Business screen magazine (1938)

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^^^% ss S^TS ^M£ MOTION PICTURES AND SLIDE FILMS rx-.:,, • OPEN NEW FIELDS OF SELLING • "The ni(i>t perfect way of putting ideas into men's heads that ever came into selling" is the definition given liy one national sales executive* for the useful |)urpose of the sound slide film and the sound motion picture. In a recent presentation of its "mass selling" program to dealers, an antcnnobilc company calls attention to the ItJit.tid.'i xlioivings of its 89 films ta a total ttttctuhmrc nf l.'i'i.^278.!t]'2 persons! In 5;i cities last mouth, the national sales organization of another autonuibile nniker brought to its <iealers' attention the extensive use of moti(ni pictures contemplated in its forthecuning sales campaign. .\t the same time, literally hundreds of comparatively smaller concerns were discovering the many successful applications of .sound slide films and motion pictures to their own dealer problems, to the training of their salesmen and for the perfect demonstration of their goods and the methods of manufacture. • Contrary to the Hollywood legend, business is getting the important idea that these media are not expensive; that both the slide film and the nu)tion picture may be downright economical because, in many cases for the first time, the sales and dealer job is being done completely and. therefore, done right! The simi>licity and economy of the slide film has made it possible for the very snudlest organization to enjoy the fruits of the convincing power of sight and sound selling. The superb realism of the sound motion picture is the perfect answer to the con fusion and complexity of the business structure. • .\ reflection of the amazing possibilities still being discovered in these fields is contained in each succeeding uiuuber of Business Screen. \ati<mal advertising and sales authorities contribute to its pages; industrial designers and skilled film technicians supply invaluable research material. And throughout its pages is uuiintained a spirit of service to the reader — which goes beyond mere type — into the functions of the several service departments which Business Screen maintains without oliligation for the a<l\ice and guidance of present and potential users of slide films and motion pictures. jrcsidont, General IMotors Corporatio