Variety (Dec 1928)

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Wednesday, December 5, 1928 VAUDEVILLE VARIETY 27 Personal PubEcity Or Keith s, Gold, Through R.K-0 Says Keith's Pres. Use of Radio-Keith-Orphfeum and Keith'3 Vaudeville, or the nanie of ilther, foi^ personal publicity pur- poses, will not bp tolerated In the ftiture, is the report. This practice, grown less since other days, will Itcome a thinff of the past at the InstiBation of Hiram S. Brown, president of R-K-O, it Is said. The attitude of Brown, from ac- counts, toward the comblhinff of wersonal with commercial exploita- tJk>n was clariHed last week in con- fidence, with member^ of the Keith organization on the listening end. Keith's new president, it is said, offered ■ no direct comment on the bid idea of personal, ballyhoo, yet Alluded to it generally in express- ing his distaste of exploitation of anything but the name of the com- pany Itself. "T In the past all press matter and propaganda Issued by Keith's, by the circuit itself or theatres indi- ▼Idually, made subtle or open men^ tion of . E. F. Albee, whether tiie press stuff related .to the . Albee -^iiame or not. When not at the order of Albee himself the. Albee mention! was u.sually inscrtea l.y soihoono Innkiii.^, for an Albee pat on the>k. Ui.. peak of . Albee .paymont fi.u-' tl,:ii>..> who vainly tried to malce tluvAll).^> name and that of Keith's;. vauiU'villr synonymous. Alboe went .so far. a.^. to iiu'fn-- I)orfl.te his. own name wiili that (if Keith'is' to make it read KoiilV-Alboe' though th6 name of Albo*.' moaiit nothinsi to the vaudo patn^n. $65 Worth of Acts rliit^ l)o>:. 4. iti liii.- u: ■ X)nc i.iC. ihtr ijii>.» rocv'tUly lo- '•■•ivoil ;i \'eiiiiost by rnail !'i.>r Jii.j Will-'. 1) (if vaiiilevillt' for .a 'Sl!!iil;i\- <l.iie, . No General Order .„^At the Keith office• in X'cw YtVrk. ndthing i.s known oC any giMioi-al order sent . but to the circuit's houses to di.^coj-itinuf rarliainq; by Keith acts. It is said.any such individual ac- tion may havQs, been by the house manager, pending a deci.sioii of Ra- dio-Keith-Orph'eum on etherizing vaudeville. The question it is said has not been settled whether Keith's .will radio on a national basis, over the chain, or leave the subject to the local theatre. The chances are frorh the ac- count that it will be the national basis plan. . TINSEL METAL CLOTH FOR DROPS 36 in. wide at 75c a yd. and up A full Iln« of' erold and stiver bro- (Utdea, metal cloths, gold and silver .trimmings, rtilnestohes, spancles, Uffhts, operd hose, etc.. etc., for stage oostumea. Samples upon requSst J. I* Wyle & Bros., he. (SaeeesBorB to Slegrmap A Well) 18-20 East 27th Street N E W YO R K DBAR ART: (The Other "Beer King") "Sally" eronled 'eml Now it's "IRENE" Same PIa«e,. Broadway Palace, L. A. (And I'm Playing Madame .Lucy t) WIIOOPS 1 t KEN BROWNE P. S.: Nadine Says "Hello" Gus Edwards and Shorts oil Coast Los Angeles, Dec. 4. Gus Edwards, directltigr talking, short for M-Gr-M, may join Uni- vefsa.r a.a musical revue' producer when his contract with M-0- ex- pires upon completion of his fourth short subject. ■ ' Edwards held production costs down to aroiind $15,000 when join- ing Metro, but it is claimed the; costs have doubled" lately. It is be- lieved here the sarhe picture could have been produced for half the original .cost if made in New York. /Understood that M-G's option on Edwards was not to. be exercised but in some way or another got into the mail before it could be stopped. M-G states IDdwards will be released if his present negotia- tions with U materialize. Linai Basquette on Stage Lo3 Angeles, Dec. 4. Lina Basquette will head one of the F. and M. stage shows. / .She Is to start the tour shortly after her. marriage to Peveriil Rlar- ley, cameraman, next month. 32 Acts Booked from N. Y. by Foster (or Eng. Ifafry Fo.-'tor.., Kngli.iih represen- tative..of the William Morris Agency, thi-fc days after his return to London cabled Now York ac- ceptances and dates for 32 Aniieri.. can acts to an average of six svcek.s each on the other side. Book- ings on othi\r Atnerican turns are in prospect. AH acts booked wtH^' Pl^Ly the [Palladium, London,, from, two, to four. ^Ye.•?ks, Init not all will make tlieir first appearance at that Bookings, all durinp: 1929, include: January Nee \S'ong. . Zelaya. Hill and HuH, ' February Chas. Ahearn Co. . March >[orris and Campbell. Al Herman. April Rodeo Boys. Lamberti. Eddie Lambert, Geo Dewey Washington. Avon Cpniedy 4. May Calts Bros. .Juno Foy Family, August Alfred JLiittell. Nan Halperin.v Mills and Shea. Meyako's Japs. Carl Freed Orch. Ken Murray. George Herman. Johnny Berkes. September Don Cumming.s, Vardell BroSi ., "Jim," the Bear. Evans and Perez. Norman Thpma^ Quintet, • Ruby Norton. Bob, Bob and Bobble. October Bernard and Henry. The Giaudachmidts- SMALL TOWN'S SALARY Great States at Joliet Pays $2,000 for Act for 3 Days J. J. l{.)l)oris. vioo-pre.siil''iii aiivl ; )^\'ntM":r. ii;.ina;4or of CJn^.it Sla'.i^--, ! iMMiki'.i .Vivu)<f 'n' Aiidy (Oorroll ami (iosiU'ri) radio n.-iau's, into lUiln'iis' Rialtn in Joliol at .?-.'.)00 fivr throo 'la\s. .In.liot's populali'in is ."hi.ooO. If !!..• ti'.-ini draws al>ovo. ayi-i';<-> !ni^itii^sv tluM'C in on lu-rooiiLr-Ci-. Kiii'io. liuiU a.s : a t<"^tinionial to the lUi'ioiis lainily. ■ It is nii'.o^; ri'i)nv.i.''ltu'ap:i). Red Grange Passed Up By St. L. Daily Editors St. Louis, Dec. 4. Harold, otherwise "Red" (Grange, didn't prove; the popular 'Child Harold" he would have been here last week . .because of the recent Papa thai had'.legally ■ .been- stuc-k in front of. his n;»me in court when lie was roi)orted in news items to have paid the $900. requirod by l;iw iti Illinois for being the. father of a ohild , out oC wedlock. The. ■ Red'' could corner in the way of publicity in the; dailies after hi.s' ;irrival; or liefore, as a j?eiieral rule, for that imatter, was the mere mcn- tino he was the star of the stape show at the Missouri.. The booking had been contracted for long before. U his lawyers had staved off the proceedings, as lawyers eometimos do, it is said, charged' and alleged, folks ■hereabouts probably would have been willing to gi ve the "Ghost of the Gridiron" the benefit of the doubt, or several doubts, probably, but the tacit admission in the pay- ment of the illegitimate child fine queered the works as*far as the edi- tors of the dally papers here were concerned. Marie's "I Faw Down" Copped for Song Title f .i •:)•))> I - r.-.v v».in - i.,ls bi>i>iV iMi'ii'.'iiMlM •'■il 1 .s.itli? p.l.l>;u .It i>il\ IS '1 Pi>un aiivi (io liii.nnl ' \v'c.i''h .\",(l>on, Diiiii^lis \- (V'.iJii'.t'K^ '..lUon ovor fi-nir, iM'i>;!'.Mi ;>-;.i- li^iier, Jim Uriii'K'niai:. Ill an advorti:-vnii>!a .ill ilu.' N'l-. iss(\.> iif A'.ini't)'. M iii-v ll.iit- I'li.m tliihhitt - .iii.i . \ l.trtin rr\) claiiiied authoiship of Uii' 'I f.iw down" expression. Tlu> ail, authnr- ized for publication by tlvo vaude. team, further stated .Miss 1 lartiua.n has been iil.entilied with the ex.-.' proiision for the past 12 years. . It is only recently that "I faw • down" has been generally ^used, without permissioTi, by other.s. It's now a fjtandard vaude gai,' for a fol- low-up on pratt falls, or as a sauar- ing line for accidental spills. "I faw down" is also used out- side of show buairief • today,-mostly by dames trying to look and sound cute after landing, on the sidewalk or lloor, mostly from out of or in speaks. Perella as Single Paul Whlteman ia sponsoring his former piano soloist, Harry Perella. in vaudeville. The latter is doing a single. W?iring*s Sounder .. Wui-ing's Pehnsylvanians have been signed ■ by F.B.O. for . "Step- ping; High," full length sound pic- ture! The band will double from "Hello, Yourself," currently nt the Casino. BILL GOES EDUCATIONAL Bill Robinson, now in "iBlack- birds," will become as.sociated with the Albertina Rasch studios within a few weeks. Robinson will devote three days a week, to teachir.g tap routines to. Rasch units. Collette D'Oryille's Act Collctte D'Orville, who supplanted Trini on the road tour in "Take the Air," will go vaiide with a pian- ist. . ■ ' Walter NOsson ^'World's Master Unicyclist" O-H-OOO! VoAtiired I^tDolion * Mar** "tp IB th« Air UtmT r I I I I MAY USH in '^Lyrics of Life'' SCORING A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS AT KEITH'S PALACE. NEW YOI«JHIS MK « Direction—H. BART McHUGH I I I I 1 ACCLAIMED IN AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, ENGLAND AND AMERICA AS THE INTERNATIONAL HEADLINER EDITH CLIFFORD OPENED FOR LOEW, NORFOLK, VA. NORFOLK "LEDGER-DISPATCH" SAYS:' EDITH CLUTOED, LOEWS HEADLINEE, IS CAPTIVATDffG KditTi:"CIiffbrd is^'fli?^^^^ weeks who has seemingly ju-stififd the judgment of tli^ Loow'.s Circuit booking office. .Many others.have been nominated for this honor by thp. vnudevill". ."-inlomons, but few have been elected by the tick't-t-buying public. Mlas CIlflTord top.s the new atage program at Loow'a State thi.s week, and is as far above the usual run of vaudeville &a the tcwer of the Woolwortli Building Is above Broadway. ""'"SHC"" 8ln?Sr-or""rath cr^tal kH;-^ monologue that in impo.s.sible to imitate. And even her Uttle bife '61 raillery are goms. Sh<» pould have "carried on" an hour had .ihe wl.shed, judging by the shf received. Thanks to SAM LYONS LYONS & LYONS Accompanied at the Piano by CARL KELLARD and MARVIN SCHENCK