).—2dweok of "White Shadows." Fair. $7,000. ■ Music Box (Hamerick) (2.000, 3i5_r,0).—Wired. Second big week oi J^The-Tx?-rT-or.._$.15,.aOJl_^. -i-r-oi;- Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (1,200; -S- 35).—"Midnight Taxi,'! wired. Steady busine.<5?. $3,500. . , - ^_ Dufwin (Duffy) (1,100; 2u-?1.-'i')- Henrv Dnffv Players, 2d wei'k oi "Daddies.", Did well at $4,000. Heilig (2,000; 50-$2,50).—Imi'Vilal Japane.'^e Theater dramatic com- pany g.ave '.'Ken-Geki," two h a>3 getting around $2,500. , I^t^f't , "tl 1'^ days return of "Rose Mane' read show, to $5,000 Including Tlunil.t- giving. Grant L. Cook, treasurer for Tif- fany-Stahl and fjpeaking for that pir.turo prod.ucer-dislrlbutor, says there is no foundation for the report T-S will merge with Radio-Keith- Orpheum or any other organization. T-S Is producing its announced schedule of talking and sound pic- tures, made by tho R. C. A, Photo- phone process.