Variety (Dec 1929)

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**VARIETY'S»' PARIS OFFICE Paris Building, 15 Boulevard Italiens FOREIGN SHOW NEWS Ciiible AddreMt VAt^INEWS, PARIS Central 01-57; Louvre, 52-15 HOLIDAY SLUMP HITS London, Dec, 3^ The pre-hollday slump Is on I o earnest. Nothing . Is holding up ex- cept the smash hits, with the second line attractions falling back even further than anticipated. . . Best feature of the situation Is that the managers looked for dull takings and were prepared. Vaudeville and picture houses; are holding better than the otheris, but only on the 9 o'clock shows which draw late diners. Earlier perform* ance, commonly patronized mainly by suburbanites, have been badly hurt by the unfavorable , weather, November having been this Wettest- month here in a century. ENGUSH PLAYERS MOVE TO FORM OWN'EQUITY' London, .Dec. 3. : A thousand actors and actresses assembled Sunday evening In the Duke of York's theatre here .and, after a di&cusslQn .decided to. form an association along the . lines of Equity In the States. .. Resolutions to that effect were adopted unanimously and on 'the surface it looks as though . the project will go through. But complications are feared by many w:hen affiliation with tirades unions congress and ob-pperaiion with the theatrical labor trades unions manifest themselves. BANKHEAD VAUDE HIT Tallulah Makes London Halls' Debut in Sketph arid Gets Ovation London. Dec. 3. At the Palladium yesterday" Tal- lulah Bankhead, who recently flopped In her stage play, made her vaudeville debut, using Edwin Burke's sltetch, vrrhe Snob," which turned out to be made to oirder tor her purpose. She received an ovation on all shows yesterday. ; Bernjard Nedell and Ernest Ja^ appear In her wpr porting company.__. Long Wdtz On Coiitmeiit . Paris, !Deo. •3.' Nite life's bow to fashion Is evi- denced with the opening of a new swank dabfaret In the basement of the Theatre Pigalle,. known 'as Les Enfant' Terrible.. It will feature an Hungarian ■ orchestra In keefiing with the feturn to the old-schdoi modishness df long, swe€fplng skirts •here.' ' ■ ■ ' ; . ' - ■' ■ ■ ,' In'order te please the 'femmek Iri their trailing ensembleSj the Vlen^ i^ese orchestra will g:ive out slow, viraltz musio-ztd niaCke thihgs com- fortable'. Incldentkliy, the wiltz ■ Is doing a strong 'comeback' bti' the Continent. ,,:.(CH^C),^ ; (POSE), YORK ahd KING OrlgluatorB of ,"TIn-Type" comedy';.' ,,, , . :,.. Now favorites with; the passenger crew, etc., of the Armandale Castle* (That's the name of a boat.) Represented by J E N IE J AGO B S. FRENCH REVUE STAR'S DANCING BOY FRIENDS Sydney Legit House Goes Over to Talker Sydney, Dec. 3. Empire,' Sydney,' hais been'.leased for five years by Ron Shafty. It will become a weekly chdnge talker. The Empire tip to this change has been a white elephant und^r control and - management of' RufE Naylor. ' ; ••, Selwyn's Stalled Rent ^puth ^orwall^. Conn., 'Dcc. ,13'. ', Renting, his Bell. Island villa laj?t Bummer to Major X TEdward .Khpjt, British mining engineer, SeN' wyn, producer, will appeair.,"fa Bridgeport county court this weefc to press his suit for $6,500 rent money. > . Wife bf the major Is a fotmer English actfess Who once worked for Selwyn. Get Egypt's Goat Cairo, Dec. 3. With the arrival of the Londbh newspapers here, a storm was aroused by the comments upoil the Egyptian stage, written by 3arbor in the London Daily Telegraph. Chief among the native person- ages speaking their minds—and you ought to heir an eminent Egyptian speak his mind—Is Tussef Bey Wahby, the leading native actor. Farce's Brief Life London, Dec. 3. "The Man Who Missed It," open- ing at the Strand Nov. 27, will be withdrawn as soon as a successor can be arranged for. Piece thoroughly rapped by the reviewers. Second night show held but a corporal's gu^ird. Flay has a good idea, badly worked out, but Is very well acted. Another of Those ^Vewih Plays With Suidde End Paris,! Dec. a.. ': Paulette Pax and ' Luclen , Beir, running the Malson de rOeuvre, smsiU, highbrow subscription house, presented "Slrenes," by the new- comer,, Luclen P. Revhaud, a weak poetical piece In three acts. It seeks to symbolize and warn afgalnst <the people's yen. for travel Ihto new scenes. :Plot recites the story 6f a widower representing a travel agency, but never able to travel himself, although. he craves the excitement ot Journeys abroad. He meets a friend'Who owns a clrr 6us ;aild. wants to' join out,: hut; the friend Advises 9g£tlnst giving up a irood 1 berth: for the. boredom of travel. Widower meets an adventuress and suggests, a^ part of ah amorous adventure, that they travel together and pied'ged his fortune to that «nd, meanwhile' neglecting his 'daitighter. Thfe' advehturess goes south with the money, the daughjter goes w'rong'and In the end coihmlts suicide. The cliScus man thereupon Accepts the^wldower asf ah enipioy'ee of the circus and he goes traveling when the yen to do bo has vanished Legourldec plays the widower, J*l- zanl the circus proprietor, Camllle Yernades the adventuress. Miss Shelley Cancels , London, Dec. 3. After four weeks ait the Deauyille restaurant here, Frances. Shelley opened last . night at the Cafe Anglais for. eight weeks.. Word has. been received, jn . New York that Miss Shelley will resign her role In "Wake Up and Dream" when the Cochran revue comes to Broiadway at house not yet an- nounced, after the first of the new year. Fay Compton Play • London, Dec, ,3. Laurillard is shortly producing a new play in the West End entitled "Virtue for Sale" with Pay Comp- ton starred. Opposite her will be Hartley Power. ITFA PREMIERE ACTS London, Dec. 3. The Berkoffs have been engaged ^KerertiJ^^hiRadllrre the-blii^he^^ new Hamburg;- Germany, theatre opens Dec. 15. Tbe TiUer Dancing Schools of America, Inc. 64 WEST 74th ST., NEW YORK MART RDAl>. PresMent Photie Bndicott 821E<'e Kew OlMfle* Mow Formla* Circus Marriage Paris, Dec. 3. A : circus romance consummated In the niarrlage here of Luisa Pra tellini, daughter of Albert, one of the Prateillnl brothers at the Cirque d'Hlver, to Ernest Carre, Jr., son of the equestrian director at the Cir. 'que. The PratelUnis are t^i© stars of the winter circus , here, getting a percentage of the gross, unusual for clowns. That Anderson Boy London, Dec. 3. Gai'land Anderson, the Cialifornia bellhop, who w rot e "Ap pe arances " and had It. produced once on the coast and twice In New York, Is here endeavoring t6 get it staged Lane- Going to Lond in Hollywood, Dec. 3. Luplno Lane, finishing his part In First National's "Lady In Ermine," Dec. 8, will go Immediately to Lon don to open in "Silver Wings," at the Hippodrome. • Paris, \Deci 8. ' StUl very "IhBide" Is whiit Is an- ticipated to be a ': Bensatlonal bregJc't between two w. k. profes- sionals here. She is one of Prfince'lB foremost revue stars and'has been Identified with a dancer-partner un- til the advent of another dancer, this time an adagloist. The being very much in- vited around by the comedienne and looks "in" as the new boy friend. It seems bound to. raise a row be- tween her and h|ir former partner. Gloria Swanson's Marquise Aiid Constance Bennett ' , ' "■■ _ . ■'. .Pa.rls,'De<i.'3." • . Close ,;(rlen,de .of Cohetan,c6;.Bcn.^ nett-Plant and Marquise DeLa-- falalse are belnjg Informied by both that theV'Intehd to wed iiU Boorri xw* eiach. Is respectiyely ,dlvprcied...^he couple • are cpnstantlyL seen -eoge^her here. ■ — ' ' ■ ■' ' Jfljiss Senb^tt IS married tb' ii*hil Plant, society piaj/bOy of Ne'ifr Toi'k. She Is th4.daughter bt Richard-Bt;n- nett, the! .'.act'or. DeLafaialse 'the •liushaind 'df, Gloria Swaason. Miss Swahson married, him a few yea,rs ago while the short vogue among the silent picture stars of Holly- wood was on to annex a title. Ppla Negri, iyrhO *ilso got one about that'time. Is how losing him by the same route. • The Marquise'has. bee:> on the Continent .representing, Pathc In. New Tork. Rumors of a,split be- tween . the Plants have been long reported. Miss Swansoh lately left London for New York after over here for a few weeks with her tanking pic- ture "The 'Trespasser." 'While oh this side-she'was always accom- panied w the Maratsise, known among' his intimates as Hank for Henry. "" ' ' '' ." erlin ^ice iLooks Good for BrosUlway j , N I Berlin, Deo. 8. ; At Klein's • theatre bere "Per. imme (?) of My Wife," a comedy by Leo Lenz, proved an effective ve- hiole for the popular Max Adelbert. . A huBhand and his wife separate'* liy wanted to go to a tnasked ball Without the other and. each . sub- stitutes, the; butler '. lii one case and the maid in the other In their own beds. When It Bubsequently is dis- covered that the maid was in the husband's, room most ot the night while - the wife, was, away, jealousy and^ susjplcion grew up Ipetween the pair,. ■ Spicy, farce-comedy *nd .looks as. though it might be acceptable, f^r :^rpadw<vy, .y^ith intelligent, ad^Ptft- tlonr> r.-i ; :(.. . ...I ' , ' '.• ( >. • ' ■ •. ' '•' . .' i I ■. : ■ - French Conduct Quiz. ; Of Foreigitt^ • ■ • Paris," Deb;.-a.-I ! With a great- amount of unem- liloy'meht I aihoni; native musicians, tilaimed a^ due to importation of Amerliian'tiolbred jazz players and' Argentine and Spanish tian^o bah'ds-* men, the authorities ar^ tightening tjhe Regulations on foreign^ mu- sicians.' • •,' • ] Porth 6f -the campalgn-'is' Interro- ■ f^a,tIon' on iab'br permits ahd also qards of 'identity, the latter a police ijegulktlph'demanded from all, for- eigners in Prance for moi^e than- two .months; ■ ' • •=!■•■'r Many fOfrelgrh'musicians haVe been careless <ab6ut their identity «ards ailthough' they obey the labor per- , mlt rule. Catching upon the new elgitatlon, foreigners are ^purrylng about with much excitement,, for it is a grave oifense to he caught without the Identity card, barring re-entry into France subsequently* French Cpmedie Starts in Cairor-Pther New Qnes Cairo, Dec. 3. The company • from ■ the Comedie Prancalse of Paris started their Sea- son' at the Opera House here last night, ■ • • ■ ' • ■ ' ' •• • Among the'new attractions here, aside' from the Prench Stat^ troup, are - Esctidfe'ro's Spianish ' Dancers;- dpehlng at the Kursdal DeO. 13'. i The Kltcat began Its wlnlfer sea- son Wlth'^tiife following turns on' the iha,ugural bill: the Priedals Sisters, IfUdy arid Harnlorit, Mairlanne Hand, ijilarga Pischer and Eva jKiilhaiy. ■ t T ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ^ i Best Known Head^aijter Paris, Dec' 3. Albert, perhaps the best i'.known headwalter in the world, and with a Parisian following among the haute monde (whatever that is) that's not only local but. interna- tional, .debuts as a nite club Ini- presarl.o when he takes over the El Garron ipabaret on. the rue PIgalie. : This started as a swanky joint and. flopped. Albert has. a percentage arrange- ment of the place; this is his initial venture as; a proprietor. . SAILINGS Deb, 24 (Paris to New York), Jack Cohn and Mrs. Gohh (Beren- garia). : ■ ': Dec. 14 (New York; to London) Terry Turner (Berengaria). Dec. 19 (Paris or London to New Tork),,' Raoul "Walsh, Maurice Mos- couVltch, Ella Shields (Berengaria). Dec. 6 (New York to London), Grordon Bostpck CHe de Prance). Dec. B (Paris to New York), A. H. Woods, Joseph Pincus, Allan Dwan ahd Mrs. Dwan (Bremen). Dec. 4 (London to New York), Ar thur Blumenthal (Rerengarla). Nov, 30 (Sydney to San Pran cisco)j. Mrsj^eyLanii. S^^^ McQuestion, Charles Sylber, Por- est Yarn ell, Ray Vaughn (Ventura). Nov. 29 (Pirls to New York), Louise Brooks (Majestic). Nov. 29 (Paris to New York), Clifford Gray and Mrs. Gray (Levi athan). Nov. 27 (London to New York), W. R. Sheehan (Majestic). Nov. 27 (Sydney to London), Brown and liavelle (Moldavia), ROUIHANIA COMPUINS , OF NEW PARIS Plif Paris, Dec. I. Followli)^ the opening of "Eg*- Ciller" here the Roumanian legation privately ehtibi-ed a .protfist with the Paris police; cbmplalnlng that the pliece inlight he interpreted as i,'' thrust at the ruling family of thait state ahd reiiuestlng that Itbeiwlth- drawn. The police were unable, under le^ gal procedure to close the play im^ less disturbances took place, but by bringing representations .to bear upon the management an agreements waa jlreachie!^ to suppress certain pas- sages Miid, ,als6 ohange names. ^ I|t tl^ia whole business was a pUb'< ? llclty,.ptunt it was w^U arranged!" It reoejived : no direct newspapwjj comment, .but the story; got into cir-f culation.:j .Piece is a luedlocre prpj., duction but is doing business, itf' dialog, la anausing,, Plott Peneloji goes tor the court of .an Imaginary! ^ central European state to act as tui '- tor of a prince's child. ' The tutor'* ; former • sweetheart, ; a • ooquettlph., dumbbell,'. follows ^the tutor,, both--, wagerlngf he or she will first make'\ a rich marriage. '. . : The' girl- quickly infatuates the prince ;andi the tutorv pleases the- ,, widowed queen arid flirtations ensue,. In ' botii'' cases. Girl mairles the-; prince; 'While' the tutor remains in the same'humble rank." ' The author , is SWlsi^, but the OOmiedy Is Parisian In It^ tone. In the cast fkie Slgndret' aisj the tutor, Satumln 'Pabre the prince, 'And; Clara. Taimbour the schennlng 6'nreetheart. Mme. Baletta lis the'qlieen. COPS EVICT MOB FROM CAFE BEHIND IN TAXES : . • Paris, Dec. 3. • A capacity crowd wa.s evicted without warning from the cabaret ■ here known as the "Pile ou Pace** (meaning the Heads or,Tails). Because Hhe landlord '^id' failed to|i' pay to the government the amount of hfs ;taxea lofllclals walkj^d- In and closed the Joint. ' Ord Hamilton's floor show, made up of British performers (Hamilton is English) and native'talent, was moved Immediately tO the Chateau Caxicaslan/ also In the 'Montmartre' district. ' WEATHER London, Dec. 3. '. Contlnuoxis rain prevailed for the past week-and Is still going on . ac- companied by slight fogs. It has been the wettest November In Lon- don on record for 100 years. •■ Washlhgton, Dec. 3. The weather bureau has fUrnlshed "Variety" with the following outlook for week beginning tomorrow: ' Cloudy but not so cold, with snow flurries along the lakes Wednesday. Thursday, Priday and Saturday (7), p^artly overcast arid fairly cold. Sunday, uncertain.. Ethel Waters Scores London, Dec. 8. Ethel Waters, colored American, opened last night at the Cafe de Paris here, singing six numbers, arid left them demanding more.; T^iShe "Is "IrirthM^'rii^^ week with the management holding options on further three weeks' services which look a cinch. Countess Stora Back . 1 London, Dec.. 3. Back from the, Wintergarten,,Ber- lin, Countess Thelmare Stor.a opened at the Alhambra yesterday, doing nicely. - < _ . - * ■ ' Dancers Walked-^Fined' - , f , . Parla,. Nov. 20. Horam and • MyrtH, 'dancers, enn' ga^ed for the Lido (cabaret) heUteS slated to open Oct. 22 for a fort->; night, were flrted by default 19,960 francs( approximately $8Q0) follow/r^) ing. hearings held before'the Workjti ers' Arbitration Board. , m.* The dancers walked out on thclf;> contract, sailing without: notice fpp;? America. , on. They, were , contracted at 1,426(1 francs a day, about $57.. Wallace Projects London,; Dec. 3. Edgar Wallace, just returned., from . the iStates,' Is negotiating te'i stage "Street Scene'' and "June Moon," New York hits, here. Wallace says he was amazed on his visit to New York, to find the low quality of the na£lve actoi^^i declaring there was a great short*f age of good men players. ■"' • ■■ ■ " ■■■■■ ■■, ■ ■ ^) Miss Lillie's ^ite Club Beatrice tilllie, English singing comedienne, goes Into the Club Lido, New York, for $3,500 a week starting. Jan. 1 for 10 weeks; She is due on the coast to make a picture for Pox March 16, New Walpole Play London, Dec: 3. • The Daniel Mayer company Is producing the first play from the pen of Hijgh. Walpole, famous hpv- elistj-artd-is-=^ntitled-J'The'-Y-oung^ Huntress." Xonth Is the time to utudy Trlndom; old af;o Is the time to practice It. MB. AND MBS. JACK NOBWOBTH ISO Went 44th Street New York