Variety (Dec 1929)

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V^cdhedday; ' Deteihber 4, 1929 VARIETY 63 HOTEMi FOR SHOW PEOPLE LETTERS , pnsT0ABD8> APWB MafllMb jm nrScmSu iSTTEBS WILX MOX ADWMaammD-m Allen Al IndrewB BlUr Baniette Ben Cantor Harry ,^ „ Carrette BesBle M Colbum Franqui ,. ^enderflon Alma . MrB ■ ' Kennedy. Marc^ua; Lane Btarry CHICAGO Alexander Hoy. Anderson LucUle Amand P..B . Badill 'Ba*' Binder: Jl*y^ BlupjenfeJd tf.9tm.T^ Boyer n " H mandlef Fehmer CJtfclnS: Jac^ .: ;. Den'nl»oii "O^cirge Flt^-Clorald J p.' Frobman Bert OJltord W C Oill)er^' Bert • Gillette Lucy , Olena A Klchards' Gualltttto W J 0-->';don. Al,'; ; . Ball. A fiksley'-' Hammond: AI' Harbor Madelon 'fierinan Lewla He.'ts Lillian Eoran ft St^nlex McKenall T H Horan Bddl« Ptiiterflon Gladys Petrle WIU .V Mrs Jllce Alyce BalTo'' B- ; Sears rbll Wallace MatM VTftisit »niy' : Westerp:, Helen' ' OFFICE Jones DaVy' ' Jones Terese U liange' Howard Iieltcli Jack • ■ \'.. mcQowfin O MedeJelne' Murray J Harold Newman. p Koylt 'jnlep^ ' Olson'XiCikise ' ^ ■ I 1- I- Palmer Henry, J Pymn P & P Reynol<)8 jVera • BoblnsDn' Clarence Bosa Charlie ' Sanderson He^n SUinljeck, Bruno Vanderkoor' A 'O Vernon, wally ; Verobell Madamie •White H Pierre Wyhn Bay, ALBANY, % % By HENRY RETONDA. Capitol—"Meet the' wife;" Hall'—"Romance of the Rio Grande/* jjtlfmd —"Frozen Justice.' 8trtui*^"PariB/' • BitB—'"Forward Pass." . frootor—^Vaudfllm. . Capitol, ' :ato9]c, only, • lo^al leglt^ theatre, ha? , ,cut.'admiissiion:. from 11.60 to |1 fn an effort to draw. jaiaep . iperinody -has .beein made manager' 91.the Fox exphfi<ngie, suc- ceeding' l39;dore Sclimertz, who was transferred" to . Cleyeiand.; Jlobert "VKagner . ,lja9 , become . maiiae^r ^f World Wide,' foHowlng Amos-JL<eop- ard. Thbmaig W^ai* has resigned , as manager df l/lncolh thea;tr0,-Ti"oy. . Samuel Schenkle, formisrly psher at. the Rltz, has been made assistant manager.-, , ■ • SARANAC ■ By '"kAPPY'> BENWAY . 'Sg,rr'y.,'kamba, ^ Namba .Troupe, awaiting > to be operated bn at the General hosrt)ftaI, was Ifl b6d; very nervous, #heh nurse came to Kim. Hesasked her If he waa next. Nurse "told himftwa more a,head, and he Would, be; last. "Evett- the closing spot Kn a hos- pital," Hairy said. . ; . • • Frank' 'llVIickey" Walsh received 26 pinochle decks from Al. Davis. _ George Harmon left for New Tork, for a stay at his hoftie over the holidays. Annual football contest at the 5?' ^^'^ ^>*ed Rlth; sec- ond jprlze, -by Olga Kalinin;, third, »y Chris Hagedorn. Cortteat' cov- eting oveir 76 college teams/ Richy Craig, Jr., failed to ittend, out phoned over for two sand- V^lehes. Hickey '-Walsh waS not hungry, out said that he woiild take the ♦i-^B, as he wanted to buy, ban'jo strings. Dr. Edgar .Mayer stood at the dln- ^9°"^ f<>r a fiew moments W ^^}^' "^^ are sick, I'd w^Uwhen you -are WEITE OFTEN To Those You Kow in saranAc Reports nit^f"J Namba back from the hos- atiiT »u°L"^ great....Allle Bagley l"" \bed but gaining weight.... •*nna Mae Powers abed, doing well ••••viola Allen unlimited exercise PrVa inV'vf W"»ams picking up;... -bftrS ^ CQiplng back after- a set- liflSr-i^:'^^^^-^°lony,.abedr-but S^'^IE- • • -^ela Edwards held to L;„„„^lth slight activity....Lilly well....Geo, Neville footHiJ,!^ exercise; ready for the caop •' -yrank Walsh arrested Datf^';; Kincaid, house Wr^l" "^"^^ improved....Vernon O?^ '""llniited exercise.... Anrtr.?'''^^^"^"' and around.... 'urea.«j r^rvinp ready for exercise doino-^®^ Cannon incipient 'case, Snd'l„''^7 ^-ell....Eddie Voss, off Provfrni * ^ showing marked Im-^ Pio\om(?,ith Lundberg lim- LORRAINE ^■,11 JHNGLB BOOM. BAXe, W.ois CP OOVBUB^BOOH. BATH,* fl7JI0 AMD 921.00 WKISBVS : DOUBLE WITHOUT BATH. 914.00 WBEKLX ' , L£,OMABD OlCBS. PrMldcBf and GRA^NT^-Ohicago GRANT . SINGLE BOOM Without batb, 9i.ieo and pbb dax SINGLE ROOM. BATU, 92.00 PER UAV , DOUBLE ROOM WITHOUI BATH. 914.00 PER WEEK DOUBLE BOOM WITH BATH 917JV0 AND 921.00 WEEKLY ' MOTEL ^ ^ JACKSON l37^Vest43'• St. Conipleteiy :rem6deled-^e'^ery thing of the best—Simmons furniture (Beautyrest mattresaes), hot and cold waiter, telephones, showers, electric fans. $12 for Sing^le Boom : $15-$17. for Double" Rooin $16-$l$-$20 for itenble '■'Room ; (with Private Bath) • SUMMER CONCESSIONS , This Ip the Ideal hotel for the Profession—in the hearf of , " the theatrical sec£i'pn. .. . iPhones Bryant 6573-4-5 lte4 exercises with a great, showing toward' good islde... .Lawrence ilic- Carthy Just. over cold, how.. up..;. Nellie Quealy up for two meAls in main dining room....Ethel Clouds, much okay, two hburs daily exer- cise. .-..At J p;ierce okay;.Maiy Bradln ibed with sligbt'''tepap,"-Im- proved... .H^len O'RelHy, 'flrie Imr proveine'hf,- nearly . arrested;^ George Harmon feeling, fine.... Richy Craig, Jr., three extra good reports In succession.., .Dayld Ma- yity 100% okay.. ..Thomas White, year's best comeback.. ..Bobby Hatz, holding .own and, gaining freight....Charles-. Barrett, wonder case, attended by Harry Barrett..... Alice Carman expected up soon.... Charles Besnah, abed, but doing weight gaining act.:..J. C. Louden on up-hill, okay.... .Paula Campbell showing color and .feeling flhe.V Benway, good: X-ray- report^ • on hourly exercise twice daily. Write tO''know Jn Sara- nac..' i "'^ A ilst with addresses !orf all show business patients In Saranac. Is in the Vaudevi]lle New^ dfe'pattment of this Issue.' '' - ' ''■' ' ' ■ ' '- '■ I JEFFERSON <C|ontinued from page ; 43) . - • two inunib^i's and thak^ .^o gra^le nicely.' ' ,D|«riihutive Dot .Steabu'ry, introduced as the ' kid '. sister, smacked across a coiiple of hot numbers, which all but stopped the show.' Bill Seabury has Uhed up a corker In his present flash, an ac- quisition-foi" any •^raude'bill; " Demarest a;nd Deland, mixed duo, with man'clowning over the music box, held next to shut Assignment satisfactorily. Man's planologue with attendant clo-wnlng good start, with the gal's mock ballad s'tulf also tickling. Both go legit for fin- ish and clean up. , > . Pallenberg's Bears, in a routine of animal stunts, closed. "Touiig ; Nowheres" (FN) on Screen. ■ Jfci'dftc. ALBEE, BROOKLYN (Vaudfilm) Brooklyn, Nov. 30.. Business here Saturday,' after- noons has picked up. nicely, with house playing to a few standees at the first -vaude' show. Holiday shoppers, now. transients arbiind this section, possibly swelling the biz, having couple hours, to kill be- tween purchases. Exactly 3,246 seats to fill In this once most magnificent of theatres, built by E. F. Albee at the cost of a young and healthy fortune. Now it has to contend with Paramount and Fox (picture, houses), both a stone's throw away and each-with larger capacities. First showing of vaude bill Sat- urday ran 11 minutes over sched- ule, with the Weaver Bi'others and Home Folks,. two acts working as one, cut to 30 minutes. Four show.s a day Saturdayis and Sundays, to- gether with "Hearts in Exile" (Warner) running 86 minutes, .Gau3cd^show=:-to_;i'ruii^bebJtodx.= _^,^^ Feature \^ .playing day and date with the Colony on Broadway, where it has its first showing In section current week. New show is a case of two head- line acts, either plenty strong enou.i;h 'for next-to-clo.sihg here. Williams was .spotted third, the Weaver twain going on next duo to combination with "Home Folks." Title represents 13 people (aevcn men, .six womon),^ draii^gcrl into act by Weaver boys and .announced as relatives and frionds from back In Arkansaw. Six men are hiek back- 'woods musical accompaniment' and partners doubling In bucolic dance numbers tvltii the gals. 'Additional hiale, a juve,' gets a spot to do har- monica numbers and imitations. Elviry,. for some time part, of the Weaver duo offering, leads most of- the numbers. Weaver's production got only a fair hand, but that meant nothing Saturday afternoon. Bert WUUams, less than fair, too, and: other two acts. on the bill had to be satisfied with a shade less than that. No reflection. 6n merit. - Williams, BO w. k. In vaude.he*s almost- a "by-word, did everything conceivable to arouse the patrons, but .finally gave up after 23 min- utes. • On No. 2, £kelly aiid Helt Offered ^ comedy act ciertain to get a good, quota of laiighs in the average house under <jrdinary Conditions. Laugh nuggets are ple.nty, .the .gal quartet's hoyden number oiitstand- ing. ; . • ■ / Openihg,' the Mljares,- M^ilcah. wire act with the Ringing Circus this season, ga-ve .a finished .'per- formance. One of the biest -wire acts in show business; and' ideal as an openet" for any -vaudo house., vfear. ! How's Your Health? (Continued from pagii. ^7) booted by the patient';^ chemist cousin in Buffalo, to b^ taken in very small doses. All through the play doc grows weaker, while trying to get the cousin In Buffalo by long distance to be advised on an anti- dote. Last minute brings word that it, also, was harmless. , Love angle very weak. Donald Brian is the doctor, and pleasantly. He hais a song and dance specialty which hints at what has been done to fill. Out the running time, or Just to fit Brian for the mats. Roy Atwell, patient, is m. c. for a burlesque operetta at the party, supposed to ■ be done Im- promptu by the guests. He as the invalid and Herbert Corthell as the doc's healthy pal complete the ca- pable featured trio. Helen McCoy Is well cast as the doctor's fiancee. Majority of the remaining players are Specialty workers. . This marks the first collaborative production .venture of. Lyle D. An- drews and.R. H. Burnside. It is too slipshod an affair to ihean much in New York. Sticks and stocks might be able to take It. Bang. TOP O'THE HILL Drama In three acts and . one set pre- sented by Felix Toung at th« Eltlnge, Nov, 2«. Written by Chas. A. Kenyon. Kath- erlne Wilson featured. Staged by the author with settings by Cleon Throckmor- ton. Sally Lawrence............Claudia Morgan Mrs. Lawrence ...jVirginia Hammond Howard Lawrence Sidney Booth Billy Lawrence. Lester 'Vail Ann Lester. Katherlne Wilson Dolly ....Georgia Lee Hal) Sandy Dunn.............Charles D. Brown Thifj piece first put on at the Mayan, Los Angeles, with Helen jM enck e h and^ illiam,Bo yd s tacred. None of the original oust remdlns. For its New York premiere it had undergone plenty other revisions, subtractions and additions probably. Where the original cast had 10 characters, this one programs but seven. The Coast production was frtaged by Lowell Sherman, while here the author is credited. A pretty neat transformation, but not ■V'ital enough the way it stands to poss mustor in the current ream of Bi'oadway shows. The author, a screen scribe, 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LANDSEER APTS. 246 West Slat Street Columbus 8960 IRVINCTON HALL ' ■456 West Bist Street Commbus 1S6Q ' BENDOR COURT 343 West 66tb Street Columbns 6066 . HENRI COURT , . ^2 West 4$th $^:^et .33.30. Uphgfa'cra,:.'.'- '' HILDONA COURT ' ' 341-347 West 46tb''Street' 3660'LiOngiacre • >■ ■ 1-2-3-4-room apartments. Private bath, phohei kitchen olr kitchenette. $18.00 UP ;WEEKLY-^70.00 UP MONTHLY . All ^ipartments directly, uii^ : In the center of the .theatrical, district/All''firfeprobf"^^^ . ' > Address all communications, to . . . . Principe Oflice: LBnd8eer Apts./^45 West 51st Sti^eet, New York AH apartments can be seen evenings.. pfflcc^:in each .biiUd]hg WlU Lease b'y the Week; llontb or v ¥e^ •..>, FQraiehed or . Cniuinlsb^ .- tbone; LONOACBE 6805 OOMPLBTE FOR u6lIS^KBEPb>i'Q. 325 West 43rd Street OlfiO, p. BGHMEmEB. Prop. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CLEAN AND AIBV. NEW: YORK CITY PirlTat« Batb. t-f Booma. CaterlpB:t« the eoiititort and' «aDvei)l«OM •! • ■■ ■■ the prpns'slota'.''~" ' - '" STEAM HEAT AND ELEOTBIO LIGHT, flS.OO CP flUa. Jackson now In eiiavs* THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED ' APARTMENTS' ISaO wrest'43rd Street, New Ydrk ' 'LoiiEa'ore'7132'' Three and four rooms with bath, ' eoRiplete kitchen. Modern in every particular. <Will accommodate (our: or .ibor.e adulte. hay0 b^ii itblnking in .pict,\ire' terni.9. 'When. ihe.. i>enned this..'Tl^e, esc-^! plosive. di'ftlog ^ere .T^fir jhard^y. .flpA for screen adaptatlo'ii. Ddub|o^?ljf^rr' ireled oaths and other uncouth hiftieEi run .throughout t|ie play.. A lot of .-it vtunecessary and .>projeQte.d; at th^ slightest pcovocaiiop* .. .. . . Story, is not. new. 'iRecurrent: problem of a shaded lady trying to live down her past by struggling '\}vlth.ajid. eventually spectablUtyv Katherlne Wilson has a tough assignment In that role,' parrying with It the first two acts before letting loose, - and then, but spasmodlc&i.lly at the end of the sec- ond curtain, the one real punch. A regenerated street woman, be- coming a picture star, tries to make the grade by falling in loVe with a clean society youth, but Is ham- pered by the presence of an old flame. It is not the refornled lady who shoots the fireworks, but .a' (jham-' bermald, .pal of the former, who. carries,the load of rough'language.', It's pretty strong in spots'and not always funny. Georgia Lee Hall, apparently . a newcomer, handles . the pi&ppery lines in natural articulation, evinc^ ing ability in that direction that should, create a demand for her. Charles . D. Brown gives a corking performance. Lester =Vall,, opposite Miss Wil- son, rather disappointing ai^'a lover. Looks like a short lifer Span. SALTWATER - Comedy In three acts by Dan Jarrett, presented by John Golden, Nov. 26, at the Golden, New Tork'. Frank Craven starred. Staged and directed by Mr. Golden. John Horner Frank Craven Marlon Potter.. ; Una Mefkel Sam Bowen......., .Claude Cooper Perclval Todd..,.; Alan Goode Pamjy Horner.;. . , ..Edythe Elliott Hatttc Horner...Patricia O'Hearn Jim Quirk.'. ..James C. Lane Harrison .Davis'... .Robert Burton .Nick Domlnlck...William Edmunds Doctor Price. .' Hr.-nry LaWrence Buddy Holt;'....... George .^pelvln, Jr. A steady flow of laugh lines in this comedy of a would-be sailor is from the vaudeville • strata. Only natural since the author is Dan Jar- rett, former vaude sketch player. Material and situation^ of '|JuiBt^ &^ PSI/'^ "T6riffeF""8tah"Ja^^ comedy act played In vaude by Jar- rett and Dalrymple, Is present often In "Salt Water." Also in evidence and as often are bits from a similar marital vaude skit used on the big and small time by Powers and Jar- rett, known as "Cupid's" The Jarrett of Powers and Jarrett Is Arthur, brother of the present au- thor. Jean Dalrymple of "Just a Pal" Is mentioned on the "Salt Wa- ter" program as representing the producer. None of the Jarrett,') or A GOOD HOTEL I N MIDTOWK NEW YORK ) ' >■'' Weekly ftates Single tooiDs |i4 t6 i^l Dpubie rooms |t7;S6 to $24 T\^o-;rooin suites |35 Tlbcecrroofli. suites |45 1 ■ Wi>rii^ ^ELUN<^ 7,jh Ave...#t Mth St., Ncvf Voifcaty, ;■ ..,ynjyKNOTT Maaspeflifeht \ IRVING HOTEL 917^Walnut St,, RhiladelpHia; Pa. An Outside Rooms'with Baths ^ j Pho.Do Kingsley .0580: i ' • 'Bi. ''BOSBN;. Mgr: ' : ' i ■■ ' ■!■■■ .. , .. ■ . , .members of the two ^cts noted as .'preseht in. this legit cast-- • : . As Xar as known thie ls'lian Jar- rtett's first play, ' ■ - ] ■ ■ i The same humor tried and found ' it^ue in vaiide cdrries.;weight in the^ 'l^glt as well: in the. ni<t.ilner the ez-: vaudevilliah author. tia3. W.rapped it iaround a basic plot. Plus Frank Craven's performance in the. central i]ol6, "Salt Water" enters good Jight (jomedy classiflcatioh and bids tor ;6etiter. than moderate run. Not ^handicapped with too? heavily nutted :(iast and production,..the .^comedy ! should stick iCdr the best p&rt of the .i^easoh, even though flnja.nclally held, ■up Iby this cvit rates. ; , John Horner ybariis for his own ,shlp and to sail the salt seas, like .his father and grandfather. He is ; married to a devoted girl who hdA 'her own Job and who frus- . trate her husband's plan to go to sea by spending the joint bankroll elsewhere. ■ . • He wants to use the 15,000 to pur- chase a sea-gblng freighter. ; She ■ takes the money instead and, under cover, buys the river ferry in the Hudson village In which they live. When the ferry sinks in a Storm by colliding with the. rotten dock, her purchase Is revealed and the-family splits.- The comedy lies in the Homers' domestic squabbles and it's the comedy that Jarrett borrowed froiu vaude. An excltlngv piece of simple stage craft was the sinking as vie'wed from the cottage window. Before, going down, the prop. ferry . passed back and worth in a jerky manner, as though it wanted to do a buck dance, as It may have done In vaude. ^T eraven- romps-through-his-laugh- part with ease. The cast is excel- lent. Edythe Elliott as the wife and Patricia O'Hearn as .John's wise cracking sister are sathplcs. Sonie high standing character work in- cluded, notably .that of William Ed- munds, another former viaude comic whose \vo\> in "Peg o' My Sole" wjis standard variety stuff for years. . Bige.' Lee JCohlmar, Frank Hammond, liret Black, "Love o' Lill," Col.