Educational film catalog (1936)

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DIRECTIONS FOR USE Title: The title of the film is given as listed by the producer. If a film is known by other titles cross references are made in the index to the title given. Length: Length is given in minutes when obtainable. Otherwise number of reels is given. Width: Width is given by the figures 16 and 35 and the abbreviation "mm" is omitted as our collaborators agreed that it was unnecessary. Sound: Sound films are indicated by the abbreviation "sd"; silent by "si". Stock: For the 35mm films inflammable is indicated by the abbreviation "f" and safety stock by "nf". Since all 16mm films are on safety stock these abbreviations have been omitted in the descriptions of these films. Price: Both sales and rental prices have been given in so far as possible. Omission of rental price in the main entry indicates that producer does not rent the film. "Loan" instead of price is indicative of a film sent free except for transportation charges. "Apply" instead of price has been used when rates and conditions vary and it is necessary to apply to producer for prices. Date: The copyright date is given when it was obtainable but in some cases the re- lease date is given instead. A date followed by a question mark (e.g. 1929?) means that the date is probably the release date but definite and conclusive information was not obtainable. Producer: The producer or authorized distributor given is the one now owning or having access to the negative of the film. A list of producers is given at the end of this supplement. Distributor: The italic line following some of the entries tells where films may also be rented, giving information obtainable at time of going to press. Symbols are used for distributors' names, a key to which with full information on rates will be found on page 65. Guide: "Guide" is used to indicate the guide for the teacher with which many films prepared for educational purposes are accompanied. INDEX The first part of the Catalog is arranged alphabetically. All films included in the Catalog can be found here under title and subject, ORDERS FOR FILMS SHOULD BE SENT TO PRODUCER OR DISTRIBUTOR 20