Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL ^LM CATALOG Lynch law Fury; excerpt (governor sequence) 172 Fury; excerpt (lynching sequence) 364 Fury; excerpt (trial se- quence) 172 Lynx Monday at the zoo 591.5 Lyre birds Bushland revels 598.2 M MGM miniature series City of little men 362.7 Prophet without honor 921 They live again 616.6 McDowell, Ephralm One against the world 921 Machine maker 621.9 Machine: master or slave 331.13 Machine shop practice series Dies and die making 621.9 Grinding 621.92 Jigs and fixtures 621.9 Lathe operation 621.9 Metal cutting 621.9 Milling machine opera- tion 621.9 Planer and shaper opera- tion 621.9 Precision layout and measuring 621.9 Machine shops Machine maker 621.9 Yesterday's over your shoulder 371.42 Machine tools Machine maker 621,9 Metal cutting 621.9 Precision layout and measuring 621.9 Machinery in industry Middleton family at the New York World's fair 606 Valley town 338.4 Machinists Transfer of skill 371.42 McKinley, William Mr President 973.9 McKlnney, Nina Mae Sanders of the river F MacMillan, David Fundamentals of basket- hall 796.32 MacMillan, Donald Baxter Visiting the Eskimos 919.8 Magic carpet series Byways of Bangkok 915.93 Coast of Catalonia 914.6 Down from Vesuvius 914.5 Down to Damascus 915.69 From Kashmir to Khyber 915.4 Geneva by the lake 914.94 Happv Hottentots 916.8 Hong Kong high lights 915.1 Island of Malta 914.58 Mediterranean memories 910 Morocco mirage 916.4 Magnetism Story of electricity 537 Magpies Birds of an inland lake 598.2 Make a linoleum block 760 Make a metal plaque 739 Make an etching 767 Make way for tomorrow; excerpt 173 Making a fine gift box. See Elementary manual training 684 Making a lithograph 763 Making and shaping of steel 669.1 Making glass 666.1 Making money and Know your money 332.4 Making of American homes 696 Making of an airplane fit- ting 629.13 Making of stained glass win- dows. See How stained glass windows are made 748 Making of steel. See Mak- ing and shaping of sleel 669.1 Making the funnies 741 Malaguena 787.1 Malta Island of Malta 914.58 Man Influence of environment Four daughters; excerpt 140 Man o'War Sports immortals 796 Man on the rock 921 Managing the family income 647.1 Mangbattus People of the Congo 916.7 Manhattan's traflfic prob- lem 388 Manners and customs Alice Adams; excerpt (dance sequence) 177 Alice Adams; excerpt (money sequence) 177 Manual training Elementary manual train- ing 684 Manufacture of earthenware 738 Manufacture of pig iron 669.1 Manufacturing by arc weld- ing 671W Maple sugar French-Canadian children 917.1 March of freedom 973 March of time series Movies march on 791.4 Marching with Old Glory 361 Marionettes, See Puppets Marionettes — construction and manipulation 791.5 Marketing of farm produce. See Farm produce—Mar- keting Marriage Dodsworth; excerpt (flir- tation sequence) 173 Oil for the lamps of China; excerpt 174 Marriage customs and rites Good earth; excerpt (status of women se- quence) 396 Last of the pagans; ex- cerpt (marriage se- quence) 392 Marsh birds you should know 598.2 Marsh mallows Movements of some com- mon plants 581 Marshland mysteries 591.92 Martin, Charles J. Make an etching 767 Martin, Mary Great Victor Herbert 921 Massachusetts Puritans of Massachusetts colony 973.2 Mastership 248 Matches Lucifer match 662 Material side of printing 655 La maternelle; excerpt 136.7 Matterhorn Challenge F Maury, Matthew Fontaine Prophet without honor 921 Mayaland today 917.26 Mayas Mayaland today 917,26 La noche de los Mayas F Meat Meat and romance 641.3 Meat for America 664.9 Meat and romance 641.3 Meat for America 664.9 Mechanics (Persons) Yesterday's over your shoulder 371.42 Medical education. See Medi- cine—Study and teaching Medicine Men in white; excerpt 174 Study and teaching University of California medical center 610 Mediterranean memories 910 Mediterranean sea Along the life line of the British Empire 910 Mediterranean basin 910 Mediterranean memories 910 Quaint towns and resorts of the blue coast 914.4 Medusae Ctenophora: Beroe 593 Men and dust 613.6 Men and mail 383 Men in white; excerpt 174 Men of Africa 916.76 Men of muscle 613,7 Men of the Coast guard 614.8 Men of the North 919.8 Men who grow wheat 633.1 Menjou, Adolphe 100 men and a girl F Mental tests Performance testing 371.26 Merchant marine Glimpses of the New York state merchant marine academy 387 Merit system advancing 351.1 Metal cutting 621.9 Metal work Decorative metal work 739 Make a metal plaque 739 Metal working lathe 621.9 Meteorology Clouds and weather 551.57 Meters, Exposure and ex- posure 791.4 Methods of shipping cargo 387 Mexicans In the United States Bordertown; excerpt 174 Mexico. Castle 917.2 Mexico. Gutlohn 917.2 Mexico Adventures of Chico F Children of Mexico 917.2 Craftsmen of Mexico 917,2 Fishermen of Lake Patz- cuaro 917,2 Land of the Aztecs 917,2 Mexico. Castle 917.2 Mexico. Gutlohn 917.2 Mexico to Hawaii 919.69 On the road to Acapulco 917.2 Time in the sun 917.2 Workshops of old Mexico 917,2 Mexico to Hawaii 919.69 Mice Tuesday at the zoo 591,5 Michigan Michigan's land of Hia- watha 917.74 On the farm 630.1 See also Flint, Michi- gan Michigan's land of Hia- watha 917.74 Numbers given here refer to full descriptions which are given in Part 2 (p. 33) 16