Educational film catalog (1936)

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382-440 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 382 Foreign trade Carrying American products to foreign lands. IR 16-si-loan 35-si-nf-loan prior 1927 U.S. steel 382 "Shows a diagram of a steel ship, the cargo holds, captain's and officers' quar- ters. Placing cargo for export; galvanized iron sheets, locomotives for the Far East, nails, barbed wire, and ammonium-sul- phate; details of running a ship. Unload- ing imports: rubber from Sumatra, hemp from the Philippines, and tin from Singa- pore. [Useful in] geography and commer- cial geography [Classes]" Am. museum of nat. hist. el-Jh-sh 383 Postage stamps Uncle Sam's stamp factory. 5min 16-si- $6.55 35-si-f-nf-apply Bray 383 "The postage stamp production section of the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Washington. Engravers at work; an en- graved plate; printing 20,000 stamps a day; tinting, gluing, perforating, cutting." Pro- ducer Jh 385 Railroads King of the rails. IR 16-si-loan 35-si-f-nf- loan General electric 385 "Shows the evolution of transportation on land. Scenes include steam locomotives in freight and passenger service, ending with the stimulus which electricity has given to the development of transportation. [Useful in] history, general science, physics and geography [classes]" Am. museum of nat. hist. el-jh-sh Transportation. SOmin 16-si-loan 35-si-nf- loan prior 1927 Bur. of mines 385 Made in cooperation with the Westing- house electric & manufacturing company "Early methods of transportation, the first use of wheels on a vehicle, the first steam locomotive, discovery and harnessing of electricity, and the assembling of a modern electric locomotive. The film shows railroads that have been electrified, and different types of electric locomotives." Indiana "[Useful in] history, physics, geography and shop work [classes]" Am. museum of nat. hist. el-Jh-sh 387 Ships Ocean liners. iSmin 16-si-$24 1930 East- man 387 "This film can be used effectively in classes in transportation. Steps involved in building an ocean liner. Loading of cargo and supplies. Fueling. Life boat inspection and medical inspection of the crew. Quarters of the crew members. By animation and actual photography the film shows how vessels are controlled from the bridge. In the engine room. Passen- ger life on a large ship." Indiana el-Jh-sh-c Guide Queen of the waves. IR 16-si-loan 35-si-f- nf-loan General electric 387 "The story of the progress of American navigation, from the time when primitive Inhabitants paddled across streams on logs or constructed crude rafts until their skill mastered the building of a bark canoe. The scenes of these early boats gliding along the wilderness streams are in strik- ing contrast to the electrically propelled battleship on the high seas. After a short but stormy trip to sea we meet the "Queen of the Waves,' an electrically propelled battleship. The film bridges five hundred years of American history. [Useful inj history and general science [classesj" Am. museum of nat. hist. sh Transportation on the Great Lakes. ISmin 16-si-$24 1931 Eastman 387 "May be used in studying transportation, or any region bordering on the lakes. The first part of the film, dealing with the formation of the lakes, is adapted to physi- cal geography classes. Formation of the Great Lakes. Opening lake traffic. Bulk freighters and car ferries. Package and passenger liners." Indiana Guide 392 Marriage customs Peasant w^edding in Hesse. 2R 16-si-sd- loan 35-si-sd-nf-loan German tourist 392 "Intensely interesting is the ritualistic marriage ceremony still carried out to the present day, from the elaborate prepara- tion of the bride to the transportation of her dowry in a hay-wagon." Young men's Christian assn. Of general interest jh-sh 395 Etiquet Japanese table manners Burton Holmes girls using their J4R Japanese chopsticks 16-si-$5 395 "hashl" or 399 Armor Visit to the armor galleries. 30min 16-si- $60 35-si-nf-$120 1922 Metropolitan museum 399 Reel 1 is on chain mail and Gothic armor and reel 2 is on Maximilian and enriched armor. They should be shown together since they present in historical sequence knowledge not easily obtainable in any other way. Many feats are per- formed on foot and on horseback by knights in authentic armor. The beauty of design in armor as well as of the armorer's skill In modeling in steel is shown Jh-sh 400 PHILOLOGY 440 French language French "U". 5min 16-sd-apply 35-sd-f- apply Gaumont British 440 "Explains the actions of the mouth, lips and tongue for correct pronunciation of the vowel sound 'U.' " Producer Guide La gare. 5min 16-sd-apply 35-sd-f-apply Gaumont British 440 "Showing the expressions practiced In actual use at a railway station." Producer Guide •I - tllent; sd-sound; f • inflammable; nf - safety; el • elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh - senior high; c - college