Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1960)

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f BEAVER CENTURY DONLANDS PARLIAMENT VAUGHAN YORK B. & F. THEATRES -diluted and in association EASTWOOD PR. OF WALES CONTINENTAL LANSDOWNE PYLON STUDIO PLAYHOUSE Hamilton 130 BLOOR ST. W. TORONTO SAMUEL BLOOM SAMUEL FINE JACK M. FINE BERT McLEAN L Who 's the woman front row centre? Could be either . . . you can’t tell for sure. But, mark this: 8 times out of 10 it’ll be an adult between 15 and 44* . . . not a child as some people mistakenly assume. Two more quick facts: 83 out of every 100 potential customers of yours will sit in a movie seat at least once during any given 6-month period . . . and 100% of these the¬ atre-goers will see and hear your full-colour theatre-screen advertis¬ ing — because there are no distrac¬ tions competing for attention. This makes theatre screen advertis¬ ing one of the most powerful sup¬ ports your product can have — with a cost/M that’s unbelievably low. Independent Sindlinger Survey ADFILMS, LTD. 77 York St., Toronto. EM. 8-8986 Canada's only national theatre screen advertising distributor 6