Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 610.7 Ether bed— Continued corners folded in. Paper bag and mouth wipes are pinned to the bed, and towel and other articles are placed on chair beside bed. The bed is warmed with earthen 'pigs.' Patient is wheeled in, lifted from the cart and placed in bed. The blanket is tucked around him and his pulse is taken. The patient's mouth is wiped, wipe placed in bag. The nurse is shown taking notes on his condition. Should be useful in secondary home hygiene classes, mother's groups, and nursing schools sh-c-adult Evening care. 24min 16-si-$48; rent $1.50 1934 Minn 610.7 The nurse arranges her equipment and the patient's bed, fanfolding the bath blanket. She washes the patient's teeth and eyes, then face, neck, arms and hands, washes his back and rubs it with alcohol and powders it. Then she brushes crumbs out of the bed and remakes it. Should be useful in secondary home hygiene classes, mother's groups, and nursing schools sh-c-adult Hot foot bath. 8min 16-si-^ Minn I; rent $1 1934 610.7 The nurse first arranges the tub of water, the linen, and loosens the bedding. The patients knees are flexed, rubber sheet and bath blanket are put on the bed. The patient's feet are lifted and the sheet, blankets, etc., are pulled under them. His feet are put in the tub, the hot water is brought in and the temperature of the water in the tub taken. Hot water is poured around the edge of the tub and the temper- ature of the water taken again—115 degrees. At the end, the feet are dried, the rubber sheet and bath blanket are removed from the bed. A hot water bag is placed under the patient's feet and the covers are tucked in. Should be useful in secondary hygiene classes, mother's groups, and nUTsing schools sh-c-adult Morning care. 24min 16-si-$48; rent $1.50 1934 Minn 610.7 The nurse comes in, screens the bed, arranges her equipment. She strips the bed, placs the bath blanket, then washes the patient and powders his back. She loosens the foundation bedding, removes the cotton and rubber draw sheets and the bottom sheet. She straightens the mattress pad, puts the other sheets on. She finishes powdering the patient's back and puts on his bed gown. She combs his hair and finishes the bed-making. Should be use- ful in secondary hygiene classes, mother's groups and nursing schools sh-c-adult Open bed. 15min 16-si-$30; rent $1 1934 Minn 610.7 Shows how to remove linen, etc, from the hospital bed. Nurse turns the mattress and remakes the bed, following the correct procedure of folding, tucking in the various sheets just the right amount, and folding the corners correctly. Should be useful in secondary home hygiene classes, mother's groups, and nursing schools sh-c-adult Pedics and bed shampoo. 15min 16-si-$30; rent $1 1934 Minn 610.7 The nurse prepared the bed, putting a rubber pillow case and a towel on the pil- low behind the patient's head. She sops the head with cotton balls in a tincture of larkspur, puts cap on the patient's head. This is followed by the standard bed sham- poo. The nurse prepared the bed in the same way. The cap is removed and a Kelley pad put under the head. The nurse pours first water and then soap solution over the patient's head. She lathers his head, rinses it three times, and then gives a vinegar rinse. She removes the Kelley pad, etc, drys the head and puts a dry towel under the patient's head. Finally she combs the hair, removes the bath towel and rubber case from the pillow. Should be useful in secondary home hygiene classes, p mother's groups, and nursing schools sh-c-adult Temperature, pulse, and respiration. 15min 16-si-$30; rent $1 1934 Minn 610.7 The nurse comes in with a tray and three thermometers. She cleans each ther- mometer, shakes it down and places each in a patient's mouth. She takes each patient's pulse and respiration and records them. Then she removes the thermometer from the first patient's mouth, wipes and reads it, records the temperature, and does the same for the other two. The nurse gets new thermometers from the sterilizing solu- tion, takes the used thermometers from the soap and puts them in the Hg CU solution. The nurse goes on to another patient. In the end, she is shown cleansing the ther- mometers and other equipment when she is through. Should be useful in secondary home hygiene classes, mother's groups, and nursing schools sh-c-adult White angel; excerpt. (Human relations * ser.) 17min 16-sd-rent apply Comm. on human relations 610.7 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: BosU Cal GFC Geo A specially prepared excerpt from the Warner Brothers production giving a brief survey of some of the difficulties encoun- tered by Florence Nightingale in establish- ing her humane work. May be rented only for educational purposes where no admission is charged At the outbreak of the Crimean War Florence Nightingale sets out from Eng- land with a group of trained nurses de- termined to help in the care of the sick and wounded. From the beginning she meets opposition from Dr Hunt, the head of the Medical Corps in Scutari. There have never been women nurses in the English Army hospitals, and Dr. Hunt is sure there never should be. The base hospital at Scu- tari is in appalling condition. It is dirty and overcrowded. . . Florence Nightingale sets out to clean up the buildings, and in- troduce modern sanitary nursing. She gets no cooperation from the army per- sonnel. Supplies and aid are denied her. One doctor who tries to help her is sent to the front. When Florence Night- ingale asks Dr Hunt to explain his oppo- sition to her, he tells her frankly that he is not opposed to her as a person, but that he objects to women nurses for the soldiers. He thinks that they make the men "soft." When Miss Nightingale carries her work to the front lines the opposition increases. At Dr Hunt's orders she is denied admit- tance to the hospitals. The Commander-in- chief, hearing of her difficulties, sees that she is given an opportunity to do her work and orders an inquiry into Dr Hunt's ac- tivities. On returning from the front one day Miss Nightingale finds that Dr Hunt has allowed a group of untrained women, led by a person with no previous experience, to take charge of the hospital. To the com- mittee sent to investigate him, he complains of their innefficiency, and blames it on Miss Nightingale. When the truth is discovered, Miss Nightingale is made head of the army nursing corps. After the war Miss Night- ingale returns to England, and is sent for by the Queen. As she waits in the ante- room for her audience she is met by the permanent undersecretary for the War Office—who opposed her ever since she si - silent; sd - sound: f - inflammable; nf - safety; p - primary; el - elementary; jh - Junior high; sh - senior high; c - college; trade - trade schools 45