The 1963 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures (1963)

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Schickel, Ricliard. The stars. N. Y., Dial Press, 1963. Schildkraut. Joseph and Lania, Leo. My father and I. N. y.. Viking-, 1959. Sennett, Mack. King of comedy, as told to Cameron Shlpp. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday & Company, 1954. Seton, Marie. Sergei M. Eisenstein; a biography. N. Y.. A. A. Wyn, 1952. Sinclair, Upton. Upton Sinclair presents William Fox. Los Angeles. 1933. Singer, Kurt. The Danny Kaye story. N.Y., Nelson, 1958. Smith, Albert. Two reels and a crank. Oarden City. Doubleday & Company, 1952. Speed, F. M. Movie cavalcade; the story of the cinema, its stars, studios and producers. London, Raven Books, 1044. Steele, Josepli H. Ingrid Bergman; An Intimate Portrait. N.Y., McKay Company, 1959. Stout, Wesley W. An American comedy, acted by Harold Lloyd. N. Y., Longmas, Green. 1028. Talmadge, Margaret L. The Talmadge sisters. Phila., Lippincott, 1934. Tate, Alfred O. Edison's open door. N. Y., Dutton, 1038. Taylor, Deems and others. A pictorial history of the movies. Rev. cd. N. Y., Simon & Schuster, 1050. Taylor, Robert L. W. C. Fields; his follies and fortunes. N. Y., Doubleday, 1940. Thomas, Bob. Walt Disney, tlie art of animation. N.Y., Simon & Scliuster, 1958. Thra«her. Frederic; ed. Okay for sound; how the screen found Its voice. N. Y.. Duell, Sloan v Pearce, 1046. Tyler, Parker. Chaplin, last of the clowns, N. Y., Vanguard Press, 1948. Vidor, King. A tree is a tree. Harcourt, Brace and Co.. 1053. Von Ulm, Gerith. Charlie Chaplin, kingr of trag-edy. Caldwell, Idaho, Caxton Printers, 1040. Wagenkneelit, Edward. The movies in the age of innocence. Norman, Okla. University of Oklahoma Press, 1903. Wagner, Rob. Film folk. N. Y.. Century. 1018. Williamson. Alice M. Alice in movieland. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co.. 1928. Winchester's screen encyclopedia. London, Winchester Pub., 1948. Wood, Leslie. Life stories of the stars. London, Burke, 1046. Wood, Michael. Tlie Fabulous films of the twenties. N. y.. Archer House, 1960. Zukor, Adolph. The public is never wrong; the autobiography of Adolph Zukor. with Dale Kramer. N. Y.. G. P. Putnam's Son*. 1953. IV. THE ART, APPRECIATION, AND CRITICISM OF MOTION PICTURES Agate, J. E. Around cinemas; 2nd series. London, Home & Van Thai, 1048. Agee, James. Agee on films. N. Y., McDowell, Obolensky. 1958. Agee, James. Agee on film, vol. II. N.Y., McDowell, Obolensky, 1960. Alpert, Hollis. The dreams and the dreamers. N. Y., Macmillan, 1963. Arnheim, Rudolf. Film. London, Faber & Faber, 1933. Arnheim. Rudolf. Film as art. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1957. BalazB, Bela. Theory of the film; character and growth of a new axt. N. Y., Roy Pub., 1963. Barry, Iris. Let's go to the movies. N. Y., Payson & Clarke, 1926. Beaton, Wilford. Know your movies; the theory and parctice of motion picture production. Hollywood, Howard Hill, 1032. Benoit-Levy, Jean. The art of the motion picture. N. Y., Coward-McCann, 1046. Bernhardt, Sarah. Art of the theatre. London, Bles Pub. Co.. 1924. Betts, Ernest. Heraclitus, or the future of the film. London, Kegan Paul, 1028. Bloem, Walter S. The soul of the moving picture. N. Y., Dutton. 1024. Bluestone, George. Novels Into films. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Bower, Dallas. Plan for cinema. London. Dent, 1936. Buchanan, Andrew. Going to the cinema. 3rd ed. London, Phoenix House, 1967. Callenbach, Ernest. Our modern art. the movies. Chicago, Center for Study of Liberal Education for Adults, 1956. Carter, Huntly. The new spirit in the cinema. London, Shaylor, 1030. Clair, Rene. Reflections on the oinema. London, Wm. Kimber & Co.. 1963. Clair, Rene, Reflections on the cinema. Chester Springs, Pa., Dufour Editions, 1960. Clark, Henry. Academy award diary, 1928-1955. N. y.. Pageant Press, 1959. Cocteau, Jean. On the film; a conversation recorded by Andre Fraigneau. N Y., Roy Publications, 1064. Dale. Edgar. How to appreciate motion pictures. N. Y., Macmillan. 1933. Dale, Edgar and Morrison, John. Motion picture discrimination; an annotated bibliography. Columbus. 0.. Bureau of Educational Research. Ohio State University, 1951. Deren, Maya. An anagram of ideals on art, form and film. N. Y.. Alicat Book Shop Press. 1046. Duprey, Richard A. Just off the aisle; the ram bling:s of a Catholic critic. Westminster, Md., Newman Press, 1862. Bisensteln, Sergei M. Film form: essays In film theory. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1940. Sisenstein, Sergei M. The film sense. N. Y., Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1047. faure, Eli. The art of cineplastics. Boston, Four Seas Co.. 1023. Peldman, Joseph and Harry. Dynamics of the film. N. Y., Hermitage House, 1052. Fischer. Edward. The Screen Arts: a guide to film and television appreciation. N. Y., Sneed & Ward, 1960. Freeburg, Victor O. The art of photoplay making. N. Y.. Macmillan. 1018. Freeburg. Victor O. Pictorial beauty on the screen. N. Y., Macmillan. 1923. Gassner, John, and Nichols. Dudley, eds. Great film plaj's. N. Y., Crown, 1959. Gassner, John and Nichols, Dudley. Best film plays, 1945. N. Y., Crown Pub., 1946. Gassner, John and Nichols, Dudley. Best film plays of 1943-1944. N. Y., Crown Pub., 1945. Gassner, John and Nichols, Dudley. Twenty best film plays. N. Y., Crown Pub., 1943. Gorelik, Mordecai. New theatres for old. London, Dennis Dobson. 1047. Hughes, Robert, ed. Film; book 3: films of peace and war. N. Y., Grove Press, 1963'. Jacobs, Lewis, ed. Introduction to the art of the movies; an anthology of ideas on the nature of movie art . . . N.Y.. Noonday Press, 1960. 775