Weekly television digest (Jan-Dec 1963)

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6— TELEVISION DIGEST JANUARY 14, 1963 Personals Robert H. O’Brien elected MGM Inc. pres. & chief exec, officer, succeeding Joseph R, Vogel, who moves up to chmn.; former chmn. George L. Killion replaces Vogel on exec, committee. Charles G. Drayton promoted to RKO General Bcstg. \'p-administration . . . Joe Celia promoted to WLWT Cincinnati promotion & publicity dir., a new post; Robert B. Frolicher named to similar position with radio WLW. Marvin Kalb, CBS News Moscow bureau chief, moves to Washington as diplomatic coiTespondent, a new post, succeeded in Moscow by Stuart Novins . . . Bill Leonard named exec, producer of WCBS-TV expanded news coverage during N.Y. newspaper strike. Irving Novick promoted to ABC labor relations dir. . . . Richard J. Quigley promoted to Blair TV vp. Robert F. Reid, WRGB & radio WGY & WGFM (FM) Schenectady marketing mgr., awarded Printers’ InkAdvertising Federation of America silver medal for distinguished service to advertising. Roland Tooke, Westinghouse Bcstg. exec, vp, ■vvill be guest lecturer on U.S. TV-radio at 84th Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, at Salzburg, Austria, Feb. 8-March 9, attended by leaders of 15 West European nations. Martin Weldon, ex-Metropolitan Bcstg. news & special events dir., appointed RKO General Bcstg. public affairs dir. . . . Alan Henry, ex-radio KWK St. Louis gen. mgr., named asst, to Metromedia Inc. Pres. & Chmn. John Kluge. . . . Bob Sprouse promoted to WBNS-TV Columbus, O. national sales mgr. Lee Fondren, radio KLZ Denver, Norman Cash, TvB, and Kevin Sweeney, RAB, appointed members of Advertising Federation of America national committee to direct program for “National Advertising Recognition” for 1963. Thomas Shull, ex-Storer Bcstg., joins Doyle Dane Bembach as acct. exec, for ABC-TV; John Robinson, exLambert & Feasley, named asst, to DDB radio-TV programming dir. Alan Harmon promoted to vp & partner in Daniels & Assoc., CATV broker. Philip S. Goodman, TV writer-dir. & movie producer, appointed creative dir., FYed Niles Communication Center, N.Y. . . . David Bringham, ex-radio KHJ Los Angeles, appointed KOOL-TV & KOOL Phoenix news dir. William L. Brown promoted to WMBD-TV-AM-FM Peoria mgr., succeeding Harold Sundberg, who becomes WZZM-TV Grand Rapids gen. sales mgr. Charles R. Sanders, radio WSPA Spartanburg mgr., promoted to asst. gen. mgr. of parent Spartan Radiocasting Co. . . . George Foulkes resigns as WTHI-TV-AM-FM Terre Haute sales vp, plans not announced. Eugene W. Whitaker, ex-KSL-TV-AM-FM asst, engineering dir., named asst, to engineering vp. King Bcstg. (KING-TV-AM-FM Seattle, KGW-TV & KGW Portland, KREM-TVA M-FM Spokane ) . Ohituarfi Robert E. Freer, 66, former FTC chmn. & head of Federal Bar Assn., died of a malignant blood disease at National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Jan. 6. He was FTC member 1935-48, chmn. in 1939, 1944 & 1948. Partner in firm of Freer, Church & Green 1948-60, he was hearing examiner for Federal Power Commission for last 2 years. His widow, 2 sons, 2 daughters survive. John W. Vandercook, 60, ABC radio news commentator until his retirement due to health 2 years ago, died of heart ailment in Delhi, N.Y. Jan. 6. He was former newspaperman & author of books including Black Majesty, Fools Paradise, Murder in Trinidad. He began radio career in 1940, covered Western Europe & Africa for NBC during World War II, later joined Liberty Bcstg. Co., then ABC. Son, daughter, survive. Pacifica Denies Red Ties: Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, headed by Acting Chmn. Dodd (D-Conn.), held closed hearings last week looking into possible Communist infiltration of 3 non-commercial FM stations operated by Pacifica Foundation, Berkeley, Cal. Stations KPFK Los Angeles, KPFA Berkeley & WBAI N.Y., are listener-supported outlets. Pacifica Acting Pres. Trevor Thomas told probers there is no Communist influence in management of stations, but admitted that reds are regularly allowed to appear on broadcasts. He said group’s policy is to allow viewpoints from far left to far right to be heard. Before hearings, Dodd said his group was informed that Communists have attempted to infiltrate a radio chain. Only one witness. Southern Cal. Communist Party Chmn. Dorothy Healey, refused to testify, claiming Fifth Amendment. Other witnesses subpoenaed included Jerome Shore, Pacifica exec, vp; Joseph Binns, WBAI mgr.; Washington attomey Harry Plotkin, counsel for Foundation. After Jan. 11 hearing. Shore said in intendew he is not Communist Party member, hasn’t been for past 9 years. Asked about associations prior to 1954, he declined to answer. He said he felt that by answering such questions, he would waive constitutional rights. Thomas said full information concerning hearings & testimony of staffers would be given to Foundation Board for its consideration. American Jewish Congress lodged protests with Vice President Johnson & FCC Chmn. Minow, charging hearings as “flagrant attack” on guarantee of free speech & press. Dodd announced hearings could lead to legislation requiring broadcasters, newspapers & magazines to identify any authors or commentators belonging to Communist organizations. Price increases of 3-5% on cameras for TV broadcast and 6-16% on closed-circuit cameras were announced last week by GE technical products operation, effective Jan. 14. Among items affected: 4%-in. 10 b&w camera (PE-20-B); 3-10 live color camera; TE-14 & TE-15 closed-circuit cameras & accessories. ABC-TV has ordered 12 TV tape recorders, all equipped for color. The completely transistorized compact RCA TR-22 machines will be installed in Chicago, used for network feeds. ABC-'TV’s colorcasting currently is limited mainly to film shows, although Christmas Eve Bing Crosby-Mary Martin color special was taped. Sale of WMAZ-TV (Ch. 13) Macon, Ga. along with radios WMAZ & FM for $2,094,750 to WMRC Inc. by George P. Rankin Jr. and associates has been filed, now pends FCC approval. Sports Network Inc. opens new offices at Bank of N.Y. Bldg., 530 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 36. Phone is MU 2-0117, becomes MO 1-1000 March 18.