1000 and One--the Blue Book of Non-Theatrical Films (1930)

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The Educational Screen, Inc. DIRECTORATE Herbert E. Slaught, President, The University of Chicago. Frederick J. Lane, Treasurer, Chicago Schools. Joseph J. Weber, Valparaiso University. Dudley Grant Hays, Chicago Schools. Stanley R. Greene, New York City. William R. Duffey, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul. Nelson L. Greene, Secretary and Editor, Chicago. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD A. W. Abrams, N. Y. State Department of Education. Richard Burton, University of Minnesota. Carlos E. Cummings, Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Prank N. Freeman, The University of Chicago. Dudley Grant Hays, Assistant Sup't. of Schools, Chicago. P. Dean MoClusky, Scarborough School. Nelson L. Greene, Editor, Evelyn J. Baker Marie E. Goodenough Josephine F. Hoffman Rowland Rogers, Columbia University. STAFF Marion F. Lanphier F. Dean MoClusky Stella Evelyn Myers Marguerite Orndorff Publications of The Educational Screen The Educational Screen, (including Moving Picture Age and Visual Educa I tion) now the only magazine in the field of visual education. Published j every month except July and August. Subscription price, $2.00 a year S ($3.00 for two years). In Canada, $2.50 ($4.00 for two years). Foreign J countries, $3.00 ($5.00 for two years). Comparative Effectiveness of Some Visual Aids in Seventh Grade Instruc jf tion, by Joseph J. Weber, Ph. D., of the University of Arkansas. The J first published work of authoritative research on the visual field. A doc I tor's thesis accepted by Columbia University. With diagrams and refer j| ence tables. 131 pages, cloth. $1.50. (To subscribers, $1.00.) Fundamentals in Visual Instruction, by William H. Johnson, Ph. D. (The:| University of Chicago). A manual for teachers. A concise and co: yj prehensive survey of the whole question. 104 pages, cloth. $2.00. ('-of subscribers, $1.33.) Picture Values in Education, by Joseph J. Weber, Ph. D. A unique stud.y 9 of relative values of stereographs and slides, with complete data en M abling any school to carry out similar tests. The book is rich in fact>v^g inferences and deductions which are invaluable to the methodology oL'1 visual instruction. Illustrated. 156 pages, cloth, $2.00. (To subscribe | ers, $1.33.) Visual Aids in Education, by Joseph J. Weber. Comprehensive summary of available scientific evidence on the values and limitations of visuals aids. Mimeographed edition bound in flexible cover. 220 pages, 8%xll inches. $2.00. Historical Charts of the Literatures (English, American, French, German) 1 formerly published at Princeton, N. J., by Nelson Lewis Greene, A. M.i Steadily used for the past 16 years by students and general reader}! everywhere. Revised and uniform editions of these charts are ready . J Single copies, 50 cents each. (To subscribers, 37 cents.) Special offer; ,| one of each of 4 charts, $1.50. (To subscribers, $1.00.) Discounts ovm quantities on application.