The 1963 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures (1963)

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Kennedy, Margaret. The mechanized muse. London, Allen & Unwln, 1942. Kracauer, Siegrfried. Theory of film. N. Y., Oxford, 1960. Lejeune. C. A. Chestnuts in her lap. 1936-1046. London, Phoenix House, 1947. Lewin, William. Photoplay appreciation In American higrh schools. N. Y.. Appleton-Century. 1934. Lewin, William and Frazier, Alexander. Standard* of photoplay appreciation. Summit, N. J., Educational & Recreational Guides, 1967. Lindgrren, Ernest. The art of the film; an introduction to film appreciation, rev. ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 1961. Lindsay, Vachel. The art of the moving picture. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. MacC'ann, Richard D. Hollywood in transition. Boston, Hoiiffliton Mifflin. 1962. Manvell, Roser, ed. Experiment in the film, London, Grey Walls Press. 1949. Manvell, Roger. Film. London, Penguin Books, 1940. Manvell, Roger. Animated film: v?ith pictures from the film Animal Farm. N. Y., Hastings House, 1955. Manvell, Roger. The film and the public. Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1965. Manvell, Roger. A seat at the cinema. London, Evans Brothers, 1961. Montgomery, John. Comedy films. London, Geo. Allen & Unwin, 1964. Muensterberp, Hugo. The photoplay: a psychological study. N. Y., Appleton, 1916. Nicoll, Allardyce. Film and theatre. N. Y., Crowell, 1936. Nilsen, Vladimir. The cinema as a graphic art. N.Y., Hill & Wang, 1959. Paul, Elliot H. Film flam. London, Muller. 1956. Peters, J. M. L. Teaching about the fihn. N. Y., Cohjiimbia University Press, 1961. Pitkin. Walter B. and Marston, William M. The art of sound pictures. N. Y., Appleton. 1930. Pudovkin, V. I. Fim technique and film acting. N. Y.. Lear. 1949. Rand, Helen and Lewie, Richard. Film and BCbooI, a handbook in moving-picture evaluation. N. T., Appleton-Century. 1937. Rivkin, Allen and Kerr. Laura, comps. Hello Hollywood! N. Y., Doubleday, 1962. Robson, E. W. and M. M. Film answer* back. London, Lane, 1948. Rotha, Paul. Rotha on film. N. Y., Essential Books, 1958. Seldes, Gilbert. The 7 lively arts. N. Y., Sagamore Press, 1957. Seldes, Gilbert. An hour with the movies and talkies. Phila., Lippincott, 1939. Seldes, Gilbert. The movies come from America. N. Y., Scribner's. 1937. Seldes, Gilbert. The great audience. N. Y. Viking, 1950. Seldes, Gilbert. Public art«. N. Y., Simon & Schuster, 1956. Sherwood, Robert E., ed. The best moving pictures of 1922-23. Boston, Small, Maynard A Co., 1923. Stauffacher, Frank, ed. Art in cinema; a tymposiuni on the avant garde film. San Francisco, Mu-seum of Art, 1947. Talbot, Daniel, ed & comp. Film: an anthology. N.Y., Simon and Schuster, 1959. Tyler, Parker. The Tliree faces of the film. N. Y., Yoseloff, 1960. Van Doren, Mark. The private reader. N. Y., Holt, 1942. Vardac, Alexander Nichols. Stage to screen, theatrical method from Garrick to GriCQth. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1949. Vreeland, Frank. Foremost films of 1938. N. Y., Pitman, 1939. Wald, Jerry, and Maeauley, Richard. Best pictures of 1939-40. N. Y., Dodd, Meade & Co , 1940. Wollenberg, H. H. Anatomy of the film: an illustrated guide to film appreciation. London, Marsland Pub.. 1947. Wright, Basil. The use of the film. London. Bodley Head. 1948. Zinsser, William K. Seen any good movies lately? N. Y., Doubleday. 1958. V. EXHIBITION Balaban, Carrie. Continuous performance. N. Y.. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1942. Barry, John F. and Sargent, E. W. Building theatre patronage; management and merchandising. N. Y.. Chalmers Pub. Co., 1927. BurrlB-Meyer. Harold and Cole, Edward C. Theaters and auditoriums. N. Y., Reinhold, 1949. Directory of motion picture theatres. N. Y., Motion Picture Association of America, 1948. Drive-In theatres in the United States. N. Y., Motion P*icture Association of America, 1948. Franklin, Harold B. Motion picture theater management. N. Y., Doran & Co., 1927. Goode. Kenneth and Kaufman. Zenn. Profitable showmanship. N. Y.. Prentice Hall. 1939. Hall, Ben M. The best remaininfr seats; the story of tlie g-olden age of the movie palace. N. Y., Clarkson N. Potter, inOl. Hendricks, Bill and Waugh, Howard. Encyclopedia of exploitation. N. Y., Showmen's Trade Review, 1937. Hendricks, Bill and Orr, Montgomery, Showmanship in advertising. N. Y., Showmen's Trade Review, Inc., 1949. Motion picture and drive-in theatre management as a career. Cliicago, Institute for Research, 1961. Nadell, Aaron. The master guide to theatre maintenance. N. Y., Quigley, 1965. Petersen, George M. Drive-in theater; a manual of design and operation. Kansas City, Mo., Associated Publications, 1953. Ricketson, Frank H.. Jr. The management of motion picture theatres. N. Y.. McGraw-Hill 1938. Stote, Helen, ed. The motion picture theater — planning, upkeep. N. Y., Society of Mo«lon Picture Engineers, 1948. U. S. Bureau of the Census. U. S. Census of BusiPrinting Office, 1951. 68 p. Worthington, Clifford. The influence of the cinema on contemporary auditoria design. London, Pitman, 1952. 776