Weekly television digest (Jan-Dec 1963)

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WEEKLT Television Digest JANUARY 7, 1963 NAB LIBRARY JflN 7 1963 NEW SERIES VOL. 3, No. 1 Albert Woorren, Editor & Publisher, 911 -13th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C., Sterling 3-1755 David Lachenbruch, Managing Editor, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y., Circle 6-2215 Harold Rusten, Associate Editor, 111 Beverly Rd., Overbrook Hills, Philadelphia 51, Pa., Midway 2-6411 Michael H. Blake Jr„ Assistant Editor, Washington. Charles Sinclair, Contributing Editor, New York Arnold Alpert, General Manager, Washington The authoritative service for executives in all branches of the television arts & industries SUMMARY-INDEX OF WEEK'S NEWS Broadcast RCA-NBC & PHILCO FINALLY SHAKE HANDS, settling patent fight and battle over Ch. 3, Philadelphia. FCC expected to approve agreement, allowing Boston-Philadelphia station swap (p. 1). MEANING OF FTC-RATING CONSENTS is, so far, fairly simple: there'll be no sweeping changes made in rating methodology or reporting, but there'll be lots of new explanatory material for buyers (p. 2). LEE IRKED BY MST UHF CRITIQUE, disagrees with latter's conclusion that uhf is markedly inferior to vhf (p. 2.) REGULATORY AGENCY STREAMLINING PROPOSED by top-level U.S. Administrative Conference in report to President. Fewer FCC hearings among major recommendations (p. 3). Consumer Electronics PUBLIC VIEWS ELECTRONICS VIA BROKERS' EYES: Endless stream of analyses by stock brokerages represent principal source of information about electronics industry & companies for general public (p. 6). RCA-PHILCO PACT heralds new 'era of good feeling,' ending last major anti-trust litigation against RCA; agreement expected to aid color development (p. 7). FM SALES CLIMB continues: More than 3 million receiving devices of all kinds sold in U.S. last year; this year's total may reach 4 million (p. 8). MORE WINTER DROP-INS — New sets by Magnavox, Emerson, GE, Philco & Symphonic (p. 8). RECORD PHONO YEAR likely in 1962 as result of big Nov. gain; factory sales may reach peak of 4.8 million, distributor sales 4.5 million (p. 9). MORE TINYVISION & COLOR among imports being shown in Chicago; 2 battery portables from Sharp, 4V'2-in. flashlight-battery set and 14 & 17-in. color from Delmonico (p. 9). RCA-NBC & PHILCO FINALLY SHAKE HANDS: Though there's lots of sticky & time-consuming legalities to go through, ancient battle between RCA-NBC & Philco is ended. With agreements announced last week to end patent litigation and with Philco stopping fight for NBC's Ch. 3 Philadelphia (WRCV-TV), it's just a matter of time before WRCV-TV's license is renewed by FCC and station is swapped with RKO's WNAC-TV Boston. Windup could come in 3-4 months. (For significance of patent agreement, see report in Consumer Electronics section, p. 7.) FCC will have questions to settle before affair is finally wrapped up — but few people believe it will refuse to approve end of fight. Philco agrees to withdraw its application for Ch. 3, NBC paying Philco legal expenses incurred in prosecuting it; sum hasn't been mentioned yet, but $500,000 is considered good guess. Both agree to accept whatever figure FCC decides is "reasonable." This withdrawal is unusual, first time a contestant seeks to pull out of fight for license renewal, getting paid for expenses. All other withdrawals have been where new CP is involved. Heretofore, theory behind FCC's approval of payment for withdrawal is that it hastens start of new station. Case isn't concluded when FCC approves Philco pullout. It must consider testimony to date on Philco charges that NBC isn't fit licensee because of past anti-trust behavior (pressuring Westinghouse into station swap, etc.). However, no one visualizes Commission holding NBC unfit — which would mean loss of all its 0-&-0 stations. It's up to Review Board to pass on Philco withdrawal first. Then, Chief Examiner Cunningham will