Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 232-323.6 Christ confounds his critics— Continued Three other subjects in this series are "Forgive us our debts" (2R 16-si-rent ?3 35-si-nf-rent $4.50) "Rich young ruler ■ (2R 16-si-rent $3 35-si-n£-rent $4.50) and "Un- welcome guest" (IR 16-si-rent $1.50 35-si- nf-rent $2.25) 112min 16-sd-rent $24 232 King of kings. Kodascope A Cecil B. DeMille production A beautiful story of the life of Jesus with H. B. Warner playing the part of The Christ, Ernest Torrence as Peter and Joseph Schildkraut as Judas, supported by an excellent cast 291 Mythology Gorgon's head. 3Smin 16-si-$30 35-si-nf-$60 1925 Metropolitan museum 291 "The story of Perseus is presented in this film. A student comes into the Mu- seum to make a study from a Greek vase; the figures come to life and enact the tale of the slaying of the Gorgon and its sequel. The Museum was fortunate in having the cooperation of Edith Wynne Matthison and Charles Rann Kennedy in two of the rdles." Producer Withdrawn. Jh 264 Mass Sacrifice of the mass. 30min 16-si-$48 1931 Eastman 264 Made at the suggestion, and with the approval, of His Excellency Most Reverend John Francis O'Hern, late Bishop of Rochester "Introductory scenes depict the Old and New Law Sacrifices, and the vesting of the celebrant. In the sequences showing the ceremony itself, much of the filming was done from positions close to the altar, thereby bringing out every movement of priest and server. Interpretive 'visions' are inserted at various points to emphasize the significance of the Mass." Producer el-Jh-sh Guide 266 Missions Padre Sahib. 4R 16-si-rent $4 Religious motion picture found. 266 Produced by Rev. and Mrs William L. Rogers. Everyday missionary life in Northern India 290 Religion Buddhism. 24min 16-si-apply Religious motion picture found. 290 Suitable for various types of church and mission study and for general cultural purposes as well as for studying compara- tive religions. This film shows the strength of the Buddhists and many de- tails concerning the symbolism of Bud- dhism Islam in Egypt. 14min 16-si-apply Re- ligious motion picture found. 290 Suitable for various types of church and mission study and for general cultural pur- poses as well as for studying comparative religions "The learning and mysticism of Moham- medanism in Egypt, the intense loyalty of its followers, its strong customs and laws of life are here portrayed, and against this are revealed some of its faults." Producer Primitive religions. 16min 16-si-apply Re- ligious motion picture found. 290 Suitable for various types of church and mission study and for general cultural purposes as well as for studying compara- tive religions. Interprets the beauty, in- tensity and the underlying savagery of the basic religious attitudes of man toward the forces of nature 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES 301 Sociology Interdependence. 30min 16-si-$29 35-si-nf- $80 1930 Harvard 301 Prepared for the Moses-Kimball fund for the promotion of good citizenship under the supervision of the Graduate school of education of Harvard university "Designed to be used very generally in social science instruction and is adapted particularly to serve as the introductory unit of any course in civics. The film is a presentation of one of the most im- portant facts of modern civilization—the dependence of individuals and communities upon one another. Interesting action scenes show the specialized Jobs of the Town and City which increase dependence as well as benefits. There are scenes of dairy farms, of stockyards, of wheat fields and bakeries, of forests and lumber camps, of coal mines, and of the vast network of railways that bind together our entire country. Finally, by means of scenes taken in foreign countries throughout the world, the picture ends with the conclu- sion that all nations as well as individuals are interdependent and that progress de- pends upon their intelligent co-operation." Producer "tUseful in] civics, history and geogra- phy [Classes]" Am. museum of nat. hist. el-Jh-sh Guide 311 Statistics 8min 16-si-$12 1929 311 Frequency curves. Eastman "Gives the student a conception of fre- quency distribution and an interpretation of frequency curves. The film is valuable in college classes for engineering, chemis- try, biology, sociology, insurance, psychol- ogy, etc. Grains of a precipitate are classified according to size. It is shown, by animation, that as the number of classes increases, the accuracy of the rep- resentation increase, but so does size." Ohio sh Guide 320 Political science 323.6 Citizenship Films on this subject have been classified in 353 with other material on government si - silent; sd> sound; f ■ inflammable; nf • safety; el - elementary; Jh • Junior high; sh • senior high; c - collega