Business screen magazine (1938)

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LEADING FILM PRODUCERS RECOMMEND DA-LITE A SCREENS ^pt petted of "THE TUTTLE TUGGER" DEERE & COMPANY'S NEW 4 REEL SOUND MOTION PICTURE WILDING PICTURE PRODUCTIONS. Inc. ' "Use DA-LITE SCREENS*' DA-int STttHD&BD CKilLENiiiH This light, eosily The roller carried screen mounted Gloss can be set up Beaded Screen, anywhere in 15 meiai cose and seconds. 12 sizes. tripod ore all in 30" X 40" to 70" 1 V one unit. X 94" inclu Jf \ .. ^ \ Wilding Picture Protluctions, Inc., reports that it has used and recommended DA-LITE Screens for more than a dozen years with entire satisfaction. '"We have found no acceptable substitute for DA-LITE", says Mr. Norman E. Wilding, President, "and have urged its use by our clients. Some recent Wilding productions now being shown on DA-LITE screens include *^T/iis i ear It's Oltlsnioltile'' FOR THE OLDS DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION "Dan Dopp Marches On'^ FOR THE WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY "Lei's do Modern" FOR THE CHRYSLER SALES DIVISION. CHRYSLER CORPORATION "They Discoiered America" FOR THE GREYHOUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY Experienced users as well as leading pro<lucer8 of business films specify Da-Lite Screens for brilliant projection, unmatched convenience and long dependable service. NEW FREE DATA BOOK Scene from "The Tiiltle Tugger" Deere & Company's new sound motion picture. Deere & Company use several types of Da-Lite Screens including the Challenger shown here which has a tripod attached and can be set up instantly an\'where. 3tail t'aupaiB \0»tv! \ D«-LITE SCREEN COMPANY. Inc \ Dept. 6B. 2723 N. Crawford Ave. Chicago. Ill Vt ithout cost or (lata book on sere are most suitable obligation ens and the for sbawing surfaces and business film sen d jour lings NEW which / FIRM NAME . . . ADDRESS