16mm film combined catalog (1966-67)

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18 INTERNATIONAL (INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND TRAINING) industrial-applications exhibit, the agricultural exhibit, the medical exhibit, the health and safety exhibit, the gamma tank, and the nuclear- research test reactor. (Nontechnical: suitable for all audience levels.) ATOMS FOR PEACE: GENEVA—1958 (1959). 15 minutes, black and white. Produced by the USAEC and the U. S. Department of Agriculture Motion Picture Service. For sale by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, at $24.19 per print, including shipping case. This nontechnical film, for intermediate through college-level audi- ences, reports on U. S. participation in the Second International Con- ference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, held at Geneva in Sep- tember 1958 under UN auspices and attended by 6000 scientists and technicians of 69 nations and 9 international agencies. It points to the technical papers program and the 722 papers contributed by the United States; provides a quick look at the Atoms For Peace Commercial Exposition held concurrently in Geneva; then devotes coverage to the U. S. Technical Exhibit—made up of 64 sections, many with full-scale scientific devices in operation—which covered four major areas: Physical Sciences, Reactor Sciences and Technology, Life Sciences, and Controlled Thermonuclear Research. ATOMS FOR THE AMERICAS (1963). 28 minutes, color. Produced for USAEC's Oak Ridge Operations Office by Orleans Film Productions. For sale by Byron Motion Pictures, at $76.66 per print, including shipping case. This semitechnical film offers an extensive tour of the facilities of the Puerto Rico Nuclear Center (operated for the USAEC by the University of Puerto Rico) and a study of the Center's curricula and research pro- grams. The Center was conceived primarily to aid the Latin American nations in developing skills essential to nuclear energy activity, by providing graduate- and post graduate-level education and research opportunities. At the Center's Bio-Medical building, work is shown involving radioisotopes and their clinical applications, and other nu- clear work related to biology, chemistry, and medicine is reviewed. Study and research in nuclear engineering and technology, health phys- ics, agriculture and marine biology are shown at the Center's reactor and laboratories located on the campus of the University of Puerto Rico's College of Agriculture and Engineering, and aboard the Center's oceanographic ship. ATOMS ON THE FARM (The USAEC at the World Agricultural Fair, India) (1961). 12 minutes, color. Produced by, and for sale by, the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture Motion Picture Service, at $56.00 per print, including ship- ping case.