Canadian Film Weekly Year Book of the Canadian Motion Picture Industry (1962)

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TORONTO, ONT. Vaughan Deacon, Regional Supervisor, John Fisher, Asst. Regional Supervisor, Joel Samuels, Commercial Representative, I Lombard St. WINNIPEG. MAN. Donald Aylard, District Officer, I 1 30 Ellice Ave. REGINA. SASK. B. F. Drew, District Officer, Rm. 507, New P.O. Bldg., S. Railway St. SASKATOON, SASK. John Duerkop, Prairie Regional Supervisor, Bill Proctor, Asst. Regional Supervisor, 202 Federal Bldg., 1st Ave. & 22nd St. CALGARY. ALTA. G. W. E. Arnold, District Officer, 713 Public Bldg. EDMONTON, ALTA. H. H. Dickie, District Officer, South Side Post Office Bldg. VANCOUVER, BC. Charles W. Marshall, Regional Supervisor, Federal Bldg., 325 Granville St. FOREIGN OFFICES NEW YORK Len Chatwin, Senior US Representative, Robert Vale, TV Distribution, Ron Ward, Travel Films, Canada House, 680-5th Ave., NYC 19. CHICAGO Ken Williams, Western US Representative, 2320 Carbide & Carbon Bldg., 230 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. LONDON T. V. Adams, Senior UK & European Rep., R. M. Leger, UK & European Rep., I Grosvenor Square, London W. I., England. NEW DELHI Walter G. Lee, South & Southeast Asia Rep., Office of the High Com. for Canada, Canada House Annex, 13 Golf Links Area, New Delhi 3, India. BUENOS AIRES W. S. Jobbins, South American Rep., Bartolome Mitre 478, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Provincial Government Film Units BRITISH COLUMBIA (Photographic Branch, Department of Recreation and Conservation) Parliament Bldgs., 630 Superior St., Victoria, BC. OFFICERS Minister Hon. Earle C. Westwood Deputy Minister Dr. D. B. Turner Chief R. L. Colby Asst. Chief Photographer B. H. Atkins ALBERTA (Department of Industry and Development) Legislation Bldgs., Edmonton, Alta. Minister Hon. Russell Patrick Commissioner Kenneth Hutchinson Secretary Mrs. K. Bray Producer-Director K. Hutchinson Cameraman . C. N. Ross Film Librarian Mrs. L. Loxterkamp Still Photographers W. M. Petley-Jones, Rolf Albert Darkroom Technician Miss M. Bodnarchuk Artists P. Sembaliuk, L. Dunn SASKATCHEWAN (Photographic Services Branch, Dept, of Industry & Information) Administration Bldg., Regina, Sask. Minister Hon. R. Brown Deputy Minister D. H. F. Black Associate Deputy T. L. Hill Motion Picture Div. Supervisor R. F. Howard Still Photo Div. Supervisor Olive M. Roberts Still Photo Librarian Lil Higgins (Audio-Visual Board of the Department of Education) Administration Bldg., Regina, Sask. Minister Hon. O. A. Turnbull Deputy Minister R. J. Davidson Film Commissioner E. Fred Holiday Supervisor, School Broadcasts Gertrude Murray (Visual Education Branch of the Department of Education) Administration Bldg., Regina, Sask. Minister Hon. O. A. Turnbull Deputy Minister R. J. Davidson Supervisor E. Fred Holliday Asst. Supervisor Stella T. Janis ONTARIO (Government Photographic Services of the Department of Travel and Publicity) 67 College St., Toronto, Ont. Minister Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart Deputy Minister . Guy E. Moore Director of Photography Colin McDonald Photographers R. Muckleston, M. Wormley, F. Hammond, R. Thompson Darkroom Asst. . W. Wilson Film Librarian Miss C. Mason Still Librarian Mrs. Elsie Clarett QUEBEC (The Province of Quebec Film Bureau) Legislative Bldgs., Quebec, Que. Minister Hon. Lionel Bertrand Deputy Minister Raymond Douville Director Joseph Morin Producer . Michel Vergnes Librarian . Alphonse Proulx Chief Photographer — color section George A. Driscoll Asst. Director, Montreal Office Gilbert Fournier Administration Officer J. E. Dion NOVA SCOTIA (Nova Scotia Travel Bureau Department of Trade & Industry) Provincial Bldg., Halifax, NS. Minister Hon. E. A. Manson Deputy Minister V. M. Knight Director, NS Info Service S. M. Anderson Supervisor, Motion Pictures Mrs. Margaret Perry Motion Picture Photographer E. B. (Ned) Norwood Chief Photographer L. J. Boner Photographic Editor G. H. Doty 109