Variety (Dec 1929)

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78 VARIETY Wednesday^ Dtcember 11, 1929 HOLLYWOOD and Los Angeles "VarietyV Office, TAFT BUILDING, Vine St. and Hollywood Blvd. Phone Hollywood 6141 Afllne Langan of the pe Marcos in the Eye and Ear Hospital for a sinus op. Georere Ralke, Bell & Howell chief on the coast, en route to Chicago for sales confabs. Blllie Dreyer ha3 taken over the tap and eccentric department of the MacQuarrle dancing studio. Opening of the new Fox at Han- ford, Cal., set for Christmas Day, Fox's California, at Venice, went legit-film Monday with the MacKen- zie Players, preceded by a feature flilm. House will play 10 shows ; weekly. 40 and 50 cents . admission. Whem tHE*aiC7liOT/' OF/TACEAND/CRCEN yiriT HOLLYWOOD. IHEY ALWAYf IIVE AT THT HAVCRQUffD OF THE XTART WANTED .Exploitation and Publicity Man tor- amall chain of suburban ; theatres. . Must have ample ex- perience and come well recom- mended. Liberal salary to right man. Box 10, Vanely, New York Gu«ri«ihi & Co. Tb* L«i«lai An4 Lirfl«it . ACCORDEON FACTORY . ia M* Unltetf Statsi TUt vnlt faetoiy that makei toy set If Reed* — ittpdc bi band. 277.27S .Ctlumbw . Avenu* San Fr«neliet,' Cal : Fw- CtUtoriei and DRAPERIES gCHEIX BOENie StPDlO. Colnmbiw. O. mm (01- . NtW YORK An Ideal Chrittma* GiH Mpnogramed Cigarettes of tlie finest Imported Egyptlaa ana Turkish tobaccos. also domestic; blends, at no additional cost for dis- tinctive quality Bomestlo. 1,000 cUrarettes, $8.00 Imported, ^1,000 Clgo^etteB, $1R,00 Smaller Quantities if desired J. S. GRENHALL S020 Honeywell Ave.. Bronx, New York City - IiAllCUMONT QinCK ACTION Substantial new liome> etone and stucco, 7 rooms, 3 tile baths, lieatcd Baragc, nlnte toof, bmas pipes, copper leaders and. suttcrs, hot water heat, oak floors, eteel casbracnt windows, full lensth coppet screens; $10,600, onl; $2,000 cash; liretlhte opportunity (or quick deal. HODMAN iV' VniCE. INC. And LOUIS P. MILLER 190 Larchmont ave. . Park Plaza Bids. TEL. LARCHMONT: C64 Robert MacKenzie directs . and acts. His wife and three daughters in the company. \ Marco, of F & M, chartered pri- vate planes from Kansas City to Tulsa, t.o Amarillo in order to make his air connection to reach Los Angeles Saturday.. By "HAPPY" BENWAY Tommy Abbott lias returned after a month's visit a,t the Daisy Farm, Pine Bush, N. T* He is now at 64 Park avenue.. Ruth Harriet Louise, portrait photographer, lias resigned from M-G. ' George Hurrell replaces. Miss Louise, plans to go Into business locally.'" . ■ . . ' Patients at 80 Park avenue who would like to tear from friends are Harry Namba, Allle Bagley, Valen- tine Kincaid, Mary Bradln, Xela Ed- wards, Anna Mae Powers, Lilly Leonora and Chris Hagedorn. Georgle, Theodore. Von Eltz, William Davidson, Adolf Millar to "Oh Susanna" at the Mayan. Joe Abercx'omble in Al Goodwin's shoes at the State, L. A., since Goodwin went to the Fox, Atlanta as manager. ^ Ethel Clouds wais tendered a birthday party at. .80 Park avenue. When asked how old, she answered it's the Adirondack air that makes her look that way. Hall Bates, Fox .Crlteri<m public- ity, L. A., and "Toju Sanson, Egyp- tian . publicity, Hollywood, switched jobs by agreement;. liattle Marbury, domiestic, filed wage, claims for $45 with State Labor Comm. against Mrs. Ted Doner. She seeks last month's sal-, ary as housekeeper for'Mrs. Doner. Jake Lederman,. manager of the . A. V. benefit at the Pontiac the- atre, extended the courtesy to ail show folks in Saranac. . Mrs. Roy Gordon la. a new Saranac arrival, coming froni Chicago foe a rest period. Not much, trouble, juqt needs the rest. At 50 Sheppard avenue. . Hai Roacli: is installing a pipe bz'gan at the studio ' for thehiatic music to run through the comedies. This Is: the first comedy lot to follow feature siiidios iit musical layout. J.. Newton. Yates wJU operate. PatientSi anticipating in spending the holiday at home are Fred Bithi Vernon Lawrence, Thomas White and Eddie Vosa. Lee Harris now with MacKenzie Plieiyers, California theatre, Venice, Stock closed at the Hester thea- tre, San Jose; Cal. Jack Weatherby, director and lead, back in Holly- wood, with Co. .. Danny Murphy; an ex-Saranacer, is 1723 Townsend avenue," NeV?- Tork city (Bronx), N. Yi Edith Cohen is living at 74 Bloom- ingdale avenue. Looking and doing well. ■■•: ' - Willard Wyatt replaced Van B. Clement as manager. Fox Coast's Lyric, Huntington Park, Cal. M. N. Fowler now managing Fox's Red Mill, Los Angeles. . Agnes; Detro added to "Oh Su- sannah" at the Mayan. Douglas La,wrence is stage manager. . C. W. Clogstdn, manager Play- house, Salt Lake City, and the Deniiam, Denver, in Hollywood on biz. Hollywood furnished 41% of the $36,364,240 increase in valuation of Los Angeles real estate fot- the last year. Hollywood property value set at $164;892,830. Roger Gray, Redmond Wells and Georgie Harris for "Oh Susanna" at the Mayan theatre. « Chotiner Amusement Co., nego- tiating to lease the Wilshire, 900 seater, from Fox Coast. Chotiners now operate the Parisian and Ra- venna, six blocks apart. L. A. Film Board of Trade elected J. j. Milstein (M-G), president, and George Naylor (U), vice-president, taking office Jan. 7. They succeed N. H. Brower and Harry Lustlg. Harry Wilson, former publicity director for UA, has returned to this organization as. unit press agent handling the Dolores Del Rio outfit. INERS MAKEUP Est. Henry C. Miner, Inc. ''The One Best Cellar" 'Ba Ob. ;Bb CELLAR 6370 HollyWood Blvd. Laffs—Food—Sorjirises DOROTHEA ANTEL 226 W. 72£l St., New York City The Sunshine Shoppe New Assolrtiutnt of CHRISTMAS CARDS READY IS Cards In hox—$1.00 Pbstpald BROOKLYN, N Y. By JO ABRAMSON rifttbunb—"Kibitzer." W«rbn'8 Jnmalcii—"City Haul." Itonl^vard—"Two Innocenta." Majestic—"Affe of. Iiinoce;ice." Brooklyn—Dark. lIomart—rKewareel policy; Strand—"Gold Dlgffer.s of Broadway." >7air-^"Half Way to Heaven"; ataffe ■show. Foi—"Nix on Dames"; vaude. X.oew'8 Met—"The Klas"; vaude. Albie«—"Painted Angel"; vaude, .Stnr-^Mutual. Gayety-^Mutual, Orpheum—Picture, Two tryouts this week: "Two Innocents," Harry Delf's comedy at the Boulevard, and "City Haul," Gil Boag's production, with Herbert Rawlinson in the lead, at the Ja maica. Revue entitled "Temptations o£ 1930" is slated for a tryout next week at the Flatbush house of Werba's. Promise of twenty-flve scene3=with ^J'Peaches"-Brownlng--in cast. . Werba's Brooklyn now under going alterations for Harry Brandt' newsreel theatre, and will open within a week. House Is to be called Brooklyn Newsreel theatre Loew's Pitkin, gold mine house in Brownsville, started Saturday mid night shows. Three other Loew the atres doing likewise: Premier Gates and Palace. Saranac ANITA DIAZ Anita Diaz (Mrs. W. H. i^Jncher- inan), .47, of the Diaz animal act in vaude, died Dec. 4 In Lenox Hill Hospital, N. T., oit appendicitis. Mnoe, .'Diaz tpc years had Dla;s's Monkeys' In vaiide, her husband as- sisting. The Diaz act had just been booked for winter engagementa In Cuba. About to sail, Mrs. Diaz was Btrlcke>n by appendicitis. Following her operation she cllsplayed Im- provement, but peritonitis devel- oped. IDA BROOKS HUNT Ida Brooks Hunt, creator of the ole of Nadina In "The Chocolate Soldier," died Dec. 5 at .the Carson Peck Memorla[l hospital, Brooklyn. Mrs. Hunt suffered a, stroke ot apoplexy two w*ieks ago,' after ap- pearing in the "Robin Hooii" re- vival. at the Jolson theatre. New. Leah Temple, at the Reception Hospital for tw6 months, is at 9 Front street. Likes the new h^me and is doing a'fine cui"e comeback. A Miracle Man MIGHT— Give Charlie Barrett power to walk, so the Juggling Barretts cduld ^aln be seen In vaudeville...Build another Roxy theatre and make Da- vid Mavlty manager...Make Chris Hagedorn general manager of all the New York theatrical ticket offices . See that jimmy Cannon Is leader of his own orchestra..."Cure" Dave (D.D.H.) Hall, as monologlsts of his type are mighty few. i.Place Allte Bagley with a Broadway show;;. Give Georjge Harmon the longest route.. .Make James Williams leader of the Boston Symphony Orchestra ...Give back to George Neville power to do acrobatics. ..Make HariT Namba manager of tjie Pat Casey office.. .Feature TRichy Craig, Jr., at the Paramount theatre. New York...Make Xela Kdwards and Christina Keenan leading instructors of the London Tiller Girls.. .Build a mansion for Anna Mae Powers so she could be with hubby and the kiddles...Send Ben Schaffer back to Broadway so that he could meet his friends.. .Feature Andrew Molony over William Collier,. .Build an ocean liner to take Keith Lundberg to Sweden.. .Give Alice Carmen and Helen Curtis roles in their own pro duction.. .Build a theatre for Russ Kelly. so that minstrelsy could come back...Feature Viola Allen on a concert tour.. .Make Valentine Kin caid press agent for all theatres in Americia... Star Bobby Hatz in the American art theatres... Send Ver non Lawrence back to Freeport.. Book Al Pierce again with Udell and Pierce...Give back tlie million dollars the National Variety Artists spent lip here and tell It there Is no more need for Saranac...Make the theatrical, profession free, from all illness. IN MEMORY OF ITHOS. J. RYAN Died Dec, IS, 19S8 Hazel Hairitigton York. Funeral services were held at the homie of her .cousin, Mrs. Vin- cent Cairo; . . FRANK KINNEY Frank Kenney, one of> Cleveland's pioneer exlilbitors, died in that cjity Nov. 24 from, a heart attack, lie opened his first picture show in Cleveland about 20.'years aigo. Survived by widow and two chil- dren. HANK HARVEY Hank Harvey (Herman Heacker), picture. actor, died Dec. 4 at his home in Culver City, Cal. Harvey was of the old school of film actors and for many years appeared for Universal. |le is Survived , by his daughters, Bli'lie McCOrmack (picture actress), and Mrs. Grace M. Mattlson, and a son, Harry Heacker. Interment In Culver City. ANNE MacFARLAND Anne MacFarland, 60,. veteran stock actress, died Dec. '4 in a hos- pital at I^adison, Wis. She had been 111 for some time. Miss MacFarland, for the past eight years, had been with th© ai Jackson Players (atofck). Her hua- band> J. O. MacFarland, who sur. vives. Is w;lth the Jaclraon stock. Alice Washburn, 65, former flUn comedienne, died In Mercy faospitaL Oshkosh, Wis., Nov. 29. Miss Washburn Is best remem- bered for her screigu work opposite Jolin Bunny In 1910. Twenty years ago she was at the height of her- career with the old Edison Co. la New York. Heinrich Graf, 33, manager of Unlversal's distribution system in Germany, died In Berlin following an appendix operation. . ' He had been with Universal since the Inception of Its sales: organizai tlon in Germany. Letter Holtzman, 46, ^ who built and operated th<e Colonnade the- ati-e, MiUerburg, Pa., died last week. . The father of William and Harry Brandt died Dec. 9 at -his . home in Brooklyn,;. N. Y, The father of Tommy Abbott,' at Saranac Lake, N. Y., in hope' of beiieflting his, health, died in N6w York "Dec. 4, of heart trouble. . ' Bert D. Johns, 63, from heart trouble, DeCi 6, In Chicago. Johns was formerly a member of the;Im- perial'Quartets Mother, of Jack H. DaVis (Day and Davis) died In Rock Island, lli.j Dec. 3. . Deaths Abroad .> Paris, Dec 10. Sigismiind Kuof i, prominent kun. garlan Journalist, died In Vienna where he was correspondent of the Berlin "Arbeiter Zeitung." Em i I io ZagOf Italian actor, died in Milan. Henrich Graf, 33, director of thv German picture company, univer- sity Films, 4Ied in Berlin. Robert Laloue, 44, French com- poser, . died Ih Paris. . Claire Avery, American artist and . illustrator died In Paris. ROCHESTER, N. Y. By DON RECORD of vaudQ. Nieht": . I,y ceum—Dark. Commanlty FlayhoQse—"Trelawny the Wells." BKO Palace—"Nfgrht Parade" RKO Temple—"Great Oabbo.' Iioew'a Bochester — "Unholy vaude. £nstman—"Welcome Danger," IPlcoadUly—"Forward Faea." BeRent—"E vlden ce." Fay's—"Shanghai Lady"; vaude, Xtttle Theatre— "IabI Laugh." Vlctorln—Change. Strand—Change, Family—Change, Victoria, which tried burlesque and vaudfilni, has discarded vaude, running only silents, John J. Far- ren is out as manager with John J. O'Neill In charge temporarily. Monroe (neighborhood) has been bought by George Klrcher of Web- ster from. Anigeod Theatre Corp. RKO Temple has. dropped price from 65c to 60c. "Rio RJta" pulled Wednesday of fourth week and "Vagabond Lover" substituted for three days. Piccadilly shifts to Friday as opening day. "Sweetie" flopped in holdover from Eastman and "Is Everybody Happy?" tossed in Thux'sday. At Veteran's Benefit Pontiac theatre was jammed at the annual Christmas Fund benefit of the Disabled American Veterans. Great show, glyen by a galaxy of New York talent, headed by Rlchy Craig, Jr., and George "Hoke" Har- man as m. c.'s. Show opened with Craig in "one." He told a squib that did not go so well. So George Harmon came out and told the same gag In Jewish, getting a big wow from Ben Schaffer down in front. Then Craig and Harmon did the m. c. thing between the 10 acts, and it was each for ■himgeif Among the acts appearing were Monte and Wing, Denny arid Foley, Paul Gordon, Burns and Ryan, Dal- ton and Craig (not Richy), Orville Stamni and Co., Skating, Whirl- winds, Charlie Dale and Co., and a few local acts. Mu.sic was well played by Bill Geder and his eight colored troubadours. Show managed by Jake Lederman and the'bill well arranged. Curtain at 11 and everyone satisfied. "Gold Diggers" closed at Reg'ent after 10 Weeks, longest in city by six weeks. . . Smith Opera House, Geneva, Is having sound irntalled for opera- tion b5' Fox. SAN DIEGO, CAL. ^ By LON JEROME SMITH Sprpckelfl—"Plight." BKO Orpheum—Vaudfllm. Savoy—"Eva the 6th" fatoelc). Mf>?cV*Idla)'?^'^''' <Fanchon & . Rupcrbn- "Disraeli." • ^Fox^Caliromla—^'Hallelujn'h."^=^'^""^==^ Plftzn—"Is Everybody Happy?" Ilroadway—"Son of the Golden WesL" Liberty—Burlesque (stock). rox Egyptian—"Words tind Music.'' ES5 ^J*'."' Park—"Lucky star." M l •T?**"""*"'*—^^Iysteil0u3 Dr. Tu The Spreckels reopened Deo. 0 with a talker policy; Fred W. Siegel, manager and Ifessee. ^ew Fox house is packing them in 60c-85c, new top prices for films In San Diego. Fanchon and Marco Ideas moved from California to new house. Harry Hartman is man- ager. San Diego Is without a road show house. Only place available is Russ' auditorium at high school. Harry Lauder, playing oh© night last week, used the Russ, although ca- pacity la limited. Community theatre project still hanging fire with money the chief obstacle. Dance marathon, started recently at the Green Hat under Shanley's Waldorf Hotel, was sloughed by the police. Looks as If the Balboa, leased by Fox, will be dark Indefinitely. Bert Levy booked it for a while, but business was impoisslble. DETROIT / ■ CnsB—i"Anlmal CracUera," SItubert—"BlacUstone," Wilson—"Marco Millions." . Civic—"13th Ticket." • Orchestra Hnll—German Grand Opera, ^ Pictures Fox—."Seven Faces.' " United Artlats—"Taming of the Shrew.r* Mlchlaran—"So This Is Colleg<6.' Flshei^^"Marrlage Playground;' Adams—"Paris." Panunonnt—"The Vlrelnlan." JWndtson—"A Most Immorial Lady.'" State^"Rlo Rita." Orlental^"The Last Performance." Guy Wonders now manager of the Fox, succeeding S. J. Stebblns,. who reslgnied last week. The Michigan playing to caapcity this week With Amos 'h' Andy (rar dio) in person. After unfavorable press cx'Itlcism the Texas Gulnan show closed at the Shubert here last week and Blackstone booked in for three weeks. —:: - -- - - ■ Complete cast "Young Eagles,' Par: Charles Rogers, Jeari Arthur, Stuart Erwin, Paul Lukas, Frank Ross, Jack Luden, Freeman Wood, Gordon DeMaIn, George Irving, Stanley Blyatone. Title of "Sailor's Sweetheart, UA. back to its original name, "The Bad One." Harry Stubbs, Tom Dugan and Victor Potel in cast.