Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wednesday, December 11,' 1929 V A R I E T y 79 1 • ■ / HOTELS FOR SHOW PEOPLE POSTCABD8. ^ ' APYB B TISP tO OT aSoVI^n LBTTKBS WnX MOT j^lexander John Allen' Al ^ Beriiatetn M \ Bliie' CharHe' Buns & Delprta Carmlchael Hoaisy Conway Miriam . Fariium WUHam ' jree W Mrs-..; Ferguson Mae Mies Pltz-Gerald J D. Poster Lloyd iB • Freeman Marsaret Friedman Jack Kennedy' Marcella liO Mason Mile M Mcpherson wmiain Mtllcpy Ous Nodlne J Mrs Newman Mr Palmer Clara Miss Schultz Carl .$hea Edward !• Shea Tim Sh0ppard J J. , Smith George ~ . Guthrie Mrs Stevens Buclt. ■■< Vinton Arthur R Goll Daisy Hanlon Freddy Hdlden . F B . ' ■ . B;owellp:John Mead .,... ^ CHICAGO .<iFFlCE Alexander Roy' Jones Dayy Anderson leucine Arnand P, B ^withers qhft? Jones Terese M Binder Ray ■ Blumehfeld Uerm n Boyer RE . Chandler ffehmer Cltklns Jack- ' ■-■ .: •.' ' Denlpon. George ■■. Duffy' J (Sax^ Bvans Alvln A ' Frohman Bert - GMford W C . .. Gilbert Bert Gillette I-uoy GliSnn. & Richards Goodlette W J Gordon Al Hall & Bseley r. JTammona Al Harbor Madelon ■ .Herman' liewls Hertz Lillian Hogan &'Stanley Lange Howard Leltch Jack MacGbwan Coundy & May' ■ . ■ ■ McCarthy Prank Murray J Harold Novlt Jgles. Olson. Louise ' Palmer Alex Pymn F & P . ■Reynoldi3 Vera Rotilnsoii -Clarence Ro^e Charlie: Sandisrson 'iftelert / Steinbeck Bruno Vknder'koor It E Verobell. Madatrte > ■White H Pierre ' Wynn Ray PITTSBURGH By HAROLD W. COHEN Jflxon-^'.'MaJor Barbara." Alvln—"infinite .Shoeblack." . JPltt-^St'o'ckl'''"' '"• ■ • .Academy-^Bfatlesquft (Mutual). • . . ■. . v" Penn —• "Romance, of Rio Grande"; •tage show. ' . I Stanley—"Hajf "VTay to Heaven".;, 8te«e ■bow, . .. , Enrlght—"Red Hot Rhythm"; dtage ■how. . ^ . • . I . Grand—"Glorifying American Girl." , AWln^"Son& of'Kentuclcy.'" •• ' Sheridan Sq.-^"Hlo RltaV; .(3d: week). • Harris—"'Woman to 'Woman"; ^yaude.; Xlberty—''Saturday Night kid.'* Olympic—"Awful Truth." ' . . ■ •• • • .Regent—."Four Feathers.". , ^ . . Camiernphone—^"Cock Eye4 'world." Kenyon—Chaffgfo. ' Schenley—-.Change. Dick Leibert, oriranlst, and Ellas Bfe^skln- cbh'dlifetor, remain 'at PehA with Loew'S^ decfsldn not to route organists and conductors with Thda- ter of ceremonies over single week Btknds.'. ■ ■■ •' ' ■' ' ' ■ • ' " Club Alat)'am'; black-ahd-tari'qab- arel, takeii over by Don CoHlriS.' ' Ruth Schwerln- now with Loew's local publicity department . iWith settlement of St. Loui'slmu- •Iciaris' strike, MHton Slosser, or- ganist,- returns to Missouri this Week. ■ ■ "Show' of Shows" chosen to open Warner Christmas Day. 'Warner-Startley Enrlght switches from Saturday to Friday openings, Dec. 27. ■• < , . . SYRACUSE, N. Y. By CHistER B. BAHN „^>eting — Civic - Opera ■ Aadociatlon's "Pinafore." • Keith'*—Vaudnim. lioevv'si—Vandfllm,. Strand—"Paris." . ElnpIre^—"Jango," "College Coquette," David Davenport (in person). ^jParamonnt-rr"Glorifying the American Eckel—"Sunny Side T7p" (3d week). ■ Ted Healy, Columbia exploiter, is functioning hfere while the Empire plays a string of Columbia product. «• Royal Horter Is here in the In- terest of Dr. Davenport and "Jan- go." ^ "Sunny Side Up" may. stay a fourth week at the Eckel. Matt Kornfleld sails for Europe Dec. 19 in interests of M-G-M. Junior League produces "The Wizard of Oz" Dec. 23 at Keith's. A niornlng show. J jAgp^olntment of„ Russell JCahn,^ fqr. several nrionths conductor •of the Keith orchestra here, as regional musical director for R-K-O, was announced this week. Kahn will have headquarters at the Palace, Rocheater. Houses coming within ms jurisdicition Include those from Albany to Buffalo. _^ Boar'.s Head dramatic society of Syracuse University produces Martlne" Dec. 16. Schlne Interests will remodel the 1 ■ I LORRAINE : ' SINGLJB BOUU. BATB, 92.00 CP DQVBIJS ROOM. BATH. AND $21.00 WTEEKLI ' D017B£E WITHOUT BATH. $14.00 WfiEKI^X U&ONARD HICKS PrMldent GRANT SINGLE! BOOM WITHOUT BATH. $1.25 AND $1.60 P£B DAY 8INGL£ ROOM, BATH. $2.00 PER DAT DODBLB ROOM WITIlOn BATH. $14.00 PER WEEK QOimLB BOOBI WITH BATH $17.S0 AND $21.00-WSEKLX ksonF> 137-139 West 45th Sti Completely Temodeled—everything of the best—Simmons furniture (Beauty- test. mattresses), hot and cold water, tolephonca, showers. ' $1^ (or Single Room , $15-$;7 for Double Rooii| . $16-$18-$20 for Donble BAom ■ '- (with Private Bath) This ia-'the.ideal hfitSl' for the Profession—In the .benrt.of the thedlrlcal.section . , , .Phones |3ryant 0573-4-6 Strand, Qgdensburg. During Strand improvements programs will Switch to the Star.' Fox repdi-t^d acquiring Hippodrome there, i Opposite V. A. Club * - . $ 9 and Up -filnglti $14 and Vp Double Shower Baths, Hot and Cold Water and , ., ^Telephone BlOctrJc .Fans '264>268 West 46th Street New York City Although the Schlne 'lease doesl; not expire until October,-.1930, the j Schlnes:ha:Ve closed the Bijou; Lowh | ville.. It is 'owned by Ernest J{ Wolfe, Syracuse theatre operator. ' MINNEAPOLIS By LESTER REES MetrbpoUtan^Darlc. lihubert—"She Got What She Wanted": (stock). . ; . . PahtdgCjB—"Tonight at 12"; vaude. • Pnla«5e^"Hot Mammias" (stock bur.). ltIlnnesQta^"Hatf ■ Way vto: HeaVeri," "Garden ot Lov«"; Publlx unit. • Century-i—"Hollywood RevUfe.*' Statc~.''TaniinB of the Shrew." • • BKO Qrphetim^"J^iss.", tyrtc—"Hbtterifot." , Aster—"Battle of Paris." Grand—"Cock Eyed World" (2d loop run). . Deceniber 21 has been set tenta- tively as date for reopening of Sev- .enth. street by RKO >vith vaudfllm. Housei has,be^n idark two years. ■En route i>ack to Hollywood .after, ja visij: to .the Mayo clinic at Roch- ester', Minn., Charley Chase, screeij comedian, Was iehgiag'ed by Edward' Smith, Publix district manager, to' make two personal appearances at the Minnesota. ; When the Sevent}i .Street theatre bpens the 19-P^9'^ o***^hestra ijiow at the SKO 6'rpheum will move there. iOriih'euni has ho 'st^ge ehtertalifir m6At./-' • • ■ . '• ' '■■' '' B. & a ROUTES .(Continued from page 57) . Landry, Art, :Hippodrome T.,-.N. T. C. .lAns, Henry, Baker H., Pallas. ' LAnge,. J. .v., 27 .Abbott St., Lowell. Maas. Lanln, H., 2000 W. Glrard Ave.,. Phila.. . Lj»inlp. Sanu.. .W.EAF. N. Y. C. Laughtner, Harris,. St. Francis H., Ii..A. . L«;kontlt».. Harry. Casloy.. H,, Scranton. Pa. . Lenti, Al.,. 1599 President St., Brooklyn, N. T. Leonard, Harold, 04 W. Randolph St.. Chicago.. Levant, Phil, c-o M. C. A„ Chicago. Levin, Al, 478 Whalley Ave;, New Haven. Lcvlne, Jack. Cinderella B., Long Beach Cal. Levltow, Bernard, Commodore H., N.Y.C- Levy, R. H., 131 Elmer Ave., Schenec- tady, N. Y. • ., LldO'Orch.. Suite M, Loew Bldg,. Wash- Ungton, D. C.. _ •. ' Light, Enoch, Gaumont Palace, Paris. Llpsey. M.. 1731 Humboldt Blvd., Chi- cago; • ■ Lombardo, Gtiy., Roosevelt H., N. T. C. Long, Dick, Curtis H., Minneapolis. IiopeE, Vincent, St. Regis H., N* Y. Lowe, BUrt, Statler H., Boston. Lo<wry, Ed., Ambassador T., St. L. Lyman, Abe, RIchman C, N. Y. C. : Lynn. Al, Canton ]?ajace, N. Y. C. . Lynn, Sammy. 2003 Wlchltia St.. Dallas. I^rons, Al, Fox T., Ban Diego. Macdoiiald. Rex. Coliseum, St Peters- burg! . ^' _ , • Mace, Art, Rendezvous B. R., CryBtal Pier. Cal. ' „ , . Madson, Maddle, RKO T., L. A. ^ ' Maltland, .J- Garden B., 8136 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. . . . ^ . ^ Major, F. J.. $007 8d St., Ocean Park. Cal. " , .,i Maloney. R. ,B., 808 Elinor St.. KnoxviUe, Tenn. Mann Bros., Venice B. R., Venice, Cal. Mann, Cell, 70 E. 86th St., N. X. C. Marburger, H.. 346 Knight St., Reading. Pa. Marsh. Chas.. Ft. Pitt H.. Pittsburgh. Maaltn, Sam, Seneca H., Rochester. Mason; Bobble (Miss), New China B., Youngstown, Ohio.- Masters, Frank, Uptown T., Chicago. May, Cliff, El Cortez H.,,San Diego. Mayo. Eddie, 89 Crooke Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. • McEnelly, E. J., 86, Sylvan St.. Spring- held, Mass. „. i McCoy, J.. Detroit Country Club, Detroit Mclntyre, James, Chateau Laurler, Ot- Mcklnney'a, Edgewater B., Detroit. McVee. 1. S., 1221.E. 33d St., L.. A. Meeker, Bob, Palmer Home, Chicago, . -MellaT--W.m..,i,»L_BdJfln..JL^^^^^^ Park, N. J. l> Melson,. Chas.,. Stanley T., Jersey City. Memphlaonlans, 02 S. Main St.. Memphis. Mange, M., EI Patio B., L. A. ' „ _ Messenger, Al, Roseland, Taunton, Mass. Meroft. Ben, Granada T., Chicago. Mey-Hayne-Grauer. Plantation, Buffalo. Meyer. M. F., *26 Broadway, Brooklyn, ^illyer,' Oscar. 4520 N. Camae St., Phlla- dtlphla. Meyer. Vic. Butler H., Seattle. Meyorlnck. Herb.,- Mandarin n. R., 8. F. Meyers, Al. 6206 Qlrard A"*.. Phtla, Meyers, Louis, Horn's D. H.. L. A. Mlamlan, Buffalb, N. Y, Miller, j! Fran«, Statltr H., Detroit, All Newly Decorated $ Sand Dp Single ' $12 and Vp Double Hot and Cold Water and Telephone In Each' Rooni > t ^02 West 44th Street " New York City Phone BRYANT n^i-'Zft 600 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENtS LANDSEER APtS. BENDOR COURT 246 West 6IBT Street Columbus 8960 IRVINGTON HALL 355 West Blst Street Columbus 1300 343 West 66th Street Columbus 6066. HENRI COURT '312 West 4iStb Street 3830 t,biigacr6 HILDONA COURT 341-347 West 45th Stt-eet '3660 Lohgacre l-2-3-4-r6om apartments. Private ibath, phone, kitchen or kitchenette. $18.00 UP WEEKUY-f$70.00 UP 1VI0NTHLV All apartments directly under the supervision of the owner In the center of the theatrical district " AH fireproof buildings Address all communications to CHARLES TENEMBAUM Principal Offlce: Landseef Apt8.i,it45|Wj»st Sist, iStreet, New York AH apartments can be seen evehlngs.'. O'flide in ea,ch building . Will Lease by the Week .Uontb <» Tear ~ FaTaiibed or Daifomlshed. Miller, Jack. Press Club, Montrsal. • Miiler.' N., Wl Williams ,8t„ Cbelnea, Mass. •■■■''' MllUr, Ray. «^ M; C. Ai.^ IBOl B'Way, N. Y. C. Miller, Vic Loew's State, Syraeus*. Mlllef, W., Rlt» Carl. H., Phila. Mlner-;D07l«. llda-Middlesex St., LowsU, ; Mass., 1 . . Mills, Floyd, T8« Vayfitte. Bt, Cumbex- land, Md. Minlcb, Ed.. 1101 Prospect At*., Scran- ton, Pa. Mitchel, Al, Olympla T.. New HaVen. Moore, Dlnty. Hunter Is. Inn, Pelham, N. Y. ■ Moore. Prof., Ifontmartre C, Bollywood. Moore, Pryor, St^aber'a C, I<. A. Moore, Tom, Cinderella' B. R., Long 'Beach, Cal. : Mo^rey, Al, Worth. T.. ,Pt. Worth. . Mofey. Jack. 8B Westneld Rd.. .Ifolyoke. ' MoV-rls, Olen,' Silver Bllplper; Baltimore. Morris, Hel. Piccadilly H., N. Y. C. Mosby, Curtis, Ape^ C, L. A. Mosher. V.. 8137 10th 'Ave. 8.. Minneap- olis.- . ■ I . . . •■ ; Murphy's Skippers, Majestic H., Tana- •'qua. Pa; •■.'■'■'• -■ ,Mu8iaI,. Fred. Oriental .-T., Detroit. Moaha H., Walklki Beach, Honolulu. Ha-^ iWAI." : . • - : . . 11*1 Nash'old, Dudley. Nashold's B. R., Seattle. I Naylor, Oliver, Pal?iI? D'Or. Phila. • 'VIett, .Art, 6223 Spruce St.. Philadelphia ; Nelbauer, Ed, Trianon .R., Chicago, New Orleans Owls. H. Rooaevtolt. N..O. Nichols, Red; c |o"Variety, " N. Y. C; .Norvo,. Red, Minneapolis^ Minn. . Novlt, Jules,. Parody, Chicago, . OctaVet- Ore. 'SB. Duffield St.. Brooklyn, N.- Y." • •• Q'Hare, H., 20 W: Jackson Blvd..-CW. : O'Heam. Trave^L«Clalr .H„ Mollne, ID. Olaen, George, Roosevelt H., Hollywood. Oppenbelm. W.,'tienj. Franklin H-. Phila. : Original, Georgia 0, Danceland. Jamaica, L.-1.' ■ • Original Yellow Jackets, Summerland Beach, Buckeye Lake, O. Orlando, Nick, Plaza H., N. T. C Owens, H.. Mayfair H., L, A. Owen. Dale. ranUoIT,. Flint. Mich. Oxley, Harold, care Variety; N. Y. C. Pace, George C, RosevlUe, O. Paleman. Dan, Black Cat B.. N. T. C Panico; Louis, Canton Tea Gardens, Chi- cago.' • Parisian Red Heada 28 W. North St., Indianapolis, Paaternackl, Steve, Lulgl's R., Detroit, Payne.' Al. 469 Meigs St., Rochester. - Pearl, Morey, 203 Hunting Ave., Boston. Peek, Jack, 801 Keenan Bldg., Pittsburgh. Peerless Orch., Monmouth St., Newport, Ky. Perluse, Abe. Rose Room. Los Angeles.; Perci, Don,: Saenger T., New Orleans, Ia. Peterson, B.. Tlvoll T.,- Michigan City, Ind. Peyton, Doc, c o, A. S. C, Chi. Pfelf(er's orch., 18411 Palmetto Ave., Tor ledo. Phllbrick'e Orch., Younker's Dept. Store, Des Moines, la. Phillips, Phil., Club Bagdsd, Dallas, PIccIno, A., 860 N- 8tb St., Reading. Pa. Pierce, Chas.,. Pershing Palace, Chicago. Pipp's Orch.. SuillTan's, Edmonton. Can. Pollock, Ben, Sliver Slipper, N. Y. C. Pollock, Ralph, Loew's State. Syracuse. Pontrelll, Nick, Rose Room B. R., L. A. Prado. Fred. American House, Boston, Prince. O., King War Lo B., Detroit. Pullen. R. B.. ISOB Sellers St.. Frank- ford. PWla. Q Quam, Gene, Maryland H., Pasadena, Cal. Randell, Art, Fontenelle Hi, Omaha. Rapp, B., Arcadia, West Haven, Conn, Rapee, Erno, Roxy T., N. Y, G, Rasmussen, F., 143 Graham Ave., Council Bluffs, la. _ Rawdisn, Bill, Palace H., B. F. ' , . Relsman, L*o, Central P. Casino, N. Y. Renard, Jacques, Coconut Orove, Boston. Reaer, Harry, 148 W. 46th St.. N. Y. C. Bhythm Ronmers. cars Chas; Mack. De- troit. . _ _ -^RlCtlr Aldoi-^Rltz-Carlton.-H.T-NT^Yr-G^ Rich, Fred, c-o "Taps," 746 7th Ave.,' N. Y. C. RIcklttS, J, C. ICoaclUiko, Miss, Rlnes, Joe, Elks H., Boston. Rlttenbaud, J., 0. Artists T., Detroit, Rlxzo. Vincent, Sylvanla H„ Phila. Rodemlch, Gene, Metropolitan T,. Boiton. Roanca' Penn, Commodore' B., Lowell, Ma.w., Walt, Loew's Paradise, Bronx, N. Y. C. ' : ' Rohde. Karl. Loew's Orphsura, Boston. Roky. Lson, Syracuse H., Syracuse. _ Rclfe, B. A., 1500 Broadway, N. Y. C Roman. Joe. lOB Winter St., Portland, Me. Phone: LONGACRE 0800 Q)iO. p. 8CHNBIDBB, ffwoQ. FURNISHED APARTMENTS Cl.BAN AIXTD AIBl.' . . NEW YORK CITY Private Both, 8-4 Booine.' Catering, to the oomfort and oonvenleoee •! the profession. STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT, ^15.00 VP Mrs. Jaokaon now In ohars« COMPLETE FOR . UODSEKEEPINQ. 325 West 43rd Street THE DUPLEX HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED APARTMENTS 330 West 43rd ..Street, New York . Longacre 7.133 Three and tour rooms with batli^ complete kitchen; Modem In eVery particular. Will aocommodate (our - or more adulta $12.00 DP WEBttLS . RbmanelH, I.. King'Edward H., Toronto Romana, P., Rosoland. B. R., .N. Y. C. Rose, Irv.. Statler H'.°,'St L. Rosebrook, Leon, Roxy T., N. T. C. Rosen, Paul, 78 W. Randolph St., Chi- cago. Rosenthal, Harry, Stelnway Hall, N. T. C. Rothschild, Leo, 806 W. 14th St., N. Y. C,. Royal Novelty Six. 2333 N. 22d St.. Pblla. Rublnoff, Paramount T., Brooklyn, N. Y. : Russell. 'B.. king'Cotton H..- Ors'ensbbro. Russo, Dan, Beachvlew Gardens, Chlcfagb.. Russo, Danny, Palace T„ Chicago. ■ :8 ■. Sanborn, Ed., Loew's T., Montreal. Sands. P., 2U Rldgewood Ave., B'klyta. Schara, C. F., 624 Bway,, Buffalo, .N. Y., Schmitt, Fred, Rlalto tT. Denver. Scboller, Dave, Capitol, N. Y. C. Schubert Ed.. 24 Arthur St.. Lawrence, Mass. Schwarts, U. J.. 810 Court St.. Fremont, Ohio. Scott, L. W.. 000 Dllbert Ave., Spring- fleld, O; Scott, Frank, 284 President St., B'klyn, N. Y. apolls, Seldenman, Sid, Mayflower H., Wash. Salinger, Abe. President H;. A, C. SelUnger, Henry, Drake H., Chicago, i Selvin, Ben, Columbia, 1819 B'way, N. T, Setaro. A., Granada T., S. F. Seven Aces, c-k> M.' C. A.. Paramount Bldg.. N. Y. C. Severi, Glno, Granada T., B. F. Sheffera. H. C.,. Wilbur's, Tannton, Mass Shelton, Geo., Olympic H., Seattle. Sherman, Maurle, Golden Plimpkln, Chi- cago. Sleff, Jos., Caves C, lOtb & Bway, Oak- land. Cal. Silverman. D., Mlsaourl T., St; liAuls. . Sllvertown Cord, -c^j M. C. A., Paramount Bldg.'. N.; T, C, , ' Silvester, Johnny, Spanish B. R., Seattle. Simons. Seymour, Hollywood T., Detroit. Singer, Lou, Trianon B. R.. Seattle. Skrivenals. Jos., El Patio B. R,, L. A. Slason, Fred, Lotus R., Washington, D. C. Smith, LeR., Connie's Inn, N. T. C, Smith, Harl, Blossom Heath Inn, Detroit. Smolln, 6.. 160 W. Bucbte) Ave.. Akron. Ohio. ■ ■■' Souders. Jackie, Strand T.. Vancouver. Specht, Paul, 1D85. Broadway, N. Y. C. Splelman. M., Moulin Rouge C. B'klyn. Spltalny. Phil. Pennsylvania H.. N. Y. C Spltalny. H. Leopold, Chicago T., Chi. Spltalny, M.. Statler H.. Cleveland. Springer, Leon. 134 Livingston St., Bklyn. St. Clalr Jesters. Prince Edward H., Windsor. Canada.. St, Louis Kings. 1383 E. OSth St., B'klyn. Stafford. H... Oil Sumner St.. Lincoln. Neb . Stafford. J«sse, Palace H., S. F. Stanley, Jack, Senator T., Sacramento, Cal. Stark, FordlnAnd- Curran T., S, F. Steppe, Norman, Shadowland C.. San An. tonio: Storn, Harold, Ambassador IT., N. Y, C. Stevens. Ferley, 3S9 ifunttngton Ave.. Boston Etsward, Sam, Black Cat C, Columbas, Stock, B.. c-o T. Shayne, 1376 B'way, J^..-Y..X.L. _ ■ Stoll, Geo;," Loptv^s 5[lafe~T.~Lr"A: '— Straiib.' Herb, Buffalo Broadcasting Corp.. Buffalo. Strickland, Chas., Pk, Central H., N. Y. C, Strlisoff, Vanderbllt H., N. Y. C. Steele, Blue, Peabody H.. Memphis. Straight. Chas., Variety. Chicago. Sutherland Lee. Dor d'ltalla C. B. 7. Swept, A1. 20 Qulnry St.. Chicago, Sweeten, Claude. Golden Gate, S, F. Sweeten, Given, 5th Avenuo T., fSoiiKle. Tapps, T-IS .<:<!Vf;nth Ave.. N. Y. C. Taylor, H., 1010 Chestnut St., Phila. A GOOD HOTEL IN MIDTOWN NEW YORK ■ ■ V^eekfy Satef \-, Single rooms , $14 to $21 Double rooins $17.50 to $24 Two-joom suites $35 ■'• Thi:€e''room"'suit^-.|4j.i\vV',-,\tiv':'.; ^ HOTEL WEMilNcirD^^ i • 7th Ave. at!55th St., New Vo^ pirl'-^V ' " Under KNOTT Afttisgrtrtrhit " BOTE 9i7-W^ilitut St., Philacfelphip, Pal All Outside Rooms with Baths ,Pfidn« kinasiey O&Sd >:.: : ,. D. »0^tiVl, Mgr. Taylor.. JAck.^^Amb^sador H., L^'A> Teppas, J..J.. 038 Glenwood 'Ave.,': Baffale. ' Terry, The]hia.'c-«^ M.'C. A.. Paramount Bldg,. N.' Y. CS • Thaviv, 1730 Straus Bldg., Chicago. Thles, Henry, Linton H., Cln. ' Thomas,. Millard, Royal Knickerbocker, N. Y. Cf . ■ TIerney Five. RIttenhotise B.. Phila. Tobin, John, Coffee Dan's,' Chicago. Turcotte, Geo.. 00 Orange' St., Manebei> ■ter, N. H. .. . ' . V,/' Vagabonds, Oriole Terrace, Detroit. ' Vallee.' Rudy, Paramount T., B'klyn. - Van der Zandeh, Ambassador H., if. T. Veo, Harold, McAlpln H., N. Y. C. Vorhees, Don. 32ft W. 4Cth St., N, T. C W Wade, Jim, c. A. S. C., Chi. Wads worth, Waddy, Terrace-Gardens, Chl- oago.' - 'Walker, Ray, <06 Wasblnjrton Aft Brooklyn, N. Y. Wagner, Sol., Beau Monde, Chicago. Warner, D., Egyptian B., Ocean Pk., Cal. Walsh, W,. 212 E. Tremont Ave.. N. Y. C. ■ Wnrln's Penn., c-o J. O'Connor, lOOT B'way, N. Y. C. Watson, Monk, Grand-Rlvlera T,, Detroit, Weede-Meyer Ore, c-o M C. A., Para- mount Bldg., N. Y. C. Weeks, Anson: Mark Hopkins H.. S. F. Weems; Ted, Granada Cafe, Chicago, Werner. Ed. Michigan T,. Detroit. Wesley Jos,. 817 12th Ave,, Milwaukee.' . Whidden. Ed. 12D DIkeman St.. Brooklyn. Whiteman, Paul, 1060 Bway... N. Y. C, Williamson,. Ted. lela Of Palme H.. (Charleston. SC. Wilson. Billy. Du Pont H^. Wilmington. Wilson. Clare, Madison Gardens, Toledo, Wilson. F.. Marcell Country Club. Pasa- dena. WInebrenner. W, S.. 287 Frederick flt,, Hanover. Pa. Wltfsteln, Eddie, New . Haven, Wolf. Rube, Fox T., San Francisco. Wolfe Leo, Vanity Fair. Chicago. Wolshen, J.. El Patio B. R.. S. F. Wunderllch, F., 1087 E. 19th St„ Bklyn. Wylle Alllster. Coronado R., St. L. Y'ates. Danny, Windsor H., Montreal, ■,Ypung, L-..'.JBPa Prospect PI.. Brnoklya. Yoiingman, rt;. "fl«5 6lst St., B^rboklyn,^^ Complete cast "The Black Sheep," Col: Jack Holt, Dorothy Re.vier, Hayden. Stevenson, Phillip Strange, Georffc Po-ifoc, Comly, Irma Harrl.son, Archie M.'tyo tHrocting. Xcll ITamllton .switched from "Kfnson Murder" to "Two .Ulafk Crows," Par. Philips Iloltiieg replaces,