Variety (Dec 1929)

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Wednesday, December 25, 1929 LEGITIMATE VARIETY 53 Oi''Show Boaf $31.000Jespite Storm, 8 New Shows; Advance Biz Chicago, Dec. 84. ' Brri That Wlzssardl Shopjplngr business dropped from ]peak last week, hut the storm had to come along to offset axiy ad- vantage., brfy eight hoiises open. Rlalto sprang back Into high this week, however, With every theatre •pen and a.dvance sales enoour- Subscription run of "Strange In- terlude" at the Blackstqnie ended tost week to around $17,'00P, aiid the Oiiild plecei continues ' with ' a feig future sale. "Show Boat" showed .no serious 4ecllne at $31,000, for the llth week, but "New Moon" for its 15th week was down to $20,600. Advance for the latter this week heavy. "Bliack- birds" dropped to $14,000, but also bad a nice Tule week ordei'. Studebaker wtint back to legit mfter several weeks of nice topney vwlth $1.60 top pictures, taking In '•R. TJ. R." for the Guild's sub- flcrlptlon run, an arrangement due to cohtlnuahce Of "Iriterlude"' at the Blackstone. . ' '*Mn. Fraaet" Good Finish Grace George closed a strong six weeks In the Princess with "First Mrs. Fraser" at around $9,000. Buth Draper ended a two-weeks' run at thie Selwyn with $12,000, and grossed around $24,'000 for thjs fort- night. In all there arei eight openings this week. Estimates for Last Week "Animal Cracliera"' (Grand, 1st week). Marx Brothers' musical opened Dec. 22, and a fair advance Reported. "Bird, in Hand" (Harris, 1st wk.) Preceded the other openings on I)ec.2l. "Bladibirds" (Adelphl. 6th. wk.). Colored niuslcal still battling at $14,000 and hopes 'or tbe best "Blue Heaven" (Garrlck, Ist wk.). Opened Dec. 22 and is the comedy originally kiiown, as "Veneer" after «onsIderabte revision. "Brothers" (Erlanger, 8th wk.). Storm drop to $9,500; out rates helping and still good. "I IJesal Practise" (Playhouse, 2d week). Battled discouraging no- tices and hit ^around $3,50iO. Is In sjiot neglected In bad -weather. **Infinite Shoeblack" (Princess, 1st week). Opened Dec. 23 for a three-week run, replacing "Mrs. Fraser'f on the Dramatic League of 'Chicago schedule. ' —"June Moon*' (Selwyn, 1st-week). , Thlg comedy Is expected to do "New ' Moon" (Great, Northern, 16th week). Slumped to $20,500 In the storm, which Is not sd discour- aging under the circumstances. "Night in Venice" (Majestic, 1st week, but 4th week. In Chicago). Beopened after a shut-down last Week, transferred from the Grand. "Queen Bee" (Cort, 4th week). Holding up bravely at $4,000, "R. U. R." (Studebaker, 1st wk.). Booked for only three weeks to care tor Guild subscribers. "Show Boat" (ilUnoIs, 12th wk.). •Prom $34,000 two weeks ago to $31,- 000 storm week. Not^a, dlshearten- Ih'p drop. "Street Scene" (Apollo, 1st wk.). Opening Christmas night with the first New York cast. Big mall business reported, "Strange Interlude" (Blackstone, 4th week). Now strictly on box office. Third week, $17,000. Lone Stock in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Dec. 24. Legit at low ebb last week with George Sharp's stock at Pitt aldne carrying on. With Nixon and Alvin dark, Sharp, put on Rose Melville's Old "Sis Hopkins," With extra in- diicements for kiddies, and braved pre-Christmas week . with colors' flying. Alvln this week has Ethel Bar- ryrapre for fortnight; to be followed by two weeks , of Thurston. Then eomes Ted Healy in return of ^Ight In Venice'* and start of Bhubert operetta revivals. ^ Nixon, with "Vanities" current, brings Mary Ellis . In "Children of Darkness" New Tear's week and nothing in sight for awhile., Drama-Musical Stock Hollywood, Dec, 24. Musical productions alternating With two weeks of dramatic stock planned by^mWFfnce'T^ tor of the Savoy Players at San .l>leso. Marsh held auditions - In Holly- wqptl last week, as the result of which Margaret Lee and Douglas Keaton, leads; Buddy Waddles, Juvenile, and Duane Thompson, in- genue, went to San Diego. Marsh wants to open Jan. 6 with Tilt the Deck," Waddles in the Part he held down In a Los Angeles production. Wouldn't TeU Why Barrymore Owed Him Los Angeles, Dec. 24. When Millard Smith appeared in Superior Court to collect a $400 I. O. U. from Lionel. Barrymore Judge Wilson asked him how the debt was Incurred. Smith refused to answer. The court then a.^kcd him if It was a gambling debt. "If I answer thait," replied Smith, "I might incriminate myself." Judgment was rendered in favor, of Smith. Barrymore made no defense. Horton's First Trek Los Angeles, Dec. 24. Edward Everett Hortoh will move his production of "Among the Mar- ried" to the Curran .theatre, PrIscO, after he closes his run here Jan^l2, This will be the first time Hortpn has played outside of L. A. in six years. ' . . Horton recently disposed of his lease on the . Majestic theatre here to Louis Macloon, who will produce "New Moon." ■ ''GamblingV Long Trek Gebrgro M. Cohan will fold "Gam- blind" at the Fulton, New York, Jan. 4, and tajke the entire com- pany on a tour headed for the West Coast. It Is not unlikely that"Gambling" with original cast may be filmed for a talker by United Artists. Cohan has been signed to write and direct Al Jolson's first for United Artists. POST'S NEW BOLE . . Hollywood, Dec; 24. Guy Bates Post takeis the Wm. Faversham part In "Her Friend the King" on the coast. Henry Duffy has western rights. Portland and Seattle will see It first, with Post first doing two weeks o*^ "The Mas- querader" at the Portland DufwIn, starting Jan. 6. Dale Winter and Henry Dxiffy go into the President. Los Angeles, with "The Cat and the Canary," following run of "That Ferguson Family." "The Boomerang" succeeds "Abra- ham Lincoln" at Duffy's El Capltan, Hollywood, this week. T6m Moore, Kay Hammond and Ben Lyon In the cast. Combo Stock Show . Chicago, Deo. 24. Dark for some time, Midway, former southside stock: burlesque spot, reopens Saturday with a com- bo vaude and legit stock. Two shows dally, with an hour of vaude. Stock headed by Frances Jean Roberti^on and William Juhl. Enterprise under auspices of Emil Loew. ' Will stick to pop prices except the week-ends. COMEDY OPENIKa Wilmington, Dec. 23. rrreveiyn's Ghost," by Dwlght Taylor, farce-comedy, opens at the Shubert-Playhouse. this Friday (Dec. 27). A. L. Erlanger and George C. Taylor are the producers. It is the author's first professional production. Cast includes Frederick Kerr, Phyllis Povah, Rea Martin, Nancy Ryan, Percy Ames, Charles Brown, Harold de Becker, A. J. Herbert and Perclval Vivian. "SAEI" KEVIVAI., WITH MITZI MItzi is curtailing her vaude en- gagements to return to musical comedy in a revival of "Sari," which Paul Tarten will produce. Mltzl appeared In original pro- duction Of the Hungarian operetta under management of the late Henry W. Savage 16 years ago. Cantor-Valentine Claim Los Angeles, Dec. 24.v Grace Valentine, pictures, filed salary claims with the state labor commission amounting to $345 against David Cantor. " Miss Valentine declares she was engaged by Cantor to play the lead in "The Night Hawk" at the Orange Grove theatre. Cantor gave her two checks amounting to $354 which , Miss Valentine said bounced. Fat and Thin Musical comedy star, whose picture Isn't doing so well, has been persuaded to stop panning It. Situation arose through the stage name touring, this fall with the press remarking that she looked mUch thinner In person than on . the screen. Somebody happened to suggest that maybe the studio camera- men didn't shoot her from the proper angles—and the star thought BO well of the alibi she launched a personal cam- paign^explOiting It. Company which made the picture finally callefl her in for a talk, since which she bas laid off. As a matter of record the lady arrived in Hollsrwood a bit plump, went on a diet while the film was in work and has since prevented the lost weight from returning. Which explans the difference the .critics are noticing. However, the star has received no Intimaitioh that the original film company will, exercise its option and further picture offers from other con- cerns are so far absent. LA. 5, GETSSLEfirrS Los Angeles, Dec. 24. Last week was cleanout week, making way for the new crop of Tuletide offerings, FJvO current at- tractions were withdrawn for new Ones at the week end while three houses which have been dark re- open this week. Trade was dull excepting for the Columbia Opera, repertoire which hit around $15,000 at the Biltinore for third and last week. Among the holdover attractions for the New Tear "Among the Mar- ried," at the Majestic, In third week, did Its best trade at $8,200. Actor's theatre brodled with •Tassing of Third Floor r^ack," which blew at end of third week, gross around $1,100. "Bad Babies" somewhat of a break, due to school holiday and out rate for fourth week at Flgueroa getting around $2,900, With practically no overhead to speak of the President with second week of "The Ferguson Family," had nice profit at $4^700. "Abraham Lincoln" proved a bUst at the El Capltan and was yanked on second week at $4,500, while "The Climax" ran short of $4,000 forbits final stanza at the Holljrwood Playhouise. "In His Arms," at the Vine Street, quit in third week at $^3,400. Houses changing attractions this week are Blltmore, "Diamond LU," which opened on 22; "El Capltan," "The Boomerang" same. day. Also Hollywood Playhouse . with. "Dear Me." Vine Street with "Tha.Rear Car" and Actor's Theatre with "The Power of Love," Christmas day. Houses to dust off their seats are Hollywood Music Box, world prem- iere of "Maternally Tours," Dec. 23 and -Mayan, with "Oh Susanna," on Dec. 27, both starting "cold/' Then at end of week, Belasco will harbor group of Tlddlsh players for a week. Estimates for Last Week. Actors Theatre—"The Passing of the 3rd Floor Back" (3rd and final week). They would not take this one from the start. Scrammed at $1,100. . Blltmore—Columbia Grand Opera Company (3rd and final week). Got around $50,000 for three weeks with $15,000 for the parting essay. Egah — "The First Night" (4th Week). If they come okay, if not no worry, so why should anyone be concerned even if it is $900 or so ? El Capltan — "Abraham Lincoln" (2nd and final week). Not right period Of year for this superb pro- duction and -Tsast, so Duffy let It fade out, $4,600. Flgueroa Playhouse — "Bad Ba- bies" (4th week). Drew fiaps and boy friends, at cut rates, $2,900, which was no profit. Hollywood Playhou8e-^"The Cli- max" (3rd and final week). Guy Bates Post gate less than $4,000, Majestic—"Among The Marrlpd" (3rd week). Drew from all around to top business of engagement with $8,200. Presid ent— "That, Ferguson _ Faml - ly" (2nd week). No" excitement. Just $4,700, which Is profit. Vine Street—"In His Arms" (3rd and final week). They never wanted this though It had Marjorie Ram- beau and Franklin Pangborn. Final $3,400. . L. A. Yiddish Troup Los Angeles, Dec. 24. Mollie Cohn and Jack Berlin will open at the Belasco theatre Dec. 30 for a week of Tlddlsh drama. Shows in N. Y. and Conmient Figures estimated and comment point to seme attractions beino ■uceeasfult while the same gross accredited to others might suggest mediocrity or lost. The variance Is explained in the diffoi*ence in house capacities with the varying overhead. Also the eixe of cast* with oonsequent difference in necessary gross of profit. Varianco In business necessary for musical attraction as against dramatie play Is.'Slao considered. Qlatsification of attraction, house capacity and top prices of tho admission scale given below^ Key to classification: C (comedy)i D (drama); R (revue); M (musical comedy); F (farce) f O (operetta). Admission tax applies on tickets over $3 "Berkeley. Square/V Lyceum (8th week) (C-957-$4.40). Business in gcineral away off last week—pre- Christmas but some i^hows . held their pace with little difference; this success over $19,000. "Bird in Hand," Masque (39th week) (CD-700-$3.85), Moved froin Barrymore with No. 2 com- pany; original sent to Chicago; around $8,000. "Bitter Sweet," Ziegfeld (8th week) ,(M-l,622-$6.60). .After excellent start business dropped; over $BQ,- 000; Under. $40,000 last week but may recover. / "Broken Dishes," Rltz '(8th week) (C-945-$3). Getting by to profit; some cut rates, with agency call moderate; $9,000 estimated aver- age. . "Cahdio Light,". Empire (13th week) (CD-l,000-$3.86). Hasn't had los- ing weeik though trade not excep- tional after eight-week agency buy; around $8,000. "Death Takes A Holiday," Barry- more (1st week) (D^l,090-$3)1 E*resehted by Lee Shubert; opens Thursday (Dec, 26). "Fifty Million Frenchmen," Lyric (5th week) (M-l,400-$6.60). New musical success indicated by big demand in agencies; above $42,- 000. "First Mrs. Frazer," Playhouse (1st week) (CD-879r$3.85). Presented by William A. Brady; authored by St. John Ervlne; well regarded In Chicago; opens Saturday (Deb. 29). "Gamblrng,"^ Pulton (18th weelt) (CD-913-$3.86). Will take to road after another week; could remain longer but George M. Cohan's coast plans brought decision to tour westward; $10,000 lately but average considerably niore. "Half Gods," Plymouth (2nd week) (CD-l,042-$3.85). Opened Satur- day. "Heads Up," Alvin (7th-week) (M- l,387-$5.50). Bettering $30,000 and classed as one of list's best musi- cals; should last through seafion. "Houseparty," Waldorf (16th week) (D-l,10l-$3).. Sticking to moderate money at $5,000; satisfactory through tie-up front and back. "How's^-Youc- Health7"_VanderbIlt (5th week) (C-771-$3.85). Some- thing of disappointment to date; pace after next week will decide. "Inspector Kennedy," Bijou (2nd week) (CD-605-$3). Opened Fri- day; first nlghters not enthused. "It Never Rains," Eltinge' (6th week) (C-892-$S). Moved here from Republic Monday; guaran- teeing house very light to date. "Jenny," Booth (12th week) (CD- 946-$4.40). Average of better tban $14,000 though down around $10,- 000; should stay through Janu- ary. "Journey's End," Miller's (41st week) (D-946<-$4.40). Still making good money though grosses eased off during past month; about $12,- 500. "June Moon,"' Broadhurst (12th week) (C-'l,118-$3.86). Since open- ing leading non-musicals in gress; $24,000. "Ladies a of Jury," Erlanger (9th week) (C-l,620-$3). Resumed Monday after laying off week; average over $14,000; recently around $10,000 but better money expected. "Many Waters," Times Square (13th week) (CD-l,057-$3.85). Off last week; resumed Monday; average over $12,000 but lately $8,500; leaves after another week; "Strike Up the Band,'^ due Jan. 6, . ^postponed until wieek following. "Mendel, Ine," Harris (5th week) •(C-l,06i-$3.85). Laugh show did not stand Up as expected, drop- ping to around $8,600;. may pick up, "Meteor,?' Guild (1st week) (CD- Frisco Grosses San Francisco, Dec. 24.. Legitimate , theatres here went Into the pre-Christmas, slump with one exception. "Journey's End," at the Geary, third week, got Its biggest gross since it opened, $16,500. The Cur- ran next door .was dark owing to expected of Mae-West In "Diamond Lll." • Duffy's President with Charlotte Greenwood in "She Couldn't Say No" dropped little below $7,000 and his Alcazar with "The Boomerang" slightly better than $3,000, Columbia . held* over "Hunting Tigers In India" augmented with pictures of Zeppelin trip around the world and pulled about $4,000. Green Street with "The Flat Tire" in i4th week slipped to $1,200. 914-$3). Presented, by Theatre Guild; tried in Boston and rated having good chance; written by S. N. Behrman; . opened Monday. "Red Rust," (2d week) (D-l,189-$3). Junior organization of Theatre Guild Playing in this; reported doing fairly late last Week. "Salt Water," John Glolden (iSth week) <C-900-$3). Liked with business only fair to date but ex- pected to move up; $7,000 or bit more. "Scandals," Apollo (14th week) (R- l,168-$6.60).. First thfeb months to very ^blg monisy; drbpped lately to under $30,000. "Seven," Republic (Ist week) (D- 90I-$3). Presented by Jimmle Cooper; written by Frank J. Col- lins; melodrama, opens Friday (Dec. 27). "Sons o' Guns," Imperial (5th week) (M-l,400-$6,60). Biggest thing on Broadway; new musical Starts like smash; over $47,000. . "Sketch Book,'^44th St. (26th Week) (R-l,385-$6.60). .Carroll revue making run; dipped under $30,000 . but should come backr ■ . "Street Scene," Playhouse (51st Week) (C-879-$3.85). Almost year, for .dramatic smash; moves to Ambassador Friday and expected to remain into Spring; bettering $17,000 during autumn but drop- ped to around $12,000 lately. "Strictly Dishonorable/' Avon (iGth week) (C-830-$3.85). Record business for house weekly; close to $20,000; In na way affected. "Subway Express," Liberty (14th week) (D-l,202-$3). Averaging $12,000; off lately with estimated pace about $8,000; may move after holidays. "Sweet Adeline,*^ Hammersteln'is (17th week) (M-l,265-$6.60). Musical leader for time at around $43,000; eased off in last month; last week $32,000. "The Criminal Code," National : (13th week) (D-l,164-$3). Slated to go oh tdtir but engagenment Indefinltet ending slightly changed with bettei" , box-offlce 'results ;> $9,000 and better. "The Game of Love and - Death," BiUmore. C5th_w_e.ek)-(D-L01W)-$.31.. Moved from Guild for balance of subscription period;, one week niore, house. getting new attrac- tion. "The Little Show," Music Box (35th : week) (R-l,000-$4;40). Came back very strongly after iaummer. and averaged $26,000; recently Off, about $18,000. "The Street Singer," Shubert (14th week) (M-l,395-$6.60). Averag- ing $24,000 uiitil lately; layed off last week; resumed llonday. "Top Speed," Chanin's 46tb St (1st week) (M-l,413-$5.50). Presented by Bolton, Kalmar and Ruby; also authored It; opens Wednes- day (Dec, 26). "Wise Child," Belasco (21st week) (C-l,060-$3.85>. One of best money makers on Broadway; average grosses over $23,000; looks like cinch for all season. "Wonderful Night," Majestic (9th week) (O-l,776-$5.60). - Better than some of other musicals; average around $25,000 and has topped that figure. "Woof Woof," Boyale (1st week) (M-l,118-$4.40), Presented by William Demarest and Beirnard Lohmuller (new); opened' In Boston; opens Wednesday (Dec. 25). "Young Sinners," Morosco (5th week) (CD-893-$3). Some re- viewers rated this comedy rather raw; doing business and liable to stick; estimated above $12,000. "Your Uncle Dudley," Cort (6th week) (C-l,042-$3). Should get share of holiday trade but has not shown real strength; around $7,000. Special Attractions—Little Theatres "Sherlock Holmes," New Amsterr dam; revival has drawn big biz; one more week. - "The Blue and the Gray," Rlalto, Hoboken; revival; opens Thurs- day (Dec. 26). "Richelieu," Hampden's; revival; opens Wednesday (Dec. 26). "Bs'dcs In Toyland," Jolson's re- vival; opened Monday; four ^laybjoy of _the i\yeatefn Wprld,**. Irish ; revlvaiy opens Frlday ltDec. 27). Ruth Draper, Comedy; opens Thursday (Dec. 26>. Civic Repertory, 14tft Street. "Robin Hood," Casino; revival; re- suihed Monday, after Jolson date. "Hoboken Hoboes," Lyric, Hoboken; ■ Will Morrlssey's revue across river; opens Friday (Dec. 27). "Michael and Mary," Hopkins; fig- ured for run, "The Novice and the Duke," As- sembly; resumed Monday.