Variety (Dec 1929)

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"VARIETY'S" PARIS OFFICE Paris Building, 15 Boulevard Italiens FOREldN SHOW NEWS Cabl« A^dreM$ VAUIN^WS, PARIS Central 6l-57f L6uvre> 62-15 MME. MORICE MAY GET MOULIN ROUGE 6LDG. Paris, Dec. 17. Foucret, owner ■ of the Moulin Rouge, has extended the option given Mme. Mdrice on the theatre lor two months. Latter is backed by M. Caiman, industriaiist and stock mai'ket operator, with the theatre having reopened Dec. 6, as a wired house playing "Fox Follies/' Mme. Morice will have to pro- duce $160,000 on Feb. .6, or lose one . quarter of that amount as the price of the option. But it is now said that the deal will be bigf er than originally planned. Report is, that negotiations are pri for the woman to take over, besides th© theatre, the ballroom and night club in th^. building. Total payment would then amount to $720,000, the February payment then being the first of ; a long series. Mme. Morice, with the backing of Caiman came to notice a few years ago when she bought t}ae h^agnlfl- cent' Instate of La Guette where she started farming and breeding on y. grand scale. She: opened deluxe restaurants in Le Touquet aiid- on the Boulevard Haussman, but mis- managed the prpplerty to such an extent that she lost practically all of the investment'at one .time. Fou- cret offered to form a corporation to take La Guette off her hands, but this was declined. She then inter- ested Caiman in show business. , Cahnan has a. piece In the present Mistlnguett show at the Gfi^ino de Paris. When Mme. Morice :takes up the option on the Moulin Rogue part of Melbourne 3y C. R. BRAPISH Melbourne, Nov, IB. John Talt, director of Williani- spn-Tait, annouhces that the daJn- age to His Majesty's, the audi- torium of Which was ruined by fire, would not exceed $200,000 and that it Is not the intention of the firm to proceed hastily with reconstruc- tion. Plans are being, considered for a more modern interior. Blaze has put W-T's new Com- edy theatre on the tctive list with /'Brewster's Millions." Present Jdea is to hold the Comedy for straight legit shoSvs and the mbfe spacious Royal for musicals. "Hotd Every- thing," with the Kendalls , and Gus Bluett in the leads, is the current attraction at the latter house. Business, enhanced by Melbourne Cup race last week, has been Strong. King's theatre,' the 'other large ] legit house under Williamson-Tait control, will shortly be vacated by the Frank Neil Co. in "Whoopee;" Neil has" been . working on a per-, ceiitage basLs. This shbw^ goes to. New Zealand next sefa^o'ri. ' Londoii (CH!C) (ROSE) : YORK and KING Oiiiglnators. of "Tin-Type" comr edy. • • Arriving iSouth Africa per Arman- dale Castle, and due to open De*- cember' 9.' ■ Three ' weeHe; • Empire Theatre, Jolhannesburg; two iweeks, Durban; two. weeks; Oapetowh.: Repfelsented by. JENIE JACOBS RUSSIAN:SXHILD BALLET JUGGLES LABOR LAWS Arrangement between ^-T and- th0 Pullers •. for an. interchange of' vaudeville artists, between Sydney and Melbourne; is not expected to la:st longer than six months. It was made to relieve a situation \irhlch. had compelled* these, two firms to close their respective vaudeville houses In. thei two cap- itals. •■. . •■ • TlvoH, W-T house In Sydney, was ciosied almost coincidently with, the closure" o? t^ie Fullers' Bijou in Melbourne. Ernest Lotingii, now In I Paris, Deo 8. his third burlesque; sl^^ New wrinkle to get around the Sydney. Tivoll, Melbourne, will been idded by Jean A. Grechen, a then be giyen ov^r to Fuller vaude. Russian, who Is here organizing a .——(. , I ballet corps, of .16 girls of from nine ^„ ^ „ ,„ „ rioi«,o« I Considerable sjpeculattoh In "show to i2-years-old. Bfe expects to start the money will come from Cabman. L^^^^^ and from Foucret himself In ex- Sydney, which is controlled by a' change for what equity she still aubsidiary company which Is the holds In La Guette, most of this offspring of th6 parent W-T firm being under lien or a;ttachment Following .the sound picture In- whlch this time she will allow vasion, business at the Tivoll lias Foucret to turn Into a corporation, bjeh generally for a hotel or a nursing home. ^ J?°ae "into films was- seriously If she takes up the option, she I ^^^^^^^^ pja„ ^as abandoned when will be in control of Moulin Rouge ^a,g discovered that the cost of building in May and, it Is said, the ^iteration and installation would policy will then switch to part pic- give the directors, insomnia. . tures and part musichall revues, | TIvolI is actually owned by W-T* London, Dcic. 8. Dora Maughan in 'back. \ .' Bacldnova' had arrived for talker. Moon Qongs are the current rage ..-.In- . fune'9,gone, .crazy,oa dog^. ; Mud a^d; .Icji^fr' slclirt^ . make ; tb!ei iakim^h happy. Long skirts for daytime seem^ b^i $9}p^. o\it al- ready. ■ ' ii; Gilbert Frankau's next is "Martin Make-BelleVe." Strand: theatre's had 13 losers this year.- ,. pljlli^^ghtun's ~ still .Ranging :on for "' Howes, waiting for Ix>ndon run .to,end/'y.,-,-. • E^oh'ert Atkl'ng may talie Shakes- peare under his'fv^iiig, , |., , . , ; Fox threw a lunch for the, neWsV paper men tp^pieet.Raopl.,TS^alshr-. Leslie Jle'nsdn's offering f ree stallp to..golfers whoVe holed, In one', on 'Follow Thru.'V "Melodies and Memories'' . best variety hit th^se. day's. . Eva Gray Is the sleeping beaiit^ at' Driiry La!ne thl$ Xmas. Negroes are the rage Ih vatide here. With all colored bills on the rise..' •• .;■ ■ '. ■; '.■ ■ . , .. Talk pt a 't'^eeri schedule shtit- dtfwh: lot ■ Bisttiie.■ Warners' phess department found a leakage of 200'trade shoW tickets; Harry" Lachniari gdesl 'with' Brit- ish International for two more years.' ••Dally Mall" ■ Is • dolrig. a "death to the talkers"' stunt. ' ; Editorials, reader letter's, etc.'. ' ' t»ydla KyashtK- dancer, has 'writ- ten a book, .'•Romantic. Recollect tlons." ,■ ■, -i- Studio betting Is-100 per cent, on '•Juno and the Paycock/' Alfred Hitchcock's talker on O'Oasey's play. British FUmcraft, Indle unit, tied up with RCA, chucked the contract beca-use It was waiting too long. Dived for Powers, lield up for a few weeks, glamored fpr. installa- tion, didn't Vet it and, flnajly closed Idea is not to produce an act, but merely , show 'the public What suitable: tuition can do for future artists. . Permits, with suitable In- fluence may be. Obtained under this guise."'' Demonstration or , act, will last I ^ith an unknown British system about 45 minutes, comprising about Speed: cops on motor bikes, new 16 different , dances with original I i^ere. sets and music. Star of the troupe | There's talk of a , Shavian Sym- ^^^^^ C..V. „ ,. : . 11*^ young Irene, scarcely i\ine years pjjo,^y^ produced by Varna, Saint-Granier but the ownership involyes^a prom who ias . already appeared at,,. Gladys Cooper cbmifes back Ih Jisin- and Leseyeux. the latter both well lease ff,??^ted Jo ^^^^^ ■ . uary.' known authors. Bros., subsequently sub-leased'by them to the Harry Rickards Tivoll Contract between Qrechen and the | Theatre Co., and by it aga,In sub.- parents of the Children .for his glv- leased to the subsldl£u:y firm afore- in* them,; hesldea dancing tuition, a| said. It would take . four , lawyers h^ultable course of general learning to disentangle the rights qf tlje ^j^^ education. . Several dancing] various parties ^concerned, thougi ^ ^^^^ attached to the . school. ^■"bJth Xyl Grechen, stated that one. .of his I - Original Abrahams lease has 17 difficulties has been, to weed out | Paris, Dec. 8. I years to go. One report is that If applica,nts undesirable, either be- Professlonal amateur racket in a good price were offered now W-T cauise of their parent's character, of WORK GRATIS OR PAY TO "MAKE" BIG REVUES the'; blK revues Is- worked here for no little money. It evidently means some distinction to be associated would seriously, contemplate ing. sell- on account of their own lii Bplte of their age. He expects to give his Paith Beva'n's back ph the boafdsf. Furttvanglef,' conductor, Is fllllrig the Albert Hall. ', VSlberlan Garrison,'^, latest war book to click. ' Now giving Provincial premieres to talkers. Anton Dollh's next ballet will be .about tennis. Girls are now tatoolng their Wedding- qf the Painted Doll' as an "artist." Not only does such "talent" render service gratis, but the sponsors pay large fees to the managements to Incorporate such people in the shows It is said that Mme. Morice paid ■ - , • „v«„f ♦« /.inoo .„e X.„t«„ne-Var„» „„..e™ent l™?'^ h?dt°J^r*°»lasure of success, while the legit piece first show In February either at the chpsfen the year's biggest soh^ hit. Paramount or the Empire. He then , Baby born oil the "Flying Scots- plaiis to go to Brussels, Berlin., man" (train). TOo late to get It RIVIEEA BECOMES NEW FREAK STYLE TRYOUT Nice, Dec. 9, Because It's a . place where anyw thing goes <^hce, the Riviera Is be- coming more ahd More ii istyle try^'*' out center. . ... Couturiers frequently send . thelp . more freaky frocks into . -Nice, Cannes and Monte Carlo'cOld and - watch the reactions. . . .' This year they happened to have :^een helped by the - Thanksgiving... day dinner at the Palais de la Medi«cori terranee.; Hoping to force the Rlvl^i^f era s^soii;. .Jo. open.. four wefek^^'^j'^'- earlier thant the imoneyed pr^.ob de^jl,,, crees, ieverybody worked-viiard tp<.-. make this dinner a success,., and it;- was a selKftut.'- ■<. : > The' glittering, Gould-owned casl-i-j-,; no. which- has . been -floppo since It})ii;', opened a year: ago up to now, looked s/i.: its best. American, English and French poured in to dine on turkey. .• The; Idrebsmakers hopped ph thip j chance to show, their silks and proved, that there Is probably - noi. more beautiful background in the world for a mannequin parade than •this, same Palais de la Mediterranee, . Topping ^hie eye-fillers was a, black., and . "nrhite bird dress , that •went" , about like this: suspended .by a, nar-,';' row band jrouhd her throat, hung, a creatlph In-.Wack yelvet. .Not much'.'",, corsage .in ^ront" and showing all''' . the '., hack. ?he. po'ssis'ssed, and 3u s't i*" flo'wlng circular skirt. Qraceful and chic. Qn. a .we,U poised head this .V bldck and 'white bird., of paradlse^'^'. ^ wore a little skull cap of black vel- ''* vet ahd white cock feathers hiding -- all Halr. Dignity and graclousness -were, . displayed by another lady whose' white hair .perfectly groomed wpuld^,j/ have been,, enough, but a white. satin^^j| gown. 'With diamalite and lace mad^^j^^; a perfect setting for one with',80.,^j..' much queenly grace. .' . ti..;;/ . And sha,wis! Every .cplor, eyery^jg^j- size and shape. . too'? in frack.S( .mblre and satin were la. the majority.' Flowered chiffon here ..^ .and there;loofted,a trifle pas^e. iBve^^. .. . nirig cipak's yrere more tlxah elabo- rate, m^ny^being carried put in bro-. cade .and luxurious furs.. < A graceful little Itall'en countess. wore a .painty dress, of blue taffeta ,- and iul.l.e, which set .off her lovely.,..^ olive. skin'., Another dreqs In black,. j-. moire "showed the. new slanting lines,.' 0^^,shoulder beln^ suspended. only by a veiiy narrow dlamaniei ..v strap, very low at the back and a graceful sweeping skirt. with an'important musical and pass «C!f|Anr "Rnat" Talkei". Legit, Both Closing Hamburg, Munchen, and London. liitP film Sydney, Dec. 17. "Show Boat," both in the film and the legit version and running slmul 200,000 francs ($8,000) so that her children, billed as the Guett Broth- . , ers. juvenile talent, could be worked [nopped Daaiy In, although contributing nothing, Same management is reported to have accepted a sizeable fee from the femme backer of Pierre Meyer so that he be Included In their forthcoming production, "Good News." LONDON CENTUBIES London, Dec. 17. Berlin Operetta of '80's Berlin, Dec. .17. ♦Tarlslan Life," operetta of the | 80's, by Jacques Offenbach, Is In re- I'Vl'val at the.'Renaissance. Had a successful pfemiere. Piece which deals with the can can period,, contemporary with Du- Honolulu By MABEL THOMAS Honolulu, Dec. 6. Sojin, Chinese screen played from IlPllywood; passed through here on his way to Japan. Sojln's trip is at the Invitation of the Shochiku . Cin- ema Theatres, and ,is scheduled , to Maurter's "TrHby," has undergone make personal appearances .in their Sorry 'You've Been Troubled," I some slight modernizing of score theatres at.Tokip. Qsiaka, Kobe and "The Calendar" and "Jew Suss" are ' and text, but . retains much of its jNagoya. all celebrating their 100th perform- | old charm and''looks like a success here. ances In London this week. Kyrle Bellew Named London, Dec. 17. Kyrle Bellew, widow of Arthur Bourchler, Is cited as co-respondent In the divorce action against John Beckett, Socialist member of Parlia ment. This is the actress' second ex- perience in the co-respondent role Violet Vanburgh named her In her successful divorce suit against Bourchier. WEATHER H. B. Warner and son spent their vacation here as the house guests, of the formeif Governor and Mrs. G, Carter. Londpn, Dec. 17. The rain moderated over the I week-end and noW it Is balmy with teinperature around 50 and the sun I bright. Floods in the Thames "Val- ley are subsiding. Howe-ver, fogs are forecast both for London- and the provinces. ABA MAT FOR ENGLAND ' London. Dec. 17. j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell Wright Ada . May has been engaged for ] are wintering here at the Halekulanl Reject $395,000 London, Dec. 17. Verrey's Cafe, one time .fashion- able Regent street rendezvous, wafli.'R put up yesterday (Mon-w:« day). - -i-w Highest bid of $395,000 was re-s/;) jected. i>H( Americans Abroad Paris, Dec. 8. Jack Cohn (Columbia) and wife^. to: Berlin and Cannes on a quick,,.: Jaunt, returning In late December; ,, Raoul Walsh and -wife, Dorothy Love; Joe Cohn, RKO advertising agent, vacationing. the next C. B. Cochran revue, due to open in Manchester in February. It cpmes to. the London Pavilion Mai'ch 28. Author plans completing two stories before leaving. SAILINGS Paris, Dec. 17. Abominable, rainy weather here Is ruining the trade of theatres and cabarets.! .Downpour rWals that re- ^„„.. ^...^^^.^ la I ported last week from London. Ugly I Derry knd"siraT'(BaimoraV Ca^tl7) weather Is keeping the people In- | ^g^. ^^^^ Yor]c to West In Dec. 28 (New York to Florida) Jack Crawford and band (Evan- geline). Dice. 27 (Capetown to London), Vernon Watson, Erikson Bros., "EOOF" CLOSING London, Dec. 17. Galsworthy's "The Roof" vacating the Vaudeville Jan. 4. , „.,^„4.^a™ i • ^ — It will be succeeded by a revival door nights and doing great aain- ^j^^^ j^^y j^,-^^^ (Resolute). under the Archie age to the theatres, aided by the (London to New York) holiday approach and the effects of ^ ^; vA^nuon lo xncw xorK^ the market crash. Lr.dy Diana Manners, Katherlne ' Goodson (Mauretina) wiihisgtohrt)ecrl7.^ - Ir^'D^^ Jefferson Hawaiian Film Co. was short lived. Jefferson formCTly di-^ rected Harold Lloyd, and thought there was a chance of doing a story here, with local capital. Erska Wil- son brought two leads, Gladys Mc- Connell and Hugh Allen, from Los Angeles Nov. 2, but they returned Nov. 28. Films to be finished there. There are two law suits pending over unpaid salaries of the leads and their expenses. of "French Leave'? Debear regime. ICTanaaian Girl Wedar^itl London, Dec. 17. Kentucky Jubilee Singers, Negro troupe, scored at the Audi|iorlum under the management of Randolph Forbes and J. McBrayne. Sailing for San Francisco Dec. 4. Troupe came here from Australia. Fralices Doble, Canadian actress, "-Variety" The Weather Bureau has furnished Leon Errol, Charles Francis Coe, Mme. Dusolina Gianlni arrived on married Sir Anthony Lindsay Hogg gj^g|. f^j. week beginning tomorrow with the following fore- Roy Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Thanksgiving Day from Australia. Willi mo iuiiuvyiJiB it ... i I viAvnal-ncK? nnA i^ov artrt trava a nnrt- .here, yesterday (Monday). The Tiller Dancing Schools of America, Inc. 64 WEST 74th ST.i NEW YORK MART AflAD. President Phone Bndlcott 891E-fl K«ir ClaMfl* Now Fonttlai (18): Snow and colder over west por- tions and rain over east portions [Wednesday; this side of the Rock- ies; Thursday and Friday cold and I mostly fair. Saturday Increasing cloudiness but not so cold, followed by snow over west portions. Sunday (22) snow or rain. Walsh and child (Leviathan). Dec. 14, (New York '> London) Joseph M. Schenck, Mr. and Mrs Sam GoldWyn ('Bremen) Dec. li (Sydney to Vahcouver), Bnrrlngtop Miller (Niagara). Dec. 12 (London to Capetown), remained one day, and gave a con cert at the Princess theatre. Then sailed for Los Angeles with her mother and party. Cossack Choir in Egypt Cairo, Dec. 17. Bayan . Cossack Russian Cho|r.. Whiqh Is touring the .iNear East ha«,.t5:i beeii remarkably Well received C^iiro, Alexandria and Port Said. Maugham in Orient Cairo, Dec. 17. Somerset Maugham, English dra- matist, is on a trip up the Nile aa far as Assuan, Intent upon visiting the. ancient wonders of this oldest land. Cairo Cafe Dates' ''1 Cairo, Dec; 17., Jill HIU and Ger ald^ as' direct" from London, are' mSRinB ^ their first appearance in the Per- roquet here. Winifred Nlmo, new leading lady for the Richard Wilbur Players, opened Dec. 2. In "The Squall." i^cu. A^. v^""«"" I warmlv received Cherry Kearton ahd Mra. Kearton w^^miy receiv ea. . (Guilford castle). j^jp, and Mrs. Diouglas Fairbanks Dec. 12 (Paris to New York), Jack remain hete one week on their Forester (Rocliambeau). j way back to Hollywood. When we speak of our- selves we say we are sen- sitive; when we spenk or others we say they are touchy. IXB. AMD MBB. JACH NOBWOBTB 180 West 44th Street New York