Weekly television digest (Jan-Dec 1963)

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12— TELEVISION DIGEST MABCH 11. 1963 Financial Reports of TV -Electronics Companies These are latest reports as obtained darins the last week. Dash Indicates the information was not available at press time. Parentheses denote loss. Aerovox Allied Artists Chris-Craft Industries (formerly NAFI Corp.) Clairtone Sound Collins Rod'o Columbia Pictures Cowles Magazine & Bestg. Crowell-Collicr Dominion Electrohome Dynamics Corp. of America H & B American Hazeltine Hewlett-Packard Ling-Temco-Vought Litton Industries Pentron Electronics Reeves Soundcraft Republic Corp. Time Inc. Period 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1901 — year to Dec. 31 1962—26 wks. to Dec. 29 1961—26 wks. to Dec. 29 1962— year to Dec. 31 1961 — year to Dec. 31 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1901 — year to Dec. 31 1963 — 6 mo. to Feb. 1 1902 — 0 mo. to Feb. 1 1962 — 6 mo. to Dec. 30 1901 — 6 mo. to Dec. 30 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1001 — year to Dec. 31 1962 — year to Dec. 31 i; 01 — year to Dec. 31 1962— year to Dec. 31 1901 — year to Dec. 31 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1961 — year to Dec. 31 1963 — 6 mo. to Jaii. 31 1962 — 6 mo. to Jan. 31 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1901 — year to Dec. 31 1963 — qtr. to Jan. 31 1902 — qtr. to Jan. 31 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1961 — year to Dec. 31 .1963 — 6 mo. to Jan. 31 1902 — 0 mo. to Jan. 31 1962 — 6 mo. to Dec. 31 1961—6 mo. to Dec. 31 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1961 — year to Dec. 31 1963 — qtr. to Jan. 26 1902 — qtr. to Jan. 26 1962 — year to Dec. 31 1861 — year to Dec. 31 Sales $ 69,399,700 07,595,931 6,726,675“ 3,523,075 111,211,292 93.805,154 118.510.000 21,198,502 16,.321.850 75,014,100'* 49,165,055 2,201,431 1,717,529 47,951,008 41,450,8.35 25.748.000 24.667.000 325,439,135 192,847,111 261.029.000 168.461.000 4,919,447 4.436,775 8,333,467 6,520,690 11,223,344 10,686,162 326,039,000“ 309,237,000 Pre-Tax Earnings $ 3,484,893 3,838,750 3,576,495 2,169,302 7,417,326 4,156.66*’ 4,257,300 3,235,078 20.399.000 14.197.000 166,227 (220,938) 18,790,000“* 15,753,000" Net Earnings $ (506,909)’ (606,568)* (334.000) (996.000) 2,084,893“ 2,298,750“ 289,883 125,471* 1,716,718 1,041,265 817,000 1,637,000“ 3.447.000 2.843.000 3,086,667* 4.117,643 512,925 397,981 3,572,778“ 2,093,596 52,852 33,747 2,006,300 1,568,078 1.702.000 1.747.000 8,650,069 (13,158,591) 10,946,000 7,446,000 40,272" 134,094 90,227 (220,938)* 539,047* 414,696 10,190,000 8,971,000 Per Common Share $1.51“ 1.67’* .50 ^1 .77' .47 .46 .98 1.16 1.0' .9'.* 1.21 .95 1.05’ COBBOI Shares 870,851 870,851 931,608 931,608 1,376,672 1,376,672 576,000 576,000 2,2.30,065 2,223,575 1,572,291 1,493.895 2,950,.501 2,670,610 .02 .01 1.28 1.00 .15’ .15’ 3.03’ 1.08’ .02" .06 .03 .18’ .13’ 4.76 4.23 3.256,550 3,203.412" 423,665 418,140 3,008,624 2,865,751 2,575,160 2,575,160 1,568,363 1,568,029 10,853,090 10,689,706 2,783,600 2,775,185 10,143,000 9,869,895“ 2,532,644 2,346,037 3,236,775 3,235,515 2,443,448 2,443,448 2,142,869 2,122,419 NoUs: '.After $7.T,.317 tax credit. » After $521,165 tax credit. "After $110,246 net lo-as on U.S. operations. * Before special credit of $731,622 (22?* a share). "Adjusted to reflect 4% stock dividend in 1962. “Record. ' After preferred dividends. “ Before $1,170,439 gain on sale of Cinerama stock. '■ Includes $75,000 tax benefit carry-over from earlier losses of sul>sidiary Utility Appliance Corp. '“Includes $833,000 capital gains. " Includes $2,185,000 capital gains. Includes about $2 million in U.S. sales. Includes non-recurring gain equal to 45C a share. '• Include* net credit of $401,000 (29<f). '"Before $413,000 profit on sale of land. Adjusted for 2-for-l split & 2t>i‘ic stock dividend during 1962. ” Before special provision of $200,000 for losses on disposal of obsolete inventories, resulting in net loss of $163,728. TraVler Industries slipped in fiscal-1963’s 3rd quarter, ended Jan. 31 & Pres. Joe Friedman said, “indications are that sales were down 10-15% & earnings were probably off more than that.” Company a year earlier earned $210,000 on $6.8 million sales. He attributed decline in part to January’s severe cold, which affected both orders from retailers & TraVler’s ability to fill orders on hand, unusually heavy ordering in 2nd fiscal quarter, expenses for Color TV production facilities. Current backlog totals some $7 million — up from $4.7 a year ago. Friedman confirmed that Tra\’ler is now 100% private-label (Vol. 3:4 p8), said only those TraVler TVs, radios & phonos still in inventory are being sold under TraVler brand. “We decided private label business was the best prospect for a small independent company,” he said, noting that only 8 years ago, in 1955, only 1.4% of companj^’s production was private label. He said TraMer expects to continue present policy of issuing 5% annual stock diridend. Common Stock Dividends Corporation Period Amt. Payable Stk. of Record -\i-vin Industries Q $0.25 Mar. 30 Mar. 11 -4.rvin Industries Stk. 10% •A.pr. 29 Apr. 8 Corning Glass Q .37H Mar. 29 Mar. IS Decca Records Q .30 Mar. 29 Mar. 18 MGM Q .37% -■Vpr. 15 Mar. 18 Newark Electronics-A Q .06% Mar. 29 Mar. 15 Times-Mirror Co. Q .12% Mar. 25 Mar. 8 Webcor Q (Ommitted Mar. 6)