Educational film catalog (1936)

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341.3-342.73 EDUCATIONAL FILM CATALOG 341.3 Munitions Behind the guns. (Films from Britain ser.) 19min 16-sd-$30 1940 BritLib; Non- Theatrical; 16-sd-$30; rent $2.50 B&H; 16-sd-apply; rent $2.50 CFC 341.3 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Gut IdP Ohio PCW Wis "The general theme of this film is the 'attack of the craftsmen' at home. Scenes sliow the making and testing of Bren guns, big cannon, tanks, airplanes, and ships. Many factory scenes. The use of dramatic close-up shots of the workers' faces helps to build a powerful documentary film. Un- usual background music helps to build up proper moods. Can be used effectively in auditorium programs, for defense classes, etc." PCW film service staff "A film that should be shown to all adults especially labor leaders and their followers to show that preparedness does not mean just training soldiers but sup- plying them." Committee on classroom films Jh-sh-c-adult 342.73 Constitutional history of the United States American way. (Social science ser.) llmin 16-sd-$15; rent $2 35-sd-nf-$25; rent $2 1940 Am. films found. 342.73 .4.1.50 AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: B&H Gal Col Den En Geo Kan Lew Mans NC NH Ohio SO SD Tex TexVE Wis YMCA We are shown the Constitution. The three branches of the government are represented by rapid shots of various gov- ernment buildings. A baseball game is glimpsed as the nine justices of the Supreme Court are compared to the umpires of this game and then we see the Justices. Part of the speech delivered b.v Justice Hughes is given. Changes can be made but only thru the right of suffrage of the people. Here women suffragists are seen marching. Views of battlefields are shown as we hear of the fall of empires and overthrow of czars, followed by dictatorships. Glimpses of marching soldiers, of Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin. The Spanish Civil war is touched upon. A map of Europe as we hear that in a few countries liberty is still held high and then our own Statue of Liberty. We have then a rapid considera- tion of the rights enjoyed by Americans— a courtroom to symbolize the right of trial by jury, a church for freedom of religion, a crowd for the right of peaceable assembly, etc. Waves beat against a shore and are .«poken of as waves from abroad and on the waves appear the symbols of Russia, Germany and Italy. Inciters are seen addressing crowds. The Statue of Liberty again "An outstanding educational sound short. Events of last 20 years in Icaleidoscopic resume, with rise of dictators in Europe. Stresses meaning of rights guaranteed Americans by our Constitution. A plea to revalue our heritage of freedom. Musical score throughout." Wisconsin "An excellent film for the study of the various governmental branches. Commen- tator and sound are very good. Subject matter borders a little on the propa- gandistic side. Useful for social studies— civics—American history." California ""The rather rapid sequence of historical shots, which are in themselves good, loses emphasis and confuses secondary school pupils." J. Frederic Andrews Jh-sh-c-trade-adult Guide Bill of rights, (Warner historical ser.) % 18min 16-sd-rent apply TFC 342.73 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Cal CFC Fi Geo Ind NEE FA Ohio Okla PCW SHS Wis YMCA Produced in technicolor in 1939 by Warner bros. The dramatic scenes and events which led to the adoption of the first ten amendnient.s. Available only to schools "Very good." Collaborator el-Jh-sh-c-adult Constitutional government. 22min 16-sd- $80; rent $4 1940 B&H 342.73 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio "School class reciting Allegiance to Flag; a series of illustrative sequences ending by showing significance of the formality of pledging allegiance to the flag; history be- ginning with cave people, who for protec- tion formed the Family Clan, led by the oldest member; union to fight the forces of nature, fire, flood, storm; union to fight enemies, both animal and human. Patri- archal type of government, biblical period. Absolute monarch gives way to constitu- tional form in ancient Greece; Indian and other tribes, tribal council, partly consti- tutional and partly patriarchal government; Feudal Type and the Magna Charta, Marco Polo, the Renaissance, trial by jury, fall of Constantinople, Columbus discovers America, Magellan circles the globe, defeat of the Spanish Armada. The Pilgrims, Jamestown and the Colo- nial Government. The Habeas Corpus, English Bill of Rights, New England Federation and the Continental Congress, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Consti- tution of the United States, the Thirteen Colonies unite, James Madison, Articles of Federation threaten to split the Colonies, the readjustment. Development of Gov- ernmental regulations, food protection, edu- cational and recreational facilities, control of utilities, safety devices, law and order, police and fire protection, government provides services to protect masses, which cannot be provided by the individual, high- ways, licenses, permits and other control- ling devices. Correlation of civic, state and federal supervision of human activities, organization of religious, cultural, business, social and crafts groups. When you vote you participate in the constitutional form of government. Choose your administra- tors with care. Government is a science still in experimental stage. 'We, the people' are responsible for government and those who administer it." Ohio Jh-sh-c-adult Our bill of rights. (American historical ser.) 20min 16-sd-$90; rent $3.50 1940 Academic 342.73 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: BdH BosU BraF Ea Geo IdP TexVE Re-creates the forming and adopting of the first 10 amendments, or the Bill of Rights, to the Constitution. Shows the influence of James Madison at this time. The portrayals of Madison, George Wash- ington, Benjamin Franklin, John Randolph, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay make this historic time very real "In dramatizing the purpose and devel- opment of the series of constitutional amendments known as the Bill of Rights, the producers claim in their opening title to have taken some dramatist's license, but state that all facts are actual, and that the dialogue is based upon correspondence of the characters portrayed. The result is a motion picture whose chief handicap is lack of motion, which makes it less stimulating than it might have been. How- ever, the voices are unusually distinct, the costuming and background natural and si - silent; sd - sound; f - inflammable; nf - safety; p - primary: el - elementary; jh - Junior high; sh - senior high; c • college; trade - trade schools 50