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HIGH ENERGY RADIATIONS FOR MANKIND (Group 2 and 3) . . 29 IMMUNE RESPONSE, THE (Challenge Series) (Group 2 and 3) 50 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVES (Group 2 and 3) 39 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF RADIOISOTOPES (Group 2 and 3) 16 INDUSTRIAL ATOM, THE (Magic of the Atom Series) (Group 2) 57 INTERNATIONAL ATOM, THE (Group 2) 19 INTRODUCING ATOMS AND NUCLEAR ENERGY (Group 1 and 2) 9 INVISIBLE BULLETS (Challenge Series) (Group 2 and 3). ... 51 ISOTOPES (Group 2 and 3) 41 JOBS IN ATOMIC ENERGY (Magic of the Atom Series) (Group 2). , 57 LIVING SOLID, THE (Challenge Series) (Group 2 and 3) .... 51 LIVING WITH A GLOVED BOX (Group 3) 43 LIVING WITH RADIATION (Group 2 and 3) 43 LIVING WITH THE ATOM (Group 2) 44 ML-1 MOBILE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (Group 2 and 3) . . . 23 MACHINES THAT THINK (Challenge Series) (Group 2 and 3) . . 51 MAGIC OF THE ATOM SERIES (Group 2) 53 MAGNETIC BOTTLE, THE (Group 2 and 3) 29 MAN AND RADIATION (Group 2) 36 MAN AND THE ATOM (Group 2) 36 MANY FACES OF ARGONNE, THE (Group 2 and 3) 30 MASTER SLAVE, THE (Magic of the Atom Series) (Group 2) 57 MEDICINE (Group 2). 11 METALS FRONTIER (Group 2 and 3) 30 MICROSCOPE FOR THE UNKNOWN (Challenge Series) (Group 2 and 3) 51 NEW POWER, THE (Group 2 and 3) 24 NUCLEAR ENERGY GOES RURAL (Group 2 and 3) 24 NUCLEAR POWER FOR SPACE — SNAP-9A (Group 2 and 3) . . 4 NUCLEAR REACTIONS (Understanding the Atom Series) (Group 2 and 3) 59 NUCLEAR REACTORS FOR RESEARCH (Group 2 and 3) .... 24 NUCLEAR REACTORS FOR SPACE (Group 2 and 3) 4 NUCLEAR SHIP SAVANNAH, THE (Group 2) 20 OF MAN AND MATTER (Group 2 and 3) 31 OFFSITE MONITORING OF FALLOUT FROM NUCLEAR TESTS (Group 2 and 3) 33 OPERATION CROSSROADS (Group 2) 33