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Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 594-595.7 Seaside friends and their country cousins. (Nature study ser.) 12min 16-si-$24 35-si-nf-$80 prior 1927 DeVry 594 By G. Clyde Fisher, of the American museum of natural history "Depicts the life functions and the structure of various invertebrates, por- trays the life history of the oyster, and indicates some economic values of this type of animal life." Kansas el-Jh Guide Sexual reproduction. 7min 16-si-$20 3S-si- nf-$30 1930 Scientific film 594 Produced by Charles P. Herm "Microscopic study visualizing the char- acteristic differences existing between sperm and germ cell of the Atlantic oyster, method of fertilization, cell cleavage, cell division illustrating means by which the fertilized ovum passes from the one cell stage to the mulberry stage, thus reproducing a new individual." Texas jh-sh 595 Articulates 595.1 Worms Earthworm. (Biology ser.) 18min 16-sd- apply 35-sd-f-apply 1936 Gaumont British 595.1 "By means of garden scenes in which a hungry bird figures, soil excavations, transverse sections, dissection in progress and diagrams, a very detailed and ex- tremely interesting study of this familiar animal is presented. The ciliary action in the excretory tubules or nephridia ar- rests one's attention long before the pro- cess is actually mentioned, so perfectly is it portrayed. The reciprocal nature of fertilisation between two worms is made clear by a diagram with moving sperms. The time factor here and in relation to the development of the young worms within the cocoon is explicitly introduced. The film should be preceded and followed by practical work and then shown a second time. An extremely valuable film for any class studying the earthworm in de- tail. . . Excellent photography: the ovaries, living sperms in two stages, and the ne- phridia call for special comment. The diagrams are very helpful. Pace is ap- preciably too rapid in parts. . . [Useful inj zoology and biology [classesj" British film inst. sh-c Guide Spiders. lOmin 16-sd-$50 35-sd-nf-$100 1931 Erpi 595.4 A presentation of the life cycle of the nursery-web spider and peculiar habits and characteristics of the orb-web, funnel- web and trap-door spiders. Shows home building ability and their fearlessness as hunters or providers Jh-sh-c Guide 595.7 Insects For insect pests see class 632.7 Aphids. lOmin 16-sd-$S0 3S-sd-nf-$100 1933 Erpi 595.7 "Deals with a very interesting creature. It shows that most aphids have no fathers or even grandfathers. Some are bom alive, while others hatch from eggs; only a few have wings. Ants keep them as cows, while the aphid itself secures its food in an unusual way. It is beset by a host of enemies among which is man. These scenes are supplemented by an animated drawing of the aphid's life cycle." Producer el-Jh-sh-c Guide Beneath our feet. lOmin 16-sd-rent $1.50 Bell & Howell 595.7 "The daily life of the tiny world that crawls beneath our feet. Through the magnifying lens we see the bee on its honey collecting tour, and the ant in its busy, bustling community. The Lady Bird Beetle meets some grotesque neighbors while strolling down a path whereon one false step means tragedy. The cricket sings a love song while the trapdoor spider constructs a trap door. The spider disapproves the cricket's song and the cricket hurriedly departs. But he escapes one enemy only to meet another. Though larger, he is no match for the many-legged centipede. The struggle is desperate, but the centipede's poison fangs eventually find a joint in the cricket's armor, and a cheerful chirp is silenced forever." Pro- ducer Jh-sh-c Grasshopper. IR 16-si-apply Edited pic- tures 595.7 Produced by Urban "Study of their tiny city; close-ups of male, female and worker; hatching of lar- vae; methods of feeding." Distributor el-Jh-sh-c 595.4 Spiders Black-and-orange garden spider, llmin 16- si-$24 35-si-nf-$45 1922 Soc. for vis- ual educ. 595.4 "Shows the complete metamorphosis of this familiar spider—the female Mirandi spmning her web—entangling her prey— enjoying the feast—laying eggs—hatching of the young, etc." Producer Guide Spiders. ISmin 16-si-$24 1931 Eastman 595.4 ' Characteristic habits and development of several species. The units are: Struc- ture of the Spider; Spinning an Orb web; Rearmg the Young; Trapdoor Spiders " Utah Jh-sh-c Guide Killers. (Battle for life ser.) llmin 16- sd-rent $1.50 Bell & Howell 595.7 "Another intimate study in macro-pho- tography. Proving that the continued ex- istence of insects depends upon their abil- ity to destroy each other, we see the man- tis, one of the most formidable of insect warriors, attack and devour an unfortu- nate butterfly whose means of defense is unavailing. But, in turn, the demon man- tis IS no match for the powerful and skill- ful wasp. Again, the wasp, clever though he may be, is a weakling when when forced into combat with a spider. Even the scorpion, a creature that commands the respect of all flying and creeping in- sects, is destroyed when he meets one of his own kind. In a spectacular battle, each injects into the other a poison that results in death to both flghters." Pro- ducer Jh-sh-c si -silent; sd - sound: f - inflammable: nf - safety; el - elementary; Jh - junior high; sh - senior high; c - collefle 25