Victor records (1923)

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Pronouncing Table — Composers, Singers and Operas— Continued one can come in English characters, — is pronounced, as some one has said, by commencing to sound ng’ , but stopping midway, and closing the back of the throat to throw the sound through the nose. The French e (as in de) might be indicated deh, but is pronounced with the lips almost closed. Put your lips in position to pronounce oo, as in food, then try to say deh instead, and you will come very near it. The German w (as in ^Vagner) is neither a W nor a v, but just between them. Begin the word as though it was spelled Vahgner, but instead of pressing the teeth firmly against the lower lip, press them very lightly and then go through the motion of sounding the v. The editor has indicated these pronunciations as nearly as possible, and they will be found correct enough for practical purposes. But do not pause at each syllable — pronounce the entire word rapidly without hesitation, putting a decided accent on the syllable marked with the sign Other pronunciations will be found in their alphabetical place throughout the Catalogue. Pronunciation Table — Artists, Composers and Operas Alpheraky (A hl-fay-rah' -kee) Alvarez ( Ah-vah-reth ) Andantino (Ahn-dahn-tee' -noh) Attila (At' -til-lah) Banda de Policia [or, thee-ah (Bahn-dah day Po-lee-see -ah) Banda Pabellon de Rosas ( Bahn-dah Pah-bet' -yon day Roh! -zahz) Behrend ( Beh' -rend ) Bellini (Bel-lee -nee) Blockx ( Blocks ) Blumenthal (Bloom -en-tahl) Braban^onne ( Brah-ban-sonn ) Burmester (Boor -may -ster) Caprice Espanol (Kah-prees Ess-pahn -yol) Chotzinoff (Chot-zee-noff) Clavelitos (Klah-oeh-lee' -tos) Crepuscule (Cray-piis-ktihl) d’ Albert (Dahl-baer) David (Dah-veed') d’Hardelot ( Dard'-loh ) de Luna (day Loo' -nah) De mon amie (Duh mon nah-mee ) de Sarasate (Sar-ah-sah' -tay) Dite alia giovine (Dee' tay al'-lah gee-oh-vee' -nay) Dubois ( Du-booah') El Celoso (El Thay [or say]-loh'-soh) Entr’acte ( Ahn-tract ) Epaminondas ( Eh-pah-mee-non'-dahs ) Fedora (Fay-doh' -rah) Ferree ( Fer-ray ') Fidelio (Fee-day' -lee-oh) Fille du Regiment (Feeyeh d’h Rezh' -ee-mong') Flegier Flay'-zhyay) Fliegende Hollander (Flee1 -gen-deh Hoi' -lan der) Francesco ( Frahn-chayss' -koh) Friihlingsglaube (Frueh' -lings-glou -be) Ganne ( Gahn ) Gasparone (Gahs-par-oh' -neh) Genee ( Zheh-nay’) Gianni Schicchi (Gee-ah! nee Shee' -kee) Gillet (Zhil-lay) Hansel und Gretel (Haen' -zel oondt Gray' -tel) Hubay (U-bay) 11 Balen (Eel Bah-len) II Guarany (Eel Ga-rah' -nee) Inflammatus (In-flah-mah' -toos) Iris (Ee-ris) Jakobowski ( Yah-koh-boff -skee) Je viens celebrer la victoire (Juh vee-ahn (nasal) say-laybray' lah vic-twar) Jocelyn (Joss'-lin) Jolie Fille de Perth ( Zho-Iee ' Feey-deh" Pairth) Jongleur (Zhong-gleur') Jose (Hoh-zay) Journet (Zhoor-nay) Kjerulf (Kyer-oolf) Koschat (Koh' -shaht) La Braban^onne (Lah Brah-ban-sonn) La Cinquantaine (Lah Sang-kohn-tain) Lalo (Lah-.ow’) L’Arlesienne (Lahr-lay -see-enn) Manzanillo (Mahn-sahn-eel -yoh) Martinelli (Mar-tin-el' -lih) Masaniello (Mah-san-nyel -loh) Mascotte ( Mas-kot' or Mas'-kot) Mikado (Mih-kah' -doh) Mirella (Mih-ret-Iah) Moment Musicale (Moh-mohn meu-zee-cal' ) Natoma (N ah-toh' -mah) Oberon (Oh-ber-on) O mio babbino caro (Oh mee'-oh Bah-bee no kah-roh) Orientale (Oh-ryohn-tahl) Paladilhe ( Pa-la h-dee -leh) Paraphrase ( Par-rah-frahz) Pasquale (Pas-quah' -lay) Pecheurs de perles, Les (Lay pay-shur' duh-Pairl) Pescatori di Perle (Pes-kah-toh' -ree dee Pear -leh) Pie Jesu (Pee' -ay Y ay -zooh) Pini-Corsi (Pee-nee-Kor-sih) Pinsuti (Pin-soo' -tee) Pourquoi me reveiller (Poor-kwah muh ray-vay-yea) Prophete (Pro-feh't or Proph' -et) Regina di Saba (Ray-jee -nah dee Sah' -bah) Rinaldi (Ree-nahl -dee) Rinaldo (Ree-nahl' -doh) Robert le Diable ( Roh-ber-V Dee-ah' -bD Rondino (Ron-dee' -noh) Safranek ( Sahf' -rahn-ek ) Sala (Sah’ -lah) Salutaris (Sah-loo-tah' -ris) Santa Lucia ( Sahn'-tah Loo-chee’ -ah) Scharwenka (Shar-Ven -kah) Scherzo (Skairl -tsoh) Schubert (Shoo' -baert) Schumann (Shoc'-mahn) Schumann-Heink (Shoo' -mahn Hink ’) Scipioni (Shee-pee-oh1 -nee) Semiramide (Seh-mih-rah-mee' -day) Serenade Espagnole (Seh-rehnahd' Ess-pahn-yohl) Sgambati (Sgahm-bah' tee) Strelezki (Stray-let' -skee) Suppe (Soup-pay) Tambourin (Tahm-boo-rah') Thome (Toh-may' ) Toscanini (Tos-kan-nee’ -nee) Traumerei (Troy-meh-rye') Ugonotti (Oo-goh-not'-tee) Vespri Siciliani ( V es -pree See-chee-lee-ah' -nee) Villoldo (Vil-yol -doh) Vivandiere ( Vee-vahn-deair') Vous dansez. Marquise (V oo dahn-say Mar-keys ) Werther (Fear' -ter) Wiegenlied (Vee -gen-leedt) Wienerisch ( V ee'-neh-rish) Wilhelmj ( Veel-hel'-mlh) Xerxes (Zehr'-sehz) Yradier (Ee-rah-deay ) Zaccaria ( Zak-koh-ree' -ah) Zerola ( Zer ' -oh-lah) Ziehrer ( Tse'-reh )