Business screen magazine (1958)

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JCMDE TALK jOwn an Old Victor Projector? iYou May Get a New One, Free !^ Victor Animatogiaph Corpoiation is trying to locate the 10 oldest iVictor I6mni sound-on-tilm projectors still in use, and offers to exIchange them for new Victor Assembly 10 models at no cost to jthe owners of the old projectors. ' The offer is being made in conjunction with the 25th anniversary iof the introduction by Victor in il933 of the first 16mm sound-on:film projector, according to Hy Schwartz, president of Victor, now a division of the Kalart Company, Plainville, Connecticut. Anyone possessing an early Victor sound-on-film projector still I in operating condition is invited to isend its description and serial numiber to the Victor Animatograph Corporation. Plainville, Connecticut. The 10 oldest projectors, as ^determined by manufacturing rec;ords, will be exchanged for new , Victor Assembly 10 models at no cost. The offer expires December ,31, 1958. 9 1 * * [Camera Equipment Co. Named 'Eastern Outlet for Oxberry ;fr Camera Equipment Co.. Inc.. iNew York City, has been ap; pointed exclusive eastern distributor of the new Oxberry animation stand (Model S) and other Oxberry Animation equipment. The new Model S is designed to accommodate all standard 16mm and 35mm cameras and stop mo ; tion motors, and features electric Zoom, underlighting, top lighting, and a compound with east-west, north-south and rotating move I ments. Camera face plate moves i to permit zooms from 3 to 1 2 fields with a 25mm lens, and to larger ticlds with an adaptor 15mm lens. The compound is calibrated for 360" rotation and can be locked manually in any position. Table top measures 21" x 27" x 39" high. Two peg tracks with seven removable pegs come with the compound. Complete unit is priced at $3,950.00. K' New RCA Light Cell Picks Up Sound from Movie Filmtrack A new small light-sensitive cell for use in sound motion picture projectors and electronic computers has been marketed by the RCA Electron Tube Division, Harrison, New Jersey. The cell (RCA7224) weighs one gram, is about the size of an eraser on a pencil. Here's how the photojunction cell can be used for sound pickup from movie film: when the projector is in operation, a beam of light passes through the film's sound track. This beam strikes the tiny cell, which converts the varying amounts of light into corresponding variations in electrical current. Electrical output from the photojunction cell is then "piped" into an audio system that reproduces the sound. Spectral response of the 7224 ranges from about 3,500 to 19,000 angstroms, with maximum response at about 15,000 angstroms. 9 Canadian Kodak Expands 'f Construction of a new twostory building by Canadian Kodak Co.. Limited, at a cost of more than $1,000,000 has been announced by president Donald C. Kerr. When ready for use in the summer of 1959, the building will house all finishing operations in the production of photographic paper. Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, is an affiliate of Eastman Kodak Company. ft PROFESSIONAL MATTES • INSERTS • FADES • DISSOLVES WIPES • SUPERIMPOSURES MOTION PICTURE & TELEVISION OPTICAL EFFECTS ^ CINEMASCOPE 35mm & 16mm ^ B & W or Color SPECIALIZED TITLES Ray MERCER & CO. ESTABLISHED 1928 We Specialize in Working FOR and WITH the Producer Phone or write for FREE Special Effects Chart 4241 NORMAL AVE., HOLLYWOOD NOrmandy 3-9331 29, CALIF. COMPLETE MOTION PICTURE EQUIPMENT RENTALS FROM ONE SOURCE CAMERAS MITCHELL 16mm 35mm Standard 35mm Hi-Speed 35mm NC • 35mm BNC BELL & HOWELL Standord • Eyemo • Filmo ARRIFLEX 16mm • 35mm WALL 35mm single system ECLAIR CAMERETTE 35mm • 16/35mm Combination AURICONS all models single system Cine Kodak Special Mourer • Bolex Blimps * Tripods LIGHTING Mole Richardson Bardwell McAlister Colortran Century Cable Spider Boxes Bull Switches Strong ARC-Trouper 10 Amps nOV AC 5000W 2000W-750W CECO Cone lites (shadowless lite) Gator Clip Lites Barn Doors DiflFusers Dimmers Reflectors ZOOMAR 3Smm EDITING Moviolas • Rewinders Tables • Splicers Viewers (CECO) GRIP EQUIPMENT Parallels * Ladders 2 Steps * Apple Boxes Scrims • Flags Gobo Stands Complete grip equipment SOUND EQUIPMENT Magnasync-magnetic film Reeves Magicorder Mole Richardson Booms and Perambulators Portable Mike Booms Portable Power Supplies to operate camera and recorder DOLLIES Fearless Panoram Mc Alister Crab Platform • Western 3 Wheel Portable WE SHIP VIA AIR. RAIL OR TRUCK C. ZUCKER (7flm€Rfl €ouipni€nT^.jnc. Dept. S 315 West 43rd St., New York 36, N. Y. JUdson 6-1420 FREE! First Aid Film ncluding the new back-pressure, armlift method of artificial respiration This up-to-date film contains all of the important information on hasic principles of First Aid. and also demonstrates new artificial respiration method approved by the American Red Cross. rhe only cost for this 34-minulc 16-mm. sound film is return postage. Education Department Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J. Please send me information on the film "Help Wanted.' Addr City NUMBER VOLUME 19