The 1963 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures (1963)

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INDUSTRY PERSONNEL President Walter Reade, Jr. Vice-President Robert S. Ballantine Treasurer Charles E. Sliafer Secretary Byron Spencer Asst. Secy Robert P. Lyons Asst. Treas Edward C. Bomberger BOAKD OF DIRECTORS Howard E. Jameyson, Robert S. Ballantyne, Jack D. Braimag-el. Harry N. Brandt, W. Hardy Hendren, L,. J. Kimbriel, Edward W. Lider, Milton H. London, Ben D. Marcus, Clifford E. Parker, Walter Reade, Jr., Ben Shlyen, Theodore G. Solomon, Byron Spencer, John G. Broumas, Marshall H. Fine, Robert P. Lyons, Charles E. Shafer. Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians Local 702, lATSE 165 W. 46th St., New York 36, N. T. PLsza 7-6540 (Labor Organization) OFFICERS President Richard Gramag'lia 6ecretary-Treasi:rer Paul P. Prees 1st Vice-President Cosmo Vitello 8nd Vice-President Raymond Lyons RecordiniT Secretary Boris Salko Serg-eant-at-Arms Robert d'Arcy EXBCCTITB BOARD John J. Francavilla, James Raia, Carmelo Carbo, Anthony Danzo. Walter Lopchuk, John Lig-grio, Joseph Palma, Walter Held, Alvin Lowe, Philip Berner. TRUSTEES Corrado Nastasi, John McCarthy, Michael Lyons. Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians and Film Editors Local 780, lATSE Suite 524, 327 S. LaSaUe St., Chicago 4, lU. WAbash 2-S299 (Labor Organization) OFFICERS President RuBsell Korstrom Vice-President Arthur W. Beeman Treasurer Norman Ostf eld Financial Secretary Gerald Davis Recording Secy. & Bus. Mgr. . .Jonathan R. Reynolds let Trustee Gladys May 2nd Trustee Stewart Hill 3rd Trustee Arthur Ellis 4th Trustee James Cook Sergeant-at-Arms David Harvey Motion Picture Pioneers, Inc. 1600 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. (Association) OFFICERS President Herman Robbins Secretary Robert Mochrie BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Alicoate. Barney Balaban. (Harry Brandt. Geo. F. Dembow. Sam Dembow, Jr., Ned E. Depinet, Gus Eyssell, Simon H. Fabian, Abel Green, Wm. J. Heineman, Marvin Kirsch, Martin Quigley, Sam Rinzler, Herman Robbins, Abe Schneider, Ben Shlyen, Spyros Skouras, Harry J. Takiff, Joseph Vogel, Maj. Albert Warner, Sol A. Schwartz, Steve Broidy, Leonard Goldenson, Eugene Picker. Motion Picture Printing Equipment Co. 8107 No. Ridgeway Ave., Skokie, 111. ORchard 5-8220; JVniper 8-4108 (Manufacturers of Motion Picture Printers and accessories.) OFFICERS President Rudolph Peterson Vice-Plresident Walter Peteron Motion Picture Relief Fund, Inc. 335 N. La Brea, Ave., Los Angeles 36, Calif. Webster 3-8231 (Association) OFFICERS President George L. Bagnall 1st Vice-Pres Otto Kruger 2nd Vice-Pres Sol Lesser 3rd Vice-Pres B. C. "Cappy" DuVal 4th Vice-Pres (Jeorge Seaton Treasurer E. L. DePatie Executive Director William T. Kirk President Emeritus Mary Pickford EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Richard Murphy, Chairman; B. C. DuVal, CoChairman; Leon Ames, Edward Bemds, Beulah Bondi, John A. Butler, H. J. Herles, Robert T. Hunter, Frank McCarthy, Gladys Percey, Wanda Tuchock, Clarke H. Wales, Stuart Heisler. FINANCE COMMITTEE E. L. DePatie, Chairman; George Bagnall, William T. Kirk. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Leon Ames, Maxwell Amow, Ben Alexander, Edward Bemds, William Bakewell, Nan Blake, Beulah Bondi, Don Boutyette, Robert Blumofe, John A. Butler, Ann Doran, EUnor Donahue, Donald P. Haggerty, Bonar Dyer, Arthur B. Hilton. Ivan Goff, H. J. Herles, Stuart Heisler, Carolyn Jones, Alfred Kegerris, Francis Lederer, Frank McCartliy, Bill Hendricks, Dona Holloway, Raymond A. Klune, Bernard Herzbrun, Robert T. Hunter, Gordon W. Jones, David A. Lipton, Joseph C. Youngerman, Richard Murphy, Gladys Percey, George Seaton, M. B. Silberberg, Thomas Stone, Kenneth Thomson, Charles L. Thomas, Clayton Thomason, Wanda Tuchock, Clarke H. Wales, Mrs. Jean Hersholt, Honorary. Counsel Robert ValUer Director of Medical Dept.. .Russell L. Jones, M.D. Chief of Dental Staff. . .Balfour D. Straith, D.M.D. Motion Picture Salesmen's Club of Cleveland 2108 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, O. CHerry 1-3545 (Association) OFFICERS President Martin Graagreen 1st Vice-President R. Blitz 2nd Vice-President Judd Spiegle Secretary-Treasurer Sam Lichter DIRECTORS Aaron Wayne, Irv Marcus, Ray Schmertz, Wm. G. Bugie, J. K. Levitt, N. Barach. Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists Local 839, lATSE & MPMO 3635 VV. Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Hollywood 9-3145 (Labor Organization) Business Agent Lawrence L. Kilty (Affiliated with I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.M.O.) 1270 Ave. of the Americas, New York 20, N. X. Circle 5-4369 Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists Local 732 Room 504, 327 So. LaSalie St., Chicago 4, HI. HArrison 7-1487 (Labor Organization) OFFICERS President Norbert W. Schultz Secy.-Treas. & Business Agent. . .William E. Bailey Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists Local 841 (.Affiliated with I.A.T.S.E. & M.P.O.) 15 W. 47th St., New York 36, N. Y. Judson 2-6010-1 438