The 1963 Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures (1963)

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VI. ECONOMIC, GOVERNMENTAL, AND LEGAL ASPECTS Bertrand, Daniel, Evans, W. Duane, and Blancbard, E. L.. The motion picture industry — a pattern of control. Temporary National Economic Committee, Monoeraph No. 43. Wa«h., Government Printing Office, 1941. Cliafee, Zechariah. Jr. Government and mass communications. Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1947. Chapln, Richard E. Mass communications; a statistioal analysis. East Lansing, Michigan State Unversity Press, 1957. Cogley, John. Report on blacklisting, v. 1, movies. N. T., Fund fotr the Republic, 1956. 312 pp. Commission on Freedom of the Press. A free and responsible press; a general reiport on mass communication. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1947. Communications media legal and policy problems. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Law School, 1964. Conant, Michael. Antitrust in the motion picture industry. Berlteley and Los Angeles. UniTersity of CaUfornia Press, 1960. Ernst, Morris L. The first freedom. N. T., Macmillan, 1946. Hartman, Dennis. Motion picture law digest. Including all court lecisions from 1900 to June 1947. Los Angeles. 1947. Huettig. Mae D. Economic control of the motion picture industry; a study In industrial organization. Phlla., University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. ICahn. Gordon. Hollywood on trial; the story of the 10 who were indicted. N. Y.. Boni & Gaer. 1948. Lectures on communication media: legal and policy problems, delivered at University of Michigan Law School. June 18 -June 18, 1954. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Law School. 1954. Lewis, Howard T. Cases on the motion picture industry. N. Y., McGraw-Hill. 1930. Lewis, Howard T. The motion picture industry. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1933. Lindey, Alexander. Motion picture agreements annotated. Albany, Matthew Bender & Co., 1947. Lovell, Hugh and Carter, Tasile. Collective bargaining in the motion picture industry. Berkeley, Universtiy of California Institute of Industrial Relations, 1965. Marchetti, Roger. Law of stage, screen, and radio. San Francisco, Suttonhouse, 1936. Myers, Abram F. Manual of arbitration under the Motion Picture Consent Decree. Wash., Allied States Association of Motion Picture Exhibitors, 1941. Nizer. Louis. New courts of industry; self-regulation under the motion picture code. N. Y., Longacre Press, 1935. Ross, Murray. Stars and strikes; the unionization of Hollywood. N. Y., Columbia University Press, 1941. Seabury, William M. Motion picture problems; the cinema and the League of Nations. N. Y., Avondale Presfl. 1929. Seabury, William M. The public and the motion picture industry. N. Y.. Macmillan, 1926. Silverberg. Herbert T. Televising old films — some new legal questions about performers' and proprietors' rights. Silverberg, 1952. Spring. Samuel. Risks and rights in publishinc, television, radio, motion pictures, advertising and the theater. N. Y.. Norton, 1952. Terrou. Fernand and Solal, Lucien. Legislation for press, film and radio. Paris, UNESCO, 1951. U. S. Bureau of the Census. U. S. Census of Business — 1948: the motion picture trade. Wash.. Government Printing Office, 1952. Waples, Dougles. ed. Print, radio, and film in a democracy: ten papers on the administration of mass communications in the public interest. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. 1942. Whitney, Simon W. Antitrust policies: American experience in twenty industries. N. Y., Twentieth Century Fund, 1958. Vol. 2. VII. SOCIETY AND MOTION PICTURES (Influence of films, censorship, selfregulation, etc.) Adler, Mortimer J. Art and prudence; a study in practical philosophy. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1937. Bamouw, Erik. Mass communication: television, radio, film, press. N. Y., Rinehart, 1966. Barrot, Jean-Pierre. Films for children and adolescents: selections made in 22 countries. Paris, UNESCO, 1956. Bauchard, Philippe. The child audience; a report on press, film and radio for children. Paris, UNESCO, 1952. Beman, Lamar T., comp. Selected articles on censorship of the theater and moving pictures. N. Y., H. W. Wilson Co., 1931. Blumer, Herbert. Movies and conduct. N. Y., Macmillan, 1933. Blumer, Herbert and Hauser, Philip M. Movies, delinquency, and crime. N. Y., Macmillian, 1933. Box. Kathleen. The cinema and the public: an inquiry made in 1946 by the Social Survey into cinema-going habits and expenditure. London, Central Ofllce of Information, 1947. Buchanan, Andrew. Film and the future. London, Allen & Unwin, 1945. Buckle, Gerard Fort. The minds and the film; a treatise on the psychological factors in the film. London, G. Routledge & Sons, 1926. Chandos, John, ed. 'To deprave and corrupt . . .' Original studies in the nattire and definition of 'obscenity.' N. Y.,* Association Press. 1060. Charters, W. W. Motion pictures and youth: a summary. N. Y., Macmillan, 1934. (Payne Fund Studies) Dale, Edgar. Children's attendance at motion pictures. N. Y., Macmillan. 1935. Dale, Edgar. The content of motion pictures. N. Y., Macmillan, 1935. Dysinger, Wendell C. and Ruckmick, C. A. The emotional responses of children to the motion picture situation. N. Y., Macmillan. 1933. Ernst. Morris L. and Lindey. Alexander. The censor marches on : recent milestones In the administration of tht> obscenity law in the United States. N. Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1940. Ernst. Morris L. and Lorentz. Pare. Censored; the private life of the movies. N. Y., Cape & Smith, 1930. Field, Mary and Miller, Maud M. The boys' and girls' film book. London, Burke Pub. Co.. 1947. Field, Mary. Good company: the story of the children's entertainment film movement in Great Britain. 1943-1950. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1952. Field, Mary. Children and films; a study of boys and girls in the cinema. Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, 1964. 777