Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 973.2-9733 Pilgrims. (Chronicles of Am. photoplays ser.) 45min 16-si-rent $7.50 3S-si-f-nf- rent $12 1923 Yale 973.2 Adapted from "The fathers of New England," a chronicle written by Charles M. Andrews "The struggle for religious freedom as typified by the story of the Pilgrims. Beginning with the experiences of the Separatists in Scrooby, England, the film traces their migration to Holland in 1607- 08, and, twelve years later, the departure of the devout band for America. It de- picts the voyage of the Mayflower, the landing on Plymouth Rock, the hardships and sufferings during the first winter and the courageous refusal of the Pilgrims to return to England. In the scene showing the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the document used is reproduced from a copy of the original made at the time by William Bradford." Producer el-Jh-sh Guide Puritans. (Chronicles of Am. photoplays ser.) 45min 16-si-rent $7.50 35-si-f-nf- rent $12 1924 Yale 973.2 Adapted from "The fathers of New Eng- land," a chronicle written by Charles M. Andrews "Contrasts the economic background of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and life in early New England (1630), with the court of King Charles I. It reveals the political moves behind Thomas Morton's effort to discredit the Puritans in England and to bring about the revocation of their charter. It traces the rise of dissension within the colony, including the departure of Roger Williams, and portrays the cap- able leadership of Governor Winthrop in successfully bringing the colony through this dual crisis in its affairs. The elabo- rate scene showing the Council Chamber at Whitehall is a true reproduction of a portion of the famous palace." Producer el-Jh Guide Struggle of French and English for North America. IR 16-si-apply 35-si-nf-apply Soc. for visual educ. 973.2 "The main campaign movements in the French and Indian War are covered. Ani- mated maps point out the situation that confronted the English; the French forts controlling the Mississippi Valley; the claims of the English to the western lands, and the three routes by which the French lines could be pierced. Maps and motion picture views visualize the scenes of the struggle." Producer Guide Wolfe and Montcalm. (Chronicles of Am. photoplays ser.) 45min 16-si-rent $7.50 35-si-nf-rent $12 1924 Yale 973.2 Adapted from "The conquest of New FYance," a chronicle written by George M- Wrong "Recounts the work of William Pitt, England's great war minister. In detail, the film explains the situation in world politics which prompted Pitt to send an army overseas in command of General James Wolfe. It reveals successively, the situation in New France, with General Montcalm hampered by the jealousy of Vaudreuil, Governor General; the military strategy of Wolfe in his attack on Quebec; Montcalm's desperate defence; and the clash on the Plains of Abraham. Locations over an area of two hundred miles were investigated in order to find an unhampered terrain corresponding physically to the original appearance of the Plains of Abra- ham. The massive wall and the St. Liouis gate of Quebec, shown in the illustration, were reconstructed to exact scale." Pro- ducer el-Jh Guide 973.3 Revolution. Confederation Declaration of independence. (Chronicles of Am. photoplays ser.) 45min 16-si- rent $7.50 35-si-f-nf-rent $12 1924 Yale 973.3 Adapted from "The eve of the Revolu- tion," a chronicle written by Carl Becker "Account of the efforts of a small group of patriots to bring about a unanimous vote in favor of independence reveals clear- ly the three outstanding attitudes of pub- lic opinion, as represented by the Tories, the Conservatives and those in favor of absolute independence. . . A reproduction of the interior of Independence Hall, and a huge setting depicting an entire street in Philadelphia as it appeared in 1776." Producer el-Jh Guide Vincennes. (Chronicles of Am. photoplays ser.) 45min 16-si-rent $7.50 35-si-f-nf- rent $12 1923 Yale 973.3 Adapted from "The Old Northwest," a chronicle written by Frederic Austin Ogg "Story of the struggle for supremacy along the frontier when the American Colonies were fighting for independence in the east. Hamilton, British Governor General of the Northwest, occupies Vin- cennes to curb the influence of westward- spreading pioneers. George Rogers Clark, to rid the country of Hamilton and his Indian allies, strikes out from Kentucky and reaches Kaskaskia before cold weather in 1779. Hamilton, protected by an im- penetrable wilderness, feels secure until spring. Grasping his opportunity, Clark presses across the 'Drowned Lands' and captures Vincennes, breaking the influence of the British over the Indians and winning for the Republic the vast territory from which later were formed the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wis- consin." Producer el-Jh Guide War of the American Revolution. IR 16- si-apply 35-si-nf-apply Soc. for visual educ. 973.3 Animated maps show the preliminary moves—Paul Revere's ride, Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill, with pictures of monuments marking where the Minute men stood. The American attempt to capture Canada and the British attempt to isolate New England. The capture of Vincennes, and the southern campaign which ended in the surrender of Cornwallis Guide Yorktown. (Chronicles of Am. photoplays ser.) 45min 16-si-rent $7.50 35-si-f-nf- rent $12 1924 Yale 973.3 Adapted from "Washington and his comrades in arms," a chronicle written by George M. Wrong "The progress of the War of Independ- ence between January and October, 1781. The hardships and suffering of the Ameri- can troops; the problems confronting Gen- eral Washington due to discouragement and interference; the international aspect of the campaign of 1781; the aid rendered by the French leaders; the march of the «!• silent: sd-sound; f . inflammable; nf-aafety; el - elementary; Jh - Junior high; sh ■ senior high; c - college 97