Blue book of audio-visual materials (1920)

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78 1001 FILMS SOUTH SEA ISLANDS ♦Film titles marked with an asterisk (*) have been reviewed and approved by the National Motion Picture League of New York. Bermuda, Nature's Fairy Land. Reel, 1. Travelogue and Zoology. The Lea-Bel Company. Cannibals.* Reels, 5; producer, Martin Johnson; exchange, Mutual. Remarks: Cannibal Isles, Pacific Island, Solomon Isles and New Hebrides. Start from San Francisco, royal palms, Pango-Pango, Sydne}% Australia, Tulagi police boys acting as guards, police barracks, Mission stations, Ona-Raha war canoes, war dances, Malaita Islands, Kiki grounds, Kiki bowl, artificial islands, Langa Langa Lagoon, hospitals, climbing a cocoanut tree, fishing. Cut all close-up views of nudity in all reels. Cut all scenes of nude girls dancing. Cut all views of skulls. Fiji Does Its Bit.* Reel, 1; producer, Burton Holmes; exchange, Paramount. Remarks: Fiji Islands, natives in costume, rubber plantation, tapping rubber tree, collecting the milk, smoking the rubber, banana plantation, plowing, a banana bud, care of young bananas, Sikh splice; inspection of troops. Fire Walkers of Bequa.* Reel, 1; producer, Burton Holmes; exchange, Paramount. Remarks: Bequa Islands, one of group of Fiji Islands, Meke-Meke dance, war dance, boy warriors, Fiji fanatics walking on hot stones, feast. Outing Chester Pictures.* Reel, 1; producer, Mutual; exchange, same. Remarks: South Seas, Fiji Islands, cannibals and their customs, weaving baskets, industry, etc. (Cut use of slang at end of reel.) Pigs and Kava. The Chester-Outing Scenics. Down on the Cannibal Islands of the South Seas they now substitute porkers for parsons, but they drink the same old kava — and what a grand, husky, broad-chested drink that be! It almost made a cannibal out of us! A Samoan scenic. Educational Films Corporation. Push-Car Trails in Formosa. Reel, 1. Burton Holmes Travelogue. Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. In the Moluccas. One of the island groups in the Dutch East Indies. Views of the primitive loom, the native method of preparing rice, and an irrigation wheel in operation. The Pathescope Co. of America, Inc. Native Life in Borneo. Borneo, port of one of the East India Islands. The Pathescope Co. of America, Inc. In Samoa.* Reel, 1; excha'nge, Beseler's Educational Film Company. Remarks: The chief, his daughter "Taupou," the most important individual next to the chief, girls in Mission school, gathering cocoanuts, removing the husk, Siva-Siva dance, catching fish with dynamite. Saving Savages from the South Seas. Reel, 1. Travel and Scenic. Johnson missionary work. For young people of any age. Robertson-Cole Dist. Corporation. Sumatra.* Reel, 1; producer, Post Traveler's Weekly; exchange, Pathe. Remarks: Dutch colony, street scenes, Palembang, hat store on raft, making lace, mosque, rubber plantation, tapping trees, rubber smoke-house, swimming, cloth weaving. Takioku. .Metropolis of Formosa. Reel, 1. Burton Holmes Travelogue. Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. The Forbidden River. Reel, 1. Travel and Scenic. South Sea sducational. Robertson-Cole Dist. Corporation. Through the Isles of the New Hebrides. Reef, 1. Travel and Scenic. South Sea travel. Robertson-Cole Dist. Corporation. Tulugi. Reel, 1. Travel and Scenic. South, Sea travel. Robertson-Cole Dist. Corporation.