Publix Opinion (Nov 1, 1929)

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YOU HAVE MERCHANDISE SELL IT! YOU HAVE THE MERCHANDISE SELL IT! AS, Thesties (gp WS a purrs | Week of November Ist, 1929 The Official Voice of Publix ADullix Publix Theatres Corporation, Paramount Building, New York, Vol. Il ba \ The surest proof of a good showman is his ability, not only advantage. The Foot-ball and Election Day opposition now upon ué WI calibre are in our midst. SAM DEMBOW, Jr., Executive Vice President, Publi “Leave no stofe unturned to help Publix maintain the high standing it holds in the world of theatres.” Publix > Opinion SOUND TIPS x Theatres Corp. to cope with unavoidable reverses, but to turn them to hi ! Il soon reveal how many showmen of such FILE THIS! IT’ WILL HELP PLAN PROGRAM Watch Publix Opinion for this service in every issue! W atch the : trade papers for it, tool LENGTH OF FEATURES FootRunn’ Record : bject Make age Time Published by and for the Prens Representatives and Managers of From Publix Department of i a) Makers xa (AT)...-.Pathe 5900 66 mir PUBLIX THEATRES CORPORATION Sound and/ Projection. Darkened Eons al reels (AT) Paramount 5783 64mi> ics G Woman To oman— D . SAM KATZ, President HARRY RUBIN, Director CE ee aiken ae Tiffany Stahl 7000 78 mit. * of : EMITS: depute aeei i iuneanmmes MGM 8975 100 min. A, M. Bortsrorp, Dr. Advertising , Bene H. Sgerxowicu, Editor Sound Bulletin No. 32 rae Sap—b “reeis—( AM) vos Pa jon ee J. Avsert Hirscu, Associate Editor . Movietone noise due to dirty (AT)—ANleure (SoH OF TALKING SHORTS : Contents Strictly Confidential My ; film or to dirt in the moyietone PARAMOUNT light gate, appears to be on the Love Parade (Trailer) -sseeseceeeceereerees ‘ane Per ; co increase. ' CWS NO. 25 cevecccrsctcesnescenccerererars : WARNER WARNING! NO POLITICS). sessescevsigist||| gr Murtaemeramiae Ruaisciaan aa 9 7a any new print very carefully for 394 Ruth Etting—"“Glorifying as dirt and grease before putting 902 Horace Heidt & His SER Risioleye eterpimvereyern 815 9 min, As a matter of ‘timely, warning, PUBLIX OPINION, on the|foriae ee fs ies esan Lazy Days (Our Gang Comm a eve of general elections takes this opportunity to reiterate that no|be used for cleaning film. . After the SHOW ..-ssceeeecctcereneesenerees 1919 4 min) individual in Publix except Mr: Katz has the right to utter any| The movietone gate and ie oe BG EE ONPLCLURG Gs calccts atc eacreeees 1990 22 min ; ps i i iti sociated apparatus should also be Rubeville .....seeee cece eens piehelstestelerntecaisteriele mir public political statement, or perform any public act in politics. Eaptapecklesds U Dire om ithernin Big Time Chatile ... sdeensmeapves asta 1990 22 mi Anyone who permits his personal and private partisan zeal to| will cause crackling in the movie= entae COLE eee 950 11min carry him beyond his own private individual rights, into what could|tone reproduction. So will dirt in Snappy Co-Hds...s.iceeeeseeeeeeeee ences vee 800 Sai be construed invasion of the rights of the company that employs the light cae mee eee me On the Boulevard cvcee no a See ae min i i atical upper guide roiler 18 FO read work, ..cccccceccccesccercareserscscoers 900 10min him, will find stern and summary measures automatically enforced cause lots of things, from flutter TRIOS eee Ne One ee 600 Tae as a matter of Publix organization policy. to sprocket-hole noise. If a bit FITZPATRICK 310 a You may, and should vote as your private conscience dictates.|of srit sets between the roller See eee oe hi Noveribecs oeuet seme canes eamea 8 mit) But do it privately, without publicity and end the matter there. eu Ae ena tee cate: nities " Length of Bynouronoge Shorts You are not. permitted‘to allow your name as a Publix executive, may result. A particle of grit Garden In The Rain (Song: Film) .......+-+395 = 4min or your theatre or screen to be used for propaganda, political or/working in between the two Pitre eric aie PATHE i, evs Sa otherwise, unless you, get specific instruction from Home Office halves of aie pout polen a aD AMaiOUR av laWiINo: 23.00. Boe cctaeae paige 866 10 min Oya saree c » : D se e alignment an as been Audio Review No. 24:.....cssseceeeeeseeeees min authorityand it is unlikely that you ll get it. The reason is that]; own to result in bad sprocket AuaiG eeview. GG. (obscene Gan Cmere mera 860 10 min) _ show business appeals for its livelihood to the entire community on] hole noise. Length of' Non-Synchronous Shorts the basis of selling entertainment. The theatre is not a political or| Cases of movietone trouble due mts Neagle gas sega pokes ML A 790 -9min} propaganda forum or battle ground. Partisan propaganda in the|to dirt are altogether too numeri PATHE 730 anil theatre would automatically alienate that huge public group known | 2"* The movietone end of your . Review No. 42 ......-PRO Rea cb “the other side of th ion”—and ’ sound equipment must be cared Bathisharny sin diwestosemeeeone se elne oxen eae 800 9 min} as “the other side of the question”—and your box office can't afford} zor like a fire engine—immaculate the loss. Let the politicians hire their own hall—and fight there, or}at all. times, under all circum= in newspapers. stances. Fortunately, the Publix-Bala! ban & Katz specially designed j | TWO COSTLY ERRORS» ‘Although the facts in these episodes may not apply directly to Publix showmen nevertheless Publix folks may profit materially by a consideration of the glaring human errors shown here. At a cost of $90,000, a miniature city was constructed in a Pacific coast studio recently. It was an exact replica of London and was to be entirely demolished by an air raid in the big scene of a picture. : The costly set was destroyed as per schedule, but not a foot of film registering this spectacle was obtained. The cameraman had forgotten to remove the cap from the lens of his camera. Such a small, simple thing—the cap on the lens of a camera. What a relatively commonplace, simple action—the removal of this cap! Yet, failure to attend to this tiny detail cost the studio another $90,000 for construction of a new miniature set, in addition to the time lost on the production schedule. It is by neglect’ of such details that. an office boy may ruin a president. Publix showmen will do well to keep this principle in mind in the daily discharge of duties which may seem unimportant. On the other hand, we have the too meticulous gate watchman at: pote SO can a uaio, who at aaa pee to pamutne Sal aes as the highest type. A Guy Martin ema : automobiles: to the lot unless a special privilege card was presented |plock west of the house is the ' a yyaukest: f Clark street. neighborhood, where ARE BEING SOLD rieaiae Geas a Chic by the driver. One of the male stars, well known to the watchman, drove up in his roadster to begin his day’s work and was refused admittance becatise he had no card, He was told to park outside and enter on foot. It was a warm day and the set for which the. star was bound was at the far end of the long, dusty lot. After a short argument, the player turned his car around, drove home and a day’s production on his picture was charged off'to a watchman’s narrow conception of the administration of rules. COZY DEARBORN THEATRE IS REOPENED An effective and successful campaign for the re-opening of the Publix. Dearborn Theatre, Chicago, was waged by Herb Elisburg, with the assistance and cooperation of Eddie Seguin and ‘|Herman, Stern, manager. Although the opening was only of the installation of talkies, the. campaign was outlined as though it was a newly erected theatre. The house was closed a week in advance, thoroughly cleaned and the furnishings modernized, Western Electric Sound Equipment being installed. Because of the unusual location of the theatre, the advertising the word hoodlum is a truthful adjective. A half block to the east is the Gold Coast. Called ‘Cozy’ The Dearborn is a comparatively small ‘theatre, and is fittingly called ‘cozy.’ That was the slogan publicized—‘Chicago’s Intimate And Cozy Talkie Theatre,” Two weeks in advance scores of automobile was in town a week before the opening. It was used very: advantageously, ‘with the able assistance of Frank Selzer. Usher Announces A sign was attached to the top, announcing the Dearborn opening, and the car was driven through the north side, an: usher announcing through the amplifying system. ‘The car parked in busy districts and the usher handed out circulars. It proved very beneficial. A high class circular was also drawn by Karson and distributed throughout the entire gold coast. A distinctive letter was sent most of the gold coasters, as were invitations to attend the opening. Unusual good breaks in most of thé newspapers, effective advertising and publicity really brought them out the opening day. Capacity business at every performance. SHORT SUBJECTS Letters received by Burt Kelly of the film buying and booking department from Dallas, Detroit, Chicago, Denyer, Boston, Minneapolis and other cities indicate that Publix showmen are profiting by the advice recently printed in PUBLIX OPINION, “Don't Sell Shorts Short.” SETUP NOW! COMPLETE | Organizational setup for #4 Publix-Great States group of t tres has been completed wi Rubens as divisional director & M. M. Rubens as division ™ ager, both with headquarters 162 North State Street, © Following are the district 7 agers that have been appoll: and the towns which they } Supervise: Henry Stickelmaier, Orphe, Theatre Building, Peoria, Peoria; “Bloomington, D® Galesburg, Alton and Quincy. T. P. Ronan, Fischer a Building, Danville, Ill.; nf Danville, Kankakee, streatoh Salle, Spring Valley and Kew Heights, Blue Island and Ha Sn AT YOUR NEW YORK THEATRES ® ie ‘2 NU 4 ases, but they represent evil e| different stories were sent to the Mr. Kelly had written:a letter.) = SS : a Pay oe i Caiente ‘ocails feaaeia nif is phe i daily papers and the fifty local|to district bookers, explaining the|& WEEK OF NOV. Suns avoided. fay strict attention ALIS, ng Oversight! newspapers: located on the north|fact that short subjects did not|/= THEATRE PIOTE ue in a single instance may result as disastrously as the cameraman’s | side, seem to be getting the attention |= Baramenneleeama ae { blunder.But do not become so blindly devoted to routine, so| In ondey ta emonasize ue act hey previously received. Division|= Rinlto... ... 5 nS —— ; ' i that the Dearborn 18 an exclusive | an strict managers are co-oper-|= Rivoli .....elco stupidly peng Ash cee ee procedite, eine eet er home of entertainment for the|ating in the drive, and many aise = B’klyn Paramount, nat vet. when sound judgment dictates that an exception is warranted by|q044 coasters, Nat Karson, famed |trict managers are scanning the|= Be way Bring Tee aus = riterion (S32) .«++-* circumstances. ‘This advice applies to everyone in the Publix organization, whether usher or manager, office boy or executive. ‘for his skill in futuristic art, drew the newspaper ads. programs and advising’ managers on the values of various shorts. I OC 4H t