Educational film catalog (1936)

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EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 331.13-332.3 Held wanted— Continued "The Hot Spot Employment Agency procures jobs for manual laborers for a fee of 50% of the first month's wages, and splits with employers who will agree to discharge the laborers at the end of the month so that others may replace them and go through the same routine. A sample situation, taken from police rec- ords, is dramatized. The film shows the injustices of this employment agency racket, and clearly visualizes the careful and thorough police methods used to obtain conviction of offenders under difBcult circumstances. Recommended for high school classes in economics and social studies and for dis- cussion in vocational guidance groups." Advisory committee jh-sh-c-adult 331.13 Unemployment Machine: master or slave. 14min 16-sd- * rent $3 1941 NYU 331.13 Produced by the Educational film in- stitute of N.Y.U. Considers the problems that manage- ment faces in its approach to the human and financial factors involved in tech- nological progress. To what extent can unemployment be relieved by seeking larger markets, by adjustment of prices, wages, and dividends? How can manage- ment coordinate its own long-term self- interest with the needs of the workers and the consumer? Instead of attempting to answer these questions, the film poses them against the background of managerial organiza- tion, asking the audience not to overlook the realities involved sh-c-adult Guide 331.25 Social Insurance Social security for the nation, llmin 16-sd- loan 1939 Social security bd. 331.25 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Geo Ind YMCA "An interpretation of the Social Security Act, giving taxpayers an opportunity to understand the benefits to be derived, and some of the problems still to be met. Un- employment insurance, old age insurance, aid to the needy blind, and to dependent children are among the provisions illus- trated in this film as having been made in this Act. Good for use in high school sociology and economics classes. Also good basis for discussion of current events, In which social legislation of this type is being considered. Excellent for adult groups or 'film forums.' " E.S. Also a.vailable in a shorter version under title "Social security for the people" (4min 16-sd-loan 1939 Social security bd.) jh-sh-c-trade-adult 331.5 Compulsory labor Last of the pagans; excerpt (labor se- quence). (Human relations ser.) iSmin 16-sd-apply Comm. on human relations 331.5 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: BosU Cal CFG Geo NEEFA NYU Okla May be rented only for educational pur- poses where no admission is charged A specially prepared excerpt from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film. It deals with "methods of securing native labor for work in the government phosphate mines in French Polynesia." Distributor sh-c-adult Guide 331.83 Housing Housing in our time. 20min 16-sd-loan * 3S-sd-nf-loan 1939 U.S.H.A. 331.83 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Geo Ohio 8C Tex Wis Produced by Courier productions, inc. If your city has a local housing authority make your request to that organization, otherwise direct request to the U.S. Hous- ing authority, Washington. Inquiries con- cerning purchase should be addressed to Courier productions. Inc., 2 W. 45th St., New York City "An excellent film for introducing a study of housing. The scenes are well con- ceived, and the film is edited in such a fashion as to bring out the contrast be- tween adequate and inadequate housing. A great many significant facts are brought out. It would be well to urge students to take notes on the housing law as explained in the film." Social education "The story of housing conditions in our country today and the efforts of the gov- ernment to correct these situations. Typi- cal scenes are shown in Jacksonville, Flor- ida. A case is illustrated whereby a slum family is moved into a fine home through government aid. This is one of the fllra& descriptive of a federal emergency agency. Therefore, there is considerable reference to the activities of this organization which in a sense seems to detract from it." H.L.K. sh-c-adult Other side of tow^n. lOmin 16-sd-loan 35- sd-f-loan 1940 Pittsburgh H.A. 331,8S Alois Havrilla is the narrator of this story of housing projects in Pittsburgh. The deplorable slum conditions are shown in considerable detail, and then the hous- ing projects as they are undertaken with the aid of the Federal government through the U.S. Housing Authority. The Mayor of Pittsburgh and the Pitts- burgh Housing Board are all seen as they consider how to proceed. It is pointed out how these projects not only supply better homes, but also work for the people employed in the building. It also employs men in factories supply- ing the necessary equipment, and is a stimulant to private building as well sh-c-adult 332.3 Agricultural credit The land—to have and to hold. 15min 16- sd-loan 35-sd-nf-loan 1940 U.S. agric. 332.3 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Cal Col Fla Geo III Ind Io& Kan Ken Mich NC ND \H 2VJ OreS SC 8D Tex WVa Wash Wis May be purchased if desired. The 16mm costs $6.77 and the 35mm print costs $20.31 "Clearly shown. Good photography and sound." California "A vivid presentation of the way in which the Federal government through the Farm Credit Administration is bridging the gap between capital in cities seeking in- vestment and farmers needing credit. Alsa a clear picture of the procedure by which a Federal loan is obtained, the purposes^ for which it may be made and the safe- guards taken by the government to protect the investors. A highly informative as- well as interesting picture." North Caro- lina sh-c-adult si . silent; sd - sound; 1 - inflammable; nf - safety; p . primary; el - elementary; jh - junior high; sh - senior high; c - college; trade - trade schools 47