Educational film guide ()

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548-551.2 1953 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE CRYSTALLIZATION— Confiwwed crystals in the form of icicles and snow flakes. Many imperishable crystals are also shown, such as quartz, amethyst, and salt, and some from the metals Part two shows by experiments under the microscope how crystals are formed, their peculiarities of growth, and determining factors in shape 549 Minerology BRAZILIAN QUARTZ GOES TO WAR. UW Govt 1944 lOmin sd b&w $16.91 549 sh-c-ad Produced by the Office of Inter -American Affairs Shows the mining of quartz and its function in the manufacture of radio equipment LC card FiE 52-685 ROCKS. Gateway 1952 8min sd b&w (Gateway primary science ser) $49.50, rent $4.50 549 P Produced by John F. Griswell Collecting rocks as a hobby becomes an introduction to the study of geology as a science, and in a few type examples the major earth crust formations are clarified 550 EARTH SCIENCES 551 Physical and dynamic geology EARTH'S ROCKY CRUST. EBF 1943 llmin sd b&w $50, rent $2.50 551 Jh-sh-c Guide Produced with the collaboration of Harvard University Film Service Presents physiography in its dynamic aspects, and aims to show that the same forces which have shaped the earth as it Is today are still at work further changing it. In the slower processes, this effect is obtained by the use of models and diagrams, which show a thousand year process taking place in a few seconds. The part the water cycle plays in shaping the earth is emphasized. The formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks is illustrated THE EARTH'S SKIN. AlmanacFlms 1952 lOmin sd b&w $45 551 el-jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Paul F. Moss A look at the surface of the earth. Reveals the strata left by oceans, the formation of rocks and minerals bj^ compression and convulsions thru the centuries, and the effects of glaciers OUR EARTH. EBF 1937 llmin sd b&w $50, rent $2.50 551 jh-sh Guide Produced by Erpi Classroom Films, Inc. A survey of physical aspects of our earth in their relations to concentrations and activities of peoples. Beginning with oceans and ocean currents, their effects on climate, and consequently on peoples, the film continues to delineate similar effects of various types of coast lines and harbors, rivers and lakes, valleys, plateaus and mountains LC card FiA 52-2313 TIME AND TERRAIN. CanNFB 1949 lOmin sd b&w $30; color $75, rent $3 551 jh-sh-c-ad Also available in a French -language version entitled: LE TEMPS ET LA TERRE An animated film which recreates the geological processes, as they may have occurred which produced the mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. of Canada 551.2 Volcanoes. Eari-hquakes. Geysers BIRTH OF A VOLCANO. Sterling 1947 lOmin sd b&w $27.50 551.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by E.M.A. Studios The development of the Mexican volcano, shows Paricutin, from its eruption to its present size GEYSERS AND HOT SPRINGS. Barr 1951 llmin sd b&w $45, color $90 551.2 el-jh-sh-c-ad Explains the action of geysers and hot springs as a part of the dynamic process of volcanism. Factors essential to the eruption of a geyser and steps in the eruptive process are explained by animated charts and scenes of geysers in all stages of activity HOW VOLCANOES MAKE MOUNTAINS. KnowledgeBldrs 1949 lOmin sd b&w $40, rent $2 551.2 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Extinct and active volcanoes and other evidence of volcanic action are shown. The location of active volcanoes thruout the world is indicated KRAKATOA. Mogull 1945 30min sd b&w $75, rent $5.50 551.2 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Joe Rock Scenes of the eruption of the submarine volcano located in the Indian Ocean between Sumatra and Java. Narrated by Graham McNamee MAKE NO MISTAKE. GeophysicalServiceInc 1950 22min sd color free-loan 551.2 c-ad Produced by Robert Yarnall Ritchie A safety film for personnel using seismographs in land, swamp, marsh and marine phases of seismic explorations PARICUTIN. UW-Govt 1948 23min sd b&w $35.29 551.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Air Force A film record of the 1946 research expedition to the Mexican volcano, Paricutin. Contains scientific observations made of the volcano and includes scenes taken from a helicopter fiying directly over the lava flow, the crater, and the erupting volcano LC card FiE 52-1422 PARICUTIN DURING THE FIRST YEAR. Gray,R.E. 1949 16min si color $87.50 551.2 jh-sh-c-ad Filmed on six different trips to Paricutin during its first year, beginning when the Mexican volcano was only eight days old PARICUTIN--MOUNTAIN OF FIRE. Pictorial lOmin sd color $85 551.2 el-jh-sh-ad Also available in a 20 -minute version for $150 Shows the birth and growth of this volcano in Mexico. Photographed over a period of six months by Ralph E. Gray VOLCANO. CalifU-Berkeley 1949 ISmln sd color $80, rent $2.50 551.2 sh-c-ad Produced by the University of California, Extension Division Paricutin volcano in Mexico showing the three phases of the volcano's activity and some of the resultant devastation. Includes scenes of the smoke column pouring forth, looking down into the crater from the rim, and the lava spouting out of the ground. After showing 462