Educational film catalog (1936)

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225.9-232 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG Book of books— Continued background and commentation. Photog- raphy and sound good." Distributor "Ending somewhat too long. Too much anti-climax. Well-organized (except for ending), informative, not too much ad- vertising." California el-jh-sh-adult 225.9 New Testament— Biography Crown of righteousness. (Life of St Paul ser.) 25min 16-sd-sale apply; rent $6 1940 Harmon found. 225.9 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: BdH IdP Produced by G.H.W. productions, ltd., London, England Covers the period in Paul's life from his trial before Nero, through the burning of Rome, to Paul's re-arrest as a result of persecution of the Christian sect. Paul, is finally brought to trial before Nero. His accusers, who have come from Jerusalem to demand his death fail to get Paul convicted. Nero releases Paul with a warning. Paul Is free to visit the outlying churches established in his missionary years. He returns to Rome, however, and is again arrested as a result of the persecution of the Christians by Nero who lays the burning of Rome on their shoulders. Imprisoned and facing death, Paul dictates to Luke his second letter to Timothy sh Guide On the road to Damascus. (Episodes in the life of St Paul ser.) 12min 16-sd- sale apply; rent $3 1939 Harmon found. 225.9 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: BdH DG IdP RFC Produced by G.H.W. productions, Lon- don, England This film covers that portion of Paul's life which is in the Book of Acts 7:54 to 8:3 and 9:1-18. The words of the scripture are used throughout the film el-Jh Guide Way of salvation. (Episodes in the life of St Paul ser.) 30min 16-sd-rent $6 1939 Harmon found. 225.9 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: BdH DG IdP RFC Produced in England by G.H.W. produc- tions. Covers that part of Paul's life con- tained in the Book of Acts 16:9-40 226 Parables A certain nobleman. 21min 16-sd-rent $6 1941 B&H 226 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: IdP This is the story of the nobleman of John 4:56-54 who worships Roman gods and idolizes his son. When his son be- comes ill a workman persuades the noble- man to seek help from Jesus. The story then follows John 4:47-53 Jh-sh-adult Good Samaritan. lOmin 16-sd-sale apply; rent $3 1941 Harmon found. 226 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: IdP YMCA Produced by Religious film society, Lon- don, England Dramatizes the parable told by Jesus in answer to the epic question "Who is my neighbor?" The film opens as the lawyer wlio asked the question of Jesus tells another what Jesus told him. A man is shown leaving the city. Another man leaves, leading an ass loaded with bags. In the country outside, men fall upon the first traveler, rob him, and beat him. A priest, walking the same road, passes by, pulling his robe around him to avoid con- tact with the unconscious victim. Another man passes. Finally the Samaritan, lead- ing his ass, stops by the victim, takes him to an inn, and pays for his care. The lawyer repeats the words of Jesus at the end of the story:—"Go and do thou likewise." The end of the film depicts the effect of Jesus' parable upon tlie lawyer Guide Prodigal son. 22min 16-sd-rent $6 1941 B&H 226 From Luke 15:11-32 "This picture begins with a scene of a group of people listening to Je.sus tell the parable of the Prodigal Son. The film continues as a dramatic but faithful presentation of the parable. The scenes of 'riotious living' are presented with such restraint that one is inclined to wonder how the son spent all his money. He buys new clothes, flings money to a dancing girl (modestly clothed) and ap- parently spends the rest of his money on food and drink. Both the acting and voices of the characters are excellent. The sets and costumes appear reasonably authentic. This picture may be used with any group to which the parable would ordi- narily be taught. Its use will contribute greatly to the realistic qualities of the story .so that it will have an impact on the audience which the story alone, fa- miliar as it is, could not possibly have. It will prove exceptionally valuable in pro- moting a discussion of the nature of God's love as Jesus represented it in the char- acter of the prodigal's father. A study guide for use with the film is available for 25c." Int. jour, of religious educ. jh-sh-adult Unforgiving debtor. 13min 16-sd-rent $3 1940 Harmon found. 226 "Produced by the Religious Film So- ciety, Ltd. of England and great care has been taken in the authenticity of the ma- terial and costumes which it contains, as well as to obtain a professional type of acting, and fine diction." Metropolitan motion picture bul. A brief drama based on Jesus' parable. The film opens in a street in Jerusalem, near a gate in the city, where a seller of baskets and his daughter call their wares. A man approaches them and demands payment on a debt. The basket seller, unable to pay, is threatened. Later, the man to whom the money was owed, strips his own house of all luxuries, preparatory to a visit from a rich man to whom he owes money. The rich man arrives, sees the apparent poverty, and forgives and releases the debtor. The debtor, in turn, goes to the basket seller, and when money is refused him, beats the elderly man as his daughter looks on. The rich man, passing, sees the beating, commands his servants to bind the man, and take him away to prison 232 Jesus Christ Child of Bethleliem. 21min 16-sd-rent $6 1941 B&H 232 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: IdP Produced by the Reverend J. K. Fried- rich. The rent is $12 per day during- Christmas week si - silent; sd - sound; f - inflammable; nf - safety: p - primary; el - elementary; jh - junior high; sh - senior high- c - college; trade • trade schools 42