Variety (Oct 1929)

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22 VARIETY FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, October 2, 1939 THREE LJVE GHOSTS (CQntlnucd.frpm page 19) . aro ofllcially dead, in conii>nanrb with tho AVar departhiGiit's report, is the bifTgest oC complications, the uniiavoHnff. of >yhich keys up audi- ence expectancy. TTlicroiafter the ac- tion centers in thie home of jimmy'p molhcr. Her desire to secure a re- ward by turning over^FoSter tti the American authorities and ^^lie difIl-_ cultics which she 'encounters,, first', tliroufrh the objections of her; . own l)oy and then by the loss pt aii. Sid- dross, run through, the picture $tory as in tho play. ' "Spoofy" brings matters to . the. climax when he kidnaps an infant after robbing tl\e. honie of: its; par- ents. Scotland Yard's investigation and Ma's loquacity get them all in the hoosegow. Sudden tccovery from shellshock realizes one .of the biggest mirth, moments. Then "Spoofy"' recalls his Identity " and: it happens to be the father of the babe he appropriated Joan Bennett's role is the minor ' one of. the girl. artist friend -Who supports the American member': of the trio. Tannen Hbltz has a bit for a few moments as the proprietor of. a china stor^e, At the of a war flash back is being mag H06.1,. . Nolthor story nor direction AMERICAN PRISONER Sfilf™^^ tSf thS! erS^«!SwM^'a^^^^ .. -t^^^^. .wo "Skin Deep," twisted around so produced « ELstrce by British interna-. V*.^ Wn MaVrtard. as the that what flimsy thread of loye in-. t{fna|.-^'-toib^ .vm^i"? &t'',S^fxoTh'^"eachinJ his terest not-tiken soriomUy. l?,'^ by Eii^ oamorrt: aestlnation with the wagon, train. Considerable negligence evident in. Ron© cjuiasnrt.. KCA rfecordlUBr. V I'Jo' An Interesting whip ilght between linlhff UP an Intrinsically , fine cast, v^^^^ bept. ga^tschi, as the villain, and May- and then throwing it away. . Betty 'Kun>^'^|jJ^\n;^- Brissbn nard held all eyes.. With their dex- Cdmpsoh 'is givfth a-joke book role Gmco Maihori>, manipulations: of the whips, to play, while Monte Blue, heading Squiro Mai.herb,.v., •^''H''™'''J^.pfJ^rR).'?rv Wagon' tr-aln raeing; acros.s the, des- the-cast,. Is just, a, plain, dunjb mis- Peter Norcot.... i;^^^^.,... .cetu .uarry and bp^a plains provided plenty take as the . regenerated :gang.ster . direction story.^ dialojr; bfred-blpodea rh.eller, persbnlded by parrying::,a;i.,a: <^ia^y kcSJK;|d. »SeiU:^^^ {SJSfSJ^S^MtK«5^^ thf ee.quarter^:<jf the picture: Davey jTd ^;;(^ ^ne^ exceptlpnally clear, -^aping^ "'^ffv Pulled Into the mesa .f or..just a ilash onl^^the & nTt worth recording! All in all, an unusually fine sp^- Jnd mlnus.any.backgrNpuftar .dc^^^^ less, to bblster any v: Posfsible ,b, o_ appeal; .'. \'■'■■■y ■ ..''•'/: Slip shod Cdn.finiuty and disgii'.ess- ing diVectlph has the action-drag- ging most of the. wayvUntila to-oirder shooting affair puts an end to; Its nilsery S^?^Ktlon|^^^^^^ I S6ts are. admirable. Crowd scerieg. fpr. thejove^s «^^£S?j:^?f,if ^iSiJ; both, with ttobps and -with; a. mijced. ^ i^S^d So^^ biinch of ■prisoners :an4' villag.ers, h^lieh- men*.and shot fiom. the lilp; HIS LUCKY DAY (30% blALOGi) arc really; iinely. handled. But the Individual acting, 'e>:cept - - L ^ , that of Nancy iPrlce' as an old hag Story about Joe. l)aley; ganglaind I Tyho helps the: prisoners to escape, h6mbre,;.. 'wlio m jSadie the 1 jg .poor, mainly on account of What i „ :,^A,=„r \rrT;,iT,pMnn'''ilnii'^'reieftsc JM- sliky, sinful cabaret sringer. put ^tp iboks- on the screen like the inability Lel?^»[%^«'^^Eddi^^^ tike him, arid how! Gold digging of the players • to believe Ih.^their ciymcr.: and. GiAdys Lehm.-iit, TitiM vTby gal> I'While picking Jbe fpt ' the-J rples. .This c-pmes putvp?trtlculax-ly. Aiiicrt ^''r^^on^-- /^^'.^tofiT^^^ doS^, stili: waxfes hot and bothered in dialog. / TheyV all, .eeem in the fefh'- cife^fflyf "loi.Sd^ IT-^Urt ^ ,'a,bout - Blackio Culver, rival .ping, majority of .sequences to."be very, .ipjipytiric.. . starring .Kepjlnaia. Deniiy. ' Tho ^oTe- . / ... ^, nontfer ' .Eallev suddenly deciding to conseiou's^ includes Otis- .narjan. . Cissy Fitz- ill ^'SJ maS ^^&E%iM^?^: Sre Sito the Urie^^^he ^ifei^ ^^'^^'^^'^ nasn oacK is Demtr maK ' gadie who sees her, hold loos.enirig.: I is reflected dn thfe sta^ Running t.im6, shjpwmanship. Waly. across the T)ond. For safety^s sake I ^ Madel^ise Carroll Is gooa talopk ' Reginald last v floppp^-^of thfi TYinli' keens a tearful face and at and . could ^obviously .do a lot the season for. .Universal. Swell for v^St^lL^ Scm ^^SSarS? S better... with &ppd^ material.,;. She Riddles^ ■ up to ; 15: yfearS ^ of. age- hWoL the Scster's^t^^^^^ is'tib /struggles tp make her part live, but; especially; gids, and fqr ^. restless S?^v&d^S.e- !eIfi iS: ?ets wete^^^ as-cpck^eyedy iipvp that the district attorheV fiPt 3"^*' mugs. ; . ;; . ^ ■ aS ever beunced; off, a, typewriter; onrv fSmef hlKilt w?^^^ Cecil Barry .and. Bromley Daven. but foir high and dry grinds .,vvhei-e pnly framed nim out was aiter ,nis. ^^^.^, ^^^.^^^ exDerJehced trpupers, customers still i-epafd' pie thi-awlnff %^:^ak.s;^6lea^^^^^^ .Dorothy mcuau, t^:^^Jt;"^S^^p'v2 ^^^^^ ' weak . litv spots Jlmmie F.mmysQrt ^^/.'^^t.^" 'tvi'i^v t ^^^^ ^^V® .say. .Nancy.^Pr^ and ; dictlen Is npt quite clear in- i^uiso Fazenda P^fst^'^,^m;?With a tppthless makeup .aftd sdmf other, spots.; Syhchrpnizatipn and EdmiTnd gSSt - ^ .h.ome,-.^^er9^.^evdpc fat mpmehts. breaks thrpugh. the rut gopre,.hbwever, ^^r^^ clean and'^PPd. ciaSssTeeiwynne P W*.*? Reg^y: Way .ript draw any mpre Charles Deianey him tp gp sin. IIP. mpre. Meanwhile, performance, with a witch's laugh -^^^ althpueh" It there deVelpps;a..frieiidship^^^^ : .; is r^P^ed-ho has^^still two.:^^ Hard To Get" Is one of those P^^e^ ^n^ ^ '^^."f^t^^^- .V^y^.^'^^^^^^^^^^ .a P?^ many .Ways. Ui^^fot^^^^^^ oil ^«„«^ ««r^^-qi^e o« •nr^n Pfor rcvenge, DaJcy' avcrts .murdcr- XiOoJis. Mkc a-fair ampunt pf m^^^^ He still all reund cpmedles sp well h^g the .distrlct attPrney pnly after had been spent pnit. .arid all the-ele- dlSJllTtr We^- /i^ the knit and naturally perfprmed as tP he finds PUt the faithlessness of. his hnents of a good melp at'e thefe. Lj j^g^j^^^^ held the Interest pf any type pf mpU. .Finding his wife and Culver. But. the treatment .1^ audience fpr every inch pf running tPgether> hi'e pullS the rpd, .when the hhane it dies, and it's 'tpugh enough j^Qp^g. restate salesman in. Ipve .With , a HARD TO GET (100% DIALOG) First National production and release. DIreoted by WUllani Beaudlne from a theme based on thie Edna Ferber story, "Classined." Recording on Western Elec- tric disc. At the Strand, beginning Sept. 27. Uunning time, 80 minutes. Bobby Martin. Pa Martin... Ma Martin... Marty Martin.... ])<>xter Courtland Mrs. Cnurtland.. Jerry Dillon rare tipn tp roriew thd lease .spme .timre V="''i^^f" >ioA^ri I in the hereafter. The eld manr is npc neara I j^Q.^^^gj,, aeoides np, .and sticlis tp np renewal pf the lease unless i)en time. I lights gp put iaiiid Sadie Is biimped; tb put pver cpstume dialPS stuff The injection of' the theme, song off in.the melee. ComplVtely regen- even .if it's rig^^^^ . .nwrm Is the pnly fprced part pf the prp- erated by this. time; the repentant .Carl Brissen has pne spng.v^ whpse ^father has rented ductipn. It is held out until the gangster sedcs o:ut .the dPc's daugh- Tou Remember an "bp- picture is well underway and then terfpp a wistful fadcput."^^^.^^^^^^ -J^ .swung in by a member pf a typical Alice Day Ipp'ks pretty : ao the ing cpstumie he l^^^ pick-up prchestra In a cheap night simple . maid/ but "npt, much else.; pn. a spinet, ..which Is not heard club atmosphere. "Hard To Get" | jphn Davidspn makes Culver ;the | through hlS 'voice and so the song would have been just had the producer stepped out or i story books .and • these pictures. [ xi'^i. ""'lerty, the theme song rut. ' - " - " - • l ot-«««r ^♦,,^„o.^, +« ctnnri tTint.. I V J'' Dialog Is excellent and so well i ""uo <vnu. iJiyu.a.Mij' v"**^ « i , ^, vv-^ ^ ..v^; ,^ .i^iuoyc<jLi» *niiv« handled by the cast as to get the of Weeks' work; , finin^rhiq befpr^ the bell. Denny, the mpst put pf its laugh punctuatlcns. "Skin Deep" is very mucl^ ^o:&nd \f^^^^:^lJ^}^^^^^^ '^^^ ^"^'-'^an"!hustling realtor idiot,, hustles., tliem Mirth centers around Jack Qakie. 1 just a flim-flanii As Marty, the son In the Martin brood, Oakie's facial expressions contribute largely in getting his pribes at Bobby, the high brow sister in the 10th avenue family, played by Dorpthy Mackaill, across with, vim. Louise Fa2enda and Jimmie Fin laynon play little more than bit parts, as Pa and Ma Martin. Theli' repeated exits in all-dfessed-up-for Sunday attire when Dexter Court- land, Fifth Avenuite, (Edmund Burns) appears, have a modicum of laughs. Funniest is Finlayson's juprgling with a four-inch collar. Charles Deianey, as Romance of Hine Moa (FOBEliQN MADE) (Silent) Oustnvo Paull production, reloosod by Oaumont. I'layo.d by a cnHt of iiatlves la tho Lako Botorua district ol Now Zoaliinil, - and fiuppoaedly baaed on an old Maori lovo Btory. At the CRth St., New Yorji, Bept. JM. Hunnlng time, M mlnuU-s. Another verituro in explpitatlpn Pf : a little known country by means Pf a native legend enacted by. hativo players. This fllni Is said to have been bfllciaHy endorsed by Rt. Hpn. j; Gordon: Goates, premier pf New . Zealand. Only,, cpm.mercial ppssi- WUtleg are' in ■ the' art ;pppts?r as ;a . strip scene a la goPd^Pld U. S. A«. elirhlnates its chance to beponie a gfeneriFvlly Telca.sed .educatichail film. And the nUdo shots, will db muclt l,p ',«iell It III the ether place.<». ; The stpry is simple, and lilngps pn : . an-idea- that setms ludicrous to Americans. Tatanekal, . son of a chieftain, sets put. In search of more. , fertile fields fer the old man's trlbCi. Bumping into the- tribe bf Umuka- ral, he falls in ipVe with IJm's ; daiughtor. '.But apbtbor giiy nahvetr Tai also Idvcis the daughter, and . frames Tatanekal. by bla.rifilng him .. fpr; theft pf spme of. the bhiet'.S Sa- ., cred sweet potatbes.. '■- Jt turns put' later that Tai stole. tbe spuds him- self, but In.; the. mea-ntlino. young Tatanekal is cast into a cavP, where .' ;h6 must pass thrpugh fire, lava and belling water before escaping. • ^ That , sweet pctatpes ga:g seenT,s. prtitty hiniiy, "Theh, when it's fi'g^- .. ured bow a cpluinnist siquawks.'wh.oh V spm.ebpdy. steal.?„a ,puh, it's not^s ■: ridiculpus.'^' .■ .' ■•■ . ! .'■ ■. The gal, Hlnc Moa, "is abeut tP be niaiTied tp ariptlier .ehlcfain/ but . swiihs aci*oss. a,lake to the arms of her Ibver; She bares herself to .tho hips ;from then' bni and prpyide.s; a.' . chanpe fdr some gopd - Ibbhy dis- . plays: .NPt:bad iopking at .all. 'When her pld man cpmes "with his tribe to get her. and kill the , lpyeiS, Tai Is; .. cxppsed as the 'guy .Who stole the Bweef •pbtatoo.'?., and; eyjpryfhimi.'^s,..: oke. Even a final sltpt of Hlhe. Moa ■ and her baby," while hubby sits coii-', : tentpdly .pn .a. kripll playing his flute^. ;These..natives. .can't act werth a : darii, but anybPfly can alibi that by.'; s'aying they act well fpr.;natlvt's*;- Directipn sticks oUt all over the pic- ■ ture, with:'the play^>rs vslTowihg rc'r, sponge to CPhVmaiids very bbyiptisly.: . Scenery is paturally .excellent and" • the photPgraphy is gppd. • Oh: the- strength pf that bare stxifC .. this one might be used bri a .double- feature bill. But it's tuned fpr. thei free C9ffee st.ind.s. r^ang. . :. as modern kind pf tpugh .toug fpurid pnly in oses put by spundlng as If it s su^^^^ adjpining prpp- ped out of story bopks .and these pictures, h^naccompanied. And _ It . Is, ^ot I v . . , Geprgle Stpne has about. twp sec- ^^%'lf^^^'^f^J\^^^^^ villikn loves '^n the custcmary: accidental man- |pnd^and, prpbabiy <5alls lt;^ couple I Jt(^^|^;^pl^^^J^U^ agaixist .his ■ will pa has. to try tp force her 'tP. iharry the bad niani. . . „■ ^^^i.^^„„ -ii -pif+v, • She. has fallen for hero, the Ameri- inWh? I can prisonef who has been captured Aven^| J^ditl^pn^^^^^ ^KJ^ riinniag supplies to the French. «.is Pjily natural then that -t^e new PVlspner ;Spes ■ but Is ^hbt and neighbprs. of. the pW Tnart ; sh6uld ^Iri Yiurses^hlm ^ In Drispn "he so;expectedly:^t.urn.put tP be a gang frpm> the ScluirarGhlcal.. hemestead' E'pUpws hpkum cafe, scene and rather than marry , yiiilah. . Here, is captured whilia with .girl, AFGHANISTAN (RUSSIAN MADE) (Silent) .Picture • hiade -by .Soyklno of.; Moskow FPllPWs hbkum CEife • scene hpkum Shost ;Tn y&tory—and all ends happy that begins, sapjpy. Jerry Dillon, gives an amusing per lormance. Intro of characters aids consld erably in smoothness of continuity and reflects excellent directorial judgment on William part._ A.s^the manikin with polloi ideals, Miss Alackaill essays her role In a manner which brings her closer tP the audience with each sequence. (Sovl6t Russli government) and released by Amklno (Ameilqain ajgent). Directed by, , ; ;, .i , ^ -^-t. _ Vladmir YerofeyeV; In charge of Russian and at that Identical.mpment news iexpedltlon Into .Asia.. American titles' by cpmes the war Is pver. Herp,. free, Normart- Taprogd< _Phpto«iai»h$;tiy. Vi.-H. fights villlan with swprds, and. lat- Belyayev. . At_theXameo. Ncw.Tork. art | ^ ^aisarihed, WPh't fight on ind creeps put of pipture^ Close-up and ^^'^l^'^^'^S'?!?^ ^^^^ fi- luestipn : of treatment , . . v;uii*ii 1 ^ ^^^^ ■ t*!^^'^IS n^^S" But wlicn they started treating this Casseres. All-Scandlnavlah <;ast. not named " " querading a^ a. screen feature en- ^^"^ ^'Jf" mu?t^lmv^-thoucht they on prbgrairi^ house .management the outspoken tertainment. It isn't. More than 0"«* ^ "S^^i 11;?+!^.^. ^^?,r,tl:v explaining, data \vas lost in; transmmslon theatre, S.ept. 28; Rynnhg..tlme 05 minutes. i^ROWTH OF SOIU (NORWEGIAN MADE) (Silent) Nbrrqhe productlbh; .. released . by Film Guild cinema; Directed'by Giinner Som-; hieffolt. Ectlted ?ind. titled 'by Benjamin do an hour of. straightway silent scenery and ■ bizarre fp.reign pepple is tirespme Really the picture Is. a capital twPrreoler ruined by staying tep Eeaudine's | lerig. . In two reels this wpuld be a gppd program item. Two. reels i3 about the nieat Pf it and the rest is padding. Titles emphasize that Af ghiariistan, in the; upper right haiid cprner pf were in a Prphibitibn cpuntry. Frat. WAGON MASTER (60% DIALOG) from .Norway, Sttry and screen adapta tlon from' novel, of same tltlb by! Khut iramsun. At Film Guild Clnem.-i, New York, week Sept. vlVS.. .l^unnlng time, 60 minutest HIGH TREASON (BRITISH MADE) : (ALt. DIALOG) Lohdpn, Sept. 20. Gaumont-Erltlsh production and relpase, Directed by Maurice. Hlvcyi Adapted/torn play by: Pembcrton Billing. Brltl-'h Acous-. . tic sounded. Starring Ilenlta Hume and Jameson Thoinrts,- At Marble Arch Pavilion,. • London. Running time, 05 minutes., Kvelyn .Seymour. ^..; .Benlta Hum& . President of Europe.; .. .Rosll GlU, Dr. Wright Michael. Deahe... .■'..;.,..; .Jamea.on Thomas*. • President of Atlantic .States. ..Milton Rnsmer The Judge ,;........,'..... iVJlehrjr VIbart ; Gaurnpnt tpssed thlg; pne^ dplid into ]VIai"blo Arch aiid it's prbvcd a hqt hit. .American-made and plitgged, it wbuid have been a serisatipri, and it win make a lot pf mpiiey for Gaumont even with it^ dumb schse of showmanship. fHigh Treason'' deals .with: such bodb-buihping scientific' Items as. wonieh's fa.sluons 10 years from how, television phone calls from your sweetie,' roofs where helicoptered aeroplanes can land ih-Xondoni elof*- trie newsboards . for newspapers, ^ women draftect' for war .servicCi * English Channel train service by tunnel, and, in fact, everything yel- low new spa poi-'s give the- mob on. Sunday. What, every British producer has done to date Is tP fpllpw tho Arheri- can Icad^yoars later. Net .sp, Muu.-. rice Elyey. When he saw the talker wave coming he stopped production foi: '^igfft^moiitlvg'nTia then "With: nb^-: spund studio arid a loufiy untried re- ccrdlng system, set put to make a glorioiis clean-up-or. a terrible. flop. He let the oOier: birds piay 'em close to tho ch', but for himself: he tossed'out blue chips as if they wore cigar band.s. • • He didn't a story, but he haid . a climax. This Scpne. showed a man about, to a declaraticn of war tP, the wprld rind' being shpt. dp.wh'by -a.peace advpcate who sent" put a peace message instead; With that as his hop-off, Elvey zoomed into' the unknown and landed with the best, entertainment that has come out of Europe since "Metropplls.'*: This, pf course, Is faint prais.e, but with some healthy editing, shearing the last half reel or more' completely, "High Treason" can be made into acceptable entertainment fpr. any hpuae anywhere. .• They'll like it or they'll hate it, but they'll all go. . A pip of a cast and Elvey's bid stager produ<^inff diays show ih the .d i tieeti ng_-JQf -3h. ia_^all:Ltal.ker,.,_^^^ ricking up Jerry driving a big car India, is one of the places of the on the "avenop," BPbby gets her WPrld; locked a^vay frcm^the AVest- flrst setback. Ceurtland is alsp ^^n eye and .^till living back in the ^neatly introduced in a barber shop l^^^tant ages. -The en^^^^^ ■ scene, where he poses as her hubby T'^^^^'r A«^^V""^^ "P^"'^^ ^^^I^- ■^to relieve her of the advanced of U^'y spmewlu. . to the re!5t of the an el erlv i!oth°irlo ^^^'^"^'^s of Sovkinp cxpeditipn TTnmfln intor^^^^^ *tr^.^ Went in.' AmanuUah was later <le- «rui, r^,^.Mo^r u*^"^^ V\ ^l^^^ posed by native: reactienists who hnnn^?''"^,?i"^^'i?''^"^*i Jf"'y Pbjected tP his refprrts. and the rcv- tpr hpnprs the windjup oiution .^vas ih .the American ne\^^^^^ js cpnventipnal, dlrectprial .twists paper .spotlight about five months and cast cp-pperatien take pff the | ago;. The.picture shpuld have: been usuarenus.. ^ / .' , sprung then. Npw it's cold; " . . n^^I?^ ^r?Sw "vlli?;^ ^^^^ \ if has. spme; remarkably , fine ^pn,^^inf5 J^^L^'^^ pliptPgraphic shpts at Himalayas; Beaudlne s jpb is gppd enpugh tp. staggering vistas of overpowering Not mubh value to this one gen „ , erallyi but available for spots lo- Universal productlon^jind release. Ken^ . ^^^^^^^ Scandinavian sections if Maynard starred. ' Directed by Harry J. „„„.^„„i„- >.4,_i„i+«/i ir-^,-,*- TTnmc..,in Brown from ctory^ by Marian Jackson, properly exploited. Knut IlamsUn Titles ihd dialog by Leslie Maselii.- i'eti-l is regarded as Norway's fpremPst turing Kilith Ituticrts and. TQny Santschl. author, pne pf his nPvels Winning «Ln?„T\^im^*'7o'm[niiL"° ^'^^^ -^^ tho Npbcl prisSo. somc yp^rs; agP, Running time, 70 mlmiles,, claimed, was ma<ie under A .pioneer in the field of dialog his supcrvi.siop in the actual locales and- soynd •effects for small time; "^^Jtl^ni^Jp^his Ijo^ . ^ ivottfvrvi There has been talk of Film is .a serip.s Of episodes in the aialfc^^ mwinff 5d a?tion^ hafdy Norwegian who pen-: ^IwL^foU ? 1^.^,1^K-v^^^ etrates bcypnd the established set- iSnSiy'pMd'fSfS^'nS^ westerns. This smiaiU tirtie flicker. warrant a trip EaSt and riefresh- ment of street recollectiphs befpre he starts his next one .-^about the Manhattan highway. ; .--WoJ2/. SKIN DEEP (ALL DIALOG) Warner Bros, production; and release, Ba-scd on Mark- Kdm.iind Janes' maga.zlne Story "Lucky ;■ DaniiAgc;" 'sceriarlzcd by Gordon nigby and . directed by Ilay Enr jTfght. W. I?. Vita recording. At Colony, New Tork, Sept.' .28. Runnipig. tinie, C-1 minutes- :. ' ; ■=^pp=Btrlc y ...... .-^^i^^t^.^Vi^^.^ ^ ^-M o^t^ii=Elug= Son of Bist. Atty. .....Dttvcy Lee giadle':Rogers »»...;.Betty Compson Blsa Lahgdon ....*».-...'....,.,.,.Allco .Day Blackio Culver .............Jdhn Davidson jDlst. Alty. Ciarlspn ;.».»...i.Joihn Bowers jpippy ..;.-., 4...i;../Geoifrlo Stono X>ri Druce Lahjfdbn. . ,... .TuUy M-lrishail Tlhi ..;..... i.;.. ..i..Robert Perry '.. Hackneyed, time WP.rn and weary .imderwprld opu.9 tp be taken with a grain of salt, even in neighbpr- mpuntains; dizzy mpuntaln pass rpads, curioua ways bf transporta- tiPn such as a raft suppprted by inflated animal skins. : .Peasants at wprk with ancient • implements are interesting. One scene shpw& mcth- pds pf :threshing' grain by having oxen trai;nple i^:. Picturesque native types antl 'customa invite attention, but there arc long stretches pf dull matter, scarcely up tP the grade pf magazine fillers, .such as long se- quences pf a trolley, car in spme remote Village . Only excuse fpr picture in this =fDrnTHTr^jhalHt=i?5n-t-=qultef=aS=diill=^^ a tliird-ratc fpreign drama and thus la endurable fer the s.ur.n-.seri;t.mob Impessible putside pf that n.arrpw. flpld. Titles arc well done, but whp cafes about tho pplltlcal aituaticn in Afghanistfin?. . .Rush: Gplumbia has taken up Us pption on Jack Epan. . First, assignment "Broadway Hoofer," Fred Mackayc added to cast. to the Contrary, has benefited amaz- ingly- by the. dialog and the effects' Due . to . tha:t it's ' high above the. usual cbw land, picture.'; ■ •.Unlike' Fox's VIn Old Arlzpna'' where, due tP the diald??, barely any pf the oiitdppr shpts were meb shpts, querij the sell thrpugh his plpneer- ing spirit and indomltaljle will. -He, takes as a wife a cbmely' but har.e-i- lipped girl, - a.hd. tpgether they start tP .build a bpmmunity; Copper is dlsccvered bn the pipneers' prpp- crty;; atLjl the rempte cpleny takes bri the prpportions Pf ,'1 bppm tPWn, I with Isak, the first settlers, well bn here they ccnslst splely pf the^beys the way tP financial Independence whooping It up. This is Ken lyfay-. With the ceming of civilisation to nard's first . talking tole. .. With a-Uhe wild CPuntry their fpllpws mur- distlnct VPice and .^yith the Intpna- der, robbery-and rapine. The hare- tipn. pno expeets. ; frpm the kind -ijppe(3; .,^t£5^ Inger, takesa prlsen rap hearted but nevertheless; pf [ -btirdcrinpr' her baby daughter, the wide ppen, he takes full ad- jjo^n with a hare-lip. Released frem' vantage ef the departure. Besides pj^i^j^^; gome years later she returns speaking, he Instrumen.talizes ptt the to the cplpny with a prison-bprn guitar^.and violin. Only default is | (.^j]^ y,ut minus the facial when the rough, sloppy men sur rounding him join In the chorus with voices like .a well, trained choir instead p£ tlio- husky cracked' tones expected. .•'•'; ■'. ^ ==Fliplrer!^is=^uSt-^pa'ekf''d=^-lill=bf-ae^ tibn - and .and plenty of that has been the bane of her exist enco,' and; everything is lovely once .moroi ■ ■ / • ' , •■ Story is unfolded in dnll, dl.sjoint- ed style, I'.on; do Ca.ssr-i-e.s' editing l=tit!inxr='lKiinTr^fmirt=^h^ tbinfts that .Mav*'.s it fi'Om being so chuckles. A fight scene in .an old.] mueh wa.sled film.. Mnny sequences time beer aalooiv Kfomed an exrerpt arc irl.sed In and out, and the frbm ft burlesque b'lackPUt and had' Ing, dlreetloh and i)hotr)Krai»hy Is of them rocking. Thl.s, put over with-.hitile Y'on.'-i'quenre,; ITaTii.'^iih's rianic, out tlie dialog b.r. , effects, , woiild liDwi-vcr, will kj.;!) thlfi cheap film in practically .. bo ..meaningU-ss. . T.L'^• | Uin arly..«liol.^'! ludicrous • weslern >hokum, surh a the aaloori gal.M applaudiai^ evor.vl T..aur(;l and Ilanly, Inancd by IFal timo one Buy'.s landed flush on I'voacli to M-'U for ".Tlio lloguc'.s tho chin of the other,'.br the piunlKt J Song." .scrcecher.. ; Ghief ameng the eye- fillers Is Bcriita: Hume, humdinger. She's the first: they've flaf.hed on .a -British screen whp didn't iPPk like a powdered frump. And to show her s. a.- is nbt: at all In hcr eye.s, they have her do a strip act behind a fro.«<t(Hl glass that's^ more ccm- plcto than an old Moullii Rouge number,. She skips from her office (Gonlinued oh page 31)