Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1951)

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Frank E. O'Byrne, Capitol Film Productions, Sov¬ ereign Studios, 1640 The Queensway, To¬ ronto. J. Alphonse Ouimet, 3967 Van Horn Ave., Mont¬ real. R. W. Payne, National Film Board, John & Sussex Sts., Ottawa. L. C. Pearson, Dominion Sound Equipments Ltd., 4040 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal. Father Maurice Proulx, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, P.Q. B. Morton Pullan, 233 Strathallan Wood, Toronto. W. Redpath, 482 Windermere Ave., Toronto. Maurice Rousseau, 317A St. Joseph St., Quebec. George Rutherford, Moviecraft Ltd., 293 Church St., Toronto. Hugh John Sedgwick, P.O. Box 277, Hamilton, Ont. Leon Shelly, Shelly Films Ltd., Toronto 14. Reginald Soame, 1720 Avenue Rd., Toronto. Louis Soucy, 778 St. Cyrille Blvd., Quebec. Roderick F. Sparks, Crawley Films Ltd., 19 Fair¬ mont Ave., Ottawa. Donald N. Spring, Canadian Kodak Co., Ltd., Toronto 9. John Stringer, 226 Millwood Rd., Toronto. Stuart S. Tait, 4804 Westmore Ave., Montreal. Leslie P. Thatcher, Thatcher Film Productions, 10 Parkview Hill Cres., Toronto 13. Jule Allen, Theatre Holding Corp., 72 Carlton St., Toronto. C. H. Vatcher, National Carbon Co. Ltd., 805 Davenport Rd., Toronto. H. S. Walker, Dominion Sound Equipments Ltd., 4040 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal. Raymond L. Weber, 735 8th Ave. W., Calgary. Carlton F. Wilson, 365 Bayview Ave., Apt. 6, Toronto. N. J. Zubko, Division of Visual Education, Univer¬ sity of Alberta, Edmonton. SERVICE AND SUPPLIES Booth Film Service Ltd . 714a 8th Ave. W., Calgary, Alta. (Phone 24530) Manager . John H. L. Booth Coleman Electric Co. 18 Dundas Square, Toronto, Can. (EMpire 4-7767) Owned and managed by J. H. Coleman. Dominion Sound Equipments Ltd. 4040 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal 6, Que. (Fltzroy 9663) OFFICERS President . Vice-President . Treasurer Secretary & Assistant Treasurer Chief Engineer General Sales Mgr. Merchandise Mgr. Ass't Chief Engineer T. C. Clarke F. E. Peters D. M. Fa'ish W. Orchin H. S. Walker L. C. Pearson A. E. Miller A. D. Turnbull DIRECTORS R. D. Harkness, Montreal; J. P. Kavanagh, Montreal; M. P. Murphy, Monreal; H. Reid, Win¬ nipeg; W. R. Sandison, Ottawa; S. B. Wickes, Montreal; M. A. Wilson, Halifax; and Clarke, Peters and Farish, all of Montreal. All Directors are connected with the Northern Electric Co. Ltd., of which Dominion Sound Equip¬ ments Ltd. is a subsidiary, with the exception of Peters. BRANCH OFFICES HALIFAX J. McEwan, District Manager. 76 Hollis St. (Phone 3-821 1) SAINT JOHN, NB J. E. Tagg, Manager. 4 Hazen Ave. (Phone 3-3031) QUEBEC J. M. Cote, 1299 Boulevard Charest (Phone 7-3572) MONTREAL P. L. Keppie, Manager. 4040 St. Catherine St. W. (Fltzroy 9663) OTTAWA D. E. Neill, 270 McLaren St. (Phone 2-0303) TORONTO C. C. Curran, District Manager. 386 Victoria St. (WAverley 6131) WINNIPEG D. E. Daniels, District Manager, , 218 Fort St. (Phone 923-529) REGINA R. R. Huston, 2300 Dewdney Ave. (Phone 91-442) CALGARY W. F. Graham, Manager. 712 Eighth Ave. W. (Phone 29947) EDMONTON A. T. Linden, 10305 106th St. (Phone 41511) VANCOUVER L. G. Sigurdson, District Manager 820 Cambie St. (MArine 2181) Dominion Theatre Equipment Co. Ltd. 847 Davie St., Vancouver, Can. (MArine 6634) OFFICERS President .... ........ R. E. W. Fairleigh Treasurer . D. V. K. Fairleigh General Theatre Supply Co. 104 Bond St., Toronto, Con. (EMpire 4-9307) Among the lines handled by the company are Simplex sound and projection equipment, Snaplite, Rosskote Bausch and Lomb lenses, Hertner transverters, McColpin-Christie six phase rectifiers, Adler marquee letters and "Remova Panel" frames, Walker plastic-molded screens, Peerless Magnarc and Hy-Candescent lamps, Raytheon voltage stabilizers, National carbons, Cretors pop¬ corn machines, Operadio public address and inter¬ communication systems and Bell and Howell 16 MM sound projectors. 136