Educational film catalog (1936)

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S98.2 EDUCATIONAL «ILM CATALOG Birds of an inland lake. 14min 16-si-$60; rent $3 1941 B&H 598.2 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio An attractive color film showing the avocet, the cinnamon teal, a family of Ca- nadian geese, the American egret, the magpie, California gulls and terns el-Jh-sh Birds of the ocean shore. (Our colorful world ser.) 14min l6-si-$60; rent $3 1941 B&H 598.2 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio Black oyster catcher, tufted puffin (sea parrot), Brandt's cormorant, California murre. A great colony of many birds and thousands of vari-colored eggs are seen. Tiny chicles seek shelter from the sun el-Jh-sh Bushland revels. 8min 16-sd-loan 35-sd-f- loan Australian N&I bur. 598.2 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: AMNH IdP The lyre bird is seen here in its natural surroundings. We see the male, female and the chick. The nest is also seen and the feeding of the young as well as its first attempts to walk. Most unusual are the courting shots of the male and the recording of his song "Subject matter and photography is fair, but the commentator is rather hard to understand." California el-Jh-adult Cruising north. 18min 16-si-$12.50; rent $1 Am. nature assn. 598.2 "The start of an Alaskan expedition. A stop at Forester Island, wildfowl preserve where auklet and sea-parrots are photo- graphed; California murres and cormorants are shown nesting. On to the Alaskan bays where salmon fisheries and the migration of the salmon is pictured." Producer sh-c Golden eagle. (Our colorful world ser.) 14min 16-si-$60; rent $3 1941 B&H 598.2 This color film shows parent birds bringing a green bough to decorate the nest perched high on a rocky cliff. The early life of the young eaglets is observed and the gradual change of plumage is clearly shown through the color photog- raphy. The birds are seen feeding, clean- ing the nest, preening their feathers and exercising preparatory to flight Jh-sh-adult Horned owl. (Our colorful world ser.) 13min 16-si-$60; rent $3 1941 B&H 598.2 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio Shows parent bird with a brood of four. Life in the nest is shown and the first at- tempt at flight el-Jh-sh How birds feed their young. 6min 16-si-$40 1940 Eastman 598.2 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Geo Ken NH Ohio Wis This is a color film of a number of moth- er birds feeding and caring for baby birds We see the indigo bunting, bluebird, thrush cedar waxwing, humming bird, goldfinch heron, snakebird, least bittern, quail and grouse el-jh-sh-c-adult Hummingbird. lOmin 16-si-rent $3 1941 B&H 598^ ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio "An outstanding amateur made koda- chrome film, which won Ten Best honors from Movie Makers in 1940. Produced by E. R. Hoff, AOL, it shows the complete nesting cycle of the broadtailed hummer, including the nest building, egg hatching, feeding of the young, practice flight and the final take off of the fledglings." Movie makers el-Jh-sh-c-adult Kindness to birds. (Humane education ser.) ISmin 16-si-$28; rent $1.50 1939 Bray; Films, inc.; 16-si-$24; rent $1.50 B&H 598.2 ALSO AVAILABLE FROM 16mm: Ohio TexVE "Edited and titled by Rita Hochheimer. Shows school children making bird houses under the guidance of an instructor. The bird houses are then placed in trees in the woods, where they are soon inhabited and baby birds arrive." School management "Suitable only for use with the lower grades. Outdated. Limited use, the young- er children would doubtless profit from such scenes as making bird houses, feeding the birds." PCW film service staff p-el King penguins. 19min 16-si-sd-apply 35-si- * sd-f-apply 1938 VL 598.2 "This film stands out above all others on the subject of penguins. In the Edinburgh Zoo these birds appear to lead a very natural life, even succeeding in rearing their young, and thus afford excellent material for a serious study of this kind. The photography is very good and covers a great number of aspects of the birds' behaviour, and the inclusion of a few shots of the Antarctic at the beginning of the film is a useful ad- dition. The under-water sequences in slow motion show the swimming well. The direc- tion is masterly, resulting in a logically arranged film of great interest and educa- tional value. The commentary also is first class, and in keeping with the high standard of the photography. Altogether an at- tractive, outstanding, and first-class film. A natural history and general interest film for all ages." British film inst. el-Jh-sh-c-adult Guide Know your birds. 17min 16-si-$80 1941 Heidenkamp 598.2 This color subject consists of two short reels which may be obtained separately (8%min 16-si-$40) Reel 1 pictures members of the thrush family—the robin, bluebird and wood thrush. Reel 2 covers members of the titmouse family—the titmouse, chickadee and nut- hatch "Two unusual films for the nature lover and the ornithologist." Movie makers p-el-Jh Marsh birds you should know. IR 16-si-sd- $24-$30; rent $1-$1.50 B&H 598.2 Photographed by Murl Deusing of the Milwaukee public museum. Baby flickers are fed chopped meat on the end of a match stick. A wren is seen about her house which is built in an old sneaker hang- ing on a clothesline. A marsh wren is seen by her home among the cattails. We see also a gallinule. Then we are shown a "blind" deep in the marsh. PYom such a location it is possible to secure pictures of red winged blackbirds. Here there Is an interesting shot of how the male bird re- moves the excrement enveloped in a small white membraneous sac which is usually «i - silent; sd - sound; f - inflammable; nf • safety; p - primary; el - elemnntary; jh • Junior iiigli; sli • senior l)igli: c ■ college; trade - trade schools 78